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  • I really want to live alone forever. How do I stop my mum from being a dick about it?

    So the story goes I have been both asexual (no desire for sex) and aromantic (no romantic desire) since I hit puberty. Fair enough. But along with this, I also really enjoy being by myself. You can eat what you'd like, go where you'd like and hang out with who you'd like without being tied down. I really enjoy the freedom of not having to give a hoot and also being able to follow the career/interests you would like also.

    I have never had the desire to be in a relationship, and judging by my friends they tend to make people boring - I.e they loose their enjoyment in things and aren't allowed out unless their partner texts them every 10 minutes. I would never want to be tied down like this. Ever. I am a lot happier being by myself and have rejected advances from guys simply because I would rather grow up alone.

    Now, my mum comes into this because basically this is not possible for reasons unknown. Well, its purely ignorance. But she literally can not accept this. I have been called all names under the sun. She constantly tries pushing boys on me telling me I NEED a man (will my legs fall off without one or something?), she calls me weird and full on resents the idea. She also constantly tries to push her heavily outdated and sometimes sexist and racist ideals onto me. And honestly, the way she is just borderline subservient to my step dad is just odd. She doesn't really have friends either.

    Therefore ladies and gents I need a hand with convincing. Help a bro out :)

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • What can I do about my best friend?

    She has no personality whatsoever. 0. none.... or perhaps that of half a side of A4 paper. If I had to do a quiz on what someone's hobbies were and it was between her and a complete stranger, I'd get more right on the stranger. We've been good friends for years and it's got to the point where it's annoying. She refuses to do even the most basic things because "it's not really me". For example, we were at the seaside the other day and all she did was look at her phone. I suggested a damn wide range of stuff we could do in the day but all she wanted to do was shop. Ok fair enough so we went shopping. However, she didn't get anything that she particularly liked. She got stuff that had expensive labels on or what she thought everyone else might like.

    What's more annoying is the fact she is a complete robot. Imagine, if you can, someone who is completely, completely moulded by society. Moulded to where they are beyond "mainstream". She literally has nothing to her other than her looks. She will only watch films that are popular, only play games that are popular, only wear clothes that are popular. Guys who at first fancy her loose interest because "she's just so boring, I want someone who would go out places with me".

    At first I thought it was because she was anxious, but knowing her like I do I know it's the whole 'act dumb, vulnerable and cute and guys will like me routine'. I liked her at first because she was fun to be with. It's wearing thin. She's... boring :(

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • is immigration and the number of migrants in England still too high?

    First of all, criticizing the governments policies on immigration is NOT racism, before anyone plays that card. So, anyway, now the conservative party have been in charge for a few years do you think anything has changed since the labour party were in charge?

    Personally? I think immigration and the number of migrants in England is way too high. Border control seem to be forgetting that we are an island, therefore have very limited space. Also unemployment in the UK has risen to just over 6 million people (BBC) and yet there are over 3 million foreigners in the UK (daily mail 2010). So strain on employment is high, healthcare is struggling, original British culture is now abolished and replaced with curry and crazy religions, crime rate is up, housing demand us up and we have no where to put everyone. Also, of you're coming here, please learn the damn language first. And just because you didn't get served first at maccies doesn't mean it was an act of racism.

    Don't get me wrong, immigrants who come here honestly to work or to be protected from their own country are fine, no issue. Illegal immigrants or ones that sap off the stupid benefits system we have need to either start being a real part of England it go home. I think we should be like Australia, we'll only let you in if you can bring something worth while.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • why do teens dress exactly the same?

    When i say the same i dont mean similar, i mean it's as if they were complete clones of one and others hair and dress.

    Girls seem to all ware blue jeggings, black crop top, black leather jacket and crazy backcombed hair (with a side order of fake tan and eyebrows). It's mostly the twelvies and those up to fifteen.

    The lads are no better.

    Short back and sides with random island of hair on top, superdry or hollister t shirt and just on the knee denim shorts, accompanied by vans shoes or whatever.

    Now ok, there are 'fashion trends' (something i avoid completely) but usually people deviate from them slightly and add their own flair. Not today. These kids look exactly like theyve come out of mould and have been massed produced somewhere. But why? Surely under all the make up and top man theres a unique person, possibley completely bent by society standards and brainwashed by tv, who is their own self. Also, why are young girls so brutally over sexualised in their dress sense, seriously ive seen some who look like street workers :o

    if you are one of these guys or girls, why dont you just be yourself rather than a mass produced materialistic fool? Does anyone know? Also, have some respect for others, these clones must feel safety in numbers or something because the way they act to others is appaling.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • been given a shift tommorow that i cannot do?

    I have told my manager I am away this week well in advance, I've also booked time off AND changed my availability for this week (so that it is definitely on the system). Yet i have a shift on wednesday...

    You are not allowed to ring the workplace, even though the handbook for the company says you must, as last time I had this situation I was told i musn't ring in to say I can't do it, yet they have to be notified (logic). I cannot get hold of the manager any other way than through the phone. I'm currently looking for someone to cover but I definitely cannot work the shift (I'm not even in the same county) and can't get there.

    Do i ring anyway? I can't just turn up without warning.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • how to give a resignation letter in?

    Sooooo, I've made the decision to leave the life sapping job I'm currently in and have found a new, amazing job. I've written my two weeks notice letter, but how do I give it to someone? I think it's quite an awkward situation if you have to give a letter to the manager and say something like "oh yeah, I'm leaving by the way" (I wouldn't actually say that, I'd like to, but no).

    So what do I say? Do I just give them my letter at the end/beginning of the shift and let them mull it over?

    What's even worse is the fact I hate the job I'm leaving, so how do I make it not obvious I'm leaving for that reason?

    help appreciated,

    thanks in advance :D

    1 AnswerCorporations7 years ago
  • Can an under 18 work until 11:15pm?

    Hi I have a shift next week from 5pm-11.15pm. Due to the fact I'm under 18 I'm pretty sure this is illegal/not meant to happen. Looking at the rules, it's safe to say I definitely don't work in a job (such as healthcare) where it's necessary to be working past 11pm. I've found out that if in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances you have to work past 10pm, you MUST finish at 11pm. So what's going on? (If anyone is wondering about sources it was the citizen's advice website and the UK gov. website). If I can't, what do I say to my employer?

    (A little side question here): can you ring a workplace that has p***** you around to no end and quit on the spot? Or does it still have to be two weeks notice.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • that one horrible person at work?

    Does anyone else have that one colleague/manager that you dread going into to work I'm case they are there? You know, the ones that make your and/or everyone else's life hell.

    What do I do about said person? I've talked to both family and other colleagues and no one cares. I even told a manager that this person was the one thing that made work hell, I thought this would be in confidence, only then for them to go and tell them.

    What do we do about these people?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • if a men hated women or vice versa then why not be gay?

    If you're not attracted to/hate the opposite gender then why not find another in your own and be happy? (This is with the understanding that just because you don't like someone you aren't instantly gay, but if women or men disgust you so much then why not be?)

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • why do genders tear chunks out of each other?

    I cannot understand it at all. Why some men hate women and why some women hate men. Some in both genders deem it acceptable to make the others feel like rubbish and to try and control every aspect of their life. People will go out of their way to commit gender crimes or shout derogatory comments to either gender.

    But we are here together. As equals. Partners. Friends.

    So what's the point in hating a gender? No one can destroy half of the human race.

    At the end of the day, it all comes down to what genitals someone has. Yep, a piece of skin. And a story book written years ago.

    6 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • should men have to wear bras?

    Women have to wear bras because... Well who knows? It isn't for comfort that's for sure.

    But anyway, if women have to wear bras for the boob issue, shouldn't overweight men? They have boobs too.

    16 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What can i do about my little brother?

    Now, when I say little I don't mean he's five, he is fourteen. And, to put it nicely, he is an absolute ****.

    He is beyond lazy and believes he is God's gift to the world, he never does anything around the house, even though everyone else has a job and/or school as well he can't even be bothered to help with the house work. He will go out of his way to get attention. He threatens to pull knives on people and has been in trouble with the police twice prior to him being thirteen. He cried once because he was asked to turn GTA off, he had been on it the entire day, and subsequently threatened to knife me. If I'm not paying attention to him he will go and get one of our cats and start hurting them in front of me (however whatever he does to the cat I do to him because he never learns). When my mum comes home he will deliberately throw a punch at me so when I turn around he goes crying saying I've hit him, even though I wouldn't be anywhere near him. Before today I've almost had to knock him out (this was due to another video game I turned off on him because he'd been on it all week) and as a result he started windmilling after me, punching and scratching, however I know karate so he doesn't stand much of a chance because his attacks are so psychotically angry.

    I have confronted my mum on a number of occasions and even though she was witness, refuses to do anything. It is worth noting that my bro is her favourite and is spoilt, which is why he is so lazy and irresponsible.

    5 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • why are people afraid of going into alternative clothing stores?

    Context: a few weeks ago me and a friend of mine were in town doing some shopping. Unlike her, I would be described *** being goth, and in the city where we live there is a big market stall that sells gothic clothing and nothing else. Happily I went inside. However, I noticed that my friend was still stood outside the stall. I asked her why she would come in, she replied saying she was scared. The man at the till in the stall laughed and made a joke about him not being a vampire until it gets dark (it was quite funny). Unfortunately, my friend didn't get the joke and actually still thinks he is a vampire, she wouldn't come in.

    Also, a few years back our city had a blue banana which I went in back in my 'baby bat' days. This time I had a different friend with me who wouldn't step for in the shop, so she waited outside.

    I don't see why people are afraid of alternative stores, they are literally like any other shop but just have more black stuff. I don't complain when I get dragged around river island or top shop. The prices in those shops are terrifying.

    So yeah, are you scared of shops like the mentioned above? Why? Or, as the case may be, why not?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Maccies haven't given me my shifts for next week yet?

    Usually they give you the shifts a week in advance. They haven't. I have this weeks shift but not next. They usually have them up by now. I tried to phone the store to ask but i got a load of whining about how i can't ring them up. So what do i do? I can't book anything around my shifts because they haven't given me any. The last time i booked something that clashed with a shift, the person i was talking to probably burst a blood vessel (unnecessarily of course).


    (not that i want to particularly go, Maccies is the worst place to work ever).

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • how to do well in an interview for a cafe/bistro?

    Hey guys,

    if any of you haven't noticed, i hate my current job. Therefore, i decided to apply for this job at a nice looking cafe near where i live. I really want this job so i can quit the terrible job at the moment which i abhore, and move safely onto a new job.

    I've never worked in a cafe before so i dont know what they'll ask/ expect.

    (current job is in fastfood, is it similar to that?)


    4 AnswersOther - United Kingdom7 years ago
  • why is Mcdonalds such a poor place to work?

    I work for them and i think since my second week i have been looking for a new job since. The pay is barely anything, if anyone had family it wouldn't be enough to support them. The managers are horrible and really childish, even though they are 30-40 where i work. Some of the staff are horrible also. I dread going to work there and often have sleepless nights before the day my shift is on. I've thought about reporting one manager for bullying in the workplace but the backlash would be ridiculous. I think the only reason I've stayed so long is because one customer saw how it was one day, and upon receiving her food she told me to hang in there.

    But why? I almost didn't apply there because reviews are that bad (in my foolishness i thought 'surely, it won't happen to me') it did.

    What i dont understand is the fact they are the largest fast food chain in the world. So why the hell can they not pay their workers right. Make sure the working environment is up to scratch and so forth...?

    7 AnswersCorporations7 years ago
  • i can't make my Mcdonalds shift tomorrow but no one can cover?

    I rang up on Wednesday to tell them i can't do my Monday shift as i have a two hour driving lesson in the middle of the shift. They said that was ok but the last time i rang up in advance to tell them i was going to be late due to a doctors appointment they apparently didnt know about it. So anyway, i advertised my shift on myschedule but no one has taken it. What do i do? Because i know that if i don't go (which i can't anyway) they'll complain that i didn't tell them.

    Do i ring up to make sure or what???

    Help guys!!!!

    8 AnswersOther - United Kingdom7 years ago
  • who do you think is to blame in a rape?

    Rape is still a taboo subject, but in reality it's as much of a serious crime as anything. It happens to both men and women. 97% of rapists won't be set to jail. And yet this is because our legal system places the blame on the victim.

    Personally, i believe it is the rapist's fault. There is no excuse for rape. Clothes can not be to blame either, how many men or women do you see walking around in clothes that make them 'asking for it'? None.

    But anyway, what do you guys think?

    And does anyone know why the legal system won't properly accept rape as a crime?

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • why do people hate on feminists?

    Btw, guys, we're not a bunch of man haters. You'll actually find that there are a number of men who are feminists. Feminism is the belief that both genders should be treated equally. Why is it a bad thing to stand up for people's rights? is it due to poor media coverage (i.e heavily biassed and subjective) or do people genuinely want there to be constant conflict.

    And to think, it all started because of a story book :/

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago