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  • I need advice about my new girlfriend and whether or not I should propose?

    So I recently acquired a girlfriend that I met through an inmate dating site. I started writing her letters and she responded and we hit it off. She's very attractive, an 8/10 I'd say. She would be a ten if she didn't have tattoos and if she didn't have a child (her child is being raised by her grandparents though), but I imagine that having a child did a number on her nether regions and her belly. But regardless of those flaws, she is young and gorgeous. She won't be out of prison until 2040 though, but she has the possibility of getting out on parole in 2025. I really like her but I crave intimacy. It stinks to only be able to see her through a piece of glass. I was thinking of proposing to her so we can get married and have conjugal visits. Is this a bad idea? What's the worst thing that could happen?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • How can I convince my fiance to do this?

    I want to have an alpha son who slays to infinity and beyond. I don't want him to be an incel (involuntary celibate) like I was for 31 years. Being a beta loser is damaging to a man's emotional and mental health. Men like this end up going crazy and killing people like Elliot Rodgers. A man's success can be measured by the amount of attention he gets from women. Most millionaires and billionaires are alpha males who are successful with women and this translates into success in their careers. Donald Trump is a good example. He is the ultimate alpha male. Alpha males are bred by alpha females though. I've noticed that all the true robust alpha studs out there have beastly, masculine, high testosterone mothers. Testosterone dominance is actually passed through the mother so in order to have a high testosterone son, you must find a high testosterone woman. My fiance is very petite, curvy, and ultra feminine. She would give me wimpy beta sons. I want to find an egg donor, preferably a Samoan, to donate her eggs to us so we can make an alpha son. Samoan women are quite tall, big framed, robust and beastly looking. My fiance opposes to this. She wants to have kids the natural way. How can I get her to understand that if she wants mentally healthy sons who are successful in life, she needs to get an egg donor? I'm an ectomorphic beta male and she is an ultra feminine beta female. This is a BAD combination of genetics!!

    6 AnswersGender Studies4 years ago
  • How can I convince my fiance to do this?

    I want to have an alpha son who slays to infinity and beyond. I don't want him to be an incel (involuntary celibate) like I was for 31 years. Being a beta loser is damaging to a man's emotional and mental health. Men like this end up going crazy and killing people like Elliot Rodgers. A man's success can be measured by the amount of attention he gets from women. Most millionaires and billionaires are alpha males who are successful with women and this translates into success in their careers. Donald Trump is a good example. He is the ultimate alpha male. Alpha males are bred by alpha females though. I've noticed that all the true robust alpha studs out there have beastly, masculine, high testosterone mothers. Testosterone dominance is actually passed through the mother so in order to have a high testosterone son, you must find a high testosterone woman. My fiance is very petite, curvy, and ultra feminine. She would give me wimpy beta sons. I want to find an egg donor, preferably a Samoan, to donate her eggs to us so we can make an alpha son. Samoan women are quite tall, big framed, robust and beastly looking. My fiance opposes to this. She wants to have kids the natural way. How can I get her to understand that if she wants mentally healthy sons who are successful in life, she needs to get an egg donor? I'm an ectomorphic beta male and she is an ultra feminine beta female. This is a BAD combination of genetics!!

    4 AnswersGender Studies4 years ago
  • How can I convince my fiance to do this?

    I want to have an alpha son who slays to infinity and beyond. I don't want him to be an incel (involuntary celibate) like I was for 31 years. Being a beta loser is damaging to a man's emotional and mental health. Men like this end up going crazy and killing people like Elliot Rodgers. A man's success can be measured by the amount of attention he gets from women. Most millionaires and billionaires are alpha males who are successful with women and this translates into success in their careers. Donald Trump is a good example. He is the ultimate alpha male. Alpha males are bred by alpha females though. I've noticed that all the true robust alpha studs out there have beastly, masculine, high testosterone mothers. Testosterone dominance is actually passed through the mother so in order to have a high testosterone son, you must find a high testosterone woman. My fiance is very petite, curvy, and ultra feminine. She would give me wimpy beta sons. I want to find an egg donor, preferably a Samoan, to donate her eggs to us so we can make an alpha son. Samoan women are quite tall, big framed, robust and beastly looking. My fiance opposes to this. She wants to have kids the natural way. How can I get her to understand that if she wants mentally healthy sons who are successful in life, she needs to get an egg donor? I'm an ectomorphic beta male and she is an ultra feminine beta female. This is a BAD combination of genetics!!

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce4 years ago

    Having daughters is the ultimate cuckoldry! I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually penetrate all her holes.

    Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to penetrate her tight kitty every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting4 years ago
  • Would you consider doing THIS if your husband begged you.....?

    If your husband wanted you to get pregnant with a sperm donor's sperm would you say yes? What if you & your husband are white but he wants the sperm donor to be black so he can have a black son?

    I want to have an alpha stud son but my genes are defective. I may be tall (6'2") but aside from my height I am quite the manlet because I am an ectomorph with narrow shoulders and a small frame that cannot gain muscle. I want my son to have the best genetics possible so I need the sperm from a robust alpha male. Black men have high testosterone. Much higher than white men on average. They also have beastly physiques, athleticism, and high confidence levels. They also have high sperm count and the ability to get women easily which is why most black males impregnate at least 2 or 3 women by the time they are 20. I was still a virgin at 20! I was still a virgin even at 30! I would've been an incel beta loser my whole life if I wouldn't have been lucky enough to meet my fiance who looked past all my flaws. Anyway I do not want a sexually frustrated loser as a son. I explained this to my fiance but she doesn't care. She doesn't understand how damaging it is for a man to be a virgin until 30 and be practically invisible to women. She doesn't understand that it leads to all kinds of mental and emotional problems. Just look at Elliott Rodgers. He is a good example. I don't want a son like him who ends up killing people out of sexual frustration and loneliness. I want an alpha slayer!

    2 AnswersReading & Navigating4 years ago
  • How can I ensure my adopted black son will be the next LeBron James or at the very least Kevin Durant?

    I love basketball and regret that I was not able to become an NBA start myself but it s okay I ended up with a high IQ, a graduate degree, and a great career in finance. However, I d still love to father an NBA superstar. How can I guarantee that my adopted black son will end up an NBA player?

    3 AnswersAdoption4 years ago
  • Who was right, me or my fiance?

    My fiance surprised me with a birthday dinner. She cooked me a filet mignon with herb roasted potatoes and chocolate mousse for dessert which she knows are my favorite foods. She saw that I left half the food on my plate and asked me what was wrong. I told her "nothing the food was just underwhelming". And she said "what do you mean underwhelming?" and i said "well it was very mediocre for a birthday dinner". She started crying and

    being hysterical saying that she slaved

    away all day in the kitchen for me and

    that I'm an ungrateful jerk. But I am not ungrateful. I am just honest. Why ask someone a question and then get mad at their honesty? She said she won't talk to me again until I apologize but I did nothing wrong. Who is right in this situation?

    100 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why are women so $tupid and masochistic?

    Women are $lutz without morals who ride the kawk carousel until their nether regions resemble a corn beef sandwhich and their vagin@s are so large that having sex w/them feels like a hotdog down a hallway. And can you believe that these tainted women have the nerve to feel entitled to high caliber men! Sorry ladies but you cannot spend your youths $lutting it up&ignoring nice men who want to settle down and then once you hit the wall you expect a nice man to be your beta provider since alphas no longer look in your direction. Women are miserable nowadays; more so than ever before.The truth is that most women find joy in being wives and mothers. Women are not built to handle the stress of making a living. They are built to be nurturers who are looked after by men. This experiment with equality has been a failure. Women cannot be left to their own devices. They are too emotional and irrational. Just look at most women; they tend to be overwhelmingly liberal. It is their fault that Europe is being invaded by muslims. In a generation or two, western civilization will be erased from Europe because women are too altruistic and want to invite the whole third world inside. Women simply don't know what is best for them and cannot be trusted to have sex outside of marriage, vote, or work. Instead of settling down and letting men lead them in the right direction, they prefer to be equal yet miserable and society is falling apart due to their degeneracy. Family values are going extinct.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • What makes jews look jewish?

    Why do jews look different than other people of the same ethnicity? For example, a Polish jew looks different than a Polish gentile. A Russian jew looks different than a Russian gentile. A Persian jew looks different than a Persian gentile. etc. Jews have specific facial features regardless of race or ethnicity. They tend to have long narrow teeth, gummy smiles, hook noses, and eyes that have a particular shape and expression that other ethnicities don't have. I have good jewdar and can usually tell when someone is Jewish without them telling me just by examining their facial features. So, my question is, what causes these facial features? Are these facial features that were inherited from the original middle eastern Jewish tribes? Or is it due to inbreeding in the Jewish community?

    4 AnswersIsrael4 years ago
  • What kind of son will my girlfriend give me?

    There is nothing more I want in life then to sire a robust alpha stud. I was a beta, incel, virgin until age 31. Although I am tall, have hooded eyes, pouty lips, tousled bedroom hair, and boyish good looks, I was cursed with an ectomorphic body that cannot put on muscle. Sometimes I wish I would have been born a manlet with a robust frame. Even a ripped manlet is more alpha than an twiggy tall man such as myself. Anyway, I am wondering what my chances of fathering a robust alpha son are. My girlfriend is 5'6" and does not have an ectomorphic frame such as myself. She is voluptuous and has strong athletic legs. Her calves are bigger than mine and no she is not overweight! So what are the chances that my son will take after her? I have a theory that body type is passed on from the mother. All the robust alpha studs I've known in my life have had masculine dogs for mothers and beta looking fathers. They took after their mothers, not fathers, so I'm hoping my son will not take after me. The only thing I want him to inherit from me is my high IQ, height, hooded eyes, and big lips. My girlfriend is definitely NOT a dog (her face is beautiful) but she does have a robust physique. She comes from a line of people with solid bone structures. What are my son's chances?

    5 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • Should I marry my ex-girlfriend?

    I dated my ex for 6mos before I made the mistake of breaking up w/her because I had a crazy thought run through my head that I could do better than her. I started reflecting on my life and I realized that although I am a beta male, I am successful enough to attract someone younger than her. Since she is the first person I had sex with aside from a ******* from a hooker & cybersex with many women online, I wanted to experience being with a younger woman since the hooker was an old hag and since my ex is about to hit the wall. But a day later I regretted my decision & started to miss her. I was too stubborn to contact her & apologize but she ended up contacting me one week later BEGGING me to take her back. She said she is madly in love with me. It felt so great to have a woman BEGGING to be with me when I've been rejected by women my whole life. I now realize that I love her and I want to marry her despite her histrionic personality disorder. Also, I know for a fact that she is a loyal woman because she had a colostomy when we first started dating & I thought she was only dating me because no other man wants to date a woman who craps in a bag, but she had her colostomy bag removed last month. She can now crap normally and she STILL wants me even though she is good looking enough to attract an alpha. She is approaching check-out time, so I figure I'd do her the favor of marrying her since she will be over the hill and checked out from the alpha dating world in just 1 or 2yrs.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • Why are jews so ugly?

    Why do they look different than other white people? They have horse faces, long narrow teeth, gummy smiles, hook noses, etc.

    Most of them are hideous. But even the ones who aren't ugly look different or "off". I can always tell when someone is jewish. My jewdar is strong!

    What is the cause of their different features? Why is it that a russian jew, for example, looks different than a normal russian? Is the small gene pool in the jewish community (i.e. inbreeding) to blame for their different appearance?

    6 AnswersIsrael4 years ago
  • I want to have a child as a single man, will this prevent me from finding a wife in the future?

    I want to have a son as soon as possible. I will turn 32 soon and my sperm quality is quickly decreasing the older I get. I don't want my child to be born with defects. I plan on finding a beastly woman to donate her eggs to me. I noticed that robust alpha males are usually born to dogs (i.e. ugly women). Since I am a manlet, I will seek out only the most masculine female out there to provide her superior genetic code to my future son. I will nurture my son well from an early age. I will feed him only a paleo diet fit for an alpha. I will force him to start bodybuilding from an early age. I will make sure he grows up well cultured with lots of things to talk about since alpha males also have to have strong personalities. I will stroke his ego to make sure he grows up very confident since alpha males must have confidence. I will teach him to be a magnificent stud.

    Despite being a beta male, I am very intelligent and have a high IQ. Also, even though I am a skinny ectomorph no matter how much I work out, I am 6'2" which is a great height to pass on to my son. I also have hooded bedroom eyes, pillowy lips, and a big manly chin. I may be an incel but at least I'm not a chincel! I recently broke up with my girlfriend by mistake and she refuses to take me back. I'm not sure when I will be able to find a new girlfriend but I want a son NOW. Will having a son with a surrogate ruin my chances of attracting a high caliber woman?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How can I become an alpha male?

    I used to be an omega male but through perseverance, I became a beta male. I finally found a girlfriend after 31 years of being a desperate virgin but now I am suffering from BPS (Beta Provider Syndrome). Most sufferers of BPS spend the younger years of their adult life (approx18-30y/o) without sex until they finally secure a woman who would have never looked in their direction 10 years ago but is now interested since the beta male acquired a good job, assets and money. Since I am a beta and not an alpha, I can only attract women who wasted their 20's riding the alpha cawk carousel and now that they have hit the wall and their sexual market value is rapidly declining, they settle for beta providers since alphas no longer want them. I do not want this life! I want to bang hot 18-22yr olds on a regular basis until I finally find a suitable woman to marry and have children with. My girlfriend is an attracive lady but she is quickly approaching the wall. Also, she suffers from histrionic personality disorder and has crohn's disease and a colostomy bag. Since I believe she has at least 2 years left in her, I am convinced that the only reason she is dating me is because of her medical issues. Alpha studs are no longer knocking at her door. No one else is willing to put up with her personality disorder and $hitbag. Well I I love her but I deserve better. I graduated to beta status and want to become a true ALPHA male so I can finally attract the kind of women I deserve.

    7 AnswersMen's Health4 years ago
  • My girlfriend wants to break up with me for very petty reasons, what should I do?

    Hello this is Donovan and I am having a serious dilemma. I am dating someone, a magnificent woman, and she wants to break up with me. Terrible! We have been together for 3 months, 4 months if you include the time we dated long distance before meeting face to face. We have something very very special going. We have great chemistry. Our relationship is brilliant. There is only one problem, or so she says, and it that is my tendency to hang up on her abruptly without saying "bye" and without saying "I love you too". But I do not enjoy long phone conversations for I am a busy busy man and prefer real contact. She is also upset that I do not say "I love you" very often. I say it when I mean it, isn't that enough? Unless we are having a tender moment after an outstanding romp, I do not feel the need to say it. She says she wants a man to be affectionate with her all the time. This is not the man I am. I am an exceptional man in all other facets of my life so I do not know what more she wants from me. She expects perfection but I think she is acting overly entitled. I buy her flowers. I take her to nice restaurants. I tell her she's beautiful even on days when she looks ugly. I don't mind when she leaves the house wearing flip flops and sweatpants and looking like a frumpy feminist. I put up with her hysterical tantrums due to her histrionic personality disorder. Etc etc etc. How can I make her appreciate me more and realize that I'm the best she's ever going to get?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why are American women so horrible and not wife material?

    Why is it that american women idolize trashy people like the Kardashian sisters? Why do they brag about the 100 guys they hooked up with on tinder in one year as if its a good thing? Why do they value careers over being wives and mothers? Why do they wear sweat pants or pajamas all day when they don't have work? Why do they think its acceptable to wear FLIP FLOPS outside? Why do thy think its acceptable to wear sneakers when they're not going to the gym? Why do they cut their hair off once they turn 40? Why do they start looking like frumpy grandmas? Why do they stuff their faces with overpriced deep fried exotic food and call themselves "foodies" and think they're so special even though their arteries are getting just as clogged as their mcdonalds eating counterparts? Why do they brag about being fat and think being fat is being "curvy" and a "real woman"? Why do they shame men who prefer skinny women and call us pedophiles or gay? Why do they get tattoos, piercings, and thinking cussing is cool? Why do they get mad when you say hello to them and accuse you of sexual harassment? Why do they all have such bad attitudes?

  • I met a perfect woman but she voted for crooked Hitlery Clinton and I don't think I can raise children with a woman like that?

    I met this girl online who I've been chatting with for the last month. She is perfect in every way possible. She is a 10/10 physically aside from her colostomy bag (which is not her fault). She is sweet, compassionate, smart, funny, she doesn't eat meat and she's helping me become vegan. I can imagine raising a family with this girl. She is bringing out my romantic side. I feel butterflies every time I talk to her. I feel like a giddy teenager who is talking to his crush every time I receive a text message from her. But she hates Donald Trump and she voted for Killary Clinton. She is also disappointed in me for voting for Trump. She said she lost a bit of respect for me. Well I lost a LOT of respect for her for voting for HELLary. Could me and this girl ever be compatible? Is there a chance for us? How can I get over her horrible political views and convince her to raise our future children conservative?

    23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • My mother is evicting me from her home- Can I sue?

    I have been living with my mother for a while now but I pay $1000/month in rent. I also buy my own groceries, and I contribute to utilities and cable/wifi on top of that. My 26 year old sister lives with us too but she does NOT pay rent. She graduated from law school but still does not have a job. She's more interested in riding the cawk carousel instead of looking for a job or doing something honorable like becoming a wife and mother. She even has the nerve to bring her sex partners over for their late night liasons. My mother's boyfriend Steve also lives with us and he does not pay rent at all!! Anyway, yesterday my mother told me that I have to move out because she is "sick of my shenanigans". I toId told her she cannot kick me out without a 30 day notice and that I will sue her. So this morning she gave me a 30 day notice and also gave me $5000. She said I cannot take legal action since she gave me 30 day notice and enough money to cover a few months rent. But I don't want or need her money. I just want my room which I got used to living in and the companionship of my family. I got used to living with others and don't want to go back to living alone in a quiet apartment. Its not fair that my sister and Steve can stay for free but i'm getting kicked out even though I pay rent. She's choosing her boyfriend over me which is wrong. Is there any legal action I can take to prevent her from kicking me out?

    12 AnswersFamily5 years ago