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Lv 57,556 points


Favorite Answers17%

27, married, 4 year old daughter. I'm pretty alright. My friends think so. I think.

  • My fry jacks aren't cooking correctly. What am I doing wrong?

    I am following the directions given to me on making the Belizean treat fry jacks. I don't know if I'm not cooking them long enough (though they're brown), and they aren't puffing out. I've tried to fry them in a pot and a skillet.... Please help! I'm back home and our family loves fry jacks!

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine9 years ago
  • Where is Oklahoma City's new basketball team playing?

    What stadium is Oklahoma City's new basketball team playing in? I am trying to plan something for my husband and am trying to find hotels near the stadium.


    2 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Do the irises (color) of your eye serve a purpose for vision, or is it soley the pupil?

    I was just wondering if anyone knew. My sister wears these cheap plastic colored contacts that don't impair her vision at all and my husband's contacts cover his irises and his pupils. I've never had vision issues (my vision is 20/10).

    3 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • Need to lose 10 pounds in three weeks. Suggestions?

    Here's my dilemma: I am already physically active. I am 5'8", and weigh 156 pounds currently. I know a lot of people here probably think I'm fat, which is fine. I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I usually do 40 minutes on the treadmill at 4MPH at about a 4-6 incline, and 2-3 days a week, I strength train with weights for 30 minutes.

    I eat rather healthy, although I do splurge every now and again. I don't drink soda, haven't for years. I eat TONS of fruits and veggies (3-5 servings a day) and drink a lot of water (approx 2-3L a day). I have a 5-year-old kid, and I can't lose those last ten "vanity" pounds that I have. It seems whatever I do, it doesn't work.

    Being that I am already active and eat healthy, what suggestions do you all have that will help me lose these last ten pounds that I can't seem to get rid of?

    Thanks for any helpful suggestions.

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Young & the Restless Question?

    The kid who plays Nick Newman & Sharon Newman-Abbott (Joshua Morrow & Sharon Case respectively) son Noah, what is his name and is he related to Joshua Morrow (his child in real life)? Their resemblance to one another is uncanny!

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Has anyone "average" size tried the Alli pill?

    I am considering trying the diet pill. My issue is that I'm "average".... 5'8" and vary between 155-160 pounds. I would like to be at my pre-pregnancy weight of 135 pounds (that was when I was 20.... I'm 27 now). So, IMO, I'm 20 pounds overweight. Any insight on whether or not this is a good idea?

    Thanks for any advice or input from you all.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can anyone name me some great Rockabilly/Punkabilly bands?

    I've recently discovered Tiger Army. They are awesome! I've listened to the most recent "Give 'Em the Boot" album, and there are some good bands on there. Can anyone direct me to some more Punkabilly/Rockabilly bands similar to Tiger Army?

    Thanks in advance.

    PS... yahoo really needs a punk section in music. Rock/Pop was the closest they have, and this genre is neither... especially pop.

    11 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What are the three countries that Americans are prohibited from visiting?

    I know two of the three places. In these three countries, it is actually illegal for an American to travel there. Like I said, I know two of them, but don't know the third one. First person with the three gets my pick as best answer.


    6 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Hairstyle help, please.?

    All right, the avatar pic is pretty descriptive of my hairtyle: long, black, and straight as an arrow. I have naturally VERY curly hair and flat iron it every few days to keep the frizz down and to keep it straight, blah blah blah.

    I would like help from you ladies (and maybe gentlemen) out there as to how to style my hair a specific way. I would like those wavy body curls. I really don't know how to achieve this. When I use a hot curling iron, the curls just fall out. I am mixed with black and white and my hair's texture is that of an Asian person's (I was told this by a Korean hair stylist). I am willing to do anything short of a hair transplant. I'd appreciate any advice you have. I'm going out tomorrow night and would like to debut my hair style then.

    Again, any suggestions would be so great!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I change the song order in my iTunes library?

    Here's my issue: I purchased a few songs of Green Day's "American Idiot" from iTunes and a few from limewire. I'd like these songs in album order but can't figure it out. Does anyone know how to do this other than making a different playlist entirely?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • How do I start a successful proprty management company?

    If anyone has any advice as to how to do this, I would surely appreciate it! I would like to manage properties that I do not own. I don't want to actually own anything other than my home at this time. When my husband and I were renting, we rented from a lady whom managed properties.

    What type of education do I need? What type of start-up money do I need? How would I market myself to potential home owners who want to rent out their homes?

    Thanks for any information!

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • When was "The OC" cancelled?

    I just read on that the show has been cancelled. Now, I've NEVER watched the OC, nor was I ever inclined to, but I thought that it was a really popular show. Does anyone have any insight as to why it was cancelled?

    7 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if there are any cool things going on for New Year's in Kansas City?

    On the Kansas side, Missouri side, or any of the surrounding suburban areas? I live in Leavenworth and am wanting to find something fun to do. It will be me, my husband, a few friends. We are all of legal drinking age and are up for most anything.

    5 AnswersKansas City1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever been to Finland or Amsterdam?

    We are going on vacation this summer and I was thinking about going to Amsterdam. Legal pot aside (because I actually don't smoke), what are some cool things about the Netherlands/Amsterdam that I can consider doing if I decide to travel there?

    6 AnswersNetherlands1 decade ago
  • Someone stole my iPod and I have to buy a new one. Will I be able to reload the current music that I have?

    All righty, someone stole my iPod. I am forced to buy a new one, and that's fine. It's my fault it got stolen. I left it out at work and someone picked it up when I wasn't looking.

    My question is that I have iTunes already with a poop-ton of songs downloaded (that I've already paid for). When I hook up my new iPod, am I going to be able to keep those songs and just download them to my new iPod (since they are technically on my computer and not on the internet), or am I going to have to buy ALL of these songs again (which I PAID for 184 on iTunes @ 0.99 each = $184!!!!)?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the mom who left her KID in the car and took her DOG with her into Neiman Marcus?

    On, there is a story about a mom who asked valets to watch her kid in her BMW for her while she went inside a mall in California and shopped with her dog inside a Neiman Marcus store. The valet called his mom, who told him to call the cops. What do you think should happen with the mom?

    31 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What should I get my mother in law and my husband's aunt for Christmas?

    OK, I am stuck. I've been with this guy for 7 1/2 years. His mom is older (not old, mid to late fifties), as is his aunt. They are both classy ladies, niether of them want clothes for Christmas. Does anyone have any good ideas of what to get? I'm not going to do Bath & Body Works, I've done that for the past few years. I'm just stuck. Any feedback on this would be outstanding!


    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • There is a salad that is made with dried ramen noodles. Does anyone know what it's called?

    My friend calls it "white trash salad".... the person who makes it... I don't know if that's what it is really called. I recall it having ramen noodles, shredded lettuce and various veggies and dressing. Does anyone know what it's really called and does anyone have the recipie for it? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Did Nocholas Cage & Wife name their child after Superman's dad?

    Not the human father.... the Kryptonian father..... Their child's name is Kal-el.... I can't remember if Clark Kent's Kryptonian father was Jul-el or Kal-el. I used to watch "Smallville" some and heard the name said there on an older episode.

    6 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago