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  • Dropped iphone 5 in water - sound issue?

    Stupidly dropped my iphone 5 in the bath earlier. It wasn't in for long at all,a couple of seconds. I turned it off, dried it off, removed the case and put it in a bowl of rice for a few hours (I know people recommend overnight but I was feeling impatient haha). It reboots and everything works, but if I want to listen to music or talk to someone on the phone,I can't hear anything unless I use earphones.

    However, if I go to settings > sounds and manually turn up the ringer, it rings through the speakers. I'm just a bit confused as to why I can't hear music or phone calls and if there is a manual fix to this?

    I can visit the store and get it fixed or replaced but I would like to give it a try at home first (without opening up the phone).


    10 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Fanless netbooks - do they overheat easily?

    My mum mentioned she wanted a netbook or laptop, so I just purchased her a netbook (some Asus eee model) for her birthday. I didn't have tons of money, so to be honest I just browsed quickly for a cheap model that runs Windows 7. However after purchasing, I've noticed that it is a fanless design. Do these overheat easily? As I've had laptops with built in fans that have got very hot.

    She would probably only use it for an hour or two every night, and like I said not heavy usage - not watching videos or gaming, etc. Just processing word documents and some googling here and there,lol.

    May seem like a stupid question, but thanks for any help.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Who do I address my resignation letter to?

    I have wanted to quit my job (5-10 hours on weekends in food retail/bakery) for ages, and I have finally got a new job lined up where training takes place in two weeks. My contract says that since I have less than a years service, I only need to give a weeks notice. Etc etc, anyways my letter is all written up and I'm ready to give it in when I go to work tomorrow.

    My problem is that I don't know who to address it to.

    I don't really have a big boss who I am aware of. I am mainly managed by various assistant managers. I see my manager from time to time, but I only know her first name,so I can't put 'To Ms...'

    'To whom it may concern' sounds a little informal.

    I know its just retail, but I would like to leave a good impression.


    Apologies if it's in the wrong section but Y!A wouldn't allow me to browse categories.

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • I want to hand in my notice tomorrow but I feel really guilty?

    I have been working in a food/retail setting for 6 months now. (I don't want to name the company as they can trace this back to me and it could be awkward..! Lets just say it's more upscale than McDonalds, but not quite Subway.) I disliked it from day one but stuck it out for the money and for my CV. I feel it's now time for me to move on and I've got an interview soon for a job where I'd be earning almost triple what I earn now, mainly because I'd be on longer shifts.

    I know I won't necessarily get this job, but I'm really ready to quit, regardless of whether I have another job to go to. As a student there isn't too much I need to pay for, but I have savings I can use if needed whilst looking for another job.

    So background info over, heres my PROBLEMS! - I have a few.

    . I feel really guilty about quitting. I feel like I need to get a really good reason for leaving, or like it's gonna be really awkward :(

    .I'm only working 4 hours tomorrow (yay!). Would it be best to give it to my manager/senior member at the start, or wait til the end and leave it with her?

    .If my notice is 1 week and I do hand it in tomorrow, should my letter of resignation say 'my last working day is the 6th October.' Is that right?

    Sorry for so many questions..thanks for any help

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • What are some awards/achievements I could gain within the next year?

    Last year I applied to go to University, which involved having to write a personal statement (selling myself,basically.) When I was writing it,I realised - oh god,I really don't have much to say! I still got 3 offers but rejected them because I want to do an extra year of college and re-apply to go to Uni next year.

    So I was wondering - what,in the UK, could I work towards? I am 18 years old. All I can think of is the Duke of Edinburgh award, and volunteering in general.

    I know this is a bit of a tricky one/weird question, but if anyone has any ideas please let me know.


  • If I buy back my insurance write off can I sell it on?

    My car was damaged by hail, has been written off. If I opt to buy it back, can I sell it on? Is there a time frame within which I need to do this? Because I need to use my brought back/written off car until I can secure a new one.


    2 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • I want to know my trouser length but don't have a tape measure :(?

    I have just got a new job and need to order some trousers for the job. On the order form I need to give a length, the options are 29",31" or 33". I am a size 16 and 5 ft 4. My mum said 29", but that sounds short to me. Any ideas as to what trouser length I should get would be great.Also, I would be wearing the trousers with flat shoes.

    Thank you

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Should I get a pet rat or a mouse?

    I am looking for a new pet to be kept in my bedroom. Although I have plenty of space, I'm debating between a rat or a mouse. I looked after my Uncle's rats for 2 weeks when he went on holiday once and they were such lovely pets. However,I am also interested in a mouse of any sort. Does anyone have any recommendations - what kind would be better to have as a bedroom pet? Which one will probably be less smelly? (I plan on having females,as I know males can be stinky haha!) etc.

    Any tips/opinions from current rat/mouse owners would be great. I just have no idea - rat,or mouse?

    9 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • How do I properly start this letter of application?

    I am 17 and my college is recruiting two voluntary Behaviour Support Mentors, who they want to be from Post 16. I am interested in applying, however they specifically ask for a full letter of application, probably to get into good habits when apply for jobs in the future. I have applied to jobs before, but I have never had to write a proper letter so I am unsure about something .

    I know the full name of the woman I am to send this letter to. However, how should I start it? E.g To whom it may concern, to Ms Campbell..? I have never personally met her, but I am unsure of the correct introduction to use.

    Thank you for any answers!

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Can my neighbour sign for a package with Royal Mail?

    I ordered an Ipod as a christmas present. It was originally delivered on Monday 19th, but as it requires a signature and I wasn't in, they left me a card to say to collect it in 72 hours, or order redelivery. I sorted out re-delivery for today, but nothing arrived. I visited the sorting office who say it's not in, and to check back at 10am, but I can't due to work. Therefore, if my re-delivery of the ipod comes tomorrow, am I able to leave a note to say something like 'sorry Im away due to work, can you please leave it with next door who will sign for it' or something?

    I'm unsure if they still do this!

    If it's any help I live in Leicestershire.

    Thanks and merry christmas to everyone :)

    Also, was completely unsure as to where to categorise it, sorry.

    2 AnswersSending and Receiving Messages9 years ago
  • I need to pay some money into my account - when will it be available?

    I need to pay some cash into my bank account at Barclays (a standard young persons account). Firstly, should I use a paying in slip or just take my card,as I'm not sure what most people do? Secondly,when should the money be available to use? (without using something such as CHAPS to get it cleared in the same day, cause that costs so much more haha). Thank you

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • Wii fit or Wii Zumba - not sure which to buy?

    I would like to buy one of these games, as although I do exercise as much as possible, it would be useful to have them on days where maybe I can't go swimming or whatever it is I may be getting up to. So it will not be my primary exercise source. But I don't know which is better to give me an actual good workout! I've heard mixed reviews. Can anyone help? I just want the one thats going to give me the best workout and that will actually make me sweat provided I put some effort into it. Thank you.

    3 AnswersNintendo Wii10 years ago
  • Confused about the required documents for setting up my first bank account?

    I am 17 and for the past few months, I have been getting my wages paid into my mother's bank account. But I definitely need to set up my own account now. On the website of many banks, it says you need two documents - I have my passport to prove who I am - but on the documents to prove where you live,it only states these:

    To confirm where you live, we need 1 of the following:

    UK photocard driving licence or UK full paper driving licence (if not used as identification)

    Gas bill (less than 3 months old) with evidence that the bill has been paid

    Water bill (less than 3 months old) with evidence that the bill has been paid

    Telephone bill for a fixed line (less than 3 months old) with evidence that the bill has been paid. We can't accept mobile phone bills.

    Local authority (council) tax bill (less than 3 months old) with evidence that the bill has been paid

    Bank statement (less than 3 months old) from another bank

    I don't have a driving licence, and I don't have any of these bills in my name. Do you think they can accept bills in my parents name, as surely that would still show my residence?

    Thank you for any help

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • What are some things you have to pay for every week/month/year?

    I am 17 and am looking into moving out,however this is for future reference and I don't plan to go just yet! I understand I would have to pay rent every month, TV license and my broadband/telephone etc package if it is not included in rent,but I'm not sure what else. What other things would I have to budget for that are not usually included in rent? And do you know if water,gas etc are included in rent? I really am not so clued up. Thank you!

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • How can the Chernobyl disaster and the BP oil spill be linked to globalisation?

    As we have to link some examples of green crime to globalisation.

    Thanks for any answers

    2 AnswersSociology10 years ago
  • I took my last pill in my Packet (Microgynon 30) last wednesday (17th)?

    ..and I have had my week off.

    Do I start my next packet Today, or tomorrow?

    I was off the pill for a while and now I've just blanked out on how to do it properly when it comes to the week off -.-

    Thanks for any answers.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Should I 'entertain' my rats?

    I am looking after my Uncle's 3 rats for a week. Sorry, I'm unsure what kind of rats they are :( They have quite a large wire cage they use, which has a hammock and various wooden levels. I have noticed they tend to just laze around and look rather bored. Is it necessary for me to put toys or something in there with them, or are they just content with each other's company?

    Also, does anyone know of any 'everyday' foods that are suitable for rats? At home they have frosties in the morning, rat feed, and rat chocolate buttons. Are there any other foods I can treat them with? I heard wholemeal bread is okay,but I don't want to try something without another opinion..

    Thank you for any help :)

    4 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • Ideas on how to make our spare room 'comfy' please!?

    We have a spare bedroom in our house - only a small room - which has been unused for the past year. Soon my friend will be coming to stay in our spare room,and there are literally no furnishings. Just curtains,a small chest of drawers,some shelving built into the wall,and an air bed (i know,not exactly the hilton..) what would you suggest i add to make it feel more homely? It's for a boy,by the way.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • The pill - what to do now?

    I am on Microgynon 30 and have been for about 6 months. I am currently on my week break,and took my last pill on Tuesday. However,that means I am due to take my first pill from my next packet tomorrow - but I can't get my pills in time for tomorrow due to the doctors being shut.

    So I'm unsure what to do. I will get my next pills on Wednesday,so does this mean I can start taking them from Wednesday? Or do I need to wait for my next period before I can start taking them again? As I am sexually active,so my main concern is staying protected. Thank you for any advice x

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Teaching my brother to cook!?

    My brother is 17 and has no idea when it comes to cooking. He even had to ask me how to cook packet pasta. So I thought it'd be a good idea to teach him some dishes,so he's not completely useless when it comes to moving out,going Uni,etc. Can you give me any suggestions? My mind has gone pretty blank,all I can think of is pasta based dishes whereas I'd like to do a bit of a broader range. Thanks for any ideas.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago