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Vomiting Bile all day, horrible heartburn went to ER please read?

Out of nowhere yesterday I threw up every 20 minutes for hours, I eventually went to the ER because I couldn't keep anything down and I was throwing up nothing but Bile. My BP was elevated along with my heart rate, they gave me Zofran, and I felt better ( have a prescription also) I was very dehydrated so they had me hooked up to an IV, and I noticed once the Saline ran out, I started getting bad heartburn, I told them this and they didn't seem all too concerned, they really didn't give me an answer for what was going on, they think it was just a stomach bug. They only had me hooked up to one saline bag, so I went home with my script, had some tums which did very little, well today, it seems like the heartburn is getting worse and worse, my stomach is still upset but I'm not throwing up. I went and got OTC heartburn medicine, praying it works. I'm drinking plenty of liquids, I cannot eat but I am trying. I'm wondering if throwing up all that bile is messing with my stomach and esophagus, like it's really horrible pain I am feeling miserable again. I'm not throwing up, so is it serious enough where I should call my doctor or the ER doctor I saw, or should I wait to see if this heartburn medicine works? Has this ever happened to anyone before?


Well I just threw up

7 Answers

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Eliminate Heartburn Pain Easily -
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Hearthburn Solutions
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Heartburn And Vomiting

  • nancey
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Heartburn And Throwing Up

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 5 years ago

    I was first diagnosed with GERD, my doctor specifically told me it was a condition I would have to live with. Luckily I stumbled onto this website and ordered this wonderful book

    I was prescribed Lansoprazole which was brilliant but after two years of aching joints, extreme muscle pain which the doc gave me cortisone jags for, with some research I discovered the drug Lansoprazole was causing these rare side effects but it was I who diagnosed it NOT my doctor, I came off the drug 2 months ago, changed my diet and discovered just eating an apple stops any acid reflux, I eat an apple before bed, brilliant no acid, any time I feel the slightest sign of reflux I simply eat an apple.

    Apple juice is not that good nor is anything else I have tried including honey at stopping reflux.

    Apple is a god send for keeping acid at bay, brilliant.


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I used to be hooked on Tums and Pepto Bismol. I had suffered badly from severe acid reflux, chest pains and bloating to the point when I begged my doctor to be hospitalized. 20 days since I started applying the dietary and cleansing principals outlined in this book, my acid reflux was completely cured

    I was prescribed Lansoprazole which was brilliant but after two years of aching joints, extreme muscle pain which the doc gave me cortisone jags for, with some research I discovered the drug Lansoprazole was causing these rare side effects but it was I who diagnosed it NOT my doctor, I came off the drug 2 months ago, changed my diet and discovered just eating an apple stops any acid reflux, I eat an apple before bed, brilliant no acid, any time I feel the slightest sign of reflux I simply eat an apple.

    Apple juice is not that good nor is anything else I have tried including honey at stopping reflux.

    Apple is a god send for keeping acid at bay, brilliant.


  • sin
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    yes, this has happened to me. the heart burn and burn esophagus you are experiencing is simply from throwing up so much the day before, no cause for concern. mine lasted for almost 5 days after im sorry to say =( so just try and rest A LOT sleep as much as you can and drink plenty of cold fluids and also if you can keep it down, milk will help sooth the esophagus and also something cold like ice cream or Popsicle will help. hope you feel better soon

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