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Ice Cream
How does the Words With Friends app find a random opponent?
In the Words With Friends app, when you search for a random opponent, does the game connect you to someone else who is also searching for a random opponent at that time, or does it just randomly select any user? Sometimes when I start a game with a random opponent, they start playing immediately but others times, it takes hours. Any programmers out there know how this works in general? Just curious...
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoIs there a simple fix for a wall clock that's running slow?
I have a battery operated quartz (no pendulum) wall clock that falls behind about 1/2 hour per day after I replaced the battery. I had it in storage for a while and it worked fine before I stored it. It's a fairly inexpensive wall clock so I don't really want to spend money paying someone to fix it. I really love the design but the clock is no longer sold. Any suggestions on how to get it to work properly?
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoHi everyone! Just for fun...What's the most annoying thing customers do?
I work at a call center and you would not believe how many times a day I hear (from grown adults!), "I don't know my phone number. I never call myself!". A self-congratulatory laugh usually follows. That drives me nuts! Anyway, in your opinion, what's the most annoying thing a customer does?
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoCan anyone help with a calculus implicit differentiation problem involving natural log?
I'm sure this is simple but I just don't understand. How do I differentiate the natural log for any root x? Specifically, I need to differentiate f(x)= ln (fifth root of x). I ended up with (1/fifth rt x) times (1/5 (x)^-(6/5)). That answer is ugly and doesn't seem correct. Please help.
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoCalculus help needed...Can anyone help with a differentiation problem?
I need to find the derivative of tan(2x) / cos(3x). Do I apply the chain rule to the numerator and denominator first, and then use the quotient rule? I'm lost. =(
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoCalculus Question...Where do I start?
I need to differentiate (u^-2 + u^-3) (u^5 - 2u^2). I think my algebra's kinda rusty. Can I factor this first and then use the product rule? If I can factor first, how do I do that? The negative exponents are confusing me for some reason. Any help or a hint would be appreciated.
4 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoHelp with a simple logarithm question?
How does 4.5 lne^2 =9? That's the answer I get on my calculator. I know that lne = 1 so it seems I should be left with 4.5^2 which is 20.25. If I divide both sides by 4.5 at the beginning I end up with lne^2=2 which is a true statement but I don't understand where the 9 comes from. Please help me out =)
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoJava compiling error (probably very simple)?
I'm getting an " 'else' without 'if' " compiling error. Here is the section of code:
if (num==guess)
System.out.println ("You guessed correctly!");
else if(num<guess);
System.out.println ("The number is lower. Try again.");
System.out.println ("The number is higher. Try again.");
I tried adding curly braces. That didn't help. If I take out either else statement, the program compiles with no syntax errors. This is driving me insane. Please help!
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoLGBT or straight please help! How do I get over my first love?
I'm asking this as a 30 yr old woman. I am completely in love with my friend. She says she's completely in love with me. We have felt this way for 10 yrs. We lost touch about 7 yrs ago but found each other about 18 months ago. Since the day we met back up, we've had a torrid tumultuous love affair. We were in love 10 yrs ago. The feeling is intensified tenfold now.
Our situation is not ideal. She has been married for the past 7 years and is currently going through a divorce (not because of me). She has a son. We still made plans to be together after her divorce is final.
In the past couple months, her attitude toward me has changed. I've tried everything to get her to talk to me. She won't tell me what's wrong. When we're hanging out, everything is back to normal...we're great...but when we're apart, she has an attitude again.
She told me a couple weeks ago that she doesn't want to be with me...right now.
Last night she slept with another girl. She still claims to be in love with me and said it was just drunken sex. She hasn't been hiding anything from me. I didn't ask her for this information. She volunteered it because she thought I should know.
I know in my head that she doesn't want to be with me, but my heart doesn't know how to get over this. I'm crushed. How do I get over this and move on?
7 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoAll My Children fans...?
What was your favorite storyline ever? 10 points to the first person whose answer matches mine...
8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoBury, marry, f-word...?
Rosie O'Donnell, Star Jones, Flavor Flav
If you had only these 3 people to choose from, who would you kill, who would you marry, and who would you sleep with?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade agoMy friend is trying to come up with a mnemonic device...?
to remember that Edward Jenner created the smallpox vaccine...Any suggestions?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoSo I'm watching Jacksons: An American Dream...?
And when they got to the part where Michael Jackson has his famous white glove on, I noticed that the costume dept didn't work overtime on this one. His white glove looks like a giant Mickey Mouse glove. Just thought I'd share.
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoWhy are there no really good racist jokes against white people?
First off, I'm white. I love self-effacing humor. I'm not here to offend people and post racist things. I'm not a racist either. I have a few joke books of offensive jokes (racist, sexual, dead baby, Helen Keller...hey I said they were offensive). The sections containing jokes making fun of white people though, are the smallest sections in the book, and most of them are not funny either. Now I've seen black comedians do really funny jokes about white people, but those usually involve, or require, impersonations. So if you've read through to the end of this diatribe, where are all the funny, racist against white people, jokes that translate easily to paper?
6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoHello everyone! Anyone else slightly intoxicated right now?
I've had a few whiskey sours...How about you?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat movie or movies make you cry?
The only two that have ever done it for me are Imitation of Life, and 7 Pounds.
9 AnswersMovies1 decade agoFor anyone that deals with the public regularly...What are some things customers do that really annoy you?
I work at an answering service (not telemarketing) and you would not believe how many times a day we hear, from adults, "I don't know my phone number. I never call myself hahaha" That's not funny; it's irresponsible to not know your own phone number. Another one that really gets to me is when I'm in, say a gas station, and someone buying a lottery ticket says to the clerk, "And sell me a winning ticket this time hahaha". It's not clever and it makes me cringe for the poor clerk because he's probably heard the same thing 20 time that day. What things do customers do that really get to you?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat is your favorite brand of whiskey?
First person that matches my favorite gets 10 points =)
10 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoDoes anyone else do this or am I just weird?
When I'm walking into a store, and someone is close behind me, I will hurry in to avoid having to hold the door for them. I mean, sometimes it's unavoidable and I would never let a door slam in someones face or anything like that. Also, if the other person is elderly, in a wheelchair, has small children, or has their hands full, I will wait and hold the door. I just don't like having to wait at the door, politely holding it open for an able-bodied person. I don't like other people to hold the door for me either, unless I'm right behind them, because then I feel like I have to do that little half jog thing to quickly get to the door so as not to waste their time, thereby reciprocating the politeness. I'm not a rude person in general...the door-holding thing just irks me for some reason. Anyone else feel the same way?
8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoWill Amy Winehouse tour again?
Has anyone heard anything about whether she will ever tour again...or how far her emphysema has progressed?
3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago