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  • Frosting recipe using marshmallow and not more than one stick of butter and no egg whites or heavy cream?

    I'm looking for a frosting recipe that uses marshmallows or marshmallow cream. I am trying to not use more than one stick of butter and no shortening for health reasons. Also I am looking for recipes without egg whites or heavy cream.

    I once saw a recipe that had powdered sugar, marshmallows, milk and boiling water but it didn't include the amounts for all the ingredients so I didn't want to wing it.

    I'm ok with some butter as maybe it is necessary but I'd like as little as possible as long as the frosting is still good and doesn't drip off the cake. I heard that using marshmallow creme straight out of the jar to frost cupcakes and such tends to melt and run.

    I've been searching for a while online and haven't found what I am looking for. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Recipe for marshmallow frosting that doesn't need an electric mixer?

    Do you have a frosting recipe that uses marshmallow creme or fluff or marshmallows that doesn't use an electric mixer? My young daughter would like to make it and her ears are sensitive to the noise of a mixer. It can be cooked or uncooked just has to be one that can be beaten with a spoon or whisk. She is pretty strong and can put some energy into beating it. I'd like to know whether you personally have made the recipe without an electric mixer.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • DriveAble on Road Assessment for elderly drivers, do you know how it differs from standard road tests by state?

    I know an older person who will be taking the Driveable Road test for elderly drivers. According to Driveable's website it differs from the regular road test given by states. Their website does not explain how exactly. Does anyone know someone who has taken this road test and what their impressions were?

    The website seems to indicate that someone who is good enough to drive according to the state test could fail Driveable's test. They seem quite proud of this. I have heard of seniors, especially in Canada who have complained about the Driveable test. Any information you have would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerSenior Citizens10 years ago
  • How much work for parents is cub scouts?

    How much work would be required for parents for a new cub scout starting at the fourth grade level? According to one of the leader there is a scout book that parents work through with the child. I'm wondering how much work it generally is for parents and what type of things did they have to do. I also wonder about the expense involved for these activities, uniforms, etc.

    I'm also wondering if a boy starting at fourth grade might feel left behind since the other boys would presumably have more badges.

    Thanks in advance for any input.

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Is jewelry making such as beading more costly than it is worth?

    I have a middle schooler who wants to get involved in making jewelry, primarily earrings. She thinks she can make them to wear herself plus sell them. The items she wanted really seemed to be adding up at the store-all sorts of pliers, jump rings, beads, wire, etc. Good grief you could buy a nice pair of earrings for all that. Plus the beads seem kind of cheap looking although they are expensive.

    We are looking at using some coupons from a major craft store but I just wonder how this is as a hobby or very small business. Thanks.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years ago
  • Easy main dish recipes that use cooked meat, no-boil pasta, or are meatless?

    My kids want to cook main dishes for dinner. I'd like them, as they start out, to use cooked meat, such a pre-cooked canned or refrigerated chicken, sausage, ham, frozen cooked meatballs, pepperoni, etc. I prefer that they not boil pasta on the stove so I'd prefer pasta recipes that use no-boil pasta or use regular pasta that doesn't need boiled due to the recipe. They also love meatless meals such as mac n cheese, french toast, or egg bakes.

    I'm looking for meals that can be baked, cooked on a pancake griddle, microwaved, or cooked in a Crockpot.

    Thanks for any suggestions/recipes.

    Cooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Under Social Security do kids of a disabled person keep receiving benefits after their parent turns 65?

    Apparently at age 65 a person receiving Social Security disability payments is then considered to be receivng just retirement benefits. If that person still has a child under the age of 18 will the child keep getting payments? Will those payments be until the child is 18? Thank you in advance. It was not clear from the Social Security website.

    4 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Should a gift of wine for someone Jewish be Kosher?

    I want to buy a gift of wine for someone who is Jewish. I read an article on wine selection that said that Jews drink Kosher wine even on social occasions. I believe this person belongs to a reform rather than conservative congregation. Must the wine be kosher? Thanks in advance for your answers.

    10 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • What color lip product would you wear with purple eye shadow?

    I have long highlighted blond hair, blue eyes, and a fair to medium complexion. I like to wear red lipstick but I don't think it goes as well with purple. If you have any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Photos would be great also. Suggestions as to specific products and colors would be great. Thanks in advance.

    They eye shadow I'm currently wearing is HIP from Loreal. It is pretty intense in color but I like it. IN general I prefer less expensive products that are availble in drug stores. I'm looking for products available in the US.

    9 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Jewelry for only those over 14, what kind of metal does it contain?

    A friend told me she saw some jewelry by candie's at a dept. store. The jewelry said that it wasn't for anyone under 14. What kind of metal or ingredients do you think it contains? What do you think is the risk of the metal. The store clerk didn't know and Candie's website has nothing on about it. The jewelry was kind of a metallic bracelet, also a metallic necklace.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Is a facebook a good way to connect with friends and relatives?

    What are your experiences with facebook? Was it kind of a novelty that you got tired of or do you continue to use it? Is it better than just emailing people you want to be in contact with? Thanks in advance for your input.

    7 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Cover girl wetslicks lipgloss with or without mint, have you tried either?

    I'm wondering if you have tried either of these lipglosses. One is just the wetslicks lip gloss. The other is called wetslicks AmazeMint and is mint flavored.

    What did you think of them in terms of shine, color, stickiness, etc. I like lip glosses that are very shiny and provide bold color like purple or red. I'm not sure if I should try it with or without mint. Does the mint taste good or is it just kind of weird. I don't know whether it would seem like I have toothpaste on my lips.

    Thanks in advance for any comments. :)

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago
  • Any experiences with big brother/sister program?

    A friend of mine is thinking of enrolling one or both of her kids in the program. Her husband has major health issues which he has had for about four or five years. Her husband isn't able to do sports or anything much with her young son. She has a daughter who may be interested in being in the program too.

    How good are they with making a match? How did things work out? What is the commitment length? Do the kids get real attached to people and then get hurt when the program ends? Thanks in advance for any comments.

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to have both your cell phones with the same number?

    I know an older person who would like to have two cell phones in place of their land line. They would like to have both cell phones with the same number but keep them in different parts of their home. They live alone so there isn't a problem of two people needing to call at the same time.

    Is it possible to have two cell phones with the same number. It would kind of be like having a land line and an extra land line phone with the same number in a different room. If so, do you know which providers offer this option?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Cadaver kidney transplant question-how many tests on kidney and how much info does a person get?

    I know someone thinking about getting on the kidney transplant list. Apparently the deceased donor is tested for various conditions such as hepatitis and HIV. The family is also questioned. Since HIV doesn't always show up right away a kidney may be offered but the person is told if the deceased donor was high risk but not what category of high risk. For example, they wouldn't say the donor was an intravenous drug user just say high risk.

    Is this correct? The person considering the transplant was directed to the UNOS website but was having trouble finding the answer there. How much info will be provided about the deceased donor?

    Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • why are so many moms concerned about kids food, sun exposure, safety, but not noise induced hearing loss?

    I see moms so concerned and rightly so, about sun exposure, eating right, enough sleep. But these same moms happily send their kids to vacation Bible school or church where they blast the music, concerts where music is blasted, even school dances and parties where it is damagingly loud.

    I for one complain about the volume, but would really appreciate the help of more parents. I don't want my kids to have to get hearing aids some day. According to the audiologists I have talked to people are getting them younger and younger due to loud music.

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is the music at your church too loud and have you let the church know?

    I'm just wondering how many find their church music to be too loud. Have you complained and, if so, did it help any? It seems that most churches aren't concerned about causing hearing damage. Ditto for a lot of other venues.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would a nursing home appreciate home-made cards by kids for residents?

    I have two young kids 9 and almost 8. They enjoy making greeting cards or decorating store bought cards. Would a nursing home appreciate some of these for residents? Should the kids sign their own names or just say a friend because they don't know the residents. Also if you can't make a card for every resident is some better than none or should it be all or nothing. I'm not sure how many residents in the local home but it is a lot.

    They could make cards for birthdays I suppose or just thinking of you, seasonal, or holiday cards.

    Thanks in advance for your reply. :)

    5 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • A good inexpensive shampoo for color-treated hair available in the US?

    I have foil highlights on my hair, quite a few, so it is pretty blond. I didn't want to pay for the extensive salon shampoo. The stylist said I could use something cheaper from Target or wherever as long as it said it was safe for color treated hair.

    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your comments! :)

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to lift weights every day for woman who wants to build muscle?

    I hear so much about lifting every other day, to maximize the muscle built. But I know soldiers in boot camp exercise every day and they build tons of muscle. You never hear them say.."we won't do pushups today so you have a chance to recover" . So I'm thinking why not lift weights every day.

    Right now I'm lifting about 10 lb dumbells and using upper body weight machines around 30 or 40 lbs. Lower body weight machines about 30-70 lbs depending on the specific exercise.

    I also like the every day method in case if I miss a day I'm not way off my schedule.

    What system has worked best for you, every day or every other day? Thanks in advance for your comments.

    19 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago