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Hey. I am absolutely obbsesed with horses! I've been riding for eight years. This summer I'm leasing a wnderful pony. I hope I can help ya'! ~Clover

  • What online homeschool do people use?

    I'm looking into Keystone right now.

    So just out of curiosity what do you guys (or your kids) use for an online program? Tell me how you like and also if its religiously affiliaited. Thanks a bunch!

    7 AnswersHome Schooling9 years ago
  • Can you guess this musical?

    -It was on Broadway around the year 2000

    -It takes place in New York

    -Female lead that someone falls in love with

    -about 5 female leads, only about 2 male

    You can have multiple guesses, go ahead!

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts10 years ago
  • Help with Latin translations?

    For a Latin project we have to make a short Powerpoint about ourselves, with sentences written in Latin. I am having difficulty and was wondering how useful Google translate is. For example, is this translation correct?

    I was born on April 6, 1996.

    Natus VI Aprilis MCMXCVI.

    I get confused on when you need to include pronouns and when they are inferred by the verb? I'm only in Latin I, so I'm new at this. =P

    Thanks for the help.

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • How do you go about finding a horse show?

    I am a beginner eventer and my pony is fairly green. He's great, doing awesome, but doesn't have much mileage. We've never gone to a show off property... trail ride once- he was good. Anyway, I'm going with my instructor to school cross country sometime soon. And then we'll try a few shows and see how it goes. Anyway, I'm struggling to find events that offer pre-elemtary level. Anyway, that was just unecessary backround... LOL. My real question is how do you find a show in your area? Thanks.

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Some random budgie questions?

    Hi everyone! I'm a first time bird owner and I've recently become very interested in getting a pet bird; specifically, a parakeet or budgie. I think it seems like the type of bird for me. However I have a few questions I'd like to ask.

    1) One or two? I really would like it to bond with me and learn to speak. But during the school year I'll be in school until 2:30 in the afternoon. After that it will be able to be with me and loose in my room. Will it be lonely by itself? I'm getting a male if that makes a difference. I would get two but I'm concerned about it caring for the other bird more than me and I would prefer to avoid that.

    2) Is it true they can't be loose in a room with a mirror? Why? Is it just because they fly into it? I'm okay with covering it, I just read that online and I was wondering if it was true.

    3) Is a 24x15 inch cage large enough? Like I said, it will be getting a decent amount of out of cage time.

    4) What do you use on the bottom of the cage? The cage I'm looking at has a wire grate on the bottom with a slide out pan... sorry if that like all cages LOL, I'm new to all of thing. (: So you'd just put litter under it right? What do you use? I don't get a newspaper. I heard corn cob is bad because it molds or something? What about aspen? What other options do I have for cage liners?

    5) How loud are these guys? Like if my door was closed would you still be able to hear them? Are they louder by themselves or with a friend? How much time do they spend squawking and chirping and whatever? Is it really annoying or is it more just like a wild bird? And will they wake the house up in the middle of the night or really early in the morning?

    Thanks a bunch everyone!

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Warts =P (20 Characters)?

    I have two bumps that I think are warts. I'm trying to figure out what kind they are, they're two different. Also, how to treat them at home? I've had them for a while.

    One is on my right ring finger. It's really small and just kind of a bump of skin, almost like a callous. Its just skin colored. It's not big or like the "cauliflower" thing.

    Then there's one above my right ankle. That one's a good bit bigger, but still not too too big. This one is more pink in color and I can feel it, but it doesn't hurt. It's kind of dry and roughish.

    Help please. Thanks everyone!

    Skin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Why do people refuse to research pets before they buy?

    Why is it that there is always someone on here who wants "A" guinea pig?? It makes me want to scream! No one seems to want enough time to read a couple of articles on their pet before buying to know whether or not they're taking care of it right. My main two that are making angry are:

    1.) You CANNOT just get one guinea pig. Sorry. You can't. They are herd animals, they don't live alone. Stop saying you're gonna get a guinea pig. You need at least two. This goes for the people who think housing rats alone is okay too.

    2.) No one seems to understand that guinea pigs need at least 7.5 square feet of cage space. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.

    The worst is when the response to both of these is, "I know, but I'm gonna play with it allll the time so it won't be lonely/ won't feel cramped in my stupidly bought way too small cage." No. Nonononono. If you can't care for an animal correctly, it isn't fair for the animal's sake to keep it at all. No amount of out of cage time, or whatever other excuse changes this. Grrr. For all of the annoyingly ignorant questions though. Not just those ones- those are just really common beginner mistakes and it simply isn't fair for the animal.

    The worst part is the fact that I have never owned a guinea pig, don't plan on it, nor (no offense to piggy lovers) do I particularly like them. Not for any real reason, just not really taken to them. But I love all animals and if you're gonna keep one as a pet, you better do it right.

    My favorite way to explain it:

    You live completely by yourself in a small bedroom. All day, all night, every day of the year. For one hour every day you get visited by a dog, who then leaves and the door closes behind it. You would be lonely, depressed, and most likely go insane rather quickly.

    This is what an animal who is supposed to have same species companion ship would feel without it.

    Ugh. Really sorry to vent and all, but some other people must share my frustration?

    14 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • My dog jumped in the pool after my dad shocked it. Is she okay?

    My black lab puppy jumped into the pool after my dad had just put a bunch of chlorine in it earlier today. She's about 14 months old. She loves swimming and she's always in the pool. We put her inside so she wouldn't go in, but my brothers let her out to play with her, then stopped watching her and she went for a swim. Is she going to be okay? She's in her crate right now because she's wet and I obviously didn't want her outside and back in the pool.

    I don't know how much chlorine was in it. She seems okay, I think. She's crying a bit but I'm fairly sure it's just because she's unhappy about being the crate- we haven't really been putting her in it lately, so she isn't that used to it anymore. She's also panting, but it's quite warm and it's humid, so I don't think that's weird either. Help please!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How to bring up getting a pet rat?

    I want a pet rat really badly. I've done tons of research on them- haha if you google search anything having to do with rats on my computer every links already been clicked on.

    We have a pet dog, but really she's my dad's. She'll do anything for him, and she's a great dog, I can play with her and everything, but just definitely not 'mine.' I want a pet that is my responsibility and that I can take care of.

    Anyway, my parents are extremely strict. Especially my dad. My mom has kind of already said no, but not vehemently or anything. I don't really know if she's taking me seriously. My dad is the one is going to make or break the deal. Whatever he says, my mom will probably go on his side- if he says yes then he can get her to agree. The other issue is what he says goes. If he says no, it's pretty much a no. No convincing.

    Obviously, when most people hear "rats" they go ewww, and have a generally negative reaction. But I know they make wonderful pets, and I really want two girls to take care of. So, my question is how I bring up the topic of keeping pet rats in a way that I will be taken seriously, and so that I get across that they are good pets and that I should have them.

    -I made a power point (haven't shown it to anyone)

    -My room is almost always clean

    -I get straights A's

    5 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • I don't understand this story?

    Read this story:

    King Arthur sends Sir Lancelot out on an important mission to deliver a message to the king of Spain. It is a long distance, and Lancelot looks in the Kingdom for a good horse to take him there. His own horse is sick, and all he can find is an old mare, but, since he has to leave quickly, he takes the mare.

    About 3 days out of the Kingdom, Lancelot realizes his mistake. The horse gets tired and appears to be going lame. He finally makes it to a small village and gets to the Inn. He goes up to the Innkeeper and explains his problem. That is, he needs a good horse so that he can fulfill his mission to deliver the message for the king. The Innkeeper replies that this is only a small village, and most of the horses around are not up to the task. He is welcome to look around, however, and if he can find anything, he is certainly welcome to it.

    Lancelot looks around the village, and true as the Innkeeper has said, no good horse is to be found. As Lancelot is about to give up, he comes across a stable boy carting some feed. He asks the stable boy if there is any beast of burden in the village that he can use to fulfill his mission. The stable boy thinks for a minute, and starts to reply no, but then says, go see if Old Mange in the barn can help you.

    Lancelot goes over to the barn expecting to find a horse. What he finds is a very large dog: almost as large as a pony. The dog is a mess, however. It is mangy, parts of its fur are falling off, and it is full of fleas. Lancelot is desperate at this point, and he looks it over carefully. It does, however, appear to be strong enough to take him to Spain (which is only 3 days away at this point).

    Lancelot goes back to the Innkeeper, and acknowledges that he cannot find a horse in the village that he can use. He says, however that this dog, Old Mange, might be able to take him most (if not all) of the way to his destination. The Innkeeper hears this, stiffens up, and says : Sir. I wouldn't send a Knight out on a dog like that.

    It's supposd to be a funny story, for like summer camp and young kids and stuff, but I don't get the joke at the end? Am I just being really dumb? Do you guys get it?

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Ahh why won't this CD go onto iTunes?

    Let me warn you I'm not a computer person so I probably won't give you the right info, so ask if you need to.

    I'm trying to put a couple of CDs onto iTunes so I can put it on my iPod. I put the CD in and a box comes up that gives me the options Play or View Files in Folder. So I click View Files and it opens all the songs. I go into iTunes, hit File- Add Folder to Library... Then I go into the Folder with the music, hit select all, and it goes through the long process of doing a bunch of things and then putting it on iTunes. Which is all well and good, except for once I take out the CD it says "The song XXX could not be found because it's original file could not be located. Would you like to locate it?" And it doesn't work because the original file is the CD obviously. If I have the CD actually in the computer, it's okay, but I'm not going to put in the CD every time I just want to listen to a song. Plus it makes it a lot harder to put on my iPod. Could someone explain to me how to get the files actually on the comuter? Thanks a bunch!

    Also: Is it possible to change the name/artist/album of these CDs? I don't know why but its a different kind of CD then normal I guess and it's being really annoying. But yeah, I can change all of that on all my music except for these couple of CDs someone gave me.. jsut these CDs all the other ones work fine.. why are they weird and how do I make it work!!! Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What colors do you think?

    For cross country, what colors do you think I should use on my strawberry roan pony. I don't have any pictures of him online, but this horse's coloration is kind of similar:

    Although I think my boy is prettier. =] Not that I'm biased or anything... Hehe thanks for the help!

    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Bunch of rat questions?

    I am planning on adopting some female rats, and I have a few random questions (most are opinion as I've done a ton of research so I know most of the facts. LOL) First time rat owner. (:

    1) Do you prefer Tekland or Oxbow lab blocks? I believe I heard that Tekland was more nutritionally complete, but Oxbow was made of better quality ingredients? Which do you use/prefer and why? Where do you buy? Which is cheaper?

    2) Is it better to get two or three females? Does it make a big difference? Will they be happier? How much of difference does it make in cleaning?

    3) I was planning on litter box training. Are girls okay with this, or worse because they are more active and whatnot. Any experience with litter box training your rats?

    4) How many rats does Martin's 695 hold? The Rat Tower? I think its 24"x14"

    5) Any name suggestions for groups of two or three female rats?

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Is it better to get two rats, or three?

    If you have a cage that can hold three rats comfortably (Martin's Rat Tower) and have the option of getting two or three rats, which should I get? Does in make a big difference in any way? Will they be happier? Thank you!

    5 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Name for a pair of female rats?

    Hopefully I'll be getting a pair of does soon! I can't think of what to call them. My original idea, which I'm still quite fond of, was getting three and naming them Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup after the Power Puff Girls. However, when I measured where I'm keeping the cage, it's a bit smaller than I'd hoped, forcing me to get a size smaller that I wanted. I'm getting a Martin's- the 690 maybe? Can't remember the number. It's the 24"x18" one with a full second floor and two ledges. Or is this big enough for three? I want my rats to be comfortable and happy. Anyway, main question is names for girls, that are related somehow preferably, for groups of two or three. Oh if it helps any, the ones I'm looking at at the moment are a beige self, a black berkshire, and a black hooded. Thank you!

    7 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Favorite online pet supply store?

    Where do you guys go to buy your pet stuff? ie. Petsmart, Petco, Drs. Foster and Smith. What website do you recommend. I'm looking for somewhere I can order bedding, litter, a bunch of toys and whatnot, some hammocks. Random stuff, for me a rat, but just in general. Thanks!

    2 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Professional Choice SMB boot experience?

    I am wondering if anyone here understands the difference between the SMB II, III, and Elite? I want to buy a set but I would like to know what I'm buying. And does anyone here use them? Experience and opinions please? Thanks a bunch!

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Cross country colors for my horse (and where to buy??)?

    I event with my pony (he's not technically mine, long story, but for the sake of this...). This summer will be the first year I compete with him. So, that means I get to pick colors and shop for new clothes for him. (: Haha anyway, I was wondering what colors you thought I should do, and where you can get stuff with a good color selection. On SmartPak they had a lot of colors, but not really what I was looking for.

    What I was thinking was royal blue as my main color for everything, then my trim and whatnot either purple or lime green. I really want the second color to pop, be bright. That's where my issue comes in. I can't really find stuff with bright color options (ie. saddle pads, bell boots, helmet cover, possibly cooler and/or stable blanket..). On SmartPak I could get stuff with blue and purple, I think that's a bit boring? Unless it was maybe lilac, or a bright purple, but on that site wasn't. So, any color ideas, or opinions on my color ideas, and where to find good colors? Thanks a bunch!

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Corn snake temperatures?

    I was wondering on the specifics of corn snake temperatures. I have read that there should be an under tank heating pad, and the warm side should be around 82 and the cool side around 76. What I was wondering is what is the temperature of? Is the floor and substrate (the only thing the pad is going to heat, right?) the only thing important to keep warm? I know they need the belly heat for digestion, but is ambient heat important as well? If it is do you need a heat lamp or ceramic heat emitter in addition to the heating pad? And do corn snakes need a basking spot? Haha sorry for all the questions, and I know corn snakes are hardy and they'd probably be okay anyway, but I want everything to be as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Thank you!

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Corn snakes, males vs. females?

    Is there a difference between male and female corn snakes in keeping them as pets? Mainly in personality. It would be a first time pet. Definitely not breeding, so I don't care in that aspect. I know some species females are larger than males, is this true in corns? Thank you!

    5 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago