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  • Does anyone else, at the age of 60, question things?

    I had all the catholic teachings, and I find myself questioning it all! what if--you just die-that's it-no heaven, no hell-you die, you're dead, end of story! Why all the worry and torment of an "afterlife"? You live life well, give your children and grandchildren something and someone to be proud of, die and have your ashes buried in the backyard with the family dog!! Why do people worry so much about it all and spend their Sunday mornings making up for their week!!??

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • A new kitty---15 years old and has been a city kitty?

    Normally---I get a litter of kittens, last time 4 babies that are now fat and healthy. This time-a 15 year old cat, who's been a city kitty, in and out, running streets. He is neutered, pretty much scared! Can someone tell me the best way to calm him down (please-no nasty comments!). I never intended to run a shelter--but-a cabin in the country with 1 dog and 2 cats lounging on the porch leads to more. This guy is a blue point Siamese mix--so he's got some attitude!!!

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • If God loves me why have I lost my family?

    I was raised Catholic, have lived it, in the last 5 years my siblings and Daddy have died--lost my Mom 30 years ago. So here I sit, I do have my husband, son and daughter in-law-a family my husband and I created. Why did God decide I should be the sole survivor??

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Border collie/Jack Russell mix and training seems impossible?

    She leaped over her enclosure and we spent an hour running up and down the road (we live in the country)-I finally enticed her back to the house with her "teddy". She's a total snuggler in the house but turns into a "wild child" outdoors, now it's leash only even tho the backyard is fenced. Is there any hope!!?? I'd love to open the back door and let her run off some of the "exuberance" (as the vet said) she has for life!

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Remote area with no emergency vets and my kitty was burned with hot cooking oil.?

    She jumped on the counter and landed in the deep fryer! I grabbed her out, soaked the oil off with a dry towel, then wrapped her in a cold wet towel, her paw pads aren't blistered and her bottom area seems okay (she landed on her behind in the oil). What can I do!!!

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I have an interview at a funeral home as a secretary?

    I've always worked for doctors, so this is a bit out of my "comfort zone", I'm very interested in the position, but how do I dress for this and what questions should I ask, if any. What should my demeanor be during the interview-serious and business-like? I've worn scrubs for 10 years and I've always been the one with the arm around the patient, all smiles and hugs!!

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • My family is at our wits end---children neglected, pigsty of a home---?

    Long story short---a 16 month old child that weighs 16 lbs. (no one has seen or heard him for over a week), a 4 year old that can't talk. Children's Services have been called -- by the landlord and the pediatrician and the grandmother-nothing's been done. If there are any employees of this agency tell me--what has to happen to get these kids safe????

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • So my boss is retiring and tomorrow is our last day?

    He's a doctor, his wife is our R.N., and I'm the receptionist. They have been absolutely wonderful and this has been my dream job. I want to do something, but not go overboard--just something to thank them. He's very low key and doesn't like alot of attention, she and I have become very good friends. Any Ideas?? They've gotten restaurant gift cards to last forever from patients and other docs, flowers, etc. But I want to do something to show my appreciation. They have been exceptional employers and very generous---he gardens and has an airplane.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • My daughter in-law is so critical of everything!!!?

    I love her dearly!! But it seems in the past few months she criticizes everything I do! My son and her come over for dinner once a month or so (we don't do the every Sunday, no standing weekly thing). They call me, ask if Dad and I want some company, I say "sure" and fix dinner. It's lovely for a while then she starts in--my dog is too fat, my cat is obnoxious, Dad smokes and I should make him quit, there's a spot on the couch, etc. They came over tonite--I spent the day scrubbing, polishing, and cooking. Before the evening was over I was informed there was a spot on the couch, a spot on the carpet, and I really need to spay and neuter all the barn cats (we live on a farm--i've spayed and neutered all that belong to "me", can't been doing the neighbors kitties that hang out on my back porch!!), and I really should do "something" about the chicken poo in the backyard (that's where the chickens hang out)-It's a FARM!!! So now -what do I say to her-nicely!!!

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Another snowstorm--another frozen kitty---?

    our last Ohio snowstorm a little froze black kitty was left on the farm--I brought her in fed her, gave her water (she drank forever!!) She's settled in now but I'm wondering what breed she may be! I thought she was just another barn kitty--but she has a Siamese voice--very vocal. She looks black but in certain light seems a bit sable--her eyes are yellow with turquoise (sp?) rim around the pupil. Could she be Burmese or a Siamese mix? Doesn't matter really--she's a sweetie that's found a new home. I'm just wondering if anyone had any ideas about her. My sis even heard her meowing over the phone and asked me when I'd gotten a siamese (we always had them growing up).

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Hubby's in the hospital for the first time in our 33 years together!!!?

    I know this sounds silly--but tonite is the first we've been apart!! He shattered his ankle and broke his leg after slipping in the mud and snow, so I took him to ER and he's there and will have surgery tomorrow. Am I being totally a big wussy woman?? (Yes, I know I am!!) We live in the country in a log cabin, with a wood burner, and livestock. He always tends the outdoor "critters" and I tend the dogs and kitties and house. It's going to be weeks/months before he can do anything! I have no clue how to cut wood!! I did call his best friend and our neighbor and I know he'll help--but he has his own farm to run. Hubby was lying in ER telling me how to do everything--but I was worried about him! I called my boss and said I wouldn't be in -- but before I go to the hospital I've got to water cows (the pump was frozen--that's where he fell) and feed cows (and I'm not fond of cows!) and do whatever he does with the chickens!!!!

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My boss is retiring, a Dr. who's been in practice for over 40 years--?

    He announced his retirement, and the patients are getting NASTY!!! I understand they're upset , they have to find a new doc which isn't easy in our community, they've been with him forever, but they're calling and yelling at me, or coming into the office yelling at me. I'm trying to be polite, nice and help them find a new doc, but I'm getting stressed over this!!! He's not only my boss, he's also my doctor!!! So how do I calm myself down (over losing a job and my physician) and calm them down? And how do I react to the anger? I've had people come in the office, throw the letter we sent to them at me, and demand I find them new doctor!!

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I am totally beside myself!!! Just got back from doggie E.R.?

    My little beagle (who is a house dog and has a fenced in backyard) was limping the other day. With all the snow and ice I assumed he's slipped a bit a hurt his hip. I kept an eye on him and he seemed okay. I came home today at noon-he went out and pottied, about an hour later his entire left side was paralyzed!! We called our vet who met us at the office. I told the vet everything, that I had checked his pupils and they were equal, his lips and face weren't drooping, he wags his tail and ate a bit, but his entire left side won't work. He's at the animal hospital now. I've never seen this. Vet thinks it might be a pinched nerve or an infection!!! I love this little guy!! He was left here 6 years ago because he's not a "hunter". Any ideas??? I won't sleep tonite!! I had to have my black lab put down 4 mos. ago---broke my heart!!! I can't do it again!!! Vet said something about an infection--what kind??

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Okay, so my beagle is fat--really fat--she weighs 40 lbs.?

    My daughter in-law gave me 12 levels of grief tonite over my fat beagle. I know she's "pudgy", okay she's obese. I've cut back on her food, she runs outside 3 times a day, she does get half a biscuit after her evening "pee and poo". I don't know what else to do!! She's older, and rather sendentary other than our morning and evening walk. I can't afford doggie "diet food", any ideas??

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • This is dicey--my sis's grandkids are being neglected--?

    I've no rights in this whole thing but---my sisters grandkids are being abused (not physically), but they're being neglected. The youngest is 11 months old and only weighs 17 lbs. Sis has been able to get the older one for a week or so periodically. She dropped her off today and found her daughter sacked out in bed and people passed out all over the place, a man answered the door, took the little one and shut the door (she had no idea who he was). We are frantic!! We live in Ohio, have called Children's Services repeatedly to no avail!! What are her rights?? How do we go about getting the children out of this situation? I'm terribly concerned about a baby 11 mos. old and only weighing 17 lbs. He's been to the pediatrician, who has just said he needs supplements, which the mom won't do. The 3 year old girl screamed and shook when sis took her back to her mom. We have no concrete evidence of abuse - only what she and I have observed. What can we do!!?????

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Evil kitten!!!! Love her dearly--but oh how busy she is!!!!?

    Ok Delilah this is for you!! My choc lab TJ picked a friend!! We adopted her and brought her in the house, a little barn kitty he apparently fell in love with, they sleep together and are oh soo cute but--she is busy, busy. I have toys all over the house but it's not enuf!! She has pretty much destroyed all my "prettys". It's like having a toddler in the house!! I've bought her little rope mice, balls, etc. On the upside TJ doesn't moan, groan and sigh!! He's totally content with his kitty. Now---how do I keep kitty occupied during the day!!????

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Maybe I don't have the right category but---do you leave your "trophy" in your neighbors yard??

    I noticed this afternoon several "orange clad" people hovering around my property--after some time they left. Later in the evening my hubby and I left to go out for dinner and found a coyote with orange twine around his neck lying next to our drive way. I understand that it's legal to kill them, but DAM!!! If you killed it and are very proud of it wouldn't you take it home with you!!?? It wasn't killed on my property as I don't allow hunting here--it was tossed off by the drive. I'm not opposed to hunters or hunting--just not on my property. Any answers to this???? It's because of this behavior I don't allow hunting--I really don't need dead animals lying about my woods!!!! (least of all my driveway!!)

    8 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • My chocolate lab is just moaning and groaning!!!!?

    Ever since his black lab "brother" died (not littermates but raised together), last November, my chocolate lab who is 12 has been moaning, groaning, and acts like he's in pain. The vet says he's perfectly healthy, other than being a tad fat, we're giving him extra attention (we know he misses Bear) and he's fine during the day--but at night!!! He gets on the bed and just moans, and sighs, and groans. We don't know what else to do!!!! I am thoroughly convinced that animals grieve (I've just gotten the cat over the loss of "her dog Bear") so---any suggestions for TJ?? Does anyone else have a depressed dog?? I feel so bad for him--it's winter, he can't go out and run with his buddy--and when spring does come--his buddy won't be here to run with. Every morning, before I go to work, he climbs on the couch next to me while I'm having my tea and just puts his big old head in my lap and sighs and groans and looks so pitiful!!!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I am terrified of the dentist!! I've broken a tooth!!!?

    The one dentist I've trusted for 20 years retired--he was used to me passing out in his chair!! I've not been to a dentist in 5 years and 2 weeks ago I broke a tooth--it's in the back and doesn't hurt so I'm not real concerned now--but I know down the road it's gonna hurt. So how do I go about finding a new dentist who's going to understand I have a complete phobia about dentists--I know this sounds silly but I almost pass out in the parking lot, the smell of the building makes me nauseous!!! The sad part is---I work for an orthopedist!!! yeah I can hear the noises--so long as they aren't in my head!!! And it seems like the Hygienist has a vendetta against me--with her pointy tools and my gums!!! LOL!!!

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • I want to get my kitty spayed--the vet says she can't be in "heat"?

    She's been in "heat" forever--like 5 months now!!! I'm worried about cysts or cancer, she is always in heat!! I'm ready just to let one of the "barn Toms" in for a week, then take her to the vet. He absolutely refuses to spay her because she's in heat and it would be" too dangerous". I understand if it was a normal cycle--this is not normal!!! She's been yowling and "treading" since summer!!! Help!!!!! Any vet techs out there!! I've owned animals all my life and studied to be a vet--ran out of money and became a people nurse!! LOL!! How do I convince my vet I know what I'm talking about and my kitty needs to be spayed - regardless of the fact that she's in heat??

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago