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Denver, CO st. louis, kansas city.....Music Open Mic?
I am from Indianapolis planning on taking a road trip with my friends to Denver around June. My brother and friends make music, and we were hoping to find some open mic shows to perform and get our music out there in Denver, St Louis, or Kansas City. Are there any bars in Denver that hold Open Mics? What kind of things are there to do out there? Or any advice or what to expect when going in June? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
2 AnswersDenver8 years agoOpiate addiction, withdrawal 4 months later, what is going on?
Last year I was prescribed Norco's, I started abusing them when my bf passed away this february. I tried to get off them twice but w/d was too bad I would take 20-30 yellows a day, . It got to the point where I was so depressed over my bf's death and the fact I couldn't stop taking pills i thought about suicide, I went to detox at the behavioral center @ the hospital. I was there for 6 days, they had me on suboxone (i've tried before, but wasn't ready to quit back then) Right after I got out of the hospital I could go days without having to take a suboxone, no cravings, no restless legs (which is the worst for me). 2 weeks after getting out of the hospital i would get withdrawals. My dr wrote me a script for 14 suboxone when I got out, those lasted me forever, and I was never able to get in to see my doctor, so i gave up on getting an appt. My friend went thru the detox too, around the same time i have, she goes to her dr and she will give me a suboxone every once in a while (i know it's not the best idea). I could cut up the film in TINY strips, one little strip and i would be withdrawal free for a day or two, so the suboxone would last me a while, but when I had none I would go right back to feeling the symptoms. this week will be 4 months since i've taken a pill. i'm frustrated because i'm doing the right thing, no cravings to touch a vicodin ever again, i've gone to counseling and i'm happy, but why am i still experiencing withdrawals? yes they aren't as bad as they were in the beginning, but it's scary, will i ever be withdrawal free? IDK if i would even be able to get into a suboxone dr because i'm not technically on pills, i just still experience the uncomfortable symptoms. are they suppose to last this long? i'm just looking for advice !
Pain & Pain Management8 years agoyear old cat breathes different, sounds like a runny nose and a mix of a weird purr?
I adopted my cat on the 5th from the humane society, they never mentioned any health problems. But I noticed her breathing is different. She doesn't sneeze, no runny nose, doesn't sound like she is struggling to breathe, very active, and is eating normal. When she is breathing, it sounds like she could have a runny nose it has a mix of a weird pur but she doesn't pur when she breathes like this, but no discharge or watery eyes. Do you have any idea what could cause this, or could that just be the way she breathes? she acts totally normal. Any advice would be helpful. I plan on contacting Humane Society to ask about health issues with her.
2 AnswersCats9 years agoWhite patches in mouth on vagina not sexually active std tests negative help until I get to doctor!!?
Moved into a new apartment. Day after I got what I think is a canker sore on my tongue or I bite it in my sleep. Next day I found a white bump on my vulva, figured it was an ingrown hair I get that frequently. Today I noticed its kinda painfuls down there. I looked at the bump nothing changed... Tonight I look further down. 3 white patches together at entrance of vagina and the area is very swollen. I'm freaking out this never happened. I haven't had sex in a year n a half. My boyfriend of 6 years passed away In February. I came down with a stomach virus and recieved a pelvic exam and std test everything came back normal... I looked at pictures of herpes I don't think it's what I have if u can get it from non sexual contact... Kinda looked like thrush. The "canker sores" in my mouth look like what I have down there... I'm in tears because I'm stressed and praying I can get into the doctor tmrw.. I saw ppl w hypothyrodism can get thrush easily. Had it for a few years. Started taking meds again after about a year but my dosage isn't correct I think (just had blood work) I've had my face break out also which is a symptom... I've been having pelvic pressure n slight pain in my right ovary (have issues w this ovary) n urinating frequently. Please has someone had these spots down there and I'm their mouth before? Hoping to get to a dr tmrw. Thanks
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years agoMy adderall makes me vomit, please read?
I was prescribed adderall over a year ago. I was recently put back on it yesterday. I took 2 20mg 2 times yesterday.. I was feeling ok at first. Then felt nauseous.. I threw up even though I didn't really eat. This happened at 6pm. I got home at a tomato, threw that up within 10 minutes. So I went to sleep hoping I would feel better. I still feel the adderall almost 24 hours after my last dose... I ate something this morning. Minutes later I'm throwing up the food. So I guess whenever I eat I get sick. But I'm scared to do anything today because I still feel nauseous. How long should this last? I never did this when I took adderall a year ago..
Other - Diseases9 years agoNew apartment need att&t internet how to go about it?
I hate talking to customer service at at&t. So i figured I would ask on here before I called them. I am moving into my apartment May 12th, we want internet to be hooked up asap. I tried buying the package online, but it wouldn't work. I was wondering when ordering on the internet if I could request it be hooked up on a certain day. Or would I have to wait until we actually moved it? I know it's a stupid question but i'm just curious lol
2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years agoInternet through at&t, getting Netflix how many MBPS will I need?
My sister and I are getting our first apartment, apartment goes through AT&T for internet and phone service, I have a netflix account, so we won't worry about getting cable all my favorite shows are on netflix anyway. We both work during the day, my sister isn't into TV much, I work from noon to 9, lay in bed and will keep netflix on all night until work the next morning. We both love the internet, I usually stay on Wifi on my phone, sister uses her laptop. I'm trying to save money and trying to figure out how many mbps I will need to keep netflix running smoothly. 3 mbps is $38 6 mbps is $43, while 12 is $48, I'm sure 12 would be a good deal, but idk if that would be too much for two people to browse the internet and watch netflix all night. We both have jobs where we can browse the internet at work also. So please someone tell me how many netflix would need to run decently. Any info would be greatly appreciated =)
2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years agoVomiting Bile all day, horrible heartburn went to ER please read?
Out of nowhere yesterday I threw up every 20 minutes for hours, I eventually went to the ER because I couldn't keep anything down and I was throwing up nothing but Bile. My BP was elevated along with my heart rate, they gave me Zofran, and I felt better ( have a prescription also) I was very dehydrated so they had me hooked up to an IV, and I noticed once the Saline ran out, I started getting bad heartburn, I told them this and they didn't seem all too concerned, they really didn't give me an answer for what was going on, they think it was just a stomach bug. They only had me hooked up to one saline bag, so I went home with my script, had some tums which did very little, well today, it seems like the heartburn is getting worse and worse, my stomach is still upset but I'm not throwing up. I went and got OTC heartburn medicine, praying it works. I'm drinking plenty of liquids, I cannot eat but I am trying. I'm wondering if throwing up all that bile is messing with my stomach and esophagus, like it's really horrible pain I am feeling miserable again. I'm not throwing up, so is it serious enough where I should call my doctor or the ER doctor I saw, or should I wait to see if this heartburn medicine works? Has this ever happened to anyone before?
5 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years agoVomiting every 20 minutes lime yellow stuff and mucous tummy pain paranoid please read?
Let me first start off saying my boyfriend passed away in bed 14 days ago from heart disease we didn't know he had, I guess I am paranoid now and scared about what's going on. This morning I had orange juice and ate lunch, for about 4 hours I have been vomiting every 20 minutes and I'm miserable it came out of nowhere. I couldn't keep anythung down, now I'm vomiting thick mucous and lime yellow crap, my tummy hurts while all of this is going on also. Idk If this has anything to do with it, but I don't think I've had a bowel movement in close to two weeks. I have the chills and I'm very tired and light headed. I left a message for my doctor but should I go to the ER??
8 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years agoExcruciating rectal pain, cannot move, scary?
I had a laparoscopy in june 2010 for endometriosis. Ever since then I have had horrible rectal pain, usually before I have to use the bathroom, an sometimes randomly. When I experience this pain, I cannot move, cannot talk, usually just brace myself until it stops . And when I have a bowel movement I will bleed (think its from tearing) right now I am experiencing one (comes and goes) for 10 minutes. It's sharp, deep pain , its so
Bad I want to cry. I'm scared I don't think this is normal and I'm not constipated. I wonder If it has to do with my endometriosis, maybe it's in my bowels? I'm thinking about calling my doctor, but want to know if anyone has experienced this and what they did to help it. Im a 23 year old female, have hypothyroidism, endometriosis and back problems.
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years agoBack pain Spinal Cord Simulation?
I have dealt with lower back pain since 2005. We have tried everything except surgery, so we are going to try this out. I am googling this procedure, but not really satisfied with what I am finding, is there anyone who can tell me what they experienced when they had this procedure from beginning to end? Did they knock you totally out (when I had shots in my back, I had to be sedated I couldn't handle it) so I am hoping I can be knocked out for this procedure. I just want to know what you had to do to prep, and how much time off from work you had to take, I am guessing a day? Any info given will be appreciated. thanks!
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years agoCan't get my prescription filled, says "invalid"?
I'm trying to get my medication filled, I still have one refill left. I type in my RX number, it says Invalid prescription number, IDK why it says that. So I log into my account (walgreens) and all my prescriptions that still have refills have been moved and next to the script it says "this prescription is no longer active" IDK how when I had it filled last month. Walgreens isn't being very helpful. Has this happened to anyone before?
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years agoLow Amniotic fluid, not leaking, where does it go?
My friend is almost due, she is highrisk, went in the other day to be induced, it wasn't working, so they sent her home,she had a stress test today, and it showed her amniotic fluid was down to 7...she swears she is not leaking it, and we know the baby recycles some of it....but seriously, where does the rest go!? We have been googling it, her doctor office sucks, so no way can she call up there and get an answer in a decent amount of time. I guess this means she will be going into labor soon? Is it a sign of dilating? We are really bummed the induction didn't work (gel and the square tampon like thing) they were going to try again at the hospital this weekend, so hoping this is a sign, we just really want to know where fluid goes if it's not leaking <3
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years agoIphone (3G) i turned it off, now it won't turn on, please read!?
for the past month, the internet on my phone will pretty much stop working, I have AT&T. So I would have to turn it off, then back on and it would work no problems, well it did it again tonight. I turned it off for a minute or two. Then turned it back on, I saw the Apple pop up, so I left the phone on the table and went to do stuff, when I came back, I couldn't get to the home page, it did nothing, like it was never on, I tried putting it on the charger, obviously turning it back off, even synching it, taking sim card out also, nothing worked, I called the phone, it just rang and eventually went to voicemail. I have had this phone for over a year, no problems like this, i hope it "snaps" out of it, i put my sim in a blackberry, and i absolutely HATE IT. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you!!
5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years agoAfrican clawed frog has open wound. Bleeding, help!!?
My sweet African clawed frog swam up to me showing me a open wound next to her eye. I assume it came from one of my platties- they have been living peacefully for 7 months, or from hitting something. But I am freaking out, she bumped something and she started bleeding from it, it formed into a decent size puddle of blood- too much for me :( I read that these wounds r frequent for them, and they are excellent healers. But is there anything I should do ?! Any "medicine I can give to her, isolate her from the fish?! She is acting normal thank god. I'm so sad idk what I can do for her..
4 AnswersReptiles10 years agoLittle white bug? Possibly clear worm thing in freshwater fish tank?
I've had my 30 gallon tank for half a year, all my fish are healthy, I have zebra danios, platys, algae eaters, and a clawed frog and 3 basic live plants. One of the plants i bought over 4 months ago, I got it for cheap, it wasn't in the healthiest state, and lately it looks like my fish/frog have been munching on it, so I was checking it out, and I saw what looked like a very very small clear worm on the bottom of the plant. As I was looking closer, I thought I saw a small white bug, could have been the size of a flea, so I attempted to scoop the "worm" and bug out, but was unsuccessful. I'm trying to look up info to see if this is common or not. I haven't seen these things near my healthy plants, so I'm debating on getting rid of the "sick" one. Any links or advice would be awesome! =D
3 AnswersFish10 years agoHave Endometriosis, possibly Interstitial cystitis. IDK What to do!!?
I have endometriosis, had surgery, went thru 6 months of therapy, which did nothing except cause me more pain. Before diagnosis and after, I have always had pain/pressure when I urinate. Nothing like a UTI. But it's always been uncomfortable and i've always had daily pelvic pain, especially weird sharp pain between my anus and vagina. I get pain where I just freeze, unable to move. And I cannot handle this anymore. Nothing brings me relief. I've seen a gynecologist, who just prescribes me Birth Control, which I'm starting in the next month, but last time I was on BC, it didn't help this pain I have when I urinate. My GP, is amazing, and always tries to find an answer for my issues, but IDK how to bring this up to him. I don't want him to think I am a Hypochondriac. But I know a lot of women who have ENDO, also have IC.
Can anyone give me advice on how to bring this up to my doctor? How did you get your diagnosis, and what do you take/do to control the pain..
Just seems like no one takes this seriously. I'm tired of being in pain 24/7
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoAT&T capping internet usage, what does it mean for XBOX?
So, AT&T is capping usage, up to 250gb a month. And for Netflix, one hour of standard tv show uses 1gb, high def uses 2.3gb. And for someone who watches a lot of netflix, and uses the internet, it adds up quickly. I watch netflix on XBOX live...So i assume this cap will affect playing games on LIVE? Does anyone have anymore info on this? Are there any cable companies that don't do this capping yet? Why can't they do it like they did with mobile customers, and only cap the new customers?
lol this sucks, especially for a big family that uses internet etc.
3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade agoTrouble starting Urine flow and keeping it going. please read?
For about two weeks I've noticed when I have the urge to urinate, I cannot do it, I have to really think about it and around 10 seconds I am able to urinate, but sometimes I have trouble keeping it flowing lol. Today, I went to the bathroom, and midway held the urine in on purpose, and I felt a burning sensation, but not when the urine came out..could this be a UTI? I am 23, haven't been sexually active for months and this recently started. I've always had pelvic pain/pressure when I urinate (nothing too painful though). Anyone experience this?
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoMetallic taste in mouth..Zoloft?
I just started taking Zoloft two days ago, taking 1/2 of a 100mg for 4 days, then taking the whole pill. A Day after I started to take it, I felt nauseous in the morning, and lasted until I ate lunch around 1-2. I still feel this way, and also today I noticed I have a weird metallic like taste in my mouth when I drink something. This has never happened to me before, and Im not pregnant.
I'm just wondering if Zoloft can do this to you?
1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago