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?Whiskey Girl?
why is it that when i look at the time i alway seem to look at it right when it's 420 ?
Does this mean i need to get my bong out and hit it ???
9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoBaby's Daddy Drama...Please HELP!?
O.k so my husband and I have been separated for over 2 years now and at first I had a really hard time dealing with his new girlfriend comeing around our two kids..Well know i don't have any problem with her because i realize it wasn't her falt for the problems we had..We only talk about the kids and nothing more...I i'm really nice to her and she is the same way with me..But problem is with my ex..Everytime he comes by himself to pick up the kids he has a big hickey on his neck..I don't find that to be very respectful towards our kids..I think he should be an example to our kids..I just think hickeys are gross..Anyways my question is should i tell me ex something about it or should i just ingnore it like i have been doing?? I just don't want him to think that i'm jelouse..What should i say to him??? And should i even say something ?Or should i tell his girlfriend something ? HELP!
Thank you for your time =-]
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI had my period twice in one month ....?
Last month a had my period twice in one month and now i've had it for two weeks and their is no sign of it going away... I'm on the pill Try-Cylin Low...Does that have anything to do with it ? Or should i be worried? I've been on the pill for a year now and this has neer happened befor .Plz Help!
13 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoWhat should you do or say when your Ex talks bad about your new boyfriend?
Well last weekend my ex husband meet my new boyfriend ...and ever since he's been calling me and telling me how ugly he thinks my boyfriend is..He tells me that he can't belive i'm being with someone that looks like that ... Now i know my boyfriend is no Brad Pitt but i know he's not a fugly looking @ssface like my ex makes him sound...Now i don't think his new girlfriend is pretty at all but i don't call him to talk bad about her..In no way i'm i trying to compete to see who has the best looking bf or gf...He also told me how everyone tells him how pretty his new gf is and how he is lucky to have a gf as pretty as her..For some reason my feelings are really hurt..Most of the time i don't care what he has to say but i'm feeling really emotional about this..How can i stop feeling like this and what can i do or say to my ex about his..By the way i have to pick up the phone when he calls because we have two kids together
17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDo i have to be nice to my ex husbands new girlfriend ??
Me and my ex husband havn't been together for over two years..we have two kids together so i have to see him once in a while..I found out about his new girlfriend while me and him were trying to work things out or so i thought..Well my point is do i have to be nice to her?? I mean i don't like her and so far I have been really nice to her and she has been the same with me...But i feel like i'm being fake..And i hate fake people..I want to be myself even if it means not being nice to someone i don't like..I don't want any drama between me and this girl So does that mean i have to be nice to her even if i don't want to ??
33 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agowhy is it ???
That when you look in a magazine for gift ideas ALL they have are hundred dollers or even over a thousand dollers gifts?? Do they not know that not everyone that reads there magazine are rich people...I mean come on !!
5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoReady to get divorce....?
So after being separated for a lil over two years and trying to move on I think i'm more then ready to get divorce... i have been saving up all I have ( witch isn't much ) because i take care of our kids by myself with out any of his help...and i still don't have enough money saved up to file for it..So does it really matter who files for it first ?? We don't have a house or car to fight for ...All i want is share custody of our kids and child suport...That's all i want ..Now if he files for divorce first would i still get the child suport i need from him ?? He make much more money then i do so all i want is what my kids haven't been getting for over two years and what they diserve...
15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat kind of games should i have for my 2 years old B-day party?
My daughter will be 2 next month and i wanted to know of any good games to play...Not all of the kids that attending are toddlers..There a lil bit older..What are some good game ideas??
10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoPlease help...I don't know how to handle this..?
O.k well im a single mother of two...My son is 7 yrs old and my daughter will be two next month..Well her daddy isn't really in the picture only when he feels like being a dad for them he comes around..Anyways lastnight my daughter was in her room playing with her toys and i was cleaning ...Well when i walked by her room i saw he kissing her doll...I thought it was cute at first but when i kept walking by i saw her pretty much makingout with it( mouth open and all)...I couldn't belive she was doing that shes only going to be 2 yrs old and i don't find it very normal..I don't have a boyfriend and i never bring guys to my house ever...So i'm wondering where could she have seen that...Then while i was watching her she started to lift up her shirt and rubing her tummy ...I didn't know what to do...So i called her into my room and took the doll away... I really need help is this normal for a two year old to do this??? What should i do if there's a next time ??? I'm really freaking out
21 AnswersParenting1 decade agoPlease i need help on what to do with my daughter...?
O.k well im a single mother of two...My son is 7 yrs old and my daughter will be two next month..Well her daddy isn't really in the picture only when he feels like being a dad for them he comes around..Anyways lastnight my daughter was in her room playing with her toys and i was cleaning ...Well when i walked by her room i saw he kissing her doll...I thought it was cute at first but when i kept walking by i saw her pretty much makingout with it( mouth open and all)...I couldn't belive she was doing that shes only going to be 2 yrs old and i don't find it very normal..I don't have a boyfriend and i never bring guys to my house ever...So i'm wondering where could she have seen that...Then while i was watching her she started to lift up her shirt and rubing her tummy ...I didn't know what to do...So i called her into my room and took the doll away... I really need help is this normal for a two year old to do this??? What should i do if there's a next time ??? I'm really freaking out
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhat are your kids going to be for Halloween ???
My son is going as a Ghost and my daughter as a Witch ...I can't wait for tonight I love halloween.. Happy Halloween to EVERYONE!!!! Be save and have a great one =-]
16 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoGirl's!!!!!!!!!!?
Don't you hate it when i guy that you don't want to hook up with tell's you..Your just scared..You can't handle this balh blah blah ...I hate that...Now why wound any girl be scared??? So lame..
Not all guy's say this and I thank you for those who don't.. Have a great day Everyone!!!
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs it left to me to remind my ex about our kids ???
O.k well me and my husband have been separated for two yrs now..We have two kids our son is 7 yrs old and our daughter is 1 /12 ...He moved to Arizona with his new girlfriend and her son about 8 months ago and ever since he moved in with her He doesn't call as much to talk to my son or to ask how the baby is doing..I don't call his house because his new girl doesn't like me and i don't want to be a problem in there relationship.... I really don't want my son to start thinking his dad doesn't care for him even if thats the case...My 7 yr old ask me lastnight why his dad hasn't called him ?? I ask him if he wanted me to call him so he can talk to him and my son said no ..He said he didn't care about him anymore..What really gets to me is that he doesn't even call to say hi to his kids or even ask about them?? Should i have to be the one to call him and have the kids talk to him or should i get let it go and keep on beeing the best mom and dad i can be??
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago'm glad Peris Hilton got her lil sl*ty @ss beat...?
I hate sl*t's like her
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhy does my ex keep calling me ??
Me and my husband have been separated for about two years now..I just stared a new relationship about 3 months ago and ever since he found out about it he won't stop asking me how the sex is with my boyfriend and i ... I ask him to stop asking me because i will never talk about it But he won't stop..He ask things like How good is he in bed?? How do we have sex?? How long do we have sex for ?? If i have ever given him oral and if he has ever done it to me ?? Thing like that and even tho i never answer him he keeps asking...He calls me about once a week and the only reason why i pick up is because we have 2 kids together ..But as soon as i hear him ask me stupid @ss questions like that i hang up and turn my phone off...Why do you think he's doing this and what should i do ? Please help
38 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoPlease help...?
I have been spoting for a week now..This has never happened to me befor and i don't know if it's normal ...Should i be worry or just let it go away on it's own..?? It comes out light red and Kinda brown..I don't mean to gross anyone out But i really need help...Thank you
12 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoLady's please Help....?
I have been spoting for almost a week now....At first i thought i was going to start my period..But them i realize that it's really light and it comes and goes..What do you think it is and should i be worried ???
4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoDo you think it's right ???
My ex husband drops off his Girlfriend at the corner of the street or leaves her at Jack-in-the box while he comes and picks up ours kids...Do you think thats right? I just don't understand why he doesn't want me to meet her..He won't even talk about her to me..Why do you think he does that?
21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat is the best way to get back at a cheating EX ????
Besides the fact you just wonna kill them..But can't ..What would be a great way to get back at them and make them regret they ever hurt you ??
23 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoAre thick girls getting more love now a days then skinny girls ????
Now a days every where I go I see thick girls...I'm not talking about a 400 -500 lb girl..I'm talking about a girl with meat in her bones..With a booty and something to hold on to...So are they getting more love then the skinny girls now ???
So is being a lil thick better then being really skinny ???
What do you think?
44 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago