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Favorite Answers8%
  • How can I stop youtube side ads?

    They are the ads on the side bar and even if I am watching a video in full screen the side bar ads kick on and blare noise over top of whatever I am watching. I can't mute them or close them so I have to pause my video until they are over.

    Anyone got any advice or know of an ad blocker that will fix the problem.

    5 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • Curses/spells and rituals?

    I have a strange experience on which some family members have said my father was caught putting a spell on me while I was an infant. Supposedly I was in a pentagram and he had some kind of blood in a cup. I don't have alot of info other than that. He was supposed to have cursed me to leave home and go with him at the age of 12. I did leave to another home at 12 but didn't go to his. I can't get any more info on this from him or other family. Does anyone know how to go about getting information.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Trying to find a song...?

    I think it says, On and on, on and on, in the course line.

    The beat to it goes:

    Boom boom boom boom

    Boom boom boom boom

    I know this isn't a very good explanation but I have only heard it a couple times and don't normally listen this type of music. I believe it is R and B/Hip Hop.

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • How many Doodle God/Doodle Devil games are there?

    And where is the best place to get them?

    Does anyone know what the others are called? I have played Doodle God 1 and 2 and Doodle Devil 1 and liked them and just wondered if there were more.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What does everyone think?

    I used to really enjoy it on here but now it just isn't much fun. Too many trolls asking the same dumb questions and no matter how you answer everyone goes through and gives you thumbs down and reports the questions and answers. I thought everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but not on here anymore. It's all the categories too not just this one. I just think the site is getting ruined and I doubt I will be around on here much longer.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • How can I turn the history back on on my computer?

    I'm guessing someone deleted the history on my internet and now once the browser is closed it automatically deletes the history. I need to turn this back on because if I don't get it back on everyone in my house is going to be upset when I don't allow them on my computer anymore. Can anyone help please?

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • The Dying Nasa Scientist More Info...?

    These videos are feature on youtube. The man has his voice distorted and he is talking about alien life form. He has one video that claims when you watch you will be visited by an alien for 2 hours, that video has strange and I was not visited by an alien, I didn't think I would be anyways. But there are other videos, he has about 16 posted. He has posted these as DyingNasaScientist tells truth... His youtube screen name being NasaJim108. The videos also claim this man has already died and his attorney is posting them as his dying wish.

    2 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Dying Nasa Scientist...?

    I have watched almost all of these videos and they are very strange. Does anyone know who this guy is? I'm just curious because it seems like the person who made these videos is crazy.

    2 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • What happens when the recovery drive is almost full?

    I purchased my Compaq laptop a few months ago. I haven't saved hardly anything to it. So why is the recovery drive almost full and what happens if it becomes full.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Boy or girl? What is your opinion?

    Unisex Names What I like

    Hunter Girl

    Tracy Boy

    Sam Boy

    Alex Boy

    Morgan Girl

    Lindsay Girl

    Angel Girl

    Riely Girl

    Skyler Boy

    What do you think and feel free to add more that you think of :)

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this name?

    I met a women named Dorkis what do you think?

    I felt bad cause I had to hold back a laugh.

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • I really want some insight with this.?

    I was wondering the best age to talk to your children about sex and relationships. I have 3 children and my oldest daughter is in the 4th grade and almost 10. I really think she is so young now but with how active teens and even children are now I am thinking I might wanna have this discussion with her right before 5th grade. Does anyone have any advice, How old were your children when you talked to them?

    7 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • How can I get two cats to be friendly with one another?

    I have a 9 month cat, I have had her since she was 6 weeks old and kept her indoors. I went to the animal shelter yesterday and got another cat a female who is 6 months old. The two are keeping distance and have their own food dishes but when they pass each other or end up in the same room our new cat growls and our other cat will hiss and run away. Now I know it is going to take time but does anyone have any tips on how to get the two to be a little more friendly. I have made sure to give equal attention to ensure they don't get jealous. Thanks in advance for any help.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Atheist: what are your beliefs?

    I am not judging or even saying you are wrong I was raised Christian and just want some other opinions. Your answers are appreciated, Thanks.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago