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I spend a lot of time on this site answering in the horse section. I strive to help people better understand horses thorugh natural horsemanship and perhaps understand how to communicate and relate with their equine buddies. My answers are based off of what I know about the horse with the horse's best interests in mind. I'm always striving to help educate the horse-people around me and continue to learn things from others as well.

  • Strange breathing issue?

    I’ve had a strange breathing... thing for the past few weeks. Probably not Corona considering the duration and lack of fever or any other symptoms, but obviously I’m self isolating regardless. Would go to a doctor but... yeah can’t really unless I have a really good reason which is why I’m coming here first. 

    My chest has the feeling as if I just went for a run in really cold air. Where it’s a bit hard to breathe and my chest sort of hurts as I breathe. I have a light cough but it’s not so much as a real uncontrollable cough as I cough consciously like I’m trying to clear my airways. When I take really deep inhale, there’s a very slight sound, a sort of scratchiness or just a sound like he air is being forced through a narrower passageway. Hasn’t really been getting worse just on and off for awhile. 

    The other day I felt a bit better, decide to go for a light jog. Air was a bit cold but nothing serious. By the time I stopped running my lungs where BURNING and the pain didn’t fully go away for a few hours. And my nose bled a bit. I haven’t exercised properly in awhile, but I didn’t run that hard and it REALLY hurt. 

    I have an anxiety condition related to health and I’ve definitely had phantom symptoms in the past, including chest pains and headaches, that amounted to nothing. But considering the evidence I feel like it isn’t stress related this time. 

    Thanks for any help!

  • Dizziness, back pain, chest pain and anxiety - how are they related?

    I ve been experiencing dizzyness on and off for over a month. It was really subtle at first so I wasn t sure - just felt nauseous and weak all the time. Went to the doctor and got prescribed benzodiazepines which help a lot. The dizzyness is very similar to a subtle boat - rocking sensation but doesn t seemed to be triggered by unusual movement as ornate is with mal de debarquement syndrome. It sort of just comes and goes through the weeks and I treat it with medication as need. However, in addition I ve also been getting noticeable but not debilitating back pain that throbs either in my lower back or between my shoulders usually at the same time as the dizzyness. Some very light on-and-off chest pain (or light throbbing) as well. And with all this has been a constant anxiety, though I m not sure if it s due to the unusually symptoms causing me to worry or if the anxiety is a symptom. Any clue as to what this could be would be appreciated

    2 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago
  • Strange chest pain, weakness, etc.?

    A little less then a week ago I had what I think would be called a panic attack. Racing heart, dizziness, nausea and of course, a sense of impending doom. In the moment I diagnosed myself with a heart attack but my spouse calmed me down. A few days later, however, I was out walking my dog and suddenly felt very dizzy. Thinking it was another attack I went home and sat down to calm myself down... But my symptoms haven t really improved. The anxiety has mostly passed, but I still feel somewhat dizzy... Accompanied by an on-and-off - and very slight - chest pain. I ve been experiencing these symptoms for 2 days now without much change. I m female and 20 yrs old with no other existing conditions. I ve set up a doctors appointment but would like some insight in the meantime.


    3 AnswersHeart Diseases4 years ago
  • Will using real birch indoors attract bugs?

    I'm thinking of decorating my room with real birch logs - as in using a real tree propped up floor to ceiling (with extra length + branches cut off, obviously). However I'm concerned this will attract bugs and/or the tree will fall apart with age. Are these viable concerns? If so is there a good way of preventing it?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape4 years ago
  • Please Help Simplify and Explain the Following Expression:?

    4x + 4 6x - 6

    --------- * --------

    3x - 3 5x + 5

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Worried about my Leopard Gecko?

    So recently, my Gecko has been losing quite a bit of weight and has shown zero interest in eating, even with both live crickets and meal-worms being offered. There's been no change in the cage temperature, no recent high-stress, events, etc. I think he might be close to dying of old age because he's getting to be well over 10 years old and I've been told geckos under "non-professional" care tend to live around that age. Does anybody think that that's what's going on, or could it be something else?

    2 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • VERY concerned for my leopard gecko?

    All winter, my leopard gecko hadn't been shedding well. I was a little worried, but he didn't seem in much discomfort, so I didn't worry about it too much. Only recently, when I took him out of his cage, I discovered two big injuries on his heels. I think he'd been walking on them because his feet hadn't been shedding well and there was a lot of layers of dead skin, making him unable to walk properly. It seems to be causing him a lot of pain and I don't know what to do... I'd like to get him to a vet, but my parents don't care about him enough to pay for it.

    I feel absolutely terrible. Call me a bad person, an animal abuser, whatever. I deserve it all. I should've paid more attention and I didn't. I just really need help. Any advice at all will be taken in to consideration.

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • When to Blanket A Horse?

    I am personally NOT a fan of blanketing. To me, it looks difficult to move in and makes the horse uncomfortable. They can't roll like they'd want to, they can't grow their winter coats properly, etc. But I live in Canada where even in the southern parts of this country, it can get to as low as -20C (-4F). So I was wondering what you consider to be the point at which you should start blanketing your horse, if ever. I'd prefer to keep my horses out in pasture (I don't own yet) because I don't like the idea of stalls either, if possible. Are there any other alternative options to blanketing, and when is it cold enough/windy enough, in your opinion, to blanket a horse?

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Memory Loss in Horses?

    Is it possible for horses to suffer from short-term or long-term memory loss? This is a question of simple curiosity, I don't suspect any horse I know to have it.

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • A Few Random Horse Questions?

    For the past little while, I've been realizing there are a lot of things I do at the barn that I do not because they have much purpose, but just because I'm told to... Little things, like never grooming a horse with a curry comb when they're wet or always walking on the left side. So here are a few that I noticed and want to know if there are any practical reasons for why we do these things.

    1. Never curry-combing a horse when it's wet

    - I would think it would make more sense to use it when they're wet... Wouldn't it help fluff up the hair and dry it out?

    2. Always walk/mount/dismount on the left side

    - I know they used to do that way back when for more practical reasons, but is there any good reason to do so today?

    3. Never spray water on the horse's face

    - Besides because it will spook the horse. I feel like you could train it not to spook if you really wanted to.

    4. Always using solid jumps in cross-country

    - Tradition, or is there a practical reason?

    5. Keeping your crop to the inside

    - I don't like using crops, but my coach forces me to carry one. Why always to the inside?

    6. Never mixing and matching tack

    - Alright, this one might sound crazy. I don't show, so beauty is not an issue to me. I like the style of English saddles, but the design of Western bridles. I understand not to mix and match stupid stuff like saddles and girths, but if you don't show, would something like switching around saddles/bridles/boots be a huge issue?

    7. Backing a horse out of a trailer

    - I know it can sometimes be necessary, but I find that, even with enough space to turn around, some people insist on backing their horses out of a trailer.

    Well, that's a start. Thank you for any answers.

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Identical Horse Pictures?

    Hello, everyone!

    I'm a little bored and haven't visited the horse section of yahoo answers in what feels like years, so I thought I'd bring a little challenge for anyone in the mood to participate. The game is to find a picture using whatever resources you like of identical-looking horses. They don't have to actually be twins or even related, they just had to look very similar to one-another.

    Good luck!

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Switching servers on Howrse?

    I started playing on the Canadian server but decided to move to the International one. But when I clicked on the icon to change it, it logged me out... Also, when I log in, it tells me that my account doesn't exist on the international server and that I had to play on the Canadian one. Is there any way to switch this?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Minecraft Problem? (20 characters)?

    Some sort of glitch seems to have come upon my minecraft recently. It started when I switched between Adventure mode to Creative mode and back. When I switched back to adventure mode, trying to pick blocks with anything other then it's designated tool (e.g. shovel for dirt, pickax for stone, etc.) would result in nothing happening. For example, trying to break dirt by using another dirt block wouldn't do anything to the block. This only occurs in the world in which I was playing when I switched modes. Not sure what I did or how to fix it. Any help would be much appreciated (I know next to nothing when it comes to computers or minecraft so it might take some detailed explanation and I'm sorry for that).

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What does Horseback Riding Give You?

    I'm bored right now, so I thought I'd ask you guys a fun little question!

    What does horseback riding give you? Does it give you a sense of accomplishment? Passion? Tell me what makes horseback riding great for you!

    9 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Buying my First Touhou Game?

    I've heard quite a bit of Touhou, mainly through it's music. Now I'm not much of a gamer, but I thought it would be worth giving at least one of the games a shot. I feel a bit bad loving the music so much but knowing little to nothing about the game...

    I own a few game systems and am willing to buy one, so I was wondering which one of the Touhou games you'd recommend for a newbie to them.


    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Common horseback riding misconceptions?

    I'm looking for any common horseback riding misconceptions, outside of the obvious "horseback riding isn't a sport". I'd prefer if they were ones that any non-rider could understand, so nothing to do with English vs. Western, Breed stereotypes, etc.

    Thank you so much!

    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Looking for a Starting Point?

    Alright, this is a bit of a long story but I'll try and keep it short.

    So for a very long time, mys sister had always wanted a dog. In her spare time, she'd be looking up all sorts of information and saving up money in preparation for the day when our mom would give her the go-ahead to get one. Last year, that day came and so we went out in search of a dog. The problem was, my sister over-shot her abilities to work with dogs and felt she could handle a doberman. On top of that, the one she deemed "perfect" was also a rescue at the age of 9 months.

    Within the first few days of ownership, we had all realized the mistake we had made. The doberman was very reactive, barking madly at anybody he didn't recognize, pulling like crazy during walks and barking at the top of his lungs at anything that happened to move. This was very hard time for our family, dealing with a dog we simply couldn't handle. On top of that, it tore us a part because my mom and dad felt my sister had made a reasonable mistake while I couldn't help but blame her and be upset with her for making the decision to buy this dog, especially since I didn't like the plan from the start and was the only person who felt that way.

    Now, a year later, things have gotten better, but we still have a very, very long way to go to having a good dog. Problem is, my sister is now leaving for college (which only adds to the anger I feel towards her, considering she decided to get a dog the year before going to college) which means that I'm now in charge of the dog. But I have little to no experience in training, so I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to do this. So far, I've accomplished a bit with walking and training, but his reactivity is still a huge, huge issue. We've tried several different trainers, but nothing has worked. We have to lock him up when people come over and avoid both people and dogs on all of our walks. Now that my sister is leaving, it's up to me to figure out how to train him out of it. But with all this information on dogs out there, I'm not exactly sure as to were to start looking for a solution, so I thought I'd ask the people of Yahoo! Answers to help me find somewhere to look to help me learn how to train him.

    Thanks for reading!

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Where can I watch...?

    Is there any place available online to watch Cloud's Legacy: The Wild Stallion Returns? I've looked around and couldn't find anywhere. Perhaps other horse fans might know somewhere.

    Thanks for all of your help!

    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago