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Favorite Answers16%
  • Tips for Frequent Travelers?

    What are some advice for frequent travelers? 

    I am starting a new job that spans across 5 states on the east coast. All of which will be by driving with my own personal car. I'm looking for little tips and tricks to make my experience better. (Certain credit cards for cashback, etc). Is there some key things I should ask my employer? Is there some service I can sign up for that will benefit me by me traveling long distances? 

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation4 weeks ago
  • Does a personal mail count as proof of residence?

    Trying to get a photo ID and would a letter, written to me by a friend, sent to my address with my name on it, count as a proof of residency?

    20 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 months ago
  • What do I do?

    It's an obvious answer, but I dont want to admit it. 

    Me and this girl have been dating for awhile now. We both know that she has another boyfriend overseas, a 3 almost 4 year relationship. We've kept our relationship a secret the entire time so he doesnt find out. She started this new relationship with me knowing that she had another. What do I do? Both sides are going strong. Him and her are doing well (as far as long distance is concerned) and me and her are doing good too. But this guilt been eating me since day one. 

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Budget Laptop, but not bad?

    I m going off to college, and I was wondering, what laptop would be optimal? I would like one with a good to great processor speed, as well as a decent size storage. Graphics dont have to be that great but it wouldn t hurt.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks2 years ago
  • Is she only into me as a friend?

    I new she existed since the start of highschool (which is almost 5 years ago), but we didn't start talking until 3 months ago. It's been really nice and all, and I developed an attraction to her. I gave her a little book with reason why I liked her and she seemed to enjoy it. A lot of smiling and laughing, nothing too dismissive and at the end, she gave me a hug. We're both super anxious and it's tough for us to show each other but I have people (who don't know her really well) saying to move on, and that she's not into 'like that's or 'like you the way you like her'. We still talk, but nothing has changed, not for the better or for the worse.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How much would it cost to change an automatic transmission to a manual transmission?

    I have a 2003 Toyota Corolla and currently it s an automatic, but I want to learn to use a manual transmission.

    10 AnswersToyota3 years ago
  • How to persuade your aunt to have sex with you?

    I know incest is wrong but I really love her, and I want to show her that

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Who should I Cosplay?

    Any suggestions? I'm a guy, 5'11, black hair, alittle chubby around the stomach, etc.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Help, Cosplay tips and advices needed!?

    Even though I have never cosplayed before, I want to start trying. Many of my friends Cosplay for fun and go to conventions called "nekocon". Honestly, I'm feeling a bit left out since they go every year and I don't. I really like anime but I don't have the guts to make a costume and dress and act like the character.

    Since I play airsoft and have airsoft gear and guns. Can I wear them as Cosplay because isn't Cosplay just dressing up as someone or something?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Do you believe in true love, or is it just a myth?

    Please share your answers honestly. I'm not judging anyone's answers, I am just curious about what you believe in.


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why won't my Slugma learn Acid Armor?!!!?

    I breed a slugma with a male Grimer so why won't it learn Acid armor

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Help, Pokemon Gen 3 breeding?!?

    So I've been trying to make a pokemon team on my pokemon emerald. Since I wanted a magcargo with acid armor, I've been breeding a male Grimer with a female slugma. Whenever I hatch the egg, I always get a lvl 5 slugma with yawn and smog, but no acid armor. I'm also planning to do with many other pokemon such as Zubat and Swablu for a Swablu with haze, Corsola with Lileep for a Lileep with recover

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation7 years ago
  • How does divorce and child custody work?

    My parents are separated but not legally divorced yet. Me and my sister live with my dad now, but want to live with our mom instead. My mom said to me that she can take care of us both and really wants to but the communication between my parents are non existance. My dad doesn't like me talking to my own blood related mother so I have to sneak somewhere private, just to talk to her. Since both of my parents have custody but aren't divorced yet. Can my mom take me and my sister under her care without discussing it with my dad?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How do you get over someone you've never dated?

    How would you get over your recent crush.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What's up with her?

    The girl that I've like have friendzoned

    me and rejected me 7 time (and counting) seems get really jealous when I talk about my friends who happens to be girls, even though we're not dating.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I have a crush on my crush's bestfriend?

    So the girl that I've liked (for months) and I've been texting a lot and talking to each other. But lately, out conversations have been slowly fading away. I've tried texting her funny things but it wasn't enough to keep the conversation going. So then, her bestfriend, who also happens to be her cousin and I are now texting more frequently. I don't know what to do since I might be starting to like this girl. The only down side is that she happens to be my recent crush's cousin and bestfriend. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What if I can't discard for fabled dianaira?

    I'm thinking of adding fabled dianaira to my fable deck and it's effect state that I must discard a card when my opponent actives a NORMAL SPELL. What if I can't discard for it?

    Fabled Dianaira effect states:

    "You can Tribute Summon this card in face-up Attack Position by Tributing 1 "Fabled" monster. Once per turn, the effect of the first Normal Spell Card your opponent activates becomes "Your opponent discards 1 card". ("Your opponent" means the controller of this monster.)"

    For expample: it's my oppnent's turn and I have no cards in hand but I have Fabled Dianaira on my side of the field. My oppnent actives his/her monster reborn (first spell actived). Dianaira's effect actives meaning that I have to discard a card and that it is not an optional effect, but I have no cards in my had to discard. What would happen? Would monster reborn be "negated" or would it go through even though I couldn't discard a card?

    1 AnswerCard Games8 years ago
  • Rate my MTG deck? I just got started playing Magic The Gathering?

    I tried to make a mono white deck based on the 2014 starter deck, LightForce

    Lightforce V2

    4x Banisher Priest

    2x Soulmender

    2x Imposing Sovereign

    2x Serra Angel

    2x Ajani's Chosen

    2x Archangel Of Thune

    14 Monster

    3x Divine Favor

    3x Ethereal Armor

    4x Pacifism

    2x Angelic Accord

    1x Path Of Barney

    1x Indestructibility

    14 Enchantment

    4x Brave The Element

    4x Silence

    2x Celestial Flare

    10 Instant

    2x Elixir Of Immortality

    2 Artifact

    20x Plains

    1 AnswerCard Games8 years ago
  • Where can I watch Dexter for free on my iPhone?

    I wanted to watch Dexter from the very first season to where ever it is now. I would like to watch it on my iPhone because my laptop is being hogged by my sister. I heard dexter is a great series so I thought I might try watching it. Where can I watch dexter on my phone for free?

    1 AnswerComedy8 years ago
  • How to tell if a girl has lost interest in you, or doesn't want to talks to you?

    I'm not the best looking guy in my grade. I'm pretty shy and self conscious about myself. Also it doesnt help that i moved a few months ago. i manage to make very little friends. But recently I met a girl i like in school and we started to talk. the continued the conversation over text. For the first few weeks it was great. We had a lot of fun talking. But now, all she usually say to me is like "lol", "ok", "cool". I wanted to know if she doesn't like talking to me anymore or has lost instrest in me. If so what should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago