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  • Okayyy..... I have been thinking..?

    I am a sophomore in high school. I really want to be an orthodontist.Don't try to change my mind because 'its gross to put your hands in peoples mouth' or something like that.

    What I really wanna know is what all classes do i have to take and what kind of vocational classes are offered in high school relate to orthodontics?



    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • I heard a part of a song on the radio and my dad wouldnt turn it up but..?

    I heard a little piece of it. It says something like "...gotta be somebody-ay" and I know it NOT nickleback.



    7 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • How do I know if my cat pregnant?

    My cat, Gracie, has a swollen belly, pink-ish nipples, and is bleeding 'down there'. She keeps licling herself 'down there' also. Another thing is that she keeps wanting me to pet her and pay attention to her. She is laying in my lap. If I walk away from her she like freaks out.

    Is she pregnant or not?

    And if so, ABOUT how far does she sound?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Okayy, well me and my exboyfriend dated off and on for a year and 2 weeks..?

    After he broke up with me over text we stopped talking for like 2 weeks. Then he texted me off his cousins phone ( I didnt know who it was at first) SO finally, I called it and they said that Matt (my ex) really did text me so I asked if I could talk to him and Chris (his cousin) said that Matt didnt want to talk to me. But he finally said that Matt would text me. So I texted him and I found out that he has a new girlfriend. Dont know her name or anything.(( But I mean I was doing just fine till he texted me. Like if someone would talk about him I would be like "ughh! I dont like him" or "Why do we have to talk about HIM" and just pushed him to the back of my brain. But when he texted me all the feelings came rushing back. )) Anyway, we were texting and he said that he loved me too but that he had a girlfriend. Now, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want him back. I know he acts like a douche when we fight but no one really gets to see how sweet he is.

    What should I do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Okayy, I am not trying to be rasist but...?

    Okayy I went to the carnival that comes to my town for like two weeks every year. I was talking to this guy. He was AMAZINGGG(: Like He was soo cute and soo funny. He even let me ride rides and I didn't even have to give him the tickets that you buy. lol I still have the tickets I tried to MAKE him take and he wouldn't. ha But I was talking to him before the ride started while another guy was talking and he told me he was from SOUTH AFRICA! I had asked him what was his accent and he said S.A. I was like "Thats a lie!!" But he told me there was actually 'white' people that were from Africa.

    Does it MAKE me rasist that I thought that ONLY black people where from there?

    Thanks a buncchh


    5 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • How do you like my future baby's names?

    GIRL: Karah Magdelynn (Care-uh Mag-duh-lynn)

    BOY: Justin Myles (Jus-ten My-els)(like Miles but with a y)


    Karah (Cara from John & Kate plus 8)

    Magdelynn ( Magdeline came from great-grandmother.I added Lynn

    because my middle name is Lynn)

    Justin (Uhmm.. well it was my best friend in the 9th grade)

    Myles (Sister's ex-boyfriend. His name was Ammerick Miles. I

    like weird spellings so I put a y with it)

    How do you like themm?


    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Okayyy... Well, me and this guy had been dating off and on (mostly on except like for a month or so)for....?

    like a year and 4 months. This time it is serious. He moved like 1 and a half hour away I will be moving farther away (hopefully) this summer. So we will probally be about 3 hours or so away from each other. Plus, we never talk anymore and we NEVER see each other. So, I planned to brake up with him. BUT Friday we got into a big fight. Then today, mothers day, he text me and said "It is over ok" and that really hurt. I mean losing one of my best friends is hard enough but him ending our like 1+ year relationship,OVER TEXT!? That felt like a slap in the face. Like I have been crying ever since about 7p.m. then stopped about 8 and started again about 10:30 or so. I jest fell like I am worthless.

    Anything like this happen to anyone else?

    Thankss for Listening in my time of need


    I love you guys

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Okayy... My mom said this is 'wrong' but I wanna know...?

    Okayy, once my mom let me go to my boyfriend's house to stay the night.He lives 1 hour and 33 minutes from me. We used to be neighbors but now he lives soo far away. We broke up becuase of the distance, but NOW, we are more in love than ever!! But, my mom wont let me go to his house. My and his sister are good friends so its not like we are sleeping together. Plus, I went there once ans stayed the night and all we did was cuddle and watch movies and kiss.

    PLEASE help me convince my mom to let me go and stay the night again.

    P.S. I am 16 he is 15


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ughhh I feel like crap but I dont know whats wronge!!?

    For the past few days/week I have been feeling weird. I ddon'tFEEL sick, but I am ALWAYS hot. Like I sweat all the time. Like its weird. Everyone else is cold and I am BURNING UP. Then (this is gross,sorry) i feel like I need to pee or fart or whatever, I have this dull pain in my lower stomach. But, when I just move in general, I have a sharp pain in my right-lower side. Im just soo sick of sweating and hurting. Please help!!

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I really need help with all this car/radio

    Okayy..I plan on buying a 2009 Toyota Saris Sedan

    Online, it says that

    Scroll down to where it says satellite radio.

    Does it mean that my sedan will have XM radio capability or will I have to pay a ton to add it??


    What XM plan should I buy for my car??

    Please && Thankss!!


    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Not trying to sound like I'm 'pitty fishing' but...?

    Okay, before I start, I dont want people saying whatever, grow up, and stop trying to make me feel sorry for you. I dont WANT you to feel sorry for me, I just want an answer.

    Okayy, I have 3 younger sisters. I am 16, 2 are 13(twins) , and 11.

    We used to be soo close!! Like we did EVERYTHING together. Like no, they tell me they hate me like DAILY. Okayyy, that was an exageration, but they say I hate you at least once a week. They always make me feel like I'm not good enough. Like I cant do anything right. Like I'm stupid. It makes me cry, all the time. Like everytime I think about it. It makes me scared that we will never be close again. But I try, and as long as we are out of our house, they are fine..MOST of the time. Its may sound stupid, but its like ever since, I turned 16, they are SO mean to me. FOR NOTHING!!

    Please help me!!



    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Can you help me!! What is this feeling?

    I dont think I'm psychic, but I have these strange feelings.

    Like Friday, I was in the shower. I just starting crying. Like REALLY REALLY hard. Like I had no idea WHY I was crying.

    Then, today, my boyfriend's Grandma(Memaw) said that she thinks that someone is molesting her Great-Grandson.( we are like 80% sure)

    Then a few weeks ago, I started to cry. I cried for like 2 days STRAIGHT! I didnt eat or anything.

    Then a few weeks later, me and my boyfriend broke up, like outta the BLUE!

    Sometimes, its like I know SOMETHING bad is gonna happen, just not sure what or when. Bu right before it happens, its all calm and my life is good, and then WHAM!

    What is this called.

    Cause I am having the WORST feeling I ever have, and Im worried.


    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Um.. I am looking for a car. The listing said that it was a.....?

    1998 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE, shaved door handles, black, lowered, 17" kohler rims,

    What does all that mean?

    I googled a 1998 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE and they look cute.

    But what is with all the rest? This is my first car, btw.

    Also, I am a 16 year old girl who knows NOTHING about cars.

    Another thing I want to know is $1500 a good price for this car?

    Like I said, I am soo new to this and I dont want to overpay for a car, And I dont want to pay for it or drive all the way to see it and not know what I am looking at.

    Thanks for ALL your help!



    If its a 'bad' car do you know of a website where I can find one in Mississippi. Close to the Greenville-Lelan area.


    5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • When Is Memphis in May?

    I need as much info about Memphis in May as possible.

    like where it is, who is gonna be there, how much it costs.

    Like all the basics.

    Please and Thanks!!

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • See clothes Plato's Closet website?

    Well, I just heard about Plato's Closet and I wanted to know if you could see some of the clothes on the website or not?

    Ive looked but I'm not sure if I'm missing it or not.

    Do they not show what clothes they have there?

    NOT a list of brands they take, I mean ACTUAL clothes

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Toothpaste for Cat of almost 1 year old?

    Okayy I bought some 9Lives cat food. I bought the kind called white fish in ocean water and tuna. But now ever since then, she has had EXTREMELY bad!! Like Geeze 'GG' (that's her nickname) eat some tic tacs!! lol So, today, I found an old (not nasty..but one we don't use anymore) toothbrush. I was gonna brush her teeth but my mom said that she heard it was unsafe.

    Is it okay to use Crest toothpaste for Gracy? Like I said, she isnt quite 1 years old yet. I think she maybe like 10 months ar the most!!

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I have sharp pains...?

    I have been having sharp pains like by my heart, like above my left boob. Its like a sharp stabbing pain. Sometimes it feels like I cant breathe. Its not like an air bubble-thing. Its like stabbing pain.

    Just recently I have been getting pains in the lower parts of my ribs/around my diaphragm.

    Now, starting today, I am getting the sharp pains in my ribs. Like the sides and back of my ribs.

    It really hurts.I just want to get your opinion before I tell my mom I'm in pain. She has enough to worry about. So if its serious, well if you all think its serious, I'll tell her. If y'all say no,I'll just suck it up.




    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How to play Ipod G1 in car?

    Well, my mom HATES the radio and she is starting to like my ipod. lol She is thinking about getting one but for now she uses mine.Anyway, how does she hook up my ipod to her van?

    Its a 2002/2003 (not sure) Kia Sedona

    It looks like that link.

    Anyway, our cig lighter doesnt work.

    No casset Player.

    Dont make me spend ALOT of moneyy.



    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago