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Rada S
Obviously, nancy, reed, and obama want a I have my battle avatar on and am ready to defeat this Congress in 2010.....!
If you have more than one LLC do you need a FIN number for each?
2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agoHas a Royality mentality taken over Congress? Nancy exploits her job to have us pay her way.?
Nancy is a multi-millionaire.....yet Nancy claims she wants to help out people by making a stronger middle class, WHY does she spend $1,000 our tax money a week on herself and family for alcohol alone? Not to mention her spending our tax money flying her and her family everywhere., as a job PERK...? Because she is the Queen and she has that right and privilege ...mean while food stamps are the biggest "bang for the buck" for her subjects. What kinda idiotic statement is that...?
7 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs vertigo a sign of mold exposure?
I work in a high rise building that turns off the air over the weekend. I have been told this causes mold in the ducts. Every Monday I have symptoms to include dizziness, nausea, low grade fever,,,etc. Does anyone have experience with this...and What should I do.???
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoDoes Obamacare help with pre-existing for Adults?
i may be sick with something serious and fear there will be no help for many years? this worth a trillion dollar deficit....
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoTo all with colon cancer...would you delay the diagnosis till covered by insurance?
If you suspected you may have this and will be covered by insurance in 30 days....Would you wait until coverage to get diagnosed?
2 AnswersCancer1 decade agoIf Obama tries to tax the Red states more than the blue states?
Will he start a Civil WAR? Will this Dictator ignore the Constitution yet again.... he has divided this country like NO other...
.. What are your thoughts?
12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhy did Obama suspend the inheritance tax?
Does Nancy have a relative about to die and she wants her money tax free? It is estimated that 17,000 multi millionaires will give money to their family tax free this year, yet Obama only wants to tax the rich. ...yeah right…the other hand evidently giveth to the RICH.
...and many are billionaires... .If this where an honest mistake then why hasn't congress corrected this bill?
It is estimated that the gov’t will lose over 30 billion dollars in tax revenue due to this bill. Why did Obama sign it…forgot to read IT….Bull-S!
4 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoShould we adopt Mexico’s immigration laws? Wonder what the Liberals who want to buy votes do then?
Felony if you are caught there illegally, 2 years prison, repeat offenders 10 years….
…cannot come unless viable and employable….
….all medical expenses are on YOU…. i. e. no social services…
I think SO
….maybe that would be a deterrent…for the US and Mexico to be consistent…and non RACIST!!! after all ...All they want are Equal Rights...right?
10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWho else thinks that protestors of the Arizona law are being manipulated into a quid pro quo?
Passed by Congress: If you are a legal citizen you are required by law to buy health insurance…
And now they are offering the illegals “CARROTS” to become legal… Oh, is it racist to allow illegals citizenship… they can send the IRS after them instead of ICE…
.suckers? or not?
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHas any one heard that the Dems and Obama are talking about allowing Puerto Rico to be voted a State?
This will add to the deficit, as the entitlement population would increase dramatically as they are all POOR….Would Obama Drown U.S. in more Debt, to keep his Regime?
13 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy did the census want to know if your house is paid for?
Is this to see if an imputed tax might work?.....I see no reason the Gov't needs to know this, Do You? Why do you think the question was asked?
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoNow that China owns us (USA), how can we support our ally in Taiwan?
...Yeah, how is the TARP which was a loan from China working out for US?
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoLiberals Only….……speaking of the Healthcare Mandate?
For the people who are still asleep....the government is very close to making it a CRIME to not have Health Insurance....
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhen the Healthcare Bill requires US to obtain insurance in Jan. 2010 under penalty of law; fines or jail?
….and the subsidies for the poor do not come into play until 2014 to help the poor and lower class, How do the POOR obey the law..? Has anyone realized this but ME?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoDo honest people do their work in the Cloak of Night?….?
….like Harry Reed and his Cults did….with buying and selling the US economy goods, (deals with LA, and Nebraska) to make their quota…...What honest thing could possibly be done by Thieves in the Night?
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDoes God or Government giveth or taketh away?
Congress gives a tax break, only to pass a bill that will cost all of us 10 x the little carrot break…What say you?
8 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoGlobal Warming worship.....Where is David Keresh when you need him?
everyone agrees not to polute....but KILL our way of life? China and India are the only ones in that have a the C.C.
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoAl Gore think’s the earth’s temperature is millions of degrees. How does he defend his ignornance?.bad grades?
.last I heard the earth’s core is only thousands of degrees hot… and HE is the authority for the Debate....but for the Global warming Groupies I guess a 1,000th degree error is to be ignored…right?
7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago