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I have three grown children; widower; hold the rank of Colonel and fly for the Air Force as a C-130 transport pilot; have a dog; live in Florida across from the Space Center; don't like boastful, obnoxious, self-centered people or drunks or drug users; like people w/a sense of humor; enjoy life; have a belief in God and Jesus; live a relatively simple life style; have respect for laws and our country; try to be honest and want people to be the same to me.

  • What's going on with Yahoo!?

    This is for Natasha re college paper subject. I sent you an email with the address you posted - it came back as "Failure Notice - person does not have a Yahoo account". Then Answers tells me I have a message. It is from you and from what you wrote, you did get my email. I wrote another email and clicked "Reply" & "Send". Now that came back as a Failure Notice. How do I contact you?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • what has happened to common sense, intelligence, honor and respect among the American people?

    Someone who was give God's gift of a lovely singing voice, a documented drug and alcohol user, takes her own life because of them. Now someone wants the Governor of her home state to fly the flags at half-mast. Why? Just because of the media flooding our every waking moments of her demise? Why aren't the flags flown at half-mast for all the military who paid the ultimate price for her and our freedom while defending our country? Other than singing for the idiotic masses, what has she done to defend our country? Or any other present day so-called celebrity, for that matter. Nothing, absolutely nothing. The celebrities of yesteryear fought in WW II, were patriotic and were proud to do so, unlike the whiners and complainers of today. No one needs to answer my questions, just think about them.

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Question about the Y!A team.?

    I try to be as accurate in both spelling and grammar as possible when answering a question. Because I use proper punctuation in the grammar, a notice always comes up about "Oops, looks like you have a lot of punctuation". Too bad if it offends the Y!A team as that is the way I learned in school. So why am I getting all the notices? Another thing is the incorrect spelling notice. It does not recognize proper names, abbreviations, and other common usages. It says there are mis-spellings and to open the spell checker. Even the spell checker does not have proper spelling for some words. And they do not take into account the difference in American English and British English spellings. Spell Checker is not always correct either.

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago
  • Check your gas mileage lately?

    Have you observed that all gas pumps now have the notice "Contains 10% ethanol"? Not too long ago I noticed that my gas mileage had decreased on my vehicles. Having operating (driving) the same way for the past 50 years, I started checking for reasons why the lower mileage. Coming across two articles, one from the petroleum industry and one from "Car and Driver", I found the reason. While experiments with ethanol have been conducted for some time, the American Petroleum Industry stated that last Spring, the government mandated that all gasoline fuels now contain at least 10% ethanol. "Car and Driver" magazine, using the same vehicles that have known gas mileage figures, conducted tests and found out that the mileage has reduced by approximately 5 miles/gallon. I used to get 140 - 145 miles using 1/4 tank of gas (7 gallons). Now I am only getting 120 - 125 mpg. Collusion between the oil companies and government for them to increase their profits? Check your mileage and then decide.

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else have this problem?

    Over the past month, whenever I go to Y/A and start answering questions, my keyboard will not operate for a minute or two. Then I receive a message that infections have incurred and to run the Anti-virus program. This only happens when I am Y/A and when I run the program, the majority of infections are tracking cookies. The last two days, I have had to clean off 45 infections. It is happening right now and is making it difficult to type this question.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What is with Nancy Pelosi ?

    Having just read a news report about Obama and Congress preparing new spending and tax cut legislation, it makes me wonder where Pelosi was during all the time. Out buying a new private jet for her personal use. Some facts about the jet: Seats 200 people and for a round trip from Washington to California, it cost $120,000, has a standby crew 24/7 for "emergencies". She only works 3 days/week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. She flies to California on Friday and returns to Washington on Monday. How nice of her to spend so much time working for the tax payers. And she had the nerve to complain about Sarah Palin's wardrobe of $150,000 ( one time expense). At least Sarah Palin didn't spend $120,000 each week flying back and forth. She is egotistical, arrogant, and does not care about the taxpayers, only to make sure she gets her money and what she wants at our expense. If Obama was sincere about helping the "little man", he should chastise Pelosi. (But then she is a Democrat too). A side note: Democratic controlled Congress is wanting an 8 % pay raise. How nice! When have you gotten an 8% raise in pay? Since our economy is so bad, shouldn't they tighten their belts like we have to do and forgo any raises? Are the people from California that dumb that they would keep her in office? I guess so, since the California governer just sign a bill to provide FREE education for ILLEGAL immigration children.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Several months ago, I read an article concerning the birthplace of Obama. It was never answered.?

    I would like to know if he ever produced an official birth certificate for being born in the U.S. Anyone know? His bio stated his childhood was in Indonesia and partly raised in Hawaii, but not where he was born. A presidential candidate must have been native born in the U.S., according to the Constitution.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does this poem help explain why I don't "whine"?


    The sun is gone from the sky,

    Dark clouds begin to cry.

    Alone with my dog, here I sit

    Thinking amongst the quiet.

    It seems like a short time ago

    That children's laughter filled the air.

    Grown and gone. Where did the time go?

    You ask me and I reply " I know not where".

    God has been good to me throught my life,

    Having wonderful children and a loving wife.

    The children now have families of their own,

    My wife's life cut short - God called her home.

    I am not bitter, nor am I sad

    When I think about the good life I've had,

    Far outweigh the times of bad.

    Great children and grandchildren, good health,

    I surely am "A man of wealth".

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • This is my very first poem. Did I get my thoughts across?


    When I was a boy and looked to the sky

    At an airplane that seemed like a toy

    And flying, oh so high.

    At that moment, I thought "I wish I could fly".

    All the time as a teenager in school,

    I continued to think "Flying is so cool".

    And then our country became involved in a war,

    While my dream remained as before.

    Joining the military, with heart so true,

    I learned how to fly, in a uniform of blue.

    Being so young and somewhat crazy,

    Some of the missions are a little hazy.

    Then came a truce, an end to hostilities,

    That gave me new responsibilities.

    Today, I still fly in a uniform of blue,

    Whenever I go into the "Wild Blue".

    Although the skies aren't wild anymore,

    I thank God, as before,

    For allowing me to fulfill my dream of flight,

    Be it during the day or during the night.

    Now, as I look to the sky

    Thank you God, that " I can fly!"

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago