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Magick Angel
Blood pressure in pregnancy?
I am pregnant and keep being told that if my blood pressure gets "very low" I have to go to hospital asap
What is classed as "very low"?
I just tested it and was 76/60 is that hospital low or is that just low?
2 AnswersPregnancy3 years agoFish for a 24l tank?
I just bought a 24l fish tank but don t know what fish I can put in it.
The shop has a point system so you know what can go in and according to that I can have 3 goldfish or 5 temperate fish.
When unasked about the goldfish unease then told that the tank is not big enough for ANY goldfish!
Looking online apparently the only thing suitable for a 24l tank is a shrimp.
Does anyone know of any fish that can go in a 24l tank???
4 AnswersFish4 years agoNeed tech help! Opening pdf on a tablet?
Someone has sent me a pdf document. I m trying to open it on my tablet but it keeps trying to open as .php
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
I m using a Lenovo tablet with Google chrome and adobe pdf reader.
3 AnswersSoftware4 years agoFarm to visit with cow milking?
Anyone know of any farms where I can visit and watch cows being milked with a machine in the herts/beds/bucks kind of area?
I went to one with my school as a kid and loved it. No idea where it was. If I remember correctly it had a old round Hut from like medieval times there.
Any ideas?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games4 years agoGrumbly Appendix. When to go to hospital?
I had sharp pains in my lower right stomach so I saw my doctor. She said it was a grumbley appendix and sent me home with paracetamol she said if the pain is constant, I get a fever or I am vomiting to go to hospital.
It s now 2 days later and the pain in my side is sharper and more uncomfortable but it is not constant.
The pain is like a sharp pinch and has spread to the left but is mainly on the right.
I do not have fever and have not vomited.
I m scared it will burst.
Should I go to hospital?
If I go they will take it out. I don t want to have surgery unless it is needed.
I also worry that they will say I m wasting their time cos it s not constant pain.
Any advise?
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management4 years agoFeel sick all the time. Worth going to doctors?
I don t know if i should go to my doctor or not...
I have been feeling really sick for a couple of days now. It s in my stomach and throat. I haven t actually been sick as I have a fear of vomiting but I have been close to being sick.
For some reason I can t handle sweet things, the thought of them make me retching high is weird cos I normally have a sweet tooth. Even flavoured water is making me gag.
I think it s a bug or something but husband it telling me to go to the doctors.
They can t do anything for bugs can they?!
Anyone know of anything I can have to stop feeling sick? Like ginger biscuits and peppermint tea
5 AnswersOther - General Health Care4 years agobaby boy name?
I am struggling to think of a boys name.
The girls name i have is Tabitha which I love. although its highly likely i will have a boy.
current front runners are Dexter, Lukas, Oscar, Orion but none are "right"
Any suggestions?
9 AnswersBaby Names5 years agoHelp! How can I protect myself from dust during construction?
I have to have the ceiling ripped out of my flat to replace the boiler.
I have bad asthma so I am terrified that the dust will cause me to have asthma attacks. What can I do to stop the dust spreading from the rooms they are working in? The one they won t be going in will have the door shut and taped up so no dust can get in. But the kitchen and bathroom will have people trampling through spreading the dust. What can I do?
I m scared!
8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years agoCharacter name help.?
I need a name for 2 side characters for my book.
First one is a really overweight man. He has mousey brown hair and blue eyes but his skin is always greasy and sweaty. He is a nice man, friendly and caring but is always shovelling food in his mouth. He is pretty disgusting really.
Second is a tall thin man with dark hair and glasses. He is obsessive about things being the way he likes it and thinks anyone that disagrees are uneducated uncultured swines. He is pretty stuck up and obnoxious.
Both are white and around in early 30s.
4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years agonew Conch piercing long bar?
I had my Conch pierced 4 days ago and its healing well so far.
Problem is, I had a curved bar put in (didnt have a choice) but the bar is 10mm which is really long.
I know it needs to be long because of swelling and cleaning but its so long (i only have small ears) if i lean on it, the bar is pushed forwards and i have about .5cm sticking out of my ear. i try to push it back to level it out so it doesnt get tangled in my hair but i worry that is causing the hole stress and will slow the healing process.
I want to swap it out for a slightly shorter bar so it is more comfortable particularly to sleep on.
What is the earliest i can change it?
Piercer said 6 months but thats when its healed enough to wear more decorative rings etc. i plan to change it for a bar exactly the same just 2mm shorter.
When yould you change it?
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body5 years agoServing notice period but no work for me to do - UK?
I am serving my 1 week notice at a new job. it was not working out.
There is no work for me to do. like literally nothing.
HR said I can leave earlier but I will not get paid for the days I do not work.
That's fair enough,
I said I am prepared to work my last week as normal.
What am I meant to do if there is nothing for me to do??
I am just sitting here, looking at a blank screen.
I have asked everyone if they have anything I can do, they all said no.
Its not like I can sit and read a book or watch a film on my tablet or something.
If they have no work shouldn't they let me go early and pay me till the end of the week seeing as I am willing to work but they have nothing for me to do?
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years agoExcel help?
How would I say this in excel?
If the text in D2 is "licence" AND the date in K2 is greater than today, return the word Active. If the date in K2 is less than or equal to today, return the word Expired. If the text in D2 is NOT "licence" return a blank cell.
I can do the active/expired section.
Struggling to add the last bit.
Anyone help please??
2 AnswersSoftware6 years agotraining my replacement - anything I can do?
my contract is being ended, the department is being outsourced.
the new team have zero training.
my manager has been hounding me to document EVERYTHING I do so he can learn it.
To the point where I was signed off with stress because of the constant hounding.
I have been told that the department is being outsourced but I need to finish the documents NOW!
When I asked if the documents are being used to train the new team, I was told "they are for departmental use"
so I said, "if they are for departmental use, and there is no department anymore, why the badgering to get them done?"
his response is "I need something to train the new guys with, and if it doesn't work out with them and the department needs to come back here, we need something to train new staff"
I tried talking to HR, they told my manager and his boss that I was being obstructive.
I have done 17.5 out of 18 documents.
Can I delete them?
Can I refuse to finish the last one?
I know its a losing battle and I might as well give in but they are making things difficult for my last 2 months here and considering, I have had to train my manager as he knows NOTHING about the department I am really angry that I am being cut lose and replaced yet I have to provide the training docs!
before I was signed off, I said, I Cannot do the documents this week, I am too busy with urgent tickets.
I was told, if I refuse to complete the docs this week I will be fired for withholding company information.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoIs my ear suitable for an industrial piercing?
I have wanted an industrial piercing for ages but I think my ear is too small and the cartilage is too thick.
Any piercers out there that can tell if it's doable or not?
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body6 years agoI want to cook Christmas dinner at a local wardened block of flats - do-able?
so my granddad has just lost my nan and he has moved 150 miles from his home to be nearer family. he is in a block of flats with other older people but understandably he is finding it had to adjust and make friends.
I had the idea of cooking Christmas dinner for everyone at the flats on Christmas day to bring them together, hopefully help granddad to settle in.
Granddad does not want to spend the day at my parents as there will be lots of noise and children etc.
I have not done this kind of thing before but I am a capable cook and have people that can help me, access to a van etc
There are 34 flats, 1 person in each, plus the staff of about 4 and family, I think there will be around 50 people.
Where would I start?
Do I need any kind of certification or anything to be able to cook for other people?
aside from obviously arranging this with the flat wardens and the logistics of buying/cooking everything is there anything else that needs to be done/taken into consideration for me to do this?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture6 years agoEmployment Law question?
I have worked for a company for 3 years. on a rolling 12 month contract.
in march a new person was bought in on a permanent contract to work alongside me.
2 months ago I was told that my contract will not be renewed and I will be terminated in December as "there is no scope for my role anymore"
Since then, my superiors have been frantically getting me to document everything and train the girl I work with on EVERYTHING asap.
She is staying and continuing with my position.
we are the only 2 people that are in this role in the whole company.
The job is a 2 person task at least.
I have also been told that "if I attempt to withhold information I will jeopardise the remainder of my time with the company"
(I have not withheld anything at all)
Can they end my contract early if they feel I am withholding information even if I am not?
Now they have given me my notice effectively, should they give me time off to attend interviews?
I have asked to be made permanent since I started but they said there is no scope for a permanent role. yet they then employ someone on a permanent contract to replace me.
I also do not have a department manager at the moment.
My manager walked out and we have a stand in replacement that has never dealt with this type of department.
Do I have anything to argue or should I carry on doing as I am told?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years agotravelling to different country during out of hours - should I be given time in lieu?
I have to travel for my work (USA and Europe)
I have to book the majority of my flights on a Saturday or sunday.
I now have to book a flight on Saturday so I am there to work from 6am on Sunday.
I will be working all week, 14 hour days each day.
Should I be given time in lieu for the Saturday and sunday?
I have had to miss a close family wedding because of this trip and been told "even if it was YOU getting married, you would still be missing the are going to Europe!"
2 AnswersLaw & Legal6 years agoLandlady increasing rent every time we have a repair?
We have been in this flat for almost 7 years.
Washing machine had to be replaced 18 months ago. Landlady increased rent by £25 a month.
Waste disposal unit had to be replaced and now she has put rent up another £25 a month.
We have asked her/estate àgents/management company to repair the communal door which is hanging off and not secure at all and also the car park barrier which has to be held up by a paintbrush because they won't fix it.
We have been told that the door and the car park barrier will not be repaired as it keeps being damaged (the block has 64 flats in)
Can the landlady do this?
Our contract states that there is a secure communal door and secure car park.
Also that the landlady will repair any part of the "part furnishings" and the flat itself (walls etc) providing it is of natural wear and tear (if we break something obviously we repair it)
We have always been good tennents.
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years agoShould I go to A&E - Asthma and chest infection?
I have had flu for a few days
the cough has gone down to my chest now and I think it may have become a chest infection.
I have asthma and I have just recovered from a very bad asthma attack.
The chest infection is making my chest tight and inhalers are not relieving.
Should I go to A&E for antibiotics and a nebuliser or leave it and wait till it goes away?
I have been told for asthma, always go to a&e if the inhalers are not helping but I don't want to waste anyones time
2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago