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Paul's Next Wife

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  • What vitamins are good for boosing energy? Which vitamins are good for your skin and hair?

    Whenever I look stuff up, it's all about people trying to sell me things. I just want to know what's good for your energy levels and what helps skin and hair.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Where do you start when your entire house is messy and unorganized?

    I've been sick for a very long time, and my house is in shambles. I absolutely feel overwhelmed and do not know where to begin. I think once the place gets into good shape, I could maintain it, but it's out of control. Where do I begin? What would you do? And please, PLEASE do not tell me to go to There is way too much information there, and I become completely swamped by it and can't breathe. I need a plan. Dear reader, can you help me? Thank you!

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry10 years ago
  • I just realized that I really despise my husband's family. Is that ok? Can I get away with that?

    I always knew I didn't much care for his father and mother, but now I realize that I can't stand his sister, her husband, and her kids either. My husband comes from a very small family, and I come from a very large one. I think his family, all of them, are incredibly selfish and self-centered, judgemental, and they all have a superiority complex. My husband is not like this; in fact, if anything, he seems to be their exact opposite. How can I love him so much but not be able to stomach being in the same room with his family? We've been married 10 years, and it really is becoming a strain on me to be around people that I so fundamentally can not tolerate. Right now, the big deal is my son's birthday. My son is autistic, and loves his cousins very much. But they seem to be too busy to arrange to be at a birthday party for him. I have to schedule the party just to suit these people! And I can't get a straight answer out of them as to when they could come! Of course, WE have to go to all of THEIR parties, gift in hand.

    How can I continue to smile and be gracious to these horrendous people?

    I DID skip Easter. I was under the weather, and my husband told me he didn't mind if I stayed home. I didn't get a nice Easter dinner, but I did get a day free of headaches and tension.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What should I do to help my dog?

    I have a 15 year old Jack Russell terrier. She's been in a slow decline for the last few months, sleeping more, eating less, but she sees a vet regularly and they said overall (except for her awful teeth) that she was ok for a dog her age. In the last few days, she's become very ill. I took her to the vet on Tuesday and she had an antibiotic shot. She's no better...she hasn't eaten in over three days and she's drinking water only through a syringe. I'm trying to get her through the night so I can call the vet when they open. Any suggestions on how to get some calories in her?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What would happen if I suddenly stopped taking 4 mg of prednisone?

    I've always heard that you have to wean off of it. Why? If I suddenly stopped taking my 4 mg a day, what would happen? It's such a small dose. Would I even miss it? I take it for psoriasis and arthritis.

    5 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • What are your special talents?

    I've asked this once before but did not get very many good answers. I'm not talking about sexual stuff, and I'm not talking about cracking your knuckles or manipulating people. I'm talking about juggling, yodeling, riding a unicycle, impersonations, ballet on pointe...stuff like THAT. Performing talents. If you've got a specialized talent, I want to hear about it!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are your "special" talents?

    I'm not talking about anything sexual. I'm talking about things like juggling, tap dancing, impersonations, walking on your toes like Pee Wee Herman used to do, stopping fan blades with your tongue...stuff like that. I'm writing a book and some of my characters need to have very unique talents. Thanks for answering!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How does one go about planning a trip to England?

    The web has gazillions of sites and I don't have time to surf all day. What's the best way to plan for your first overseas trip?

    6 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Would you buy the extended warranty on a new Honda?

    I'm buying a 2010 Honda Element today. The dealership I'm buying it from gives you a free lifetime powertrain warranty. There's also a 60,000 mile warranty. Of course they're trying to sell me a 120,000 mile warranty as well. They say Hondas are very reliable. So do I really need to get this warranty? What would you do?

    4 AnswersHonda1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been to North Carolina's Outer banks?

    Please tell me about your trip to the Outer Banks. Where did you stay? Where did you eat? Do you have any recommendations to someone who wants to take a trip there? I'm thinking about staying around Kill Devil Hills...unless you know someplace better!

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What would be a good director's gift for the directors of "The Mousetrap"?

    I am doing the show "The Mousetrap" for my town's civic theater. We have two first-time directors co-directing and producing. What would be some good gifts we could give them? Obviously I'm looking for something to tie in with "The Mousetrap". Thanks for your input!

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Is there some kind of formula to figure out what your gangsta rapper name would be?

    I loved the question about porn names--now I need a gangsta rap name!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Health problems...feeling guilty about how much my family has to spend on me...what would you do?

    I have a few health problems that are chronic and very, very expensive. I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and I take Remicade and Methotrexate for it. If I didn't, my body would be covered in red lesions (I've been covered up to 70% of my body) and I'd be walking with a cane, preparing to have hip replacement. I know I need this treatment. Remicade is EXTREMELY expensive. My doctor's office used to let me make payments...but they've changed their policy and you have to pay upfront. I have insurance, but I have to pay a very large deductible. This, plus the daily meds I take for the condition, plus meds for high bp, depression, and GERD, cost a helluva lot of money.

    I had bronchitis for three months starting in October of last year. Long story short, they discovered I have a slightly deviated septum and an old infection in my sinuses. I took meds, and now I'm supposed to have a second CT of the sinuses...and I know that they're going to find that I'm no better. The next step could be surgery. I'm feeling EXTREMELY guilty about how much my problems literally cost my family. I quit smoking and started eating better...but it's not helping any of my conditions get better. This sinus thing is not a life or death situation here, or a question of mobility like my arthritis is. I'm tempted to blow it off. Yes, I have a chronic sore throat. No, I really can't sing anymore...but I'm not a professional, I just sing at church and civic theater. I get so worried when I think about how much all these medical things cost, and with the economy the way it is, I know we could go broke in no time. What would you do if you were me? How important is it to fix this?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • This Christmas has been the worst for retail in 40 years?

    I just heard a news report about how this retail Christmas season was the worst in 40 years. How can they say that? Every time I went shopping, the stores were full. I didn't give or receive any less than I did last year. Do you think that retail chains overestimate their projected earnings? Why do they make estimations of projected earnings at all? Did you cut way back this Christmas? Do you think that American corporations are too greedy? Are Americans too greedy? I've posed lots of questions here--answer any or all of them.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Do you know of any good indoor recess games?

    I work as a recess monitor at an elementary school. Now that winter is here, we can rarely go outside. I need some games that I can do with the kids. We have all kinds of puzzles, coloring books, word finds, board games, and cards--that's not what I'm looking for. They get bored easily, and I need games we can play like Hangman or Heads Up Seven Up. (Not those two, though--I know how to play those!) Some of my classes do better with a group game than they do playing with board games and coloring. Thanks for helping me!

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Do you think these Omaha steaks are still safe to eat?

    I have some Omaha steaks I got last Christmas. They've been in my freezer the whole time, but I have had two power outages this year, both lasting about 8 hours. I took my steaks out on the 23rd and put them in the fridge, still in their vacuum packaging. Do you think they are ok to cook today? I've been sick, and I'm just feeling well enough to cook a nice meal today. I'd hate to see such fine aged steak go to waste...

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year? ?

    If you are participating in The National Novel Writing Month challenge, give me a shout out here! Tell us what your book is about! How many words do you have today? I have 18,275, and I'm procrastinating right now!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If you have a cold for more than 3 weeks, is it still a cold, or has it morphed into something else?

    I absolutely cannot get rid of this stupid cold. I'm stuffed up, coughing up thick mucus, and when I talk, I sound like the lead singer of AC/DC. I have an immune system disorder, and take Remicade and Methotrexate for psoriatic arthritis. I know my immune system is not good...but this cold is killing me. I'm going to a massage therapist tomorrow to see if she can beat it out of me. I don't want to go to the doctor for a cold, but if it's something else now, I need to get this taken care of. Thanks for your input everybody.

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to buy tickets for a concert?

    My husband and I are dying to go to the AC/DC show in Indianapolis in November. Tickets go on sale Saturday morning. What is the best way to buy the tickets? I don't hold a hope in h*ll that we'll get good tickets...I just want decent tickets. The last few times we've gone to shows, we've had really crappy seats. Does it matter whether you buy on line or in person? This is one show I've been wanting to see for a long time...thanks for imparting your wisdom to an old woman who used to have to stand in line for hours for tickets to shows like Paul McCartney and The Grateful Dead...

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else think that Palin should stay home and take care of her Downs Syndrome baby...?

    ...and her pregnant teenage daughter? I know I'm going to get slammed for being sexist, but here goes...Do you believe that Sarah Palin's family needs her more than this country does? Should a woman with so many children be running out on them to help run the country? Are you appalled that she went back to work just three days after having a baby with Downs Syndrome? Do you wonder who is actually raising her children? And finally, do you think a woman with such a large family can be a complete success in politics AND raising her family?


    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago