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  • displaced workers?

    I am 55, been out of work for better than2 years. I have gotten fat and soft. Oh yah, I am all so grey and a bit slow.

    Seriousley, what kind of employment might, if any, may be suitable to persue.?

    For those with the wise a.s.s remarks, consider the fight to get work, when employers are looking for the young, that can bust hump and spring back., instead of us that have many skills to still offer. Some one, who comes to work daily, sober? mayby??

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Question on a rather old Kirby Up Right Vacume Cleaner.?

    Hi, I picked up a Kirby Vacume Cleaner at a lawn sale, for 5 bucks. It is one of their up right classic models. Red vac sac on it.

    It seems that some thing under the unit, may be warped, because, it does not seem to sit flat and true on the floor. Even on a carpet it seems sort of twisted some ware, like some part of that vacume, is not facing the floor, like it was designed to do.

    I have looked at the wheels and Inspected the shoe, that housed the spinning brush and belt. Any one, have any ideas as to why it acts this way?? Does the handle mount have any thing to do with it?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • pesky bother some possable fleas.?

    Is there any organic ways to combat fleas, when they get inside of your house?? There not bad yet, the cat is being treated for them as well.

    Is there some thing that can effectively be used, to rid those things from the house? some thing, non toxic? Maybe some thing, that can be vacumed up after words??

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • old style tube radios?

    what are some safe ways to work on a tube style radio? these do not have power transformers, and I beleive, one wire is chassis connected.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • finding that female that will stand by you?

    I know I am not alone here.There have been many people that have said to me, " you will find some one some day " Every time I hear that ,I want to throw up.It has been many years, and I have tried many times to win some one over, and it does. not work. With statements like that I know darn well, that they won't go out with me either, and when you ask what the turn offs are, they will not tell you, no matter how hard you try to get them to talk.

    Don't you out there think it's about time the other members of our population out there other than the slim, and pretty boys, get the girl?? Or GUY

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A question for long time cat owners?

    I have a white long hair male cat. He is strictly an indoors animal. Right now, he seems sluggish, walks around, with his tongue stuck out a bit from his mout, aand will poop in his box, and others places as well. Thing is It seems he knows it is wrong to poop other places but he cannot control it

    Any constructive ideas???

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • why us??????

    seems like 24/7 questions come up here, like school test questions. Are the sleepers looking to us to give them answers, so they might get past that course, with good grades????

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • come on guys, get this sight fixed??

    I can compose and send out questions. I never, get responces that I have answers to my questions any more, like I used to.

    Yet, If I take the time to go through the catigories slowly one by one, I will then, find my posted questions, with answers with it.

    Sooo , why are you taking so long to work out this bug????

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • has any one tried?

    a potato hot dog bun, with a coney, mustard, and hot salsa as a relish What would be your favorite beverage to put the fire out with??

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • what would you do??

    your a lonley person, and when you do meet some one, you try to make things work out, so a possable relationship, may devolope.With in a week , money for gas and other items, are asked of you. When you cannto help out at that time, all of a sudden, your dumped. out out a ten dollar loan, and you suspect if repayment of said loan,is asked for, mountains of troubble will come your way. Would you forget it and move on, ??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • wich type of window fan costs a lot to operate??

    I have two window fans wich I use. One is a thin breeze 20" box with three speeds, and an older style 22 inch window fan with the big metal paddle style blades, and reversable speeds. wich of the two wou not eat a lot of power on LOW speeds?

    Would both be the same at low speed??

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • scared to confess things?

    I am not the kind of person, to make up weird stories.I know that I have seen things, that I cannot explain, and yet, I truely have seen various oddities, that would make others, think that am ready for the jacket

    One thing out of many, is seeind two people get on an evevator at work, and when I my self, got to that very elevater, the doors were still open, the light inside was a bit brighter than normal, but no one was there, but I still saw it my self.

    Like I am not the type to make this up. If It did not happen, I would not be leaving this here.

    Who else, has seen stuff, but do not tell any body, because you know you would not be beleived???

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • money loaned?

    I met this woman a week ago, and in that time period, I loaned her 10 bucks, so she could put gas in her car. It turned out to be one of those leaches that get what they can, then dump you.

    I want to demand to be payed back, but she is one of those flakes, that may call the cops, lie about every thing, and make some un forceen expences for me, that I cannot afford.

    Shuld I for get about it and keep away, or confront her and demand to be repaied on the spot??

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • meeting that new woman?

    Hi I have been with out a woman for some time now. I have recently met some one. We have known each other for a week now.. She has already started to ask favores, like 10 bucks for gas, wich she got, ciggaretts, wich she did not get, long trip, so she didn't have to burn her fuel, wich didn't take place and more.

    I may still be blind to the fact she may be one of those people that latch on to you, and bleed you dry, cause your a nice guy, and try to help out if possable

    What do you think out there in cyber land ??

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • meeting that new woman?

    Hi I have been with out a woman for some time now. I have recently met some one. We have known each other for a week now.. She has already started to ask favores, like 10 bucks for gas, wich she got, ciggaretts, wich she did not get, long trip, so she didn't have to burn her fuel, wich didn't take place and more.

    I may still be blind to the fact she may be one of those people that latch on to you, and blead you dry, cause your a nice guy, and try to help out if possable

    What do you think out there in cyber land ??

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • about computers, sorry guys I messed up. Can we try again//?

    Ok, short and sweet. I am useing Windows 98 for my operating system. I just eraced the hard drive, and created the 3 1/2 boot disk on the floppy. With the boot floppy in the pc, and the instalation disk in the drawer,I am ready to tell the PC to formatt the hard drive, then re load the operating system thats on the cd.

    D:/run CD format set up. exe does not work. I am doing some thing wrong. What is the correct set of commands to type in, after A:? to get the job done here...Thanks.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • I need to ask again. Please pespond. It's about my computer?

    I am selling my desk top system at a lawn sale, I have eraced the dard drive and I am ready to reinstall the operating program. I reinstalled the DOS programs, and I am at the point, ware I have the following. A:/ My Win 98 CD is in the dwawer. what are the comands to make the hard drive reformatt and load the operating system CD that sits in the drawer? That would be D:/

    I was just going to peddle it with just the DOS installed. Now that I have been offered a bit more, I deceided to put the operating system back in as well.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • hey yahoo?

    whats going on? I have posted about 6 questions, in the last month or so. There have been no responces, and no heads up warnings....So whats going on ????

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • old hard drive erace?

    I have A way old computer with Win 98 on it. I want to sell it at a indoor lawn sale. I attempt to wipe the hard drive, with a product, known as Secure Erace. I created my boot floppy.

    I have the erace cd in the pc now. It does not seem to want to load at all. Every thing goes fine, till I get I get to the point ware the cd is to take over and do it's thing, then every things stops and nothing begins to load. I cannot get it to go to the next faze, and load up to erace the hard drive.

    What am I not doing right?

    I am not to computer savy, especialy with fancy terms.

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • my cat is acting strange, like he has an attitude.?

    My cats diet, has been a very small dish of milk in the morning, with 3 of those soft treats, some soft food for lunch and a feeding tower of dry food any time he wants it. he has two clean litter boxs, and he knows ware both of them are.

    Seems he will poop in his box, and yet he will poop on the carpet in various rooms too. We tried adjusting what food stuffs he eats, but he still does it. Are cats the type that would do that, like a way to get back at us, for some thing we won't do, that he wants us to? Is that maybe a sign of some thing serious? Would some of the tainted pet food cause that if he was eating some, and we didn't know it??

    37 AnswersCats1 decade ago