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Kaki saya bengkak !? mau tanya..hehe?
Kmarin malam , saya coba minum bir cuma sedikit bisa dibilang cuma 1x sedot ( pke sedotan )
trus gak lama stlh itu kaki rasanya gatal2 n skrg jd membengkak kyk di gbr ini
mw tanya nih , ini knp ya...reaksi alergi kah ? ada yang pernah kayak begini sebelumnya ?
2 AnswersAlergi5 years agoMengapa Tuhan menciptakan sesuatu yang tidak boleh dimakan oleh manusia ? diajukan untuk orang-orang kristiani?
saya membahas pohon pengetahuan dan apa salahnya ketika manusia mengetahui apa yang benar dan salah ? apa yang salah dengan mengetahui ?
apakah moral value sebelum manusia memakan apel dari pohon pengetahuan dan sesudah berbeda ? jika iya mengapa demikian ?
jika jawaban anda didasarkan dari sumber , sebaiknya dari sumber yang dapat dipercaya , terima kasih...
12 AnswersAgama & Kepercayaan5 years agoWhat will you do if you know that 7 days later you'll die ?
so pls let me know what will you do
each day before you die and state your reason why u do that lol...
for example :
Day 1
- Try to think about the meaning of life because.....
- Planning on what would i do tomorrow and days after
- Start to write a diary about my life
for ........
Day 2
bla bla bla
1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities6 years agoSusah BAB tinja keras , help !!?
Hmm saya mau tanya nih mohon dijawab ya
saya sudah 3-4 hari susah BAB keknya tinjanya sudah keras nih jadi
abis BAB kyk ada perasaan blm tuntas karena ada yg blm kluar , dan pas BAB pun yg kluar cuma sedikit dengan ukuran yang kecil2
gmn ya...ngatasin BAB yang keras banget gtu...udah pake microlax jg blm bisa kluar aneh banget deh , jd takut klo tinja keras g bisa kluar ntar takutnya jg nyumbat + klo dibiarin lama2 takutnya penumpukan berpotensi kanker usus besar ???
wah takut deh pokoknya
gmn nih....jg udh makan makanan yg mengandung serat sayur"an gtu . minum air putih pun jg udh byk gmn ya
terima kasih buat yg dah jwb...
14 AnswersLain-lain - Penyakit & Kondisi Tubuh6 years agoWhy do people forget what they supposed to remember?
well...some people are really easy to forget things that they should remember but some , they always remember what they have to
i wonder how our brain works ? i want to know about the science of it hehe....tell me
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years agoNeed song recommendation ?
i'm looking for progressive house with vocals , it's okay even it's a vocal mix or vocal version !
so here's the example :
> Marcus Maison & Will Dragen ft. Amba Shepred - Reign ( Another Dimension )
if you know some interesting vocal progressive house musics can share it !
2 AnswersLyrics7 years agoBagaimana format penulisan karya ilmiah ?
ada yang bisa bantu saya bagaimana format dan cara menulis karya ilmiah ? hehe...
kalau di dalam sebuah karya ilmiah saya beri landasan teori dimana saya bisa memberinya ?
terima kasih , jawaban paling detail saya beri best answer ! ;)
1 AnswerPendidikan Dasar dan Menengah7 years agoWhat do you think about perfectionist people ? ;)? you think that perfectionist people aren't work effectively ?
or maybe , there's a people who work perfectionist and effectively at the same time ? what do you think ?
you can also tell your opinion about these people hehe...or tell your annoying/good experience with perfectionism
i have a perfectionist dad and i think it's a bit excessive because basically i'm just a guy who likes to do everything simply but at least not bad , in my opinion perfectionist people are not way effective they think that everything have to be perfect and it's take more time to do everything beside that perfectionism could make someone stress because sometimes they overthink about their tasks and that's not good you agree that perfectionism has a lot of effect on someone's personality and their social life ? give me your explaination too ;)
2 AnswersPsychology7 years agoWhat do you think about perfectionist people ? you think that perfectionist people aren't work effectively ?
or maybe , there's a people who work perfectionist and effectively at the same time ? what do you think ?
you can also tell your opinion about these people hehe...or tell your annoying/good experience with perfectionism
i have a perfectionist dad and i think it's a bit excessive because basically i'm just a guy who likes to do everything simply but at least not bad , in my opinion perfectionist people are not way effective they think that everything have to be perfect and it's take more time to do everything beside that perfectionism could make someone stress because sometimes they overthink about their tasks and that's not good you agree that perfectionism has a lot of effect on someone's personality and their social life ? give me your explaination too ;)
1 AnswerSosiologi7 years agoYour experiences with sleep paralysis ? tell us ! :)?
Have you ever wake up and your body can't move then you heard some noises and saw dark figure(s) or ghosts , you felt like wake up already but your body can't move ?
so...let me know your story/stories with sleep paralysis ;) i would like to know how did you feel , what did you see , and what's your opinion about it ?
and maybe you can also give your opinion why does it happen ?
well..just want to know ;)
honestly , i never experienced this , but yea... i think i interested with "sleep paralysis" cases , many people tell their stories about this
and well...i imagine that and i think that's scary as hell haha....
4 AnswersParanormal Phenomena7 years agoWhere do you think i come from ? do i look like Japanese ?
guess where i come from please...:D
a. Indonesia
b. South Korea
c. India
d. South Africa
e. China
f. Japan
g. North Korea
4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years agokk sekalian bisa minta tolong gk ?
hmmm.....resensi itu apa ya ? terus...definisinya apa dan kasi contoh , coba nih :) gw tantang kalian coba resensikan sebuah novel yg paling panjang dan bagus resensinya , gw lgsg kasi 5 bintang dan best answer :)
ayo nih buruan coba buat ! XD :)
1 AnswerLain-lain - Ilmu Sosial8 years agoSoftware untuk nge-remix music kk ? :D?
gini nih kk...aku ini agak suka sama house music , aku liat DJ" terkenal kek Leon Bolier , Erik Abores , Showtek , Hardwell , dkk...mereka kalo punya lagu beatnya itu benar2 membuat orang semangat
nah bbrp lagu gw nih kan genre nya hip hop jg mksd nya rap gitu , yah...aku akui rapnya keren tapi beatnya =________________________= tak beraturan , jadi mw gw remix nih
nah pertanyaannya ada 2 nih :
1. Software apa ya yg enak bwt remix ato buat lagu house ? tp klo bisa yg gampang pakenya jgn kyk FL Studio ato MAGIX Music Maker
2. Kalo gk nemu nih , tolong carikan link DL DubTurbo klo bisa yg FULL dan direct link :D no torrent ! hehe...klo link nya working gw kasi jempol 5 nih
2 AnswersLain-lain - Musik8 years agoDaftar pertanyaan interview utk penjaga panti asuhan?
Nah ak ada tugas nih k panti asuhan tp pertama2 msk kan ada pemanasan dolo ni , ya itu brp ngobrol kyk interview gtu :) nah enaknya pertanyaan apa aja ya bisa dipake utk ngulur wktu lumayan byk hehe....thx gan klo mw bantu
1 AnswerPsikologi8 years agoSusah BAB help :( !!!?
Gini nih ak udah 2 hari BAB g lancar , jd tinja itu sprti gk bisa kluar , nah setela BAB pun rasanya kyk ada perasaan gk tuntas lalu rasa sakit ny lama2 ilang , terus bbp jam kmdian tiba2 sait lg di wktu yg tdk terduga masala yg sama terulang , ak tw hrs makan buah dan sayur dan byk minum air putih , udh ke dokter byk minum obat tp blm sembuh , jd gmn ni ! Obat aja jg ga sembu2....kadang jg mencret sih :) ak tw harus berdoa jg tp ttp takut , btw tinja gw gada darah , dan perut gw gk membuncit alias mungkin bkn kanker usus , klo mnurut anda ?
2 AnswersDiabetes8 years agoKegiatan Sosial di panti asuhan enak nya apa ya....:D mohon dijawab cepet :v?
jadi begini di skola ku itu mengadakan CAMP itu sifatnya WAJIB nah kalo tidak ikut ada sanksi berupa 3 hari itu disuru ( cuma part time tersera bole 1 jam doang ) ke panti asuhan (-.-") melakukan kegiatan sosial disana terserah apa aja ( jadi kayak mbantu" disana ato ngajari anak , dll ) , , nah tp kan ak binggung enaknya apa ya soalnya ak tipe anak pendiam dan jjarang bersosialisasi hehe :) jadi cuma minta saran , serah si ngapain
eh skalian tanya deh , aku kan tinggal di Surabaya Timur enaknya di panti asuhan apa y ? klo bisa yg deket jg hehehe......
2 AnswersPelayanan Masyarakat8 years ago