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  • Starting an import business?

    I would like to import some products. But the problems are I don't know how to find customers in USA and I have no idea where to start....

    My product are raw materials like palm sugar, coconut cooking oil, konyaku, taro also some recycle food products like copra meal, molasses.

    Can anyone help me please?

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • How to report homeless cat?

    There're many homeless cats in my neighbourhood. Some of them are breeding. What I hate most, they were poop in my lawn, and that interact flies and went through my house. So gross...where I can report about that homeless cats...or, what kind of thing (plant, chemical,etc) that cat hate most? I want to put something in my lawn that safe for my plant also for human. I just allergic to them...

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is law of attraction work?

    I just heard about the secret movie, also read a little about law of attraction. Is it work? Is there somebody here want to share their testimonial after doing this? I need real people with real honest testi. Please don't give about other people testi, just yours.

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Where's the money goes?

    I don't understand about today's economic..but in this hard situation I become more confused...where are all the money (that government print) go? When and how it started? Why so many companies file bankruptcy? So many layoffs, and more economic struggle? And any idea to overcome this situation? Right now I'm still looking for a job to provide income for my family.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • ATT customer service sucks?

    I just have with my phone lines and internet. I use ATT service. My problem is I cannot call outside or receive phone, also my internet ar on and off. Luckily I can open this website... I just call the service, but they have very sucks answering machine, I mean its really really sucks. They just throw me like a ball, here and there. Ask me to put my phone number on and on...and nobody real MAN answer it. Does anybody know what is their real service number is that a real man will ask?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Is it to late to become an Architect?

    Ok... I'm 33 years old, married with one lovely boy.

    Since my youth I have a passion to become an architect but it's never been accomplish.

    So is it too late to become an architect in my age?

    I'm planning to get into college again. But before I make this least I want some opinion, especially from somebody who have speciality in this field.

    How much is the challenge to become an architect?

    What is gonna take to become one?

    What should I prepare?

    3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • balance transfer with 0% APR is that good?

    I'm holding discover Credit Card and today i've got an offer about 0% APR until next year for balance that good?

    I just want to consolidate my debt with other Credit Card which is have 14,99% APR

    What I just don't understand, Discover said that there is 3% balance transfer fee is that better or not?

    And what is Default rate means?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Job From Home?

    I'm a fulltime mom.

    I really want to help the financial situation in our family.

    Is there any job from home that not need cold calling, prospecting, legitimate, genuine, and doesn't cost any fees or something to sign up...

    Because mostly the offer about job from home they ask us to pay some amount first and they just selling data....i hate that.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Start a bussiness without income yet?

    We have w2 and we also start a bussiness on last nov and until december we didn.t have income yet. But we already pay a lot for training and start up cost.

    Can we claim that capital (training cost, miliage, startup cost) for tax refund?

    How do we apply income tax for both?

    Can we apply ourselves or better with CPA's help?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Is buy stock through ing direct share builder save?

    I saw an ad in yahoo about buying stock through Ing Direct just $4. How is it work? Is it save? can I make money from this way? I'm a beginner

    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Any tips for winter vacations with toodler?

    I'll bring my toodler (1,5 y/o) on winter vacation. Is there any tips that I should prepare. We will drive to a place with the temperature 25 F.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Has anyone can give me suggestion about Dropshipping wholesale?

    I need to make extra income from home. I just want to try to sell something in ebay/amazon. And I found that many wholesale dropshipping company out there. Which one is really legit? I already read about doba, and world wide brand. Has anyone have experience with this kind of bussiness and want to share with me? Thanks before.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • fever up and down on toddler?

    My toddler, 16 m old, has a fever since tuesday. After taking a nap his temp raise until 102. Then I brought him to the doctor. He gave him antibiotic and ibuprofen. he said that my toddler's throat got red. From then his temperature goes up and down. in the afternoon his temp normal. But in the evening or late night his temp raise until 103, and after I gave ibuprofen, it cool down again. This morning he little bit fever again, (100,7)Is that normal that his fever goes up and down even though its already 4 days and he already taking medicine?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How can I add image to my Friendster profile background ?

    I already follow the direction and use image shack and my own image but it doesn't work, after I save it, the profile goes plain and standard without any color and no background. I'm using 1152 x 864 pixel dimension image

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How can I add image to my Friendster profile background ?

    I already follow the direction and use image shack and my own image but it doesn't work, after I save it, the profile goes plain and standard without any color and no background. I'm using 1152 x 864 pixel dimension image

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Help I discolor my sweater?

    By accident I use bleach on my cream sweater and it has white spotted I cannot bleach all because there is brown I can save my sweater.

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • I have allergy to cat?

    How keep the neighbour's cat away from my yard. (my neighbour's cat often "poop" on my yard....yuckkkkkkksssss)

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • About infant car seat for Galant 2000?

    My son is 1 year old and is currently an even 23 pounds and 30 inches. He needs a new outgrowing car seat.

    The question is what to get next. We obviously want the safest option (NTHSA Requirement) and not too expensive.

    Is there anything we need to be concerned about?

    What models should we be looking at? Any suggestion?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago