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  • What does aeae mean????????

    There is a new commercial, the one that talks about being blingtastic, and one of the girls says bff and aeae, I know that bff means best friend forever, but I don't know what aeae means. Can you please help me?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • At what age do taxes have to be taken out of a paycheck?

    I work for my mom at her flower shop and I'm 16. She doesn't think that taxes have to be taken out of my paycheck until I'm 18. I don't want to be in trouble with the government, so I just want to make sure. If you don't know the answer, could you please give me a link to where I could possibly find out.

    Thanks a lot!

    7 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • What should I wear to be an usher at a high school graduation and baccalaureate?

    I was thinking a dress would be appropriate for both occasions, and I was hoping I would be able to wear one of them to a wedding later this summer. I'm just not sure what kind of dress to wear, and in what color. I usually dress pretty preppy, like aeropostale, american eagle, and Charlotte russe. I'm not sure how formal the dresses would be. Pictures would be great!


    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What is the safest way to tan in a tanning bed?

    I have really bad acne on my back, and my family is prone to skin cancer. My uncle, who is a doctor, said that tanning would help my acne in time for prom (April 18). How can I tan safely? Do you have any suggestions on lotions I could use so it protects my skin? By the way I've been to the dermatologist six times a year since 2005, the only thing that works makes me vomit, so don't suggest that.

    Thanks a million!

    8 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What accessories should I wear with my prom dress?

    Here is the link:

    I want to wear my blonde hair down and curly with a head band and a bump in the back. What kind of jewelry and other accessories would work? Pictures please, and let's keep the prices reasonable.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What should I do about a boy problem?

    There is this guy at my school who sits behind me in English. His locker is two down from me because our lockers are close alphabetically. He doesn't have a lot of friends because he came new at the end of last year. He e-mailed me one day to ask what we did in class when he was absent. Ever since then we have had an ongoing e and I think he might like me. My problem is that I don't like him back what so ever. He is really weird and I don't want him to get the wrong idea, but I don't want to be mean to him either. What should I do? By the way we are both juniors in high school.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should I retake the ACT?

    I made a 24 the first time and a 25 the second time.

    6 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • How do I get my brother to get out of bed in the mornings?

    He sleeps through alarm clocks, and throws punches and yells when you touch him. We've tried pouring water on him, he's been grounded with his cell phone taken away, nothing seems to work. He's almost 15 and he needs to learn o get himself up in the morning.

    23 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do I tell my mom that she needs to discipline my brother?

    I'm 16. I have a half-brother who is 5. He throws crazy temper tantrums, hits, bites, screams, punches, pulls hair, kicks, breaks things, and a whole lot more. My mom and my step-dad don't even tell him to stop. He is really big for his age and I'm pretty small. He is physically hurting me on a daily basis and he doesn't get in trouble for it. I know that when I was that age, I would have gotten my butt beat and stuck in the corner. I never acted like that. How do I tell my mom that she needs to control him more. She doesn't even make him go to school anymore, he only went to Pre-k for 3 weeks and since he cried everyday, he got to stop going. I had to go to school when I was 3. My parents expect me to take care of him all of the time, but if he does something bad, I can't even to tell him to stop without being told to stop mothering him. Why can't I mother him, his mother doesn't, so somebody has to. How do I tell my mom that something has got to change without telling her what to do and getting myself into trouble?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How should I ask out my friend.?

    I have the biggest crush on one of my best guy friends. I have had so many people, even my parents, tell me that we should date. I really really like him and I want to ask him to go with me to the Valentine's Dance at my school (he goes to a different school). How should I tell him that I like him and what do I do if he doesn't like me back?

    By the way I'm 16 and he's 17, & we're both juniors.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have horrible migraine headaches, can you help me?

    I'm a sixteen year old girl and for the last three months I've had extremely painful migraine headaches. I've been to the doctor and he's given me prescriptions for Midrin and for Ulrum. Neither of these worked for the pain, which is generally in the back of my head or like a halo on the top of my head. He also has given me a prescription for Darvacet, which worked great for the pain but put me to sleep and made me so loopy I couldn't function. When I have my headaches I have extreme sensitivity to light and sound and sleeping seems to be the only way I have any relief. They are so bad that I can't get myself out of bed and they are causing be to miss school. Do you have any advice for me, and is there a medicine that you have used that I can ask my doctor about.

    9 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What should I do with cornbread mixes?

    I cleaned out my cabinets and found twelve packages of cornbread mix, what should I do with it?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How do I tell my friend that I like him?

    This guy and I used to be really close when we were little, but I changed schools after the third grade and we never really talked again until last year, when I began attending his church. We are both Juniors in high school, I'm 16 & he's 17. I really like him as more than a friend and I don't know how to tell him. I think he might like me too, but I'm not really sure because he is nice to everybody. How should I tell him that I like him without it ruining our friendship? And if I do tell him and he likes me back, do you have any advice for me because I've never been in any kind of relationship before?

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I tell my friend that I like him?

    This guy and I have known each other since Kindergarten and we used to be really good friends, until I moved in the third grade. I didn't move far so we saw each other every once in a while but we never were really close again. We are now both Juniors in high school, and about a year and a half ago I started attending the church that he goes to. He was the only person there that I knew so he talked to me and since then we've become pretty good friends again. I now have discovered that I like him and I don't know what to do. I've never been in any kind of relationship before, and he only has once. I tried flirting, but I don't really know if I'm doing it right. Please help me figure out what to do without ruining our friendship! By the way he's 17 and I'm 16.


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I tell my friend that I like him?

    This guy and I have known each other since Kindergarten and we used to be really good friends, until I moved in the third grade. I didn't move far so we saw each other every once in a while but we never were really close again. We are now both Juniors in high shcool, and about a year and a half ago I started attending the church that he goes to. He was the only person there that I knew so he talked to me and since then we've become pretty good friends again. I now have discovered that I like him and I don't know what to do. I've never been in any kind of relationship before, and he only has once. I tried flirting, but I don't really know if I'm doing it right. Please help me figure out what to do without ruining our friendship!

    By the way I'm sixteen and he's seventeen.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I tell my friend that I like him?

    This guy and I have known each other since Kindergarten and we used to be really good friends, until I moved in the third grade. I didn't move far so we saw each other every once in a while but we never were really close again. We are now both Juniors in high shcool, and about a year and a half ago I started attending the church that he goes to. He was the only person there that I knew so he talked to me and since then we've become pretty good friends again. I now have discovered that I like him and I don't know what to do. I've never been in any kind of relationship before, and he only has once. I tried flirting, but I don't really know if I'm doing it right. Please help me figure out what to do without ruining our friendship!


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I've had a migraine for two weeks and the medicine isn't working.?

    I'm a sixteen year old girl and I eat fairly healthy. Last Saturday night (the 1st) I developed a horrible migraine. It has caused me to miss school for five days through out the last two weeks. I went to the doctor on Wednesday (the 12th) and he prescribed Midrin. I took it four times a day, as prescribed, and my migraine seemed to go away by Saturday night. But by Sunday morning it was back. It is getting worse and today the doctor prescribed Darvocet to me and it doesn't seem to be working. He suggested that I have a cat scan done, but I don't have insurance, and we don't have a thousand dollars lying around the house. Can you please help me, I am in great pain and I can't get rid of it.


    Pain of head and neck

    Extreme sensitivity to light and sound

    Lack of sleep

    Decreased Appetite

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • There's a new guy at school and I like him, what should I do?

    There is this guy at my school that is new this year. He is really cute, but not in like the traditional way. Today at the pep assembly he had to get in front of everyone to play a game against kids in the other classes. He didn't win, but I told him he did a good job anyway. On his way out the door he glanced at me and I smiled, and he smiled back. All day it has been all I can think about. Do you think he is just being nice or do we have a chance. By the way, we are both Juniors but we don't have any classes together. If we do have a chance, what should I do to get his attention, that I like him. I have never had a boy friend before so I have absolutely no idea what to do.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • This question is for all of us who legally can't vote.?

    It doesn't matter why you can't (i.e. underage like me, felony, whatever) vote, but if you could who would you vote for?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago