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  • Asking for a voluntary demotion?

    So I've worked at this company for almost 2 years now, ever since I graduated from high school. A couple of months ago, I got bumped up from my position as a dishwasher to a prep cook. I had been all for the promotion at the beginning, but as time goes on, I'm starting to realize I'm not a good fit for the job. Besides this, a coworker of mine is near impossible to work with. After talking with my boss about her attitude and disrespect towards me, things have not improved. I've also been struggling with personal health issues. To top it all off, I've made the decision to find what my actual passion is and go to college. I feel like stepping down back into my mediocre dishwashing position is what is best for me right now. There wasn't too many responsibilities placed upon me and my schedule was very flexible. I was much happier back then, and I'd really just like to put my focus on school. How would I go about asking for a voluntary demotion?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment3 years ago
  • Best GoPro or digital camera?

    Christmas is coming up fast and I've been wanting to get a head start on my Christmas shopping now that I've gotten Halloween expenses out of the way. My boyfriend is really into photography and has been wanting a nice quality camera for years. We've recently moved to a quiet area on the outskirts of town where the stars are gorgeously vibrant on a clear night, and he's been talking about wanting to get a GoPro as well to shoot a time lapse of the stars. I've been looking around but with so many options, I just don't know where to start! I would like to spend no more than $200-$250 seeing as I have more gifts to buy but if it's really worth it I'm willing to be a bit flexible with my budget. Thanks so much for your help!

    2 AnswersPhotography4 years ago
  • What are some good healthy meal recipes and ideas (Read description please)?

    My boyfriend and I have finally decided we've had enough of being overweight and want to start working towards losing some of that weight. However, my concern is how we're going to manage dinner. We currently live with his parents, (we're 18 and 19) who sleep like rocks all night long so cooking dinner at 11 pm-12 am (we both work nights. Anywhere between 4-6 to 10-3am) was no problem. We will be moving to my mom's tomorrow and my mom isn't as heavy of a sleeper as his parents are. My idea was in the 2 hours I have between his shift and my shift I can premake dinner and warm it in the oven when we get home so I don't disturb anyone. What are some good healthy meals that can be premade and stored for later on?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • How to care for our new kitty?

    About a week ago my boyfriend and I found a cat laying in the middle of the road, presumably hit by a car. My boyfriend has had a couple of pets killed by cars, and now as a result he moves roadkill animals off the road so no pet owner has to deal with the headache of scraping their pet off the pavement the way he has. However when he got out to move this kitty he was still alive. Unable to afford the vet bill, we took him to the overnight drop box at out local shelter and came back to see if he made it the next day. Now a week later he's bounced back and can walk, run, jump, and eat on his own. The girls at the shelter have been asking us about adopting him and we think it's a lovely idea. However, the damage done to him after getting hit has left him with a head tilt. Because of this we've affectionately given him the name Wybie, after the little boy from the movie Coraline who walk around with his head tilted to the side like our kitty. He can walk, run, and jump, but he can't do it straight. How can we care for our little Wybie the best we can given his disability?

    13 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • What to do to relieve back pain?

    I screwed up my back recently. I'm not sure if it was from lifting the full trash cans at work, lifting too many plates at once, or just sleeping wrong, or maybe even all 3, but now my back is so screwed I can't even mop properly without cringing from the pain. I just took some ibuprofen my boss gave to me but my shift ends in 30 minutes so anyone have any home remodies/advice as to how to relieve some of this tension?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management4 years ago
  • Any idea what's going on with me? (Sleep related question)?

    So I've always had problems sleeping. As a kid I used to get sleep paralysis at least once a week, as a tween/early teenager I suffered from horrible insomnia where I would stay up for days, crash for a day, and start the whole cycle over again. Now, at 19, I've run into another sleep related issue. Back in November I moved in with my boyfriend of 3 years. For the first month I would wake up with horrible anxiety attacks. Those eventually subsided, but just recently (about 2 or so months ago) I started waking up at least 2 hours earlier than what I normally do with horrible leg aches and the urgent need to go to the restroom. After using the restroom my legs feel better but I can't get back to sleep. I'll toss and turn for 30 minutes before falling asleep and waking up in 15 minute intervals until my alarm goes off to get ready for work. In these small 15 minute sleep intervals, I'll have clear, vivid dreams every single time I fall back asleep, which I know isn't supposed to happen until around 90 minutes after falling asleep. I'll often wake up with neck or shoulder pain as well. I sleep around 6 hours a night before my legs wake me up. I also have prior problems with anxiety and depression. Any ideas what could be going on?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care4 years ago
  • Does work have any REAL credence to reprimand me?

    I work nights as a dishwasher at a casino buffet. I work Wednesday through Sunday. From Monday to Wednesday, 2 of my coworkers got fired and one of them quit by walking out and never coming back. For the past month my schedule has said I work from 9am-3pm tomorrow (which is a Saturday) instead of my regularly scheduled 6pm-1am. Because of this, I scheduled an appointment with a tattoo artist who's here out of state for the weekend to get a small tattoo behind my ear a month ago when I saw my schedule. Today (Friday) when I came in to work I casually bring up my 9am-3p shift with my supervisor. Only THEN did she decide to tell me that my only remaining coworker was going to be out and they needed me Saturday evening. I told her I have an appointment and that I'd be able to come in at 4 but I'm not going to be able to stay past 6:30. She asked me if I'd be able to come back and I told her I wasn't sure. She told me if I couldn't make it back she'd cover for me. Another coworker of mine (a cook, not a dishwashher) who knew about my appointment also offered to cover for me. My concern is getting reprimanded AFTER they find out why I missed Saturday. Do they have any real credence to reprimand me or am I in the right?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • Sex after failed IUD?

    So I went to my OBGYN today to ask about getting and IUD. They told me I could get it implanted today, so I went for it. My cervix was too tight and I didn't get the implant, just a lot of pain and some bleeding. My boyfriend is feeling a bit frisky and so am I. Can we do the deed or not?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health4 years ago
  • Taking a day off because of depression?

    I've been feeling pretty awful lately. I've had hereditary depression since I was born, but lately it's been really taking a toll on me. I woke up this morning with a heavy heart and a tight chest, a coil in my stomach and an uncontrollable urge to sob and let it all out. Unfortunately, I work until 1 am today and my depression only works when it wants to, and I'm still waiting for the tears to come and clean my system out. I work as a part time employee as a dishwasher in a casino buffet. I'm still on my probationary period for another month, and I've missed 1 day with a doctors excuse due to strep. I have 4 coworkers, one of which has taken off at least a week total and one who's been at fault for a no call/no show and lying about having a family emergency so he could leave home early to go and party. My other 2 coworkers have been there past their probationary period and have only come in late, not completely missed as far as I know. Is it unreasonable to request a day off/go home early due to mental health problems?

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Dressing nice but still appropriate (more or less) at work?

    Now there's really no way for me to "dress" nice since my uniform is given to me. What I'm really asking is how can I do my makeup without getting in trouble. I know it may sound silly, but I have never worn natural or subtle makeup. I love dark colors and 9/10 I incorporate them into my makeup. Black eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick is usually what I wear. I don't do any crazy designs or anything like that. Just basic makeup, if all the colors used were black. I haven't worn any makeup in weeks because of work and I'm really starting to feel like cap about myself. How can I make myself up while staying true to my style and without potentially getting in trouble?

    Side note: I work as a dishwasher at a casino. Dealing with customers is something I never do.

    1 AnswerMakeup5 years ago
  • How to let a new employer know about pre-made plans?

    I just got a job offering at one of the local casinos for a nighttime dishwasher. I'm currently waiting on a call from HR to set up a time to go in and fill out paperwork/background check/drug test/etc. I know I can pass all of these, so I'm sure I'll get the position. However, I have pre-made plans on the 25th of September and the 31st of October.I'll only need to miss these two days, otherwise I'll be available to work whenever needed. When and how do I disclose this information to my new employer?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • 3 months out of school, feeling like a complete failure?

    I recently graduated from high school about 3 months ago. I didn't go to college, I can't find a job, and I hate it. I struggled immensely getting through high school and felt like going straight back into school with college would be an inevitable failure. I admit, I didn't look for a job immediately out of high school in favor of spending the summer with friends before they moved out of town or out of state for college. Now that school has started up, I'm feeling incredibly guilty. I've been applying left and right to any job I can think of. I can't do anything without the guilt of having no plan eating me alive. I feel like a failure for having no direction in life. Is this normal?

  • What the hell just happened?

    I feel like I'm going crazy. Last night I had an extreme feeling of paranoia so intense I couldn't sleep. I dozed off for a few minutes and woke up shaking uncontrollably. I fell asleep after the sun had already come up. Later on in the day my heart started palpiating and I got very anxious and paranoid again. The right side of my body keeps hurting. As I type this I feel an electric stabbing pain on my right side under my ribcage. My right hand was in pain so immense yesterday morning I couldn't move it without wanting to cry from the pain then it just went away and didn't come back. When I got home from my grandparents I started sobbing and laughing simultaneously for about 3 minutes then just stopped. The pain in my side went away for that duration and came back shortly after the laughing/crying fit. I am an 18 year old female, I partake in no drugs other than the occasional cigarette, and I do have a preexisting anxiety and depression disorder. Someone help me? What the **** is happening to me??

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • How to tell potential employer about prior commitments?

    I applied last night for a job at the local McDonald's. (I know it's not very exciting. I just really need some sort of income right now) I woke up this morning and I already had a call back from them asking to set up an interview. I have prior commitments on the 1st and the 17th of August and the 25th of September. How do I confront this and ask for the days off? I was thinking of offering to work an extra 3 days on my days off to make up for this. Would that be the right thing to do? How and when do I ask? Thanks.

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Spirited Away food scene?

    I know there's several food scenes in Spirited Away but I'm talking about the very first one with Chihiro's parents. What the hell is Chihiro's mom eating?? It looks like chicken but I'm not sure what is is but it always looks so freakin good to me every time I watch it. Help??

    2 AnswersMovies5 years ago
  • Drawing for my grandmother?

    So basically I'm totally broke. My grandmother's birthday is tomorrow and I would like to get her something but since I have no cash I thought, being the artistic one of the group of grandchildren, maybe I could draw her something instead. I just have no idea what I could draw for her. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration5 years ago
  • Abnormal hatred of alchohol?

    I feel like I have a very abnormally strong hatred towards alchohol. Last night, my boyfriend asked me if I was going to get drunk for prom and I immediately blew up on him telling him there's no way in hell I'm letting any of that **** near me and if he gets plastered he can find another ride home. He didn't seem surprised by it and knowing him he probably wasn't going to drink anyways, but I still feel bad about the outburst. Both of my parents were heavy alcoholics/drug abusers growing up. My mom specifically used to get very violent when she would drink and would abuse my older brother and I. Because of that, I hate even the mention of alchohol. There was an incident many months ago where my previous boyfriend tried a small amount of whiskey and I refused to get near him for the rest of the night because the smell on his breath made me want to vomit. The thought of getting drunk has never appealed to me. The thought of not having full control of my mind and motor functions as well as the sickness that comes with it terrifies me to no end. Is it normal for the children of alcoholics to hate alcohol so much?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits5 years ago
  • What to wear to a church?

    I am an atheist and haven't been inside a church in years. One of my good friends is making her first holy communion and confirmation tomorrow. All of my attire is black. I'm used to doing my makeup very dark and gothic. I have no idea how to dress that would be appropriate for a Catholic ceremony. Any help?

    58 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • Tattoo price estimate?

    I'm a month shy of being 18 and I want to get a tattoo for my birthday. I want to get the Hylian Crest on the left side of my chest. The size I would like is hard to estimate exactly, but I would say the tattoo would be able to fit within the proximity of a playing card. I want it filled in completely black. How much am I looking at?

    3 AnswersTattoos5 years ago
  • Alternate Easter Activities?

    My mom and I get very bored around this holiday. I'm the youngest in my family, and being just a month shy of my 18th birthday makes me a bit too old for Easter egg hunts. I noticed that they started selling wooden eggs for decorating. I was considering buying a carton and painting those for the hell of it. Any other suggestions?

    3 AnswersEaster5 years ago