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  • Any Shih Tzu Breeders/Owners out there?

    I am researching the breed and would like the input of anyone who owns or has owned a Shih Tzu. looking for the good or bad. Whatever you can tell me. Thank you very much

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog has a hematoma in his ear. Anyone else ever experienced this with your dog?

    My 3 year old lab is prone to ear infections. He gets his ears flushed at the vets office, some drops and he does fine. He had not had an infection for awhile. Recently he has begun shaking his head and digging at his ears. So I was rubbing his ears and felt an almost pillow like swelling along the the edge of one ear. Called the vet today and they said it was a hematoma from shaking his head. We go for surgery Friday, but I just wondered if anyone else has ever had a dog with one of these and what your experience was?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • At&t requiring a $300.00 deposit on all lines?

    I know my credit is kinda crappy right now, but my husband and I would like new phones with at&t. So we go to a local store where they inform us that he has an 800 deposit and mine is 300. Ok - we decide to go with the 300 dollar deposit - a little much but we can swing it.The lady then tells us that is per line. Is that not ridiculous? Does anyone know if they are allowed to charge that much per line? If we are buying 2 phones together, same plan and all why would they do that? I guess I am just a little peeved, but that is a lot of money! We spoke with Sprint that day also and they required no deposit. Does that make any sense?

    6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I adopted a Beagle puppy 2 months ago. I know Beagles bark but he won't shut up! Any advice?

    He is 5 months old now and turning into a great dog. Also full Beagle. I was expecting some barking but not this much.He barks when playing with my Lab, which is ok, but when we put him in his crate at night or when we go to work he starts barking incessantly and won't stop. Covering up the crate doesn't work either. Any ideas? He is walked several times a day and I always make sure he has went to the bathroom before we put him in the crate. It is driving us crazy! We have had him for 2 months now.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • New puppy will poop outside but won't pee?

    I adopted a 13 week old Beagle puppy from a local shelter this Saturday and he has gotten the hang of pooping outside but will not pee!! I even took a mat outside that he peed on in the house and laid it on the grass, thinking that by smelling it he would go outside. I am crate training him, he has not used the bathroom in the crate, but will go on the linoleum as soon as the crate is opened. The kids and I took him and our lab to the park, we were there for at least an hour and he never used the bathroom there either! Any tips to get him to pee outside

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My Chihuahua is breaking out all over?

    I adopted a Chi from the shelter in January. She had been turned in because she had mange and I assume the owners were tired of giving her meds every day. So I took over from there. I took her to the vet the next week to be spayed,shots,etc and they confirmed that she still had mange. Since then the mange has left. She had regrown all her hair and was looking great. About 2 weeks ago I noticed a bald patch on her back. Now it is spreading all over and she has red bumbs on her belly and inside her legs. I never saw the bumps before. She has a vet appointment on Thursday(soonest I could get her in) but just wondered if anyone has encountered this before. I thought the mange had come back, but the red bumps have got me thrown. I am really not sure what they are.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Best treatment for dry skin? Please read description?

    I adopted an adult Chihuahua from a shelter this weekend and she was being treated for demotic mange. Her hair is growing back well, but she is still taking.25ml of ivomectrin orally a day. She has some flaky,itchy skin and I want to make her more comfortable. Is there a cream or oil that I can use? I have made her a vet appointment for the 20th, but they can't see her before then.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dogfood for a Chihuahua and a Labrador?

    Here's my issue. I adopted an adult chihuahua from a shelter this weekend. I also have a labrador at home. I thought I would be able to feed them different foods( the lab eats a large breed formula) but it is hard to keep the chihuahua out of his food. What would be the best formula that I could feed them both. They are both adult dogs. Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Severe dog gas. What can I do?

    My black lab has the worse gas I have ever smelled. I feed him Pedigree Large breed and that is it. Should I switch him? Is there a dog food out there that doesn't produce nasty gas? Please no petty comments about my choice in dog food - I am willing to switch him.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My guinea pigs had lice when I bought them?

    I contacted the pet store that I got them from and they wanted me to bring them back. However I would rather treat them than return them. The vet recommends ivomectrin treatments, but a friend of mine that owns another pet store told me to use Ferret flea and tick shampoo. What should I do?

    9 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Lice on Guinea Pigs - what to do?

    I bought two small guinea pigs yesterday and looked them over at the store. When I got home however, I noticed that they had small wrigley worm like things I identified as lice on them. I have called the vet, but has anyone else ever had this happen and what did you do to treat them? The store wanted me to bring them back in, but my kids have gotten attached to them.

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • My fish tank stinks - anyone experienced this problem?

    Heres the deal. I have a ten gallon tank with 3 goldfish,a whisper filter and an aerator. I just cleaned the tank out last weekend. It has a funky odor to it and I don't know why or what to do. Any advise?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • If I stopped taking my birth control...?

    in September, started my period on Oct 3 to Oct 9, ovulated on the 19th -could I be pregnant, or does the pill take longer to get out of your system?

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is going on with my body?

    I had unprotected sex with my husband the 13th, fertile days 14th through the 19th. All of a sudden I am having period like cramps(af is due on the first) yesterday, and today my breasts feel like my milk( I have 3kids, so I know what it feels like) is coming down. It is to early to be having symptoms of pregnancy isn't it?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I have a question about possible pregnancy?

    I had unprotected sex - with my husband - on the 13th. Possible fertile days are the 14th through the 19th. What are the possiblities that I might be pregnant?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I finally switched my dogs to Canidae for All Ages....?

    and now I am hearing that the food is not as good as it once was because it was sold to Diamond for production. Can someone please clarify this for me? I thought I was doing a good thing here but not certain now.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I colored my hair last night and it went from light brown to orange instead of blonde like it was suppossed to

    I am going to a hairdresser this morning, but is there anything they can do? I really wasn't that dark, just a light brown and anted to go back to my original blonde. Now my hair looks orangish - I left it on for the time it said. Thanks for your answers.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • To all the dog owners out there what do you feed your dog/s?

    I am just wondering - I see so many different answers when someone asks about a particular brand. Also why do some get so mean about what other feed their dogs? I understand that some people can only buy their food from grocery store brands because,like me, they live an hour or more from the closest Petsmart / Petco. Thanks for your answers!

    21 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Question about Dell Laptop I ordered and have not recieved?

    Okay - on June 19th I ordered an Inspiron 1525 laptop online from Dell. I have called nearly everyday since trying to find out why we haven't recieved it yet - no one can tell me. Just that is in it's "Final" stages - it has been there for 3 weeks now!!!!!! I finally called Monday to cancel the order and they said that it was in such a final stage it could not be canceled! No one I speak with in "customer service" will let me speak with a manager or supervisor. Does anyone know how to contact someone in charge there? Or anyway to find out what the hell is going on? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago