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Hi....I am a 7th Day Adventist christian .

  • Because of my heart condition My work attendance was bad, in and out of the hospital a lot and my job let me?

    go. My husband wasn't working at the time, I was supporting him. my doctor advised me to apply for SSI and I did just that! After a year of supporting my husband he was awarded disability, and since my SSI was based on his income they stopped my SSI, his disability was deemed to me. Now that he has his own income and mine has stopped he will not put me on his checking account, will not let me have access to any finances, says its none of my business, I found out that he has a drug problem and the bills are no longer his top priority, lets the bills go because of his habit. When I ask him why a bill wasn't paid he dosnt want to discuss it, get angry and threatens to leave me, divorce etc,...and believe me if I didn't have a heart problem I wouldn't be jobless!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • I am 52 and married for 8 years, what am I supposed to do when I lose my SSI because my husband was awarded his disability...?

    he wont allow me any access to the money or involve me in our finances saying its none of my business, I recently found out that his top priority isn't paying the bills, its something else " DRUGS ". When I enquire about a bill that didn't get paid he gets angry with threats about divorce, leaving me high and dry with no support or a way to survive...when all I want him to do is pay the bills......any advice?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • My oldest sister is in the hospital not expected to make it, her husband and my other 3 siblings go to the?

    hospital every day to be by her side, they car pool to do this so to say, I don't have a vehicle and cant get around but yet they wont come by and pick me up to go see my sister before she passes away, they wont call me and tell me how shes doing or anything,,,,,I call them but I get no answer etc....when I do get an answer its short and curt....I don't know how to handle this situation, do I have the right to be angry at them?....should I wait until its all over before I give them a piece of my mind or what ?

    7 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Has anyone ever heard of Myler Disability law firm ?....I have an SSI claim with them?

    them for over a year and I never can get in touch with them or hear from them, is there any way I can attain another lawyer and it not wipe out all my back pay ?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • I need some info on the signs of crack use. What happens right after smoking crack ?

    Will the persons voice and speech change ? Will it sounds as though they have a thick tongue or seem they have a dry mouth with slurred speech along with hyperactivity and not being able to sleep? I have found tiny pieces of copper brillo pads, along with vanishing in the middle of the night, leaving the house etc, unnecessary errands or running around, no appitie and weight loss....if you can give me any other clues PLEASE DO SO....I appreciate it.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • For those of you who have an open mind, taking the Bible into consideration and how it came into existence...?

    it was written over a period of about 2000 years, by men with different education, culture and backgrounds, and some of these men never met.....but the Bible reads as a whole, as if written by one great mind.....what are the odds of that happening ?.....oppinions please.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are we to believe that the organ we think with, that sends millions of information throughout our bodies,?

    that regulates our heart beat, our breathing etc, is supposed to have taken 50 million years to evolve???.....LOL......comm'on, get real!!.....the brain had to have an inteligent designer, the brain and the way it regulates our body is a miracle made by the hand of God.

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If almighty God wanted us to forget His Holy sabbath day, then why would He specifically ask us to remember it?

    The sabbath was made before an Israelite or a Jew ever was made for ALL MANKIND....not a certain race or creed. And the sabbath of the 4th commandment has nothing to do with the many sabbaths of the sacrificial system law.....there are 2 different laws, one was done away with and nailed to the cross in which Jesus fulfilled.....and the 4th commandment is part of Gods eternal law that will stand for an eternity.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Jesus is our example and He kept the sabbath, shouldnt we christians follow in His footsteps?

    Jesus kept the sabbath of the 4th commandment " which was made for MAN " not only the jews......the bible says it was Jesus custom to keep the sabbath Holy.....a custom is somehting we do on a regular basis, not every now and then. Jesus even kept the sabbath in His death, He died on friday, rested in the tomb on satuday and arose on sunday to continue His work in saving the world.......and the disciples of Jesus never mentioned a change in the sabbath either.....its a man made we worship man or do we worship God?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If sunday became the new day of worship, wouldnt Jesus have articulated that ?

    No where in the bible did Jesus say the sabbath was changed.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are all you homosexuals and lesbians sending me hate mail?

    yes, I am a christain and you asked me if God is against lesbians and homosexuals, the answer is yes and its not going to change.....its wrong and will always be wrong in the eyes of God. It isnt natural, and its an abomination......I told you the truth and you cant accept it......take it up with God then.......PEACE!!!

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there anyhting in the bible that is against being a lesbian?

    yes......its in the old testament as well as the new testament........sorry!

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • B I B L E......why was it given to us?






    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If finite men can take a trip to the moon, then why is it hard for people to believe that almighty God?

    and His Son Jesus Christ are not able to transport His people to heaven to be with Him?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Galatians 2;19 " For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God "....?

    How did Paul become dead to the law through the law?

    1. The law pointed out his sin ( Romans 3:20 )

    2. It made sin " exceeding sinful " ( Romans 7;13 )

    3. The law pointed him to Christ ( Romans 8:3 )

    4. Christ gave power to obey the law ( Romans 8:4 )

    5 In Christ he was no longer under the law, but under grace ( Romans 6:14 )

    6. To be under the law means to be guilty of breaking it ( Romans 3;19 )

    7. Throught accepting the death of Jesus he was dead to the law because he was no longer breaking it, and it did not condemn him ( Romans 7:4 )......

    Insn't Paul saying here that Jesus gives him the power to uphold the law ( the 10 commandments ) through faith?....arent we to establish Gods law through faith in Jesus Christ?....and isnt our love for Jesus supposed to be our motive for keeping Gods law?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Romans 10:4 ' For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth "...?

    Does this text teach that the Ten Commandment law came to an end through the ministry of Christ?...By no means...The word " end " is used here in the sense of " end objective " or " goal. " The objective of the law is to lead us to Christ.

    Notice how the same word is used in James 5:11, " Ye have seen the end of the Lord , that the Lord is very pitiful, and full of mercey. " This dosnt mean the Lord has come to an end, but it does mean the whole end objective of His life is to show pity and mercey.

    Again we read, " Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1;9. Here the end objective, or goal, of one's faith is the salvation of his soul. It has nothing to do with faith actually coming to and end.

    One more example, " Now the end of the commandment is charity. " 1 Timothy 1;5, " It means the obedience to the commandment will lead one to charity. In the same sense, Christ is the " end of the law " because the law leads people to Christ. The law did not come to and end.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Romans 10:4 ' For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth "...?

    Does this text teach that the Ten Commandment law came to an end through the ministry of Christ?...By no means...The word " end " is used here in the sense of " end objective " or " goal. " The objective of the law is to lead us to Christ.

    Notice how the same word is used in James 5:11, " Ye have seen the end of the Lord , that the Lord is very pitiful, and full of mercey. " This dosnt mean the Lord has come to an end, but it does mean the whole end objective of His life is to show pity and mercey.

    Again we read, " Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1;9. Here the end objective, or goal, of one's faith is the salvation of his soul. It has nothing to do with faith actually coming to and end.

    One more example, " Now the end of the commandment is charity. " 1 Timothy 1;5, " It means the obedience to the commandment will lead one to charity. In the same sense, Christ is the " end of the law " because the law leads people to Christ. The law did not come to and end.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In Acts 10:13 " And there came a voice to him, Rise Peter, kill and eat "....?

    Why do a lot of bible students believe this scripture is talking about food?Some people use this verse to say that all foods are clean, but thats not true. This verse was talking about the vision God gave Peter to show Him the gospel was to be preached to the verse 28 Peter said " Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company , or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shown me that I should not call any " man " common or unclean "......The meaning is now clear. Peter's vision had nothing to do with diet. It was a sign that the gospel was to be preached to the Gentiles.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does the bible really say that God is a tyrant and will pinish the wicked?

    in a fire that burns forever? Could we be misunderstanding what the bible is really telling us?, Lets check it out and see.....

    Matthew 25:46...." And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. "

    Notice that Jesus did not say the wicked will suffer " everlasting punishing "....but He did say " everlasting punishment ".

    Punishing is an on going process.

    Punishment has a definate ending.

    What is the punishment for sin ? " Them that know not God....shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presense of the Lord " 2 Thessalonians 1:9......

    There it is!!...plainly spelled out. The punishment is destruction, and it is of eternal duration. In other words , it is a destruction which never ends because there will be no resurrection from that destruction.

    Paul says " The wages of sin is death." Romans 6:23.......and John describes that death as ' the secound death " in Revelation 21:8....that death , or destruction , will be eternal.

    WE either get eternal life.....or.....eternal death.........its that simple.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago