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  • Do you think Barak Obama could be the antichrist? ?

    Sure, lots and lots of people throughout history have been thought of as the antichrist, but lets look at Obama:

    -undeserved love by the media

    -masses of foreigners swooning over him

    -HUGE masses of Americans following him blindly



    -pro-choice and a supporter of late term abortions

    -won his first election to senate because al of his competitors were booted off the ballot

    -came from NOWHERE to sweep the primaries

    -wants peace in the middle east and could concieveably broker a deal

    Thoughts on this?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can these two parrots be kept in the same cage, even though they are different species?

    I have a Nanday conure who has been with me for 11 years (I believe he is now roughly 14 years old) and a Senegal parrot who has been with me for 6 years and is now 7 1/2 years old. The Senegal is tame and I can handle her, but the Nanday, while once tame, was abused before I got him. He will listen to some voice commnds (like "Come on out," "time to go in," "time for bed," etc.) but cannot be handled.

    So, obviously, they have been together for quite a while. They preen each other, play together, but also fight over food and squabble sometimes. This can usually be stopped by a loud hand clap and a deep "no fighting." Anyway, a few months ago I upgraded the Nanday's cage, and now the Senegal seems to want to spend all of her time in there. When I take her out of hs cage to put her in her own for bed, she gets a little cage aggressve and will try to get away from me or bite me (she knows and listens to "step up" about 99.9% of the time, except for when I'm trying to put her to bed.)

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Mexican Day of the Dead: is it 'Dia de los Muertos' or is it 'Dia de los Difuntos'?

    I had someone tear me a "new one" because I thought that Dia de los Muertos was the proper name for the Day of the Dead celebration in MEXICO. I was told that that was the Spanish name, and that in Mexico, it is Dia de los Difuntos... and I was told that my calling it 'Dia de los Muertos' would be offensive to mexicans. Is that true?

    4 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • A questions for Muslims about blasphemy; what do you think?

    A journalist in Sudan was recently beheaded because her wrote an article questioning the parantage of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh.) Do you think that this is an appropriate punishment for writing an article like that? Can the actions of such a state (Iran falls in the same category) be justified?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Demons? Haunting? What does this dream mean!?

    I have had a reoccuring dream "setting." Different people are involved and different things happen in the dreams, but they all take place in this beautiful old, complicated victorian house. It is HUGE, like the Winchester Mystery House in CA, but it is white. It is well known (in my dream) as a "haunted" house.

    Anyway, there is a room in the house that I am always afraid to go in, but inevitably in the dream, I have to go into it. The room is large, rectangular with a door on each end, and one in the middle (the door I walk in through) and there is an unlit black fireplace opposite the door that I walk through. It is kind of dark, and dirty. The room is inhabited/haunted by invisible demons, and I eventually feel a deeeeeep sense of dread, sometimes terror, and I always suddenly leave the room feeling horrified, shaken and stressed.

    So, what the heck does this symbolize?? Any guesses?

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what CPT stands for?

    I see TONS of questions that start with "The CPT:" posted by various people with the ID "CPT the ___________ (insert goofy words here.)" What is up with that?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it fair for a transgendered woman to play on a women's ice hockey league?

    She is a she now, but she still has greater upper body strength, speed and years of experience playing ice hockey with more competitive men's teams. I am afraid of getting hurt by her slap shot!!! Is it fair for her to play in a women's league? Would it be better if she stuck with co-ed teams? I feel so bad about this, but I don't feel comfortable playing against her! What do you think? I don't treat her any differently, and she is very nice, but her strngth scares me!

  • Do you think 9/11/01 was a hoax staged by the U.S. government?

    I don't think it was... but I am wondering how many people are ignorant enough to think that it was.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to connect wirelessly with my iBook G4...?

    ...using my cell phone? My cell phone has bluetooth and can accss the internet, so can I wirelessly connect to my phone with my iBook and surf the net?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Have any Muslim groups spoken out AGAINST the Islamic-fascist terrorists?

    While not all Muslims are terrorists (of course) it seems like all terrorists are Muslim. Have any clerics spoken out against the violence toward innocent people all over the world that is being carried out in the name of Islam?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does long term use of Zoloft have any negative consequences?

    I have been on 100mg of Zoloft daily for 8 years, with one year on Effexor about 3 years ago (so really, 5 on Zoloft, one on Effexor, and 2 more on Zoloft.) I don't notice any negative effects, other than a sort of 'flattening" of my emotions. Are there any negative long term effects? liver damage? etc.?

    12 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Who's the best girl for Flav?

    I watched Flavor of Love last night and I am totally hooked. I liked Buckwild and Like Dat the best... who do you hink will win Flav's heart?

    25 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Flavor of Love? Anyone going to watch it tonight?

    The second season starts at 10:00 tonight on VH1. Is Brigette Neilsen (sp?) on it this year? Do you think Flav will finally find love???

    5 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Can Yahoo! Answers replace real human contact?

    wow... I've spent WAY too much time here... I've gone from level 2 to level 3 in about a week... how can I break this addiction???

    26 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard of the webisode series "Hero Envy?"?

    And if you have, do you think they're funny? I showed my friends and they thought there was too much swearing, but I thought it was funny.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Why do so many on users here feel so free to bash Christians?

    Philosophical debate is healthy. Questioning faith is important. Asking about the bible is productive. Debating doctrines is interesting. But WHY do so many people of many different faiths feel the need to sh*t on the Christian faith here? I see very little bashing of other belief systems (except maybe the Jews... they get picked on a lot here, too.)

    64 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the best type of shotgun for a beginning trap and skeet shooter?

    I am 32 and I am interested in learning to shoot trap and skeet. Any suggestions for a weapon?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • What is the best type of handgun for a target-shooting beginner?

    A semi-automatic? A double action revolver? What make/model? Please explain your answer if you have time. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • What ever happened to Gillian Anderson? know, that actress from The X-Files... has anyone seen her recently? Or anything that she's done?

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why do people who convert to Islam change their names?

    This is an honest question! I was reading online about several Christian men (caucasian American men, children of white European immigrants) who converted to Islam and changed their given names, kind of like when Casious Clay became Muhammed Ali after he converted.

    When it comes to African Americans who convert to Islam, I have heard the name change described as them eliminating their "slave names" and reclaiming their cultural identity...things like that.

    But why do people from other ethnic groups do it? Is there something in the Quaran that suggests a name change is necessary?

    I tried to find an answer to this question on-line, but I didn't find anything other than more conversion stories.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago