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Lv 31,336 points

Coraline's Mama

Favorite Answers9%

I am a green mama, cloth diaper/diaper free, baby-led whining, natural home birth, other things i like: gardening, gym, eating healthy, sleeping (you dont realize thats a hobby until you have a baby) playing/hacking wii, playing MTG and DnD, traveling, watching tim burton movies... hmmm im running out of random facts... i like to sew, and am trying to start my own diaper service.. umm...we raise chinchillas and chickens, we are fixing up our basement to house other animals. like sugar gliders and bush babies. and hopefully a serval eventually... thats all i can think of.. baby is yelling at me lol

  • we are having dim sum for the first time. not sure what to get!?

    we are going to have a group of 8, and none of us have had dim sum. some in the group do not like seafood. what are some things we could order that they could eat? and for those of us who do like seafood what should we get? lol basically what are the staples?

    we are going to be in seattle this weekend and when we go to the international district we usually do sushi and find some bubble tea lol. but we thought we would just be different this time. seeing as how dim sum is very popular it has to be good also right!? lol lets hope so!

    11 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • my husband and i are in a slump.. any advice? (kinda long..)?

    i dont know what to do... we have a good relationship, weve been together for 13 years, and every few years we kind of run into this problem... i think it stems from the fact that i am very adventurous, and he is not, he just wants to go to work, come home eat dinner watch csi and go to bed. and some times i get to the point where i hate him for it because i feel like hes holding me back from living, and i feel trapped in his pathetic boring life bubble... also he is boring in bed, does the same things every time. and i try really hard to get turned on by him... but most of the time i cant and he gives up pretty fast and goes to bed...

    i dunno if this is the place i should be asking for help. but if any one has any advice that could help id be willing to listen... i think it also has to do with our 11 mo old, im a stay at home mom, and by the end of the day i am a little edgy, and his way of dealing with that is to stay away from me. and i hate it, i mean some times i need that, but not all the time. he thinks he helps.. and he was a big help in the beginning. but any more im lucky to get a few minutes of him playing with her, until he gets bored or she starts crying or she poops.

    i dunno.. i think its actually helping just writing this out and having to think about it. and dont get me wrong, i love him, he is my best friend. we can talk about anything. and even now when we arent getting along so great, we are actually probably still happier then a lot of couples who dont consider them selves in a slump.

    i just dont know what to do, it is making me depressed. i just wish he would fight with me, he is the type of guy that runs away from any kind of confrontation, and i hate it because he thinks i just eventually forget about it, but i dont, it builds up and i get madder madder every time something happens and he ignores it.

    im to the point where i dont even want to talk to him, just to see how long it is until he cant stand it any more and has to confront me. maybe i will start hanging out with my friends more at night to, we are usually home bodies, so maybe if im not around as much when he gets home from work he will have time to think.. i dunno.. im just sick of this..

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Co-Sleeping question, why is my 9mo baby throwing fits at night?

    Please don't answer this if your tell me how i shouldn't be co-sleeping.

    anyway we sleep with our 9 month old baby, and have since birth. she actually sleeps in a smaller bed pushed up next to ours thats about the same hight, because our bed isnt really big enough to fit all of us comfortably.

    lately she has been a hugh cry baby at night. and i cant figure out why, she wakes kicking and crying and screaming, she wont lay down, not even if i cuddle with her. she will usually stop and fall back to sleep if i give her a bottle, but i dont like using that in that way especially since im trying to ween her off the bottle (only doing sippy during the day right now and she is fine with it, so that is not the prob)

    she hasn't been napping well lately either, and if its something hurting her, what could it be? she has been whinier over all lately. its driving me crazy! she was doing baby signs up until recently, now she won't do them and just sits and whines when she wants something. why the whining??

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My baby won't sleep and throws fits?

    I dont know whats wrong. shes 8 months. this all started when she had a cold a week or so ago, and now she hates sleeping. i have been sleeping with her in my arms, which he likes some times. and rocking her works sometimes. but shes just usually screaming and squirming around. its like something is hurting her. i think she might be a little constipated, we did switch from lactose free to regular dairy formula a few days ago. i just dont know what to do. i need some sleep. and so does she.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Math puzzle! can anyone help me solve it?

    i really suck at math... and math games are even worse lol i dont even understand the question. here goes....

    Say you have 4967 coins. Suppose you divide those coins into several coin pouches so that if someone asks you for any whole number of coins between 1 and 4967, you can give them the proper amount by giving them a certain number of pouches. What is the minimum number of pouches required for him to do this?

    i am so lost! help!

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • grandma is spoiling our baby!?

    i don't know what to do. raising my baby the way i want to is very important to me. and i am doing a lot of non traditional things, like baby led whining, and elimination communication. shes not aloud sugar, and we co sleep and the list goes on, and both of our parents things we are weird. which is fine. they do try to respect most of it... with a lot of annoying comments...

    what is mostly driving me nuts is how much crap my mother in law buys our baby! we are not poor, we can and do buy her everything she needs. but every time we see her shes got a bag full of crap! its usually second hand stuff too (does she think we couldn't afford our own 10 cent onesies?) it would be one thing if she asked but its like she assumed we have nothing for the baby and just sit around our house suffering "oh no none of her clothes fit her anymore! and she has no toys, but i am far to lazy to get her some 10 for a dollar onesies down the street at the thrift store!"

    this women scared the crap out of me the day i went to there house right after i had the baby and she turned my husbands old room into her baby room. and i can not even tell you how much crap was in there! it freaked me out! she has clothes in sizes up to like 7 or 8 years old and toys every where and all kinds of stuff i never want her to use on my baby!

    i am just mainly concerned that she is going to spoil our baby with to much stuff. and the baby is going to get to a point where she will remember the stuff grandma gave her and i wont be able to hide it in the garage anymore. and i don't know if i can stop her weird shopping addiction. we try to tell her the stuff we would like her to buy but she usually thinks its dumb and buys her own stuff...

    do i just have to start being rude? she already thinks im controlling because my husband wouldn't have cared about most of this stuff if it wasn't for me.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • DnD question! can you have a half elf half gnoll character?

    or is there a reason i cant mix any other characters this way? i probabaly couldnt do it in an actual tournament or anything. but i thought it would be fun (i like drawing my characters and i think an elf mixed with anything would look cool lol)

    also how would you figure out all there stats and stuff if they are both races?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • is there like a curfew on the washington coast?

    i was just wondering because the beach is really cool at night. we were just at ocean shores for a trip and we went out to the beach around midnight and it was so much fun its all i can think about lol. i cant wait to go there again but i was just wondering if we could get into trouble for it..

    if so does anyone know about the oregon coast?

    3 AnswersSeattle1 decade ago
  • i have a TON of stale cake! can i put some kind of glaze over it?

    i want to still eat it as cake because the best part of this cake is the way it looks on the inside. but it is about a week old now and is getting really dry, we still have about 2 and half 3 layer cakes, and have 2 birthday parties this weekend that we plan on using them for.

    i was wondering though is there something we could poor over the cake as we serve it that would help with the dryness and be somewhat clear so everyone can still see the cake? (its rainbow on the inside and very cool looking)

    i was just going to mix milk and powdered sugar... but i thought id see if anyone had any better ideas first lol

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Baby led whining question! am i doing it wrong?

    i started our baby last night on avocado for her 6 mo birthday party. i just gave it to her in slices but she couldnt hold on to them lol they would slip out of her hand. so i mashed them a little with my fingers and let her eat it that way and she could grab it a lot better. does anyone else do avocado? how do you give it to your baby? will she just get better at picking it up?

    i only eat raw and vegan so this for me seems like the best choice to start her on because it is so good for you. i have also heard a lot of people say to hold off on sweet foods so they dont acquire a taste for it to early on.

    should i just keep trying with the slices? or would it be ok to just give her some of the guacamole i make for myself? it has vineagar and other spices in it, all healthy though. i think ill try it anyway in a few days if shes still having trouble

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • how do you buy a keg?

    i want to get a keg or 2 for our wedding in september, how do i go about this? i want a keg of wine, and a keg of an apple beer i like (there website says they do kegs) and i was also wondering if it was possible to do a soda in a keg? there will be a lot of teenagers at the wedding that i think would enjoy that.

    i was looking at and they sell one time use kegs and i was wondering is that something you have to buy yourself and take it with you when you buy the beer? or will they have an option to use one when you get there?


    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • What is this red sore itchy vaginal rash?

    i am freaking out, the other night me and my boyfriend had sex, and ever since then i have had a super itchy rash, it isnt bumpy or anything, just red and raw looking, and its not just in some spots its covering the whole thing all the way to my anus. i have a little thick white discharge and it has a smell, but im not sure that i think its yeast, because ive had that and it smelled different.

    please help! i cant handle this itching anymore! its the worst itch ever!

    6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • does anyone know where i can find a pattern for sewing a 25 yard skirt?

    i want it for my wedding dress, ive seem them to buy for belly dancers and stuff, but i want to make one

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • should i start feeding my 14 week old baby solids?

    my baby is 3 and a half months and i think she is teething and i think she may be wanting more then milk...

    she has been droling like crazy and chewing on her fingers. plus i can see a little white like she might have some little buds popping up. and she wants to eat litteraly like all the time lately, shes never full.

    also she usually sleeps thru the night but lately she wakes up to eat all the time. should i start trying to feed her? would it hurt? whhat should i start with if i do?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • where can i find information about becoming a child caregiver?

    i want to quit my job and stay at home with my baby, and someone at work says the state pays for there child care and they have some lady do it out of her home who is certified i guess. and i thought that would be perfect for me, but i dont know how to go about it... any help?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • how do i get my supply back up?

    does anyone know a good pumping schedule to get my supply up? i can barely get an oz at a time, and im pumping about every 2 or 3 hours.

    i lost my supply because i had to work full time one week instead of my usual 16 hours, it threw me off and she now has nipple confusion, and has to be mostly formula feed, i give her what i can pump, but its not much.

    she sleeps threw the night and i usually have enough to breastfeed her in the morning when we wake up, and though i am glad we still have that together, i really want more. i dont want to formula feed her at all!

    does anyone have any good techniques for pumping? i have a double pump, and i want to be producing milk like ive got triplettes!

    also i think i might be dehydrated a little, could that be affecting it?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Hard lumps in breast while breastfeeding 3 month old?

    i am confused, i am breastfeed though i am having trouble getting my supply back up after being away from my baby for about a week.

    i am pumping and trying to feed her (though she has nipple confusion now) and i am weirded out because i breasts have a lot of really hard lumps. im not sure what to think of this. i thought they might just be milk, but i try massaging them while im pumping and they dont seem to go away, is there anything i can do about these? are they maybe the reason i cant get my supply to go up and i cant hardly get any milk out?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • would it be worth it to call a lactation consultant?

    my milk supply keeps getting lower and lower, my baby is 12 weeks old and has some nipple confusion because ive been having to give her formula. i try to at least pump and give it to her in a bottle. but i can barely get an oz any more at a time

    what should i do? i really want my baby to be breastfeed :(

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my baby was bottle fed all week and now won't nurse!?

    i don't know what to do, she just won't latch on, and we are both getting really frustrated. please help!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • is my baby eating enough?

    i don't feel like im producing enough milk.

    i have a 10 week old baby girl, she is sleeping thru the "night" from about 10pm until the sun comes up (around 4:30am right now) then she wants to eat and goes back to sleep until about 7:30.

    i get up with her around 7:30 and feed her on one side and pump the other and i get about 2 oz, if i pump both i get 4 oz all together, the most ive pumped from one breast is 3oz, so i am assuming thats the most she is getting,

    she eats probably around 6 or 7 times in a 24 hour period.

    is she getting enough? she seems fine, she only really ever cries when shes hungry, so i feed her and shes fine after that.

    it just doesnt seem like enough but she doesnt act like im starving her. so maybe i shouldnt worry

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago