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Theotherhorse asked in PetsHorses · 9 years ago

What does Horseback Riding Give You?

I'm bored right now, so I thought I'd ask you guys a fun little question!

What does horseback riding give you? Does it give you a sense of accomplishment? Passion? Tell me what makes horseback riding great for you!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Freedom, passion, teamwork, a love and pride that a parent has towards their child. Horses relieve us of the burdens we carry, they teach us trust, patience, and the responsibility of a life that is not your own. We whisper our secrets into their ears and braid their manes with our tears. When I go to the barn, I know I have a kind eye and soft whinny awaiting me, and as I clutch their mane, I feel her rescuing me from my troubles. Horses give me an indescribable feeling, filled with fluid poetry and challenges that you can either leap in a single bound or turn and run. Horses are my teacher, showing me that hard work reaps many rewards, the right thing isn't always popular and the best thing isn't always easy. At the end of the day, with dirt under my nails and sweat on my brow, I know it is all worth it. Others, even non horsey people obviously think there is something special about it, too, because the always see me return to the barn, a carrot in hand.

  • 9 years ago

    Horseback riding is my life. I love the feeling of working together with a horse to finish a course of jumps. I love the feeling of freedom you get as you fly over an oxer, or gallop through a field. I love the sense of accomplishment when you win a blue ribbon, or jump a perfect course. There are so many things I love about horseback riding. It's my passion, and I could never give it up.

  • 9 years ago

    I only started riding about a year ago, but I have accomplished much since then. Horses make me feel free, full of passion, and happy. When I see them, no matter where they are, I ask if I can go see them, even if they are wild. They are my life, my passion, my dream. I don't know what I would do without them.I strongly encourage you to get started!

  • 9 years ago

    riding has gotten me through so much. it gives me confidence, it's relaxing, it focuses me, it allows me to clear my mind. the best part about riding is my horse, he's always willing to learn something new and sometimes understands it before I even do. he understands me, and I love being around him. riding makes me feel.... proud, confidant, accomplished, right. it gives me something to put myself into. it's addicting, I could ride all day! since I got my own horse, riding hasn't been about just me, it's been about him, and I think that's really important. I feel totally free, and it's the best feeling in the world, when my horse loves what he's doing too :)

    I went through a really hard time last year, my anxiety got bad, and I started hating myself and everything around me. I lost all my energy and I can honestly say riding was the only thing that got me through that. even though I didn't have my own horse yet, riding and horses really gave me something to look forward to. something that still had meaning to me. I could never give it up, its really what I love doing :)

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  • 9 years ago

    Horses. Are. My. Life. If they didnt exist, I'd probably be in a mental hospital. Horses relieve my stress, they make me laugh, they make me more ambitious, they listen to me complain to them about all my issues and never complain (poor horses... Ha!) They're my passion. They give me freedom. When I'm with my horse, I can forget about all of my problems and just canter around the arena. I dont know what i'd do if horses didnt exist.... I'd be lost.

  • 9 years ago

    It is not so much the riding as it is the bonding and teamwork with the horse. It feels good to have a mutual bond and teamwork with a wonderful animal.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Freedom; and an indescribable feeling only experienced on the back of a horse

  • 9 years ago you're flying, teamwork, deff passion..and so much more i cant think right now ... (:

  • 9 years ago

    freedom, makes me feel confident, makes me forget about all my other problems, makes me feel stronger.

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