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  • can I take a ovulation test while on depo provera?

    Hi I'm wondering can i take a ovulation test while im on depo provera im done depo on April 12th i haven't had much experince with ovulation test ... since iv been on birth control for 6 years. but id like to start my little family here soon .

    or do i need to wait for when my period comes back ?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive2 days ago
  • Hi i just have a question about coming off Depo Provera (birth control)?

    So my Depo shot expires April 12th how long did it take any of you to get your period back or fall pregnant ?

    Iv been on the Depo shot for about 6 years now and coming off for the first time i would love to hear your experince after the depo shot ! thanks :)

    Women's Health3 days ago
  • How should I let my manager know I’m not comfortable with this job?

    So I work at a daycare and I work with 10 kids that are 4 years of age .. they are all really wild of course ! Most kids are around that age .. I just started on February 1st I love my job besides the fact I had a sezuire at work and they had to call an Ambulance I was diagnose at 14 with epilepsy never had a sezuire at work ever ! And I’m 23 now  I would love to stay but I don’t want to fall on a kid and hurt them if I have a sezuire :( I care about my safety and there’s aswell what should I do how should I approach my manager we already talked and she told me to talk to her on Monday so I’m going to talk to her tomorrow about it ! 

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 week ago
  • Should I move back home ?

    Hi everyone I recently moved in with my boyfriend about 1 hr 15 mins from my home town .. I started a new job but I’m not happy with my job he wanted me to move with him he wouldn’t quit his job when I have been at my last job for almost 3 years and loved it !! Now I’m struggling at a daycare . With 10 kids that are 4 years old I have epilepsy and I had a sezuire at work last week i am scared I may fall on a kid if I have another sezuire at work .. I want to move home but also want to be with my boyfriend . I don’t want to be long distance we may have to .. for my health for awhile I think it’s best I work on myself if he just understands ..:( I’m very stressed lately I think I miss home yes I have lived on my own before but I was always near my family and now that I had a sezuire at work I feel more nervous And stressed what do you guys think I should do .. I’m really going crazy over this 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 week ago
  • Does Premama birth control cleanse actually work ?  ?

    I ordered it off Amazon and received it today , now should I take it in the morning or night ? I’m on depo provera and I can take it while I’m on depo i have been on depo for 5 years ! Now wanting to come off it completely . Me and my boyfriend would like to try for our first baby . But has anyone experienced good things with this premama birth control cleanse ! I’m hearing really good reviews about it:)

    Women's Health4 weeks ago
  • Conceive plus + question ?

    So ... I’m on depo provera right now I ordered conceive plus and the lube a week ago and came today I will not take this product till I’m off depo I’m off depo April 11. but I haven’t had a period since I’m on depo like in 5 years will the conceive plus supplements regulate my period ? Will I get it back soon or will I have to wait naturally. I also ordered the birth control cleanse. Witch comes March 11th 

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 month ago
  • Ordered a package off a website and says it’s in Canada last night at 9:00 how long should it take to get to we’re I am ?

    How long does this take if it’s in Canada ? I’m in new Brunswick I ordered it on the 24th of February :) 

    4 AnswersOther - Canada1 month ago
  • Anyone use premama birth control cleanse off Amazon how is it ?

    I just ordered it off Amazon I would love to try it ! Any feed back ?:) 

    2 AnswersCorporations1 month ago
  • Attachment image

    Took two ovulation test tonight does it look positive or negative?:)?

    Hi everyone I just got my parcel in the mail today pregmate ovulation test and pregnancy test as well , I took one ovulation test at 5:30 pm

    And the other at 6:30 pm does this look positive or negative:)? 


  • Attachment image

    Does this ovulation test look positive !?

    Hi all I tested earlier tonight with an ovulation test but maybe I should test early in morning I bought two ovulation test and two pregnancy test from dollar store when I looked at ovulation test there was a slight line , so I took a pic and I tweaked the picture to see if it would pop .

    I’m going to test again tomorrow but does this look positive to anyone ? Thanks :)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 month ago
  • UTI possibly ? I tested 6 days ago and no results yet ..?

    Hi there I’m getting worried It usually takes 1-3 days for the doctor to call back i have been peeing frequently running to the bathroom in middle of the night during the day . I don’t know if it’s something else . That’s why it’s taking abit for the doctor to get back to me :/ I’m curious has anyone had this happen before ? 

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersWomen's Health2 months ago
  • How to get depo out of system after a month use iv been on it for 4 years ?

    Hi is there an injection we’re you can take depo- provera out of your system or anything at all that helps to flush it out -thanks :) 

    1 AnswerWomen's Health2 months ago
  • How does pree seed work ? ?

    Hi all I’m on birth control and I bought pree seed to help my dryness . During sex I was wondering if it’s safe to take , yes I do have unprotected sex but I’m in not ready for a baby yet . 

    I only heard of it from a friend that it helps with dryness  Please no rude comments I’m just wondering if it’s safe thanks 

    3 AnswersPregnancy2 months ago
  • Implantation bleeding after side effects..? ?

    Hi what are the side effects after implantation bleeding now.. I'm. Not quit sure if this is it or not but

    *Side of my back hurts

    *Stopped bleeding on the 7th day. Very light bleeding such as first started dark red, then light and ended with dark blood

    But I did have symptoms as vomiting and very emotional I just would like to know what are the effects after implantation thanks. 

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 months ago
  • Pain on left side of stomach could this be pregnancy? ?

    I have symptoms of pregnancy such as :

    *light bleeding /slight cramping bleeding is red, pink, and now its dark brown

    *pain on upper side of stomach sharp pains

    *vomiting 3 times Last week 

    *very emotional/and moody 

    I also took a pregnancy test I opend it up peed on it but it was could be I tested to early Aswell Anyone know what this could be I'm so worried. 

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 months ago
  • Can you get pregnant on depo shot..?.I'm worried that I maybe ?

    So Sept 30th I had sex... And he came in me I'm on depo provera and have been for 5 years and recently I just got  spotting about a few days ago and stopped yesterday I never had a drop of blood since the past 5 years and I have cramps but not major cramps. Spotting was red at first then went really dark but only a bit wouldent fit a pad... It lasted 2 days please anyone have this happen before! And ended up being pregnant? I'm On my last month of being on depo I will test tonight or tomorrow I'm so nervous. 

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 months ago
  • i reset my iPhone SE now i was wondering how do i get my contacts and messages back ?

    i'm in need of a bit of help i reset my old iPhone SE awhile back but would like my contacts back on the phone and messages. there not there and iv tried i cloud and iTunes .. :/ nothing is working so thought id come here for some help !

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans7 months ago