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  • Pilots: I need a route suggestion from WI to southeren CA in a Zodiac.?


    I may be flying a Zenith Zodiac from WI to southern CA. I have not flown this route before so I am looking for suggestions of a route to take to get around or past the mountains without much trouble. And because it is a home built I don't have any room for long parts over the mountains so I am looking for a way to minimize it as much as possible even if it means going far north or far south to do it. Thanks!

    5 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Has the 1500 hour rule for pilots been signed into law?

    Does anyone know if the rule that pilots must have at least 1500 hours to fly for a part 121 carrier been signed into law yet? If so when does it officially take effect? I am a low time pilot with about 450 hours and I want to know if this is becoming law for sure. 2 years ago I could have got hired with the hours I have now. But now it may take a few more years before I have a chance to get hired by an airline. Thanks!

    2 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • I have 3 days to go any where in the World, where should I go?

    I am planning short vacation next weekend. I have 3 days to travel anywhere in the world. I need to go somewhere that I don't need a Visa and can go with just a passport. I want to go some where outside of North America. Where in the world should I go and why? I look forward to all your answers. Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Question for Professional Pilots....?

    I have my private and instrument ratings and I am going to be working on my commercial and multi-engine ratings. I am trying to decide if I should get my single engine commercial rating or just go for my multi-commercial and skip the single engine commercial part. I have over 250 hours so I don't need any extra hours. Do I really need a single-engine commercial rating or would it be smarter to just get a multi-commercial rating? My career goal is to be an airline pilot. And also do you know any regional airlines that are hiring now? Thanks for your help!!!

    5 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Potty training issues?

    We have a toy Shiztu who is about 6 months old and we are having trouble with potty training. We have 2 main issues.

    1. He continues to go potty in our house. He is crated when we are not home and gets taken outside about every 3 hours when we are home. We will take him out and he will go potty out side, but then come back in and a little later he will go inside again. Today for example, I got home and took him outside. He peed and then walked around for a bit and headed back towards the door like he usually does when he is done going potty. I brought him back inside and 5 minutes later he had pooped in the bedroom. We take him out often and when he does go inside we put his face in it and disipline him, but he continues to go inside, usually in our bedroom. Any suggestions to help us would be great. Its happening almost every day and something needs to be done.

    2. The second issue is he goes potty inside his kneel. Its a small kneel and not much bigger than him. Any ideas?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why does my computer restart when I try to put it in sleep mode?

    Why does my computer restart when I try to put it in sleep mode? And how do I fix this? Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How do I obtain my FCC Radio Operators permit?

    How do I obtain my FCC Radio Operators permit? The one that is requried for flying to different countries and that is required of airline pilots?

    2 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Multi-Engine Training?

    I need to find an accelerated multi-engine course which preferrably lasts 3-4 days. I need to finish my multi-commerical by the end of August. I would want to do the training after the 17th of August. If you have any recommedations for or against any flight schools which offer accelerated multi-courses your help would be great. Thanks.

    4 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Low time aviation jobs?

    I am just about to get my commercial pilot rating. I do have an instrument rating to. I will have just over 250 hours of flight time. Does anyone know where I can get a job using my commerical certificate with such low hours other than flight instructing? I just want something where I can build flight time without having to pay for it anymore.

    **If you have any links or other resources to that would be great. Thanks!!

    13 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • First time moped buyer...?

    I am looking to purchase a new moped. Why kinds of things should I be looking for in a moped? What type of maintence do they require? What are good moped brands with reasonable prices? What should I be wary of? And any other suggestions or comments would be great. Thanks.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • How many liberals does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


    Out of 100 liberals,

    -20 would complain about how the light is to bright

    -20 would circulate a petition banning light bulbs and replacing them with candles

    -5 would try to find out what a light bulb is

    -30 would blame conservatives for the light bulb burning out

    -15 would say whoever uses light bulbs are hateful and close-minded against candles

    -10 would sit around and hope the government replaces the light bulb for them

    So who would replace the light-bulb? One conservative who can't stand listening to anymore liberal crap.


    26 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Separation of "Church and State"?

    Can anyone tell me where this exact phrase is in the consitution or any of our founding documents? "Seperation of Church and State"?

    If you look at the first amendment it says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. "

    -Now the part about religion. It says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.." It does NOT say the seperation of church and state. So where does this phrase come from? When our founding fathers wrote this they meant that congress cannot establish a state sponsered church. Like back when our country was founded there was the Church of England which was the offical goverment church in England. Congress wrote the first amendment to stop a state sponsered church, not to completely ban religion from government.

    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What would be a Pillar of our society?

    What would you consider to be a pillar of our society? I'm not talking about people, but ideas, values, morals, institutions. Things that keep our society running and moving forward in a positive direction. Things that without them could cause our society to collapse or fall apart.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What would be a pillar of our society?

    What would you consider to be a pillar of our society? I'm not talking about people, but ideas, values, morals, institutions. Things that keep our society running and moving forward in a positive direction. Things that without them could cause our society to collapse or fall apart.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What would be a Pillar of our society?

    What would you consider to be a pillar of our society? I'm not talking about people, but ideas, values, morals, institutions. Things that keep our society running and moving forward in a positive direction. Things that without them could cause our society to collapse or fall apart.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is Wisdom?

    I know what wisdom is, but I want your opinion about what it is. And also how do you know that you have wisdom>

    19 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Wedding Toasts?

    My sister is getting married this weekend and I have to give a toast. I've never done it before so if anyone has advice on how to make a meaningful toast I would appriciate the advice.

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago

    Why does the largest animal rights group kill animals? Mabey because there a bunch of dam hypocrites?

    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • How big will this war become?

    The current crisis in the Middle East has become an international event. How big do you think it could grow to? Are we in the beginning of World War 3? Or will this be isolated to the Middle East?

    If Syria supplies weapons then Isreal may attack Syria to. Iran said it will not let Isreal attack Syria and has called for the destruction of Isreal before. So if Iran attacks to, will the rest of the world respond and put us into WWIII?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago