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  • How does a question get reported before it even posts?

    Seriously. ANY question. How can you ask a question, have it NOT post (implying it's been instantly removed for violation) and then receive a violation notice shortly after, with the notice reason blank? It seems too fast to assume someone was stalking my Q&A but nothing in the question makes sense for an auto-report.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many bi/gay guys weren't close to their fathers?

    I've heard that a lot of gay/bi guys weren't close to their dad. Is this true?

  • Does anyone else put carrots in their tacos?

    I think I'm the only one... ._.

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Are tree removers influenced by Satan?

    Really I'm not bitter. It's just that it's 7:40 and they're still going, though they've moved further away from my window. I think. I hope.

    I'm also willing to explore alternative theories, such as:

    "There is no God."

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are men with chainsaws cutting up a tree at 7:00 AM?

    There's a couple of trees in the center of my apartment complex (which the buildings are arrayed around). Spiritually speaking, why does this have to happen from 7-7:30 AM onward?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are gays overly conservative in anyone else's experience?

    I got this question removed the last time I posted it but we'll see if there's less of a kneejerk offended reaction this time.

    I know that most people would assume gays would be progressive/liberal, and that seems to be the assumption I've seen on here, especially from younger people, but every gay man I have ever met has been conservative. This is not a single digit number, and I'm extremely politically active (on the liberal side of things, so it's not like I'm meeting these people at Republican conventions) so I talk to a LOT of people about politics. I'm almost gunshy about it now.

    I'm fully aware this could be a statistical anomaly, and that the Republicans certainly can't be said to be serving the interests of gays as gays (gays as businessman, say, or conservative Christians, is another matter), but even following gender issues online, gays seem to be disproportionately monist (that is, believing there are only two sexual orientations; that anyone outside these orientations is a traitor or in denial or immature; that members of the LGBT community must conform to rules and roles). Much of gay "culture" is rooted in the assumption that members share or must share common political and social ground regardless of individual identity, and fit polar roles within the community--top or bottom, butch or femme, masculine or feminine, etc.

    So does anyone else have any comments, thoughts, or observations on this? I don't mind if you disagree with me, but simply saying that "LGBT people are so liberal and progressive omg" doesn't really bring anything to the table. None of the conservative gay people I have asked about this have been able to engage me on anything other than a pro-business, classist, or rural conservative approach.

  • How do kids refer to two parents of the same sex?

    Is it more common to say, call both Dad, or do they usually refer to them the way kids might call two grandmothers 'Grandma' and 'Gran' or whatever.

    I would think the latter, but there aren't really a lot of synonyms for Mom or especially Dad.

  • Did anyone like Battlestar Galactica?

    The new series. Yes, this is relevant to Religion & Spirituality.

    Did you enjoy the spiritual aspects?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you want children?

    And if so, does this change your mind?

    14 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Is my toothache a sign of moral decay?

    I brush my teeth twice a day and even floss a couple of times a week, yet I've recently begun to have a sharp pain win my tooth. I know others who practice less regular oral hygiene and yet do not have any cavities, so why has God visited this hardship upon me and not them? Is my toothache a part of God's plan? Can anyone short of one of God's dental prophets tell me where I went wrong?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do young men face resistance to getting vasectomies?

    I'm legitimately curious about this. I came across a diatribe (;_ylt=Ah9zd... ) about how doctors won't perform tubal litigations on young women because they assume they'll want to make babies later. This is not actually the first time I've heard this. My initial reaction was that this was age-based discrimination--after all, older women get their tubes tied--but I have to wonder. Does anyone know if young men have this problem when they try to tie their tubes?

    11 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Could Allah be classified as a metrosexual?

    Now, hear me out. We're all familiar with the basic restrictions on female dress, but Allah also forbids men to wear the color red, the fabric silk, or gold jewelry. Women are also not allowed to wear wigs or hair weaves. I believe there are also restrictions on facial hair and hair length for men, and if the Torah holds true in this regard, mixed fabrics are an abomination. Now, I wouldn't begin to speculate on the sexuality of a supreme being, it's completely stereotypical to assume that every fashion-oriented man is a homosexual, but... metrosexual? Is that possible to infer here?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can atheists wear lavender?

    I've heard atheists never wear lavender. Is this true? Why?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's your view on pro-life feminists?

    I'm going to bite. I pretty much universally see the idea here that pro-life = anti-woman, specifically in that many people here seem to believe if you are pro-life you CANNOT be in favor or women's rights or egalitarian.

    So here's a scenario. There are Wiccan/neopagan groups that are matriarchal. They believe either in female supremacy or female-led societies. Some of these groups (I don't profess to know how many--I've run across one) are also pro-life. Regardless of the commonality of such groups, if you believe pro-life is an anti-woman position, how do you reconcile this with a group of women (or possibly women and men) who are pro-life but believe women should run society and/or favor female-supremacist social views?

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Do you like characters with different beliefs than yours?

    Pick any medium--books, movies, TV--that has characters you are passionately interested in. Do any of your favorites have significantly different beliefs from yourself? For instance, are you a Christian who LOVES a particular atheist character, or vice versa? Given the domination of black/white dichotomies in most available fiction, I don't imagine there are a lot of Muslim, pagan, Hindu, Buddhist characters rolling around, but if you like one of these I'm curious about it.

    Just to be clear, what character do you like, and how do their beliefs differ significantly from your own?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can women deliver pizzas?

    I'm being serious. Do any companies have policies against women being pizza delivery drivers? I have never seen one, or if I have it was a really long time ago when I was a small child. Is this just a lack of applicants and selective job placement or are there actual policies in place to prevent this?

    16 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Christian views on HIV?

    A Colorado State Senator opposed a bill to require HIV testing to pregnant women on the grounds that it would prevent pregnant women from seeing the negative consequences to sexual immorality. Please note that the women already have it, for whatever reason; testing benefits the baby only...

    As he is fully aware:

    More information here too:

    I thought this was pretty incompatible with a pro-life platform, personally, and can't imagine even a sizable minority of Christians would endorse these views, but I've been wrong before. While he was the only Senator to vote against the bill, the Republican leadership refused to criticize him on it either, which leads me to believe this thought (if only that women with HIV deserve it) might be more widespread than it appears.

    Thoughts, opinions? Please denote your religion as well.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are platypi getting better sex than you are?

    Platypi have ten sex chromosomes, instead of two like hu--let's be honest, nearly everything else on the planet. Is this an improvement? y/n

    3 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • How do lesbians and gays use ceremony on Valentine's Day?

    My question carefully worded to avoid extremely obvious answers.

    The reason I ask: in heterosexual relationships the male gets the female flowers, usually, and not the other way around. Do lesbians tend to get each other flowers? Do gays usually skip this? I know there's no reason a woman can't get a man flowers, I've just observed this is much less common than the other way around. Obviously, I know not all lesbians and gays have the same relationship, I'm just asking about general patterns here.

    Other gender-based ceremonies are also of interest, but I assume gay relationships are a bit more egalitarian in that regard.

  • How would 1-gender societies be different?

    I posed this question in someone else's question but I felt I should ask it here instead.

    What would a society populated only by men look like? Sure, you'd have individual men who'd want to be nurses or teachers, but where would the gaps be? What sort of professions or roles would become most needed? Could society just adjust and encourage more men to work with children, or would there still be a shortage?

    Flip it around. What roles in a woman-only society would become extremely important? Could society encourage more women to become fire fighters and police officers, for instance? Sure, women can't lift as much as men, but could fire-fighting gear be changed? If they wouldn't be as effective as men, overall, would men overall be as effective as women with small children?

    But it's not as simple as women are nurturers, men are strong. Don't children benefit from having fathers or men around? Do they provide something here that a women-only society wouldn't? Don't police benefit from having women for social interactions, interviews, interrogations?

    Remember, if you posit a single-gender society would be some kind of magnificent utopia, you're quite possibly mentally retarded.

    3 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago