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Favorite Answers41%
  • Am I being unreasonable expecting friends to help me out after my accident?

    Do I have reason to be upset? I am a generous person and have given a lot to my friends. I have invited them out to our place on numerous occasions for suppers and parties, etc and given them things as well. I've had an accident with severe back pain and whiplash, my mobility is limited and noone is to be found although they still want to come over to our place because we live on a lake. I have had no offers for help and I feel so alone. My boyfriend says if I want something I should ask for it otherwise I have no reason to be upset. But what about people offering and doing nice gestures? Why aren't people offering to help out? Are they jerks? Please be honest and tell me if I am whining or having unreasonable expectations here.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Boyfriend is racist and I am not-can it work?

    My boyfriend is openly racist against black people. I can't accept this but I want to know if 2 people can still be together if they don't see things the same way. We want to have children but I am terrified he will pass down this racist thinking to them. I have told him I don't want it in our home but it is there and will always be in his mind. It hurts me and bothers me so deeply that he is. Can it still work between us?

  • Panicking! Interview protocol?

    I had my second interview on Monday, May 13th. I was told it was between myself and 1 other candidate for the position. They assured me they would let me know by Friday (today) May 17th at the LATEST and NO CALL today. They said they would let me know either way. Of course I am now panicking, thinking the worst. Why didn't I hear back from them? I have checked with the references I gave them, and they haven't been in touch with them. I don't want to call them because I feel it is their responsibility. Should I give up on this job and move on?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Is he straight, bi or gay? Please help!?

    I just started seeing this guy. He claims to be falling for me VERY quickly, intensely. I have MAJOR walls up because of trust issues with previous men. I can't help it-my gaydar is going off. I feel terribly but it is his voice at times and body language plus it scares me he wants to get so serious, so fast.

    I don't know if this is just me being in denial that a relationship with a great guy could actually work or if he could be bi or gay?

    He told me his favourite sexual act is performing oral on a woman and he LOVES if a woman has nice feet. Also, he LOVES larger breasts on women.

    On our first date, he seemed disappointed that my finger nails weren't longer.

    He claims to be VERY sensual, sexual, touchy-feely and well in touch with his sensitive, feminine side.

    He is a construction worker (interiors) with a very artistic, creative soul.

    He told me on our first date that he could definitely see himself falling for me. Is he just rushing to hide his gayness?

    What is your feeling????

  • Should I let her know her fiancee asked me to have sex with him?

    I have known this man for years (15) and we now go to the same dog park and live within 2 blocks of each other. I have known him to cheat on all of his other girlfriends and now he is dating a woman I know as an aquaintance. A sweet girl who yesterday called herself "the luckiest girl in the world" on Facebook because he finally asked her to marry him after 5 years. He propositions me at the dog park every time I see him to have sex with him and I know he has cheated on all of his girlfriends in the past, including the present one. I really like her even though we are only aquaintances everytime I bump into her, we hug and chat.

    My question here is: Should I send her an anonymous email that her man is known to be a sex addict and has propositioned me? I cannot tell her directly because it would impact our dynamic as well as all of our shared friends...

    What to do? I feel she needs to know as I would want to...he is an absolute scum bag but so charming I can see why she falls for his b.s.

    4 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • What is better? Rhodium plated sterling silver or just sterling silver 925?

    There are 2 bracelets I want to buy and I can't decide which one. One is rhodium plated sterling silver and one is sterling silver 925. Both are the same price. Which is better?


    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Help, I think I am a total loser...?

    I am 36 and childless, single and recently unemployed. I have suffered from depression and anxiety my whole life. It's affected my friendships, relationships and work performance. I am on medication and it keeps me on a relatively even keel but I still have so many emotional obstacles, it's hard to live with...

    I am in debt. I can't afford counselling though I am sure I need it desperately. I've been told I am pretty, devoted enough as an employee and lovable so why am I having such a horrible time getting things together? I can bearly go on Facebook these days without bursting into tears over all of my friends photos of their happy families and babies...

    If I am childless and single by the time I am 40, I see absolutely no reason for living. It's all about family...

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Our friend is letting herself go? How can we help her?

    A very close and long-term friend is letting herself go in every way. At 66 years old, she is at least 250 pounds in a small 5 ft 2 frame. She is no longer able to sleep in bed-probably due to sleep apnea and falls asleep in a chair in front of the tv every night. Since she retired 2 years ago, she basically sits and eats and watches t.v. all day in her nightgown. She has been married for 40+ years and her spouse seems frustrated with her but has the emotionality of a cave man & doesn't communicate with her. He does all of the housework and yardwork. We care about her very deeply but it is affecting her personality-she procrastinates about everything, and has become mean and angry about so many things. She is even being racist and predjudice-hating everyone these days.

    We suspect she is severely depressed but she doesn't communicate and puts up walls anytime we try to talk to her about losing weight, getting help for her sleep apnea, etc.

    We have been friends for 55 years but it's getting to the point where she is no fun to be around and is mean and rude. We know it's only because she is feeling so shitty about herself but what can we do as friends to help her from getting diabetes, stroke or heart attack, depression, sleep apnea, etc???

    Would you be frustrated too???

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Is Karma getting me back?

    I shoplifted some things in the past and I feel like karma is finally getting me back. I am childless, single, now laid-off from work, broke and in debt...I would have never dreamed this for myself. I had everything going for myself and somehow along the way I made bad choices. I am a very good person though-I volunteer for cancer patients, in soup kitchens, I give things all the time to the poor. I feel like the fact I shoplifted is now punishing me. I feel so badly about it. What do you think? Do I deserve all that is happening to me?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Help! At a horrible point in my life! Nothing is going well!?

    I am 36, laid-off from my job/unemployed, broke, in debt, childless, overweight and in a loveless relationship. I never would have imagined myself at 36 like this. I thought I would be a home-owner, have a house full of kids, a great job and a loving husband by now. I am overcome with anxiety about my status in life as everyone my age seems to have it all together. I love my man but he won't give in to loving me completely unless I lose weight. I am sending out resumes like crazy, eating properly but things aren't turning around. I am afraid I was born under a dark cloud-my mother said it rained for 6 weeks straight after I was born! I'm trying so damn hard but this depression and anxiety is only making me fall deeper into the hole of despair...any advice?

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • It's my 36th birthday tomorrow and I am panicking!!!?

    I have severe status anxiety. I am turning 36, I am childless and recently laid off from my job. I am not where I want to be in my life and my biological clock is ticking so loudly, I cannot hear anything else. Time is running out and I am broke and depressed. I want this to change so badly. I am applying for jobs and trying online dating but I am so scared time will run out on me...what to do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Does my boyfriend have a problem for hating my weight?

    We met on the internet. I didn't display updated photos because I intended to lose weight. On the phone and through my older photos when I was skinny, he thought he was falling in love with me. When we met, he was extremely disappointed because I was a size 16-overweight at 5 ft 5. Then he decided to give it a chance just the same. For the past year we have been together and I have taken off 25 pounds. The other day he told me he still has issues with my weight and can't get past it. He said he broke up with his last girlfriend for getting a lot older looking from smoking. My question is, does he have a problem? He said he would be more affectionate and loving and romantic if i were slimmer. But what I want is his support and encouragement for my weight loss, instead he discourages me and shuts down and won't show me affection or any kind of loving action..does not even say good morning or kiss me goodnight...advice please!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • His Facebook relationship status is single? Is this acceptable?

    We have been in some sort of long-distance relationship-he lives 800 miles away but we have visited each other for weeks at a time every 6 weeks now. We have feelings for each other but his stupid status on Facebook is single. This drives me insane.

    It's been since September-9 months since we have been exclusive with each other. Is it reasonable that this drives me insane? Should I post my status as single too? Right now I have no status at all.

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • His relationship status is single? Is this acceptable?

    We have been in some sort of long-distance relationship-he lives 800 miles away but we have visited each other for weeks at a time every 6 weeks now. We have feelings for each other but his stupid status on Facebook is single. This drives me insane.

    It's been since September-9 month since we have been exclusive with each other. Is it reasonable that this drives me insane?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My coworker obviously HATES me! What to do?

    My coworker is obviously annoyed by me. She is much younger, immature and bratty to say the least. I have caught her rolling her eyes to other people about me like a teenager and I am not sure what to do about this or if I should even bother doing anything at all.

    She is super-clique-y and only associates with "cool" staff members making me feel like I am in highschool ALL over again.

    My work personality is private yet friendly, outgoing, kind and helpful yet independent.

    Any advice on creating more harmony here?


    5 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Should I give him crap and ask him what is going on?

    We met online, had a wonderful first date about 3 weeks ago continued im-ing, chatting, etc. He says he really wants to go on a second date with me and when I im'd him and asked if he would like to do something today he replied "I will likely be available tomorrow" What kind of answer is that? Then he wrote brb on the phone and hasn't got back to me...

    What is the deal here? I am so fed up with him beating around the bush I would rather just know if he just isn't into me! Should I come right out and ask him? Help!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Help! I am 34, single, childless & depressed because of it!?

    I have been online dating for over 4 years now and have met dozens of men but I can't meet one that is right for me. I am considered smart, attractive and very kind. I am scared time is running out as I would like to have a family someday but I DO NOT want to just get pregnant with anyone and become a single Mother!! I don't know what to do anymore! Help!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago

    Why won't he write/text or chat/call me back anymore? It started off meeting online followed by constant texting, chatting and a fabulous first date. We continued texting constantly and then I asked him when he is going to ask me out for a drink.

    No reply to my texts or IM messages.

    What gives? Is he just humouring me or what? It's been 6 days since this convo. Before that, we texted or chatted all the time :(

    Here is a copy of our last convo:

    HIM: Wow it sounds like you deserve a drink after the day you've had!

    ME: so when are you inviting me out for a drink?

    HIM: hehe

    I was thinking that

    I have an absurd week I'm not sure when I have a free evening yet


    it would just be cool to see you in person again at some point lol

    HIM: Oh I agree! Trust me! heehee

    and that was it...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago