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Favorite Answers14%
  • How do you get rid of a lot of blood from clothing?

    Right OK peeps, I've disposed of the body! How do I get rid of a lot of dried blood off my clothes? I was wearing Jeans and a green T-shirt when I dismembered the body, it's just all these damn blood stains - good tips would be useful!

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • Ipod classic problems - HELP!!!!!!?

    I have a black 160GB Ipod classic. About 5 months ago, I was downloading music from itunes, and suddenly my ipod sort of reset itself and I lost everything. After countless times trying to get my library back onto my ipod with no success, last night I got it back to factory settings, formatted the ipod, because there was always an error coming up saying corrupted files etc. etc. etc. Ok so last nite to my surprise, got my ipod recognised from the start, and started syching music from my library, when i got to it this morning, it had "finished" sychronisation and there was jack **** on my ipod, no music at all, can anyone tell me what the hell I have to do, short of buying a new ipod to get this piece of crap functioning again! Cheers

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Question for Sims3 players?

    I like to play the Sims3 after a hard day being horse whipped and treated like shite working for our wonderful NHS, I digress!!!!! Having a real problem with the Sims - I've got a top of the speck graphics card, so that aint the issue, but during game play, the game freezes for a couple of seconds regularly, the sound continues, but the characters movements are either jerky or they freeze altogether, can someone tell me what the hell I gotta do to sort this crappy problem out! Cheers

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Car exhaust mystery!!!!?

    Can someone give me some advice/answers!!! I noticed what I thought were wires hanging from the back of the car, turned out it looked liked horse hair, or sort of nylon hair actually hanging from the exhaust pipe itself, I pulled about 4 foot of this horse hair/nylon fibre stuff out of the exhaust pipe, any idea what I'm dealing with????? I have a 2003 Fiat Punto. Any good advice would be welcome. Thanx

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • I'm losing my Faith, can someone suggest what I can do?

    My Dad died in June after a 2 year battle with cancer. I've always had a strong Roman Catholic Faith, right up until the day he died. I prayed for him on his deathbed, and said the prayers for the dead over his corpse when he had just died. I'm doubting the existance of God now because I'm starting to think that death is the end, that we don't have a soul, and that when we die we are either buried or cremated and that is it - zip end of life. I don't want biblical quotes, I want a rational answer by anyone who can tell me that God does exist, and proof or personal testement. This is a serious question, so please no stupid answers.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Problem with my ***** bag sister from Hell?

    Recently my Father died, and my mother has been suffering from depression. I do as much as I can to cheer me mother up, doing stuff for her and taking her wherever she needs to go. Problem is got into a furious row with the sister cos I asked her to help out a bit, she went ballistic, she's got a job, a house to run, a four year old brat blah, blah, blah. Then a series of highly offensive texts were exchanged. What the hell do you lot think I should do? I want her to die of a grade 4 tumour, she's having tests! She hates me, I hate her, but my mother wants us to make the peace as "we only have each other now!" Can someone give me some clues how to pretend to be nice and have an uneasy peace. sensible answers would be appreciated - I am diagnosed borderline psychopathic, so a mental health issue is relevent.

    5 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Insidious demonic habitation?

    I am a devout Roman Catholic, I practice my religion and attend Mass at least 3 times a week. I believe that a "demon" for a better sense of the term has taken habitation in my house. I have a constant smell of burning with me, it moves with me from one room to another. I do not smoke, I have checked the electrics (and they are fine) I have cold chills in my house and sometimes nausea when the smell of burning becomes really strong. I have heard that perhaps this could be a sign of a demonic presence, can anyone shed any light on this for me. I am not possessed so there's no "exorcist" thing going on here. My faith is strong enough to ward off actual possession, but demons are known to come into Christian households to tempt and just be a nuissance. Any sensible answers would be appreciated.

    14 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Question for any car mechanics re battery/alternator?

    Yesterday, had to call breakdown out, I put key in ignition but nothing, lights on dashboard came on and startermoter was trying to connect, but nothing. AA came out said battery was dead and to get a new one. Went to Halfords and bought a new battery, took it to my local garage to fit it, cos I couldn't get the clamp off of the old to put in the new. He tested battery and it was only running at 12.46, even with accelerator down, there was no change. He told me normal is 14. Went to car this morning to go into town, turned the key and nothing, completely dead, no lights on dashboard, no electric at all, nothing from the engine. Battery completely flat from brand new. Could this be a possible alternator problem, or am I looking at something more serious? No electrics left on overnight so it wasn't that, but the car clock was still working. Please can anyone shed some light on this situation for me.

    16 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Blow fly lifecycle?

    Can someone please tell me the time scale for blow fly infestation from laying of eggs to development of maggots to pupae and finally new blow flies in a decomposing corpse

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Question for Nurses or Doctors?

    I am a qualified RN. I recently gave an MSU, my GP foned me this evening to tell me that I have a heavy glucose load, also proteinurea and a significant bacterial load (resistant to Trimethoprim) but with absolutely no white blood cells present in the sample. Has anyone else seen a combination of the above and if so what is it characteristic of? I am also going tomorrow for an HbA1c test and Fasting blood glucose, there is a prevelent incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in the male line of the family on both mother and fathers side. Please can I have sensible answers.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Anyone know the tyre pressures for a Ford Escort?

    This is a serious question - I've got a 1997 Ford Escort Encore (second hand) any idea what the tyre pressures should be - I guessed 30psi - there is no info on the car and the car didn't come with a manual - can you help?

    15 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Circumcision - Yes or No?

    In England and most european countries circumcision is not practiced routinely, in the USA its practiced as a matter of course. What are you personal opinions - is it advantageous or just bodily mutilation?

    18 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have a link or know the full transcript of Salve mundi salutare a poem by St Bernard of Clervaux?

    Looking to find the transcipt of the words both in Latin and English for the poem Salve mundi salutare - a poem written by St Bernard of Clervaux as a meditation on the wounds of Christ.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know which Marc Almond album?

    The song "Rouge and Perfume" was sung by Marc Almond live at the Armeda theatre, anyone know which album Marc has this song on?

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • How long should mourning last?

    A gay friend of mine lost his partner in a road accident - how long do you think it is acceptable for a same sex couple to mourn the loss of one of them? In my family if a woman lost her spouse she is expected to mourn for 4 years, for a male relative it's 1 year and 1 day. What do you think is sociably acceptable?

    31 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago