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stop and go sex driving me nuts. what to do about it? TMI?
my husband is 23 and i am 22. we have been together since we were 15. i lost my virginity to him when i was 16 so its not like its anything new KWIM? anyways every time we have sex he keeps pausing for a couple mins or even takes himself out of me for a drives me nuts b/c im not even getting anything out of our sex life... i think he's doing it to "last longer" b/c he can only last about 5-10mins tops. how do i get him to stop doing this? i told him i hate it but its like he gets too excited or something...any tips on how to make him last longer and stop this stop and go sex? TY
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agonatural parents would you hire me (at home daycare)?
im planning to start an at home daycare. i live in a city but have a house. im only 22 but i am a single mother who's very responsible and have a 9 month old DD. my house is immaculately clean and i will have a seperate room for naps. i plan to take 5 children 2+ and will be licensed.
we are TV free and i babywear (and would for any baby who needed it) live very naturally. have few plastic toys. spend alot of time in our big backyard. i am very nurturing and would never let a child CIO or anything of the sort.
I have never worked in a daycare only babysat but i was a nurse's aide for five years and worked in alzheimer's care for 2 years where i was solely responsible for 8+ patients
since i cook all our meals (DD and I) and they are allergen free organic homemade meals i would like to provide them for the kids as well.
all the kids would need to bring would be diapers and wipes and their own cream and a change of clothes.
does $50 a day per child sound reasonable? we are is MA btw. would you trust me to watch your child? will my age be a negative factor?
8 AnswersParenting1 decade agowhat do you need to do in order to live in Canada if you are a US citizen?
im in the US now but i really want to move to Canada to give my daughter a better life. can i just move there or would that make me an illegal immigrant? what do i do to move there legally?
5 AnswersImmigration1 decade agohow do you sell a bank owned car in MA?
am i already supposed to have a title? maybe i lost it...?
1 AnswerBuying & Selling1 decade agowhy am i suddenly extremely tired?
my whole life i have had sleeping problems where i can NOT sleep all the time. i usually am asleep about 12 or 1 am and am up at 6 am with my baby...this is normal for me with no napping, now all of a sudden the past week or so im so tired im literally going to bed around 8 or 9 waking at 6 then all day im fighting falling asleep b/c i have to watch my baby. when she naps i nap and even when shes playing im nodding off and waking myself back up. i dont drink alot of caffien b/c i breastfeed. i wouldnt drink it at all i have been having one cup of caffinated tea in the morning b/c i just cant stay awake! i take a shower every morning too to try and wake up. this is ridiculous and i need to be alert to watch my child. im not pregnant either i have an IUD and i just got over my period. any idea what could be wrong?
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agopumped breast milk question need it answered before 10pm!?
i put it in the fridge right after i fed her.
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agomy 10 week old keeps screaming crying in her sleep and theres nothing i can do to stop it?
she has reflux but shes on medication and she evn does this when i have her sleep in her wrap so she is completely upright the whole time. i try to soothe her and it doesnt do anything she just screams and cries for about 20mins and shes sleeping the whole time! sometimes she wakes up after and sometimes she just keeps sleeping. idk what to do. i need help! is it ok to just let her scream? should i wake her? btw its only during day sleep. she sleeps great at night, its just when she naps that this happens.
1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade agohow do you turn on a baseboard heater in one room?
the heat in my house works great, but noticed my bedroom is freezing. needless to say i checked the baseboard heater and it was freezing also. every other heater i my house is hot. idk if you can even shut it off in one room but do you think mine is shut off? i didnt see anything that looked like a could i turn it on? could only one rooms heater be broken? its water forced baseboards heat.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agojust wanted to share a great website about wraps and swaddleing! make your own baby wraps and slings!?
i made three wraps and i love them i also made 3 slings.
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agobabies eating habbits changing? is that ok?
my 7 week old used to eat 30-45min every 2 hours until about a month old. she has been eating 30 mins every 3 hours since then. now the past two days its been 15mins every 3 hours. is that okay? shes doesnt seem hungry and if i offer her my breast earlier she doesnt eat she will just suckle a few mins and spit it out. she eats off one boob for like 3-5mins then the other for the remainder. im not engorged or anything, but im confused b/c i thought it was suppose to be 15mins a side?
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agowhy does my 7wk old baby scream hysterically before naps/sleep?
its not that shes overtired b/c i watch her signs and the first yawn i see i grab her, change her diaper, and start our routine. the second i start to swaddle her she screams bloody murder! then i sing her a song and she calms down and i start patting her back and sh-ing and she screams hysterically randomly then calms down. i put her in the crib and the screaming starts again she will hysterically scream on and off for the first half hour. then eventually go to sleep.
i dont keep picking her up once in the crib unless she is hysterical for more than 5 minutes. i rub/pat her back and shh her the whole time and do not leave her. she knows its nap time b/c she is used to the routine, and the second it starts she is hysterical. at bedtime we do a bath and shes wonderful in the tub, then i take her out and she knows shes going to get in her jammies and go to bed so the minute i start dressing her shes hysterical. and then we do the same routine from nap time. i need help i dont know how to make her stop. its the saddest thing. she sticks out her bottom lip and pouts and then screams at the top of her lungs. she has reflux btw but shes on medicine for it. idk it that matters.
also ive tried the swing, rocking, cuddleing, napping with her, walking around with her, everything else and it doesnt make a difference.
please help!
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agohaving an issue with my jeep grand cherokee when i turn or stop?
every time i come to stop or take a turn my check gages light comes on the immediately goes away. also the oild pressure hits 0 then goes right back up. it does not happen while idleing or just driving, only when i actually hit the brakes and turn also when i go up hills sometimes...idk if it could just be a fluid thats low or something. any one have an idea?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoneed help with middle name!!?
im due oct 1st...if the baby is a girl we chose the name aniela (awnyella) its polish and it means angel. so we were thinking we would have a really cute middle name to make the name really mean something. like angel of joy or aniela joy. the last name is holmes..aniela joy holmes? aniela faith holmes? we cant use hope because to use it for her kids middle name and had a freaking hissy fit when it was mentioned as a possibility. any ideas? hope faith love joy peace we have ruled those out and cant think of any others like that... thanks guys!
2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoneed help with middle name!!?
im due oct 1st...if the baby is a girl we chose the name aniela (awnyella) its polish and it means angel. so we were thinking we would have a really cute middle name to make the name really mean something. like angel of joy or aniela joy. the last name is holmes..aniela joy holmes? aniela faith holmes? we cant use hope because to use it for her kids middle name and had a freaking hissy fit when it was mentioned as a possibility. any ideas? hope faith love joy peace we have ruled those out and cant think of any others like that... thanks guys!
4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoneed help with middle name!!?
im due oct 1st...if the baby is a girl we chose the name aniela (awnyella) its polish and it means angel. so we were thinking we would have a really cute middle name to make the name really mean something. like angel of joy or aniela joy. the last name is holmes..aniela joy holmes? aniela faith holmes? we cant use hope because to use it for her kids middle name and had a freaking hissy fit when it was mentioned as a possibility. any ideas? hope faith love joy peace we have ruled those out and cant think of any others like that... thanks guys!
2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoso we think im in labor but it changed has this happened to anyone ever?
2am i woke up in excruciating pain and called my midwife asap. i wasnt sure if i was in labor or something was wrong. needless to say it was i went 6 straight hours of contracting every 2-3 mins for 1 minute a peice. then it began to slow down...about 9 am they were like 10 mins apart and i decided i could nap. i woke up at 10:35 am from a contraction. I am still having them but they dont seem to be regular and they arent lasting very long or very intensley. but they arent a picnic either...i thought maybe they went away for a few hours when i was cleaning and stuff but then when i stop doing something i feel it like intense again. they had began right around my pubic line but now have seemed to move up more towards my belly i in labor or is this false? we are talking 12 hours of contractions now...idk what to think
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agodog is chewing nails all the time?
i adopted an abused Boston Terrier about one year ago and im not sure if its because he wasnt taken care of but he always chews his nails. at first i didnt think too much of it...i trim his nails regularly and he didnt seem to be harming himself but the other day he chewed one of his nails off and was bleeding everywhere! i dont know how to stop his habit. has anything like this happened to anyone else's pooch? im really concerned. Also whenever the grass is wet or has snow on it he pees like a girl, which wouldnt bother me except he pees all over his belly when this happens...any tips on helping him get over his fear of wet grass? anyone else had a similar experience?
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agois this situation normal?
im having my first child and aparently everyone and their mother has decided they are all going to be in the delivery room!! i mean hello i never said i wanted anyone in there! when did giving birth become some kind of a show, last time i checked i thought it was a private event? the people who "plan" on being in the room are my sister, my aunt, my grandmother, my man, and my mother in law. I dont know how to handle this!! everyone keeps saying they cant wait to watch me give birth and i have tried to be like i dont want people in there and NO ONE gets it. i already made the mistake of saying the birth center doesnt limit the number of people allowed in the room so im screwed there. any ideas?
8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoCan a cracked drivers side mirror pass inspection?
its not cracked from side to side. it has two cracks about two-three inches long coming out of the right corner of the left mirror.
idk if the state matters but in MA
7 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agohow to change the valve cover gasket on a jeep grand cherokee?
i have a 1996 jeep grand cherokee limited. it is an 8 cylinder. i was just wondering if when changing the valve cover gasket do you change 2 the right and left or is it just one? the left side has hoses attached to it so i am assuming thats the one to change. the right side has an electrical looking attachment on it and thats all. Are both gaskets?
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago