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I know quite a bit about computers, common sense and whatnot. Doesn't mean I apply it to my real life though for some things like health matters.

  • Are all Trident Gums ADA Accepted? Also, what is the full range of Flavors available in the US?

    I don't seem to remember any of the flavors I've looked at as not having information about fighting cavities...

    Also, I know for a fact that the Trident Gum website does not have information for all of their gums. I know there is one called Splashing Mint, and another Splashing ______ flavor that is supposed to be fruity. Does anyone know the full list?

    I can't believe I forgot how great Trident tastes until several months ago. Some of my earliest memories involve my mom giving me a couple sticks of the Original Flavor.

    Anyway, thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • My Niece tends to get her way, regardless...?

    My Sister and her middle daughter, live with me. Unfortunately, my Niece is very... contrary when she does not get her way. She will scream, curse, throw and break things, including items that belong to her and items that do not belong to her. She will do so in public and in private. Unfortunately this is how she has always been even when she was younger. My Sister tries to tell me that she is only trying to make up for her not getting to do things with Daddy and her other siblings (Because she never would behave herself.) when she takes her out on special trips especially after an outburst.

    Yesterday was especially bad. My nephew rode bikes with me home from his Dad's house since we had to bring my Niece's bike over there earlier in the day so I could use her Dad's tools to get the seat post raised (It was stuck). Since he didn't get to spend time with Mommy on the weekend, he was going to go to the movies with Mommy.

    Apparently my Sister forgot my phone was on the fritz and despite having planned to set it up so that Darling Daughter wouldn't have a clue about the movie (in order to prevent a fit) she tried to blame my not answering her message to send the nephew out under the guise of Daddy picking him up.

    So then drama, drama, drama started. Darling Daughter ran out the door cursing and screaming. I got her back inside though she did make a scene cursing and yelling. My Sister insisted that she was going to take her to Movies too, but we all know you don't reward a kid for throwing a fit especially when said kid is in middle school and should be mature enough to not need to be babied like that. I had to argue the point with my Sister. First of all she really didn't have the money to be taking an extra person to the Movies in the first place and it was supposed to be a special mother-son thing anyway. Then with the childish fit throwing... Well, I think you can see my point. Luckily she and son left without her.

    Anyway, what would you have done in this situation. Keep in mind that previously mentioned niece of mine is 13 and throws a fit at every little thing and never gets punished.

    I can't keep my mouth shut anymore. Her brother and sisters don't throw childish fits and only one of them is older than her. She only lives with Mommy because Daddy can't put up with her crap any longer.

    1 AnswerGrade-Schooler10 years ago
  • Do Jehovah's Witnesses have guidelines? If so, am I some sort of perfect target?

    I ask this because at least once a year, I am approached and this morning is the second time in the last few months, if I recall correctly that I have been approached, although this time stands out quite a bit from the others.

    What guidelines, if any, do Jehovah's Witnesses have for how to approach, when to approach, and where to approach a person with their material? Most of the time I am at a bus stop, minding my own business, with either earphones or earbuds on, blasting music.

    Today I was approached as I was walking to the store. I wasn't walking slowly, mind you. My short legs were carrying me as fast as I could go with my bookbag slung over my shoulder and a blended coffee in hand. I spotted a car parked in an area that it should not have been and lo and behold it was a Jehovah's Witness. I didn't have time to talk. I needed to get into the store and out in time for my next bus and I already was running late due to the Coffee stop.

    I don't mean to offend, but what the heck are you (Jehovah's Witnesses) thinking when you see someone waiting for a bus or walking down the street. What do you look for when you are scouting for people to talk to and hand out your materials to? Is it because I am overweight? Is it because I am short? Is it because my hair wasn't quite dry or that I don't grin like an idiot all the time because I tend to think about very serious things and therefore don't feel the need to smile constantly? Is it because I somehow justified paying 4 bucks plus tip for a cold coffee drink that I must be saved?

    Seriously. Someone walking down the street with a frown on their face likely isn't just someone that is unhappy with life. I smile when I am very happy but there is nothing fun about rushing to grab something from the store and hoping to catch the one and only bus that will get me to work on time.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Is this a lucid dream? Also what would be the best way to wake myself from a nightmare such as this?

    I would say that I am on the border of becoming fully aware of when I am having a nightmare. I just awoke from one that had trains crashing over a strange interchange above water that made me fall, then waking up in a helicopter above a War Zone looking for targets with a special camera...etc and I realized I was dreaming. Instinctively I tried to move my hands and head but could not until I slowly became more aware of being in my own bed and finally managed to jolt awake.

    I'm guessing that I am dreaming about these things because my life is very chaotic right now and unsure... But I would rather not have that kind of experience again.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Does anyone other than me like their Hash Browns more than a little bit soggy?

    I LOVE my hash browns to be soggy. The thing is, though, that all over the place I see people complaining about soggy hash browns, wanting to find a way to get them crispier... Am I the only one that likes to be soggy?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Do you dream more vividly with an eyemask on?

    I swear my dreams are much more complicated and downright more vivid when I fall asleep with my eyemask on. The worst part is that within an hour of falling asleep or so, I am having to wake up from a particularly vivid dream and wind up unable to find my eyemask until I find it far away from my face... Like 10 minutes ago, I found them at the foot of my bed...

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What are the odds of someone dying within the same month they were born?

    Within my extended family, we've had two recent deaths with birthdates and deathdates occuring within the month of April.

    I am curious to know whether or not this is just random or if it happens quite often...

    12 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • President Obama by any other name...?

    Obviously there has to be some reason that there are so many questioning President Obama's location of birth.

    Well what if his name was different, like say "Johnathan" or something perceived as more "American" like Steve or Joe?

    That and the fact that he was born in Hawaii; So I am forced to suppose that some people look at Hawaii as though it's some exotic country rather than an actual state.

    What if he had been born in say, California, Minnesota, or Kansas... What then? Would people still be so against him?

    And why are people so quick to blame him for every problem the US of A has, when the whole budget deficit has been decades in the making.

    Are the majority of American people really that petty and small-minded?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is there a Cadbury Creme Egg Shortage or something?

    Each morning M-F I usually wind up picking up a little something at a Safeway NW Washington State, and I've been meaning to buy Cadbury Creme Eggs there but for more than a week now they have only seemed to carry the largely overpriced 4 packs of Cadbury Creme Eggs. I've asked what's going on but the morning shift people don't seem to know anything about anything despite asking me each morning if I need any help.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Is T-Mobile BSing me?

    I have had my T-Mobile G1 for just over a year. About 3 months ago it started having issues that weren't solved by merely turning it off/removing the battery... I've had the phone put through a Master Reset Twice already with the most recent time being Wednesday Evening and for the past two mornings since, My Contacts have disappeared and the first time I was able to fix it by taking the battery out, but this morning T-Mobile Customer Service (AKA Customer BS) had to force it to sync... Even then it took forever before my contacts showed up. It's also been picking and choosing when it wants to ring and I missed two calls yesterday because I never heard my ringer go off despite that it was set to ring for all incoming calls and I was in the same room within hearing distance.

    Before the Master Reset, It would dial numbers all on it's lonesome while it was "locked" and the only reason I would notice is because I would be listening to music and the music would cut out and I'd "unlock" it and see it was making a call. It also had missing applications (Google Maps... Navigator, etc) and such.

    I am not stupid. They told me to turn it off at least once daily and take the battery out once a week because that will help it sync... Well that's funny, my Sister has the same freaking phone/service/etc, but has had zero problems and her phone is turned off more rarely than mine... And it didn't start doing this sync freaking out on me until the Master Reset on Wednesday Night.

    As someone who has much experience with troubleshooting issues on Computers, I have a feeling this is not just a syncing issue and that the trouble runs deeper, in the hardware perhaps. I'm sick and tired of my phone. That isn't something I should be feeling only a year after first getting the phone and I feel like they're saying it's my fault. I don't know anyone who has to do that and I know several people with smart phones... Are they BSing me?

    BTW, my Sister is fed up with the problems I'm having and is ready to cancel the service so that we can start a new plan and get new phones we've been having our eyes on for a while since I first started having issues.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I can't decide where to start the second chapter of my story... Help me decide!?

    I'm writing a story (well it's a fan fiction story really) and cannot decide how to start the second chapter.

    The story involves a Mentor of a team of Power Rangers, that has been living with a curse. To be exact, he's a werewolf and in the first chapter I've had him bite one of the rangers while he's turned.

    The first chapter ends in a cliffhanger where the bite takes place. I had that particular chapter in the point of view of the ranger that wound up getting bitten.

    Now what I need help deciding is whether to start out with the Mentor's point of view or the Ranger's or an entirely different character altogether... (Only one other character is aware of the Main Char's curse and where he goes to safely change.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How to start a conservator-ship for a family member in California?

    My Mother is both blind and in a wheelchair, both due to complications with Diabetes she allowed to go uncontrolled for much of her life. She has proven unable to make good decisions yet insists that she is capable of living on her own without prior arrangements to get the help she would need. She won't listen to me or any of my sisters when we tell her she can't just jump headlong into what she feels is her only chance for "Freedom". We're scared that she may wind up dead before the year is out because of these decisions she's making to leave the care of the places she has been in.

    How do we go about arranging a conservator-ship for the time being since none of us are in a position that we can take her in.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is it bad news seems to come on days that are supposed to be good/happy?

    I got news my Mom freaked out and went to stay in a Motel (she's blind and crippled and generally unable to care for herself and has been behaving strangely on the phone lately) last night. This morning (my birthday) I get a call from my Eldest Sister saying she had been planning to visit our Mom today but that Mom decided to leave last night, and then when she found out where Mom went to and called that place, the Motel said she had been taken by ambulance to the Hospital...

    Yeah, great way to start off my Birthday. So do you think there is some sort of significance?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is the expected lifetime for headphones/earbuds that are used heavily?

    AKA: On full blast for 4 hours or more a day.

    I can't seem to make a pair of headphones or earbuds last more than a year and half.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Foreign Film about a troubled boy who has the voice of an Angel...?

    I think it was french but I could be wrong. It began with a composer being called by a friend and then goes back to the arrival of a new teacher at a boys school who directs the choir. At first there are very little hope for the choir but the teacher discovers one of the most troublesome boys at the school has an absolutely amazing voice and works hard to help that boy get into a music school.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Does this mean it is entirely legal for a parent to serve their child alcohol?

    Laws are such confusing things but I was looking some stuff up online and found this: which is a Alcohol Consumption/Possession law for the State I live in and from what I can understand, the law does not apply to a parent/guardian serving the minor alcohol within their own home... Am I understanding this law correctly? So that means that my Sister could serve her Daughter some Champagne or Wine, or Beer, or whatever so long as it's at home and she keeps her daughter at home until all effects of the alcohol have worn off if there are any?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What are some options to get my GED in WA State?

    I am 22, almost 23 years old and live in the Everett area. I last attended a Charter High School in California but the majority of my HS education was in WA State in the Everett School District.

    I dropped out when I was 17 due to a combination of being needed at home to watch my youngest Niece while my Sister and her Husband were at work along with trouble I was having in school both academically and socially.

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • What would you say is the most important room in a dwelling?

    I say the kitchen. Not only do I like to eat, I also like to cook... And you don't normally cook in the Living Room...

    5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Why is it so few Movies based on Books are ever even close to being true to the book?

    For instance, the 2003 Movie version of Maniac Magee... I couldn't even watch the first 15 minutes of that before I felt like I was going to lose my mind...

    Granted, I liked the LOTR movies... But so far, they're the only movies that have come close to being as good as the book.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What would you say is the best gift to give someone who has just moved out on their own for the first time?

    I was thinking a good Cookbook and maybe some other Kitchen Necessities and/or a gift card to a Grocery Store.

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago