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Lv 56,941 points

Animeted Electro ☆

Favorite Answers13%

E-Mail if you ever wanna chat if you found me interesting or enjoy this following list of hobbies - ANIME & MANGA! - Euro Music - Music in general - Irish-British History.. I love a good fight. ALSO PLEASE READ STUPID PEOPLE: My name is NOT Animated Electro it is ANIMETED ELECTRO! It combines Anime and Electro music.. Rawr rawr rawr~ I also like glbt films.. and indie films.. and love films.. COMING-OF-AGE ARE MY FAVS! P.S: I am a male.. I am asexual atm because I can't find someone that will mate with me long-term (I do not sleep around, far to paranoid for that sht) and.. yeah, ;D P.P.S: I work as a english teacher.. for people mainly in South America.. so uhm, yeah ;D! I help duh peoplez~

  • Can steak sauce hurt me?

    I drink alot of Steak sauce.. especially A1. I like how it burns the mouth a little and it's taste. I drink it in cups like juice. I always have some with me.

    My question is can this amount be unhealthy? My mom said I should stop drinking so much of it but it's really good and if there is nothing unhealthy about it than it's no problem.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Why does my Chihauhau keep shivering?

    I recently got a Chihauhau, she is around 3yrs old, But she is always shivering.. like.. always. It's a nice warm temperature to me.. but is it cold too her? Or is she scared? She is a purebred, so she is tiny :D

    Should I be worried? My other dog, which is a black lab & pitbull doesn't shiver.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is it normal for my dog to moo at me?

    I have a old pit-bull/black lab.. I don't know her real age because we found her as an adult but.. she seems old. She is just perfect, she doesn't bite or bark or growl.. and she just loves to lay around. But.. she makes this weird sound.. sounds like a cow's moo whenever she wants something..

    Is that normal?

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Has capitalism failed in the healthcare sector?

    We can't exactly comparatively shop while looking for a Hospital.. and medical bills are much higher than they are actually worth.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Uncircumcised people: How do you live with the fear of losing your penis?

    I heard if you forget to clean it once a day it falls off. Do you sleep with it taped to you?

    6 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Do fish have genitals, I saw a condom floating in the ocean?

    I was at the beach and saw a condom floating in the water.. Now, I am happy fish are using protection but.. how exactly did he use it? Do fish have penises?

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • How bad is the Chinese environmental problem?

    Is it matched by any other country?

    2 AnswersChina8 years ago
  • WHO Killed Hitler? ..?

    I want to write an essay on the guy, He killed the most hated person in history, shouldn't he be given more credit than he does? I don't even know who did it! ;o

    16 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • How often can I give my kitten a bath?

    She is about 7 months.. She's still a kitten, lovely little thing.. kind of fat, but it's okay. More to love..

    Okay, so here's the thing.. she doesn't hate baths.. she.. actually likes the water (She took a real bath with me and loved it ^^ didn't even scratch..) But I heard something about oils on their fur.. like.. giving them a bath too often will hurt her, soo.. how often can I give her one..? Every other day or.. once a week, perhaps even once a month? I don't know..

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How important is a father figure to children?

    Can a mother fulfill the role of both parents? While working full time.

    Did you have a father figure?

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Why do we link genders to colors?

    What makes pink a girl color and blue a boy color..

  • Why are masculine females better accepted than feminine males?

    Tomboys are treated normally.. especially as children, girls who are into more.. traditionally masculine things.. but.. how come when men and boys act more feminine.. and enjoy more traditionally feminine things.. they.. are not accepted as easily by many?

    Sorry, I tried to word it as best as I could.

  • What's a good computer for these tasks?

    I have $500 to spend.. though it can go a little over that.. $500-$600

    Here is what I'd be using it for

    - Internet

    - .. Slight gaming, Atm I only play a few like Minecraft, League of Legends and Age of Empires.. so anything that can play those well.. I'm not that big a pc-gamer..

    - Good Storage space

    Oh, and I want a desktop..

    I don't have much experience in the Computer-market, what should I be looking for?

    2 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • I shower too much? Help?

    I use Shampoo-Conditioner with soap (It smells really good don't worry) during the morning.. but than I rinse off with just nice.. warm, like.. a nice pond temperature in the summer, just very warm water during the night without soap/shampoo/conditioner just to rinse off all the days sweat.

    My friend told me I was gonna shrink my skin and die! But I can't go to bed with all the sweat of the day on me, any advice???? Will using wipes to clean off the sweat be just as bad?? :((((

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Questions about the word 'PERVERT'?

    Noun -

    1. A person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior'

    Okay, I have some questions on how the definition is to be taken.. what specifically does 'acceptable' mean? acceptable by the laws in the region or the way the region views things? If they do not make it illegal is it accepting it?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Any yaoi manga without the Uke-Seme relationship?

    Like.. I don't know.. I think it's fine, but I am getting bored of the same old plot. Are their any manga/anime that.. the couple are both versatile?

    Oh, and being the same general size is awesome too.. like.. not some huge beast and this little boy.. like.. both being just normal size would be pretty epic.

    5 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Questions about having a cat declawed..?

    I have a few questions, if anyone has had their cat declawed it's be great if you could give me some advice on what to expect or to not do it..

    Okay, so here is the thing.. I have a cat.. I found in the streets, starving. I fed it and I just LOVE it.. but.. I can't keep it unless it is declawed.. I already tried finding a home for it.. but noone wants a full grown cat. :( I just have some questions about it.. P.S: A Vet will be doing it..

    1. Do her claws come back? Like.. Human nails grow, will her nails grow back?

    2. I know she won't feel pain.. or pretty much anything during and a little while after.. because she will be knocked out, but.. will she always feel pain? Or will she get used to it and it won't bother her anymore. Question really is.. is the pain permanent?

    Oh, and I don't really want to have her declawed.. but.. I don't know, I am just trying to decide what's better for her.. to be declawed and live with me.. forever. Or.. give her to a shelter or pound and hope that someone decides to adopt her.

    11 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How can I make my boyfriends mouth dry before kissing him?

    I have a HORRID distaste for saliva.. god.. If I think about it I have to spit it out rather than swallow it, I can only swallow it when my mind is occupied, when it's not I am constantly spitting, I would rather drink a cup of pee than a cup of saliva..

    This leads to kissing.. being disgusting for me.. I've only kissed someone with tongue once.. and it was for a second until I almost gagged from the feeling of his tongue and.. all the saliva in his mouth, it was horrifying.

    So my question is.. how can I make his mouth dry? So that we can kiss and he won't be all nasty.. it only has to be for a few seconds :DDD THANKS!~

    P.S: He wants to kiss really badly.. but.. I feel like I would vomit in his mouth..

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Help me with dreaming problems please?

    The problem I have is.. I can only see my dream.. in a third-person kind of view for the very last seconds.. seconds! And it just vanishes and I wake up.. no sudden-events happen in my dreams, I just wake up.

    Best way to describe it is.. I am coming out of a deep-slumber and I quickly for a few seconds, maybe just 3-5 seconds I am in a zone where I am awake just enough in my sleep to see them and than I am full-blown awake. How can I make those 5 seconds longer? Or am I just destined to never view one of my own dreams for longer than a second.

    P.S: I can't control what is going on for the few seconds, nor can I actually tell what is going on.. I remember each one, but the short amount of time I have to view them I can't see the entire dream. Like I can remember what I was sitting on and who else was there but it all goes away before I can see what I am wearing or where I am.

    Oh, and I am not a dead-deep sleeper.. normal alarm clocks wake me..

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • How can I kill my mother's rabbit without her knowing it was me..?

    It clawed me. And I don't like it anymore. But I don't want her to know. Thanks! <3

    10 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago