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I am adult, female, cranky or at least sarcastic when adults around me behave stupidly. Otherwise, I am fairly easygoing. I am best described as a political libertarian, a fiscal conservative, and I have social views leaning toward liberal. I am very patriotic but also aware that the world is a large and wonderful place and not all within the borders of the country where I live. I am protective of children on the net and in real life. I believe in tough love, responsibility for one's actions, and judging issues by the facts, not fuzzy wuzzy opinions based on nothing other than fuzzy wuzzy opinions. If I have to declare my faith, it is faith in the fundamental goodness of mankind. I believe reading good literature and challenging non-fiction expands one's intellect, but I also know there is a boat-load of non-sense out there.

  • Is anyone else outraged by the lies that old people will be asked to die?

    The actual proposal in the Health care reform package is that counseling sessions to explain things like what a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order is, why one should have a medical power of attorney assigned, and what a living will is be paid for by Medicare every few years. No one would be forced to attend the counseling session, LET ALONE sign a DNR. WHY are some members of the blogosphere and many here at YA lying about this, trying to paint it as a choice between letting the broken system stand unaltered and killing Grandma? I've lived through a time when we had to make the choice about a DNR during a very difficult time. I think it would have been easier - never easy - if my father had known what DNR meant before the conversation started. He was suffering from his final illness. Nothing that the doctors would do or could do would make him well, or even make him well enough to resume his life. He was going to die. He could have some time, a few days, a few weeks, possibly even a few months, although more than a week was unlikely, of complete oblivion hooked up to dialysis, breathing machines, and so on. He would be in so much pain that he would be knocked out. And even after all those thousands of dollars, he would die.

    Because of other situations, my sister knew what the DNR and power of attorney were all about, but the rest of us did not. HOW does information in advance of an emergency equate to "not choosing Grandma"? I am outraged by the distortion. Am I alone here? I'd like to know what REAL conservatives - not the talking heads that pass for conservatism in the press these days - think about the proposal.

    28 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What breed of dog is used most often on television? My husband claims it's HIS dog's breed.?

    I think he has a serious bias, and simply isn't noticing other dogs when they pop up in commercials or on televised movies. Does anyone actually KNOW?


    11 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • I need to paint over silicone caulking compound - Ooops! Now what can I do?

    I thought I was done with the touch up painting before I used the caulking compound, but realized this morning that I missed some places. Is there any remedy short of scraping it off with a razor and starting over?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • tiling shower stall. Which do I tile first? Walls or floor?

    Pre-sloped mortar bed is in, shower liner (pan) is in, and mortar bed is ready for thin-set and tile. Walls are up, backer board in place, and ready for the tiles.

    Which should I tile first, walls or floor, and why?

    10 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • I need decorating ideas - with bamboo or related theme.?

    I'm usually pretty creative, but I need a nudge. My daughter-in-law was given a couple of delightful paintings in a Japanese style, with flowers, bamboo, and script. They didn't really fit her decor, and she had no place to suitably display them. She offered them to me, and I really like them, but am also not sure where to put them. My husband suggested that we create a bamboo theme in the hall bath room, and hang them there. I plan to redo that bath, any way, but had not considered any theme other than clean. I thought of bamboo flooring, but don't know how that works in a bathroom. My other option was tile. Curtain rods seem obvious, but not particularly practical. Any good ideas out there to make good use of these wonderful one-of-a-kind paintings? I'm also worried about a theme that would reflect my personality, but wouldn't be neutral in a resale environment. They are currently "displayed" leaning against an unused fire place.

    (I'm a bit worried, also, about the humidity being bad for the paintings. They would need to be re-framed to seal them better.)

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • DYI Advice - hubby wants to repair a shower, but I think we should replace it. Is replacing the pan only...?

    We have a custom built shower, a home owner installed job from sometime between the 50's and the 70's. The shower has developed a leak, and as far as I can tell, it is in or just above the pan. Hubby wants to leave the membrane and tile above about knee high in place, and just replace the membrane, flashing, and pan, then re-tile it from that point down with a contrasting color so it looks "intentional." My question is whether anyone else has done it both ways, and which one actually worked out better, or in your experience, has the "half repair" worked?

    This is a modest house, and putting a huge shower in really isn't an option. But I also don't want it to leak again in 6 months. Any advice?

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • PSP Christmas gift is shutting off after a few moments.?

    The screen is going dark, although it seems to think it is still working. Also, before the screen started going dark, my son was having trouble adjusting the volume.

    Has he inadvertently set some switch, or is the product itself malfunctioning?

    I was surprised how versatile this "toy" is.

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Gear1 decade ago
  • Is my problem in the computer or the monitor?

    Or possibly even a software issue?

    The color is fouled up on my monitor. Usually, instead of a full range, all the colors are hot orange or blue. Colors I know to be red look orange. Colors I know to be yellow are orange. Purple looks brown. Green looks brown or blue.

    Then, once in a while, I'll have a sort of flash, and all the colors will be relatively normal. Nothing that I do to it seems to trigger the normalization, and it is temporary. The "normal" colors may last any where from a few seconds to a few hours, but they have, so far, always switched back to the limited ranges.

    The monitor (HP v72) and CPU (Pavilion p305w with Intel Inside) are about 5 years old, HP, operating with Windows 2003

    Is the problem in the way color is being processed in the computer itself, with software, or would a new monitor fix my display?


    14 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Which do you think will work out better for me? I need a dog colored carpet, or a carpet colored dog.?

    I guess you can tell that house work is not my avocation. What I want is a vacation. If I were to design a home with housekeeping in mind, there would not be a surface in the entire domicile that you couldn't wash down with a garden hose hooked up to the hot water.

    Maybe put the whole exterior on a giant hinge, so you open it up, hose if out, air it dry, and then seal it back up.

    That might make collecting delicate antiques a challenge, but after cleaning today, I'm ready for that sacrifice.

    If it doesn't move, grow, do homework, or help pay bills, I'm washing it with the garden hose. In some cases, even if.

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • My eyebrows are sparse and white. What can I do other than use a pencil?

    asI've aged, my naturally light eyebrows have gotten thinner and lighter. Has anyone had experience with dying her eyebrows? Can I do it at home or should I go to a salon? Would water-proof mascara work?

    I don't like pencil because, while it's okay from a distance, it just looks hokey up close.

    Any advice? Thanks

    6 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How long will your small American business be able to manage without credit now that the "bail out" failed?

    I just heard on the news that the stock market heard the news and immediately lost 700 points. The stock market is back up now, but the credit crisis is on for real now. I don't own a business and am not looking for credit in the next year or two, but many people will have houses to buy, cars to finance, businesses to run. How will they manage when the credit dries up?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Under the current circumstances, why would the Treasury secretary think that they don't need "reviewability"?

    The following is the complete text of an article from Yahoo finance pages.

    My question refers to the paragraph marked with asterisks.

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democrats issued a counterproposal to the Treasury Department's $700 billion Wall Street bailout plan on Monday that would give the government a stake in firms unloading assets under the plan, and limit the pay of corporate executives involved.

    The Democrats also want to set up an oversight board that would include the chairmen of the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp and Securities and Exchange Commission to limit the Treasury's otherwise largely unfettered powers, according to a legislative proposal released by the office of U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Connecticut, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee.

    According to the proposal, Treasury may not purchase, or commit to purchase, any troubled assets unless it "receives contingent shares in the financial institution from which such assets are to be purchased equal in value to the purchase price of the assets to be purchased."

    *****Also included is a provision to ensure decisions taken by the Treasury secretary under the bailout would be reviewable under some circumstances. The Treasury had asked that decisions not be reviewable by any administrative body or court.*****

    The Senate Democrats' language also calls for assistance to homeowners and localities to prevent foreclosures.

    The draft released by Dodd "does not reflect an agreement with the (Bush) administration on a legislative product for Senate debate. Discussions and negotiations continue," a statement from Dodd's office said.

    (Reporting by Richard Cowan and Kevin Drawbaugh; editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What did Biden say about taxes and patriotism?

    I just heard John McCain in front of a campaign crowd say "Joe Biden just said that it is patriotic to RAISE taxes."

    Hmmmmmm. That's not what I recall hearing from Joe Biden.

    What did he really say? (Links would be great)

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I need help finding guidelines on rehabilitating my elbows. Do you have and good links?

    I injured my elbows in a bad fall two weeks ago. Nothing is broken or dislocated, but I have bad sprains. We took ordinary x-rays for diagnosis.

    I have weakness in both hands, and pain in the elbows and some in the wrists and forearms. I can not straighten either elbow. I can not bend either elbow as far as I could before the fall. I have difficulty with ordinary tasks like turning a door knob and holding it twisted while I pull the heavy door open, opening car doors, and any thing that requires strength and a twisting motion at the same time. I can move to a degree if I take it slowly , but sudden movements are also painful.

    I want to try to stretch and strengthen at home without the expense of physical therapy, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Any advice or links?


    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Is Track Palin deploying to Afghanistan or to Iraq?

    I thought he was going to Iraq, but in her speech at the deployment ceremony Governor Palin spoke of other Fort Wainwright soldiers "lost in the broad conflict that began seven years ago today." Since the speech was given on September 11, 2008, one has to assume she was referring to September 11, 2001, the attacks on the Pentagon, New York, and the downed flight in Pennsylvania.

    "You'll be there to defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the deaths of thousands of Americans," Palin said to the departing soldiers.

    This sounds to me like she's connecting his deployment to the attacks of 9-11, but until we kicked Saddam out, there was no Al Quida connection in that country. Al Quida was, and still is, in Afghanistan.

    So, is she being disingenuous, lying outright, or is his deployment different from what we've been led to believe?

    Source of the quote:

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Would changing the day have an impact on turnout?

    We have one of the lowest voter turnout percentages of any democracy - something like 23rd from the bottom in a list of nearly 180...I can't recall the exact figures.

    Would changing the day from the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November to a weekend or making the day a national holiday improve turnout?

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • When did being well educated get to be a handicap?

    I just heard McCain making the comment that we don't need someone who "went to a fancy ivy league college." Not just an ivy league college, but a "fancy" one. As if being well educated were some sort of short-coming. When did THAT happen?

    I read an article recently that said the author wasn't interested in "relating" or "connecting" with the candidate, but rather she wanted a candidate who could "hold history" in his or her head. After all, many of us would be interesting to share a beer with, but few of us could remain clear-headed and logical in the rapidly changing world of the Oval Office.

    So when did being well educated and thoughtful become less important than being "nice?"

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does passenger side carpet get wet when I run the AC in the minivan?

    I first noticed this problem on a 12 hour trip when I needed AC the majority of the drive.

    What is the cause, and more importantly, how do I stop it? I'm driving 600 miles one way at the end of the month.

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for an individual to do a "gut check" about religious beliefs?

    If a gut check is a reality check, a contemplation of the truth of what we are telling ourselves and whether we truly believe or whether we are simply whistling in the dark, does faith in a concept rule out the ability to do a reality check?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What will it take to get "Obama" put into the spell checker here?

    Since the start of this election, I've told the machine a zillion times that I do NOT want "ABM" or "IBM" or some other acronym.

    Is this annoying to anyone else?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago