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University courses in order to become a Dermatologist?
I'm in my 3rd year of highschool but it's never too early to start planning, right?
I really want to be a dermatologist.
I was thinking of majoring in biochem, but I'm not quite sure what other pre-med courses I'd have to take. I live in Toronto if that helps.
Thanks so much.
*Also if you have an idea of what Universities are best to apply to; that'd be great.
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoGrade 11 chem empirical formula help?
"A sample of a substance is determined to be composed of 0.89 grams of potassium, 1.18 grams of chromium, and 1.27 grams of oxygen. Calculate the empirical formula of this substance. "
Answer is: K2Cr2O7 ; but I don't know why. Please help explain how to get this compound.
1 AnswerChemistry9 years agoHow do I support this 'Macbeth' essay?
I am writing an essay on how the supernatural plays a big part in Macbeth's life, leading up to where & how the play ended.
What are some good examples in the book where it shows that these mystical elements motivated Macbeth's actions throughout the play?
1 AnswerTheater & Acting9 years agoCatcher & The rye character analysis - 10 POINTS?
Holden Caulfield must be compared to the month of May or the month of December.
How can I make an argument for each adding his characteristics concerning these months?
(If he were a month, which one would he most likely suit?)
2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago10POINTS-What do you think of these quotes?
Define these quotes, what do YOU think they mean? Whomever seems the most passionate or meaningful, gets 10 points.
'You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back'
'You were born an original, don't die a copy.'
3 AnswersQuotations1 decade agoHow to add more colour into this formal outfit? 1O-POINTS!?
(: My grad is coming up, and I was thinking of wearing this dress:
(It's the very first one -- Black strapless on top, and white on the bottom.)
I was wondering how I could add more COLOUR.
1. Shoe colour?
2. What accessories?
-*Pictures are a great help, and the store you got them from*-
Please keep in mind I live in Canada, So we do not have Macy's, or stuff like that :) Thanks<3
7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat is a short french book for a teenager?
I need to summarize a book, But unfortunately, I am at home, sick.
I can't go to the library - it's raining outside...
I was just hoping you'd have some books that I could look up, and summarize for a project.
Thank You.
5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoHelp with speech-10 points?
For my speech, i am writing about people judging others by their appearance.
I need help to finis this sentence:
I believe judging people by their appearance states the lack of _______ ?
Any ideas?!
11 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agoHome remedies to cure a sore ear?
This morning I woke up at about 4 AM noticing there was a great pain in my right ear.
I have had a history of ear infections, but in the past 3 years, I have had none whatsoever.
It doesn't hurt alot, but I feel pressure inside.
Are there any ways to cure this pain? Other than seeing my doctor.
6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoOMFG - Halloween Costume?! 1O POINTS?
Okay - I really need some ideas...
I might be going as a vampire or something, but I wanted something abit more creative!
Any Ideas? ;D ♥ thanks.
3 AnswersHalloween1 decade agoWhat do you do to feel happy?
at school i am VERY self-Concious of myself, and being put down by my OWN feelings/thoughts.
Also one of my closest friend, she feels that way also.
I just really wanna know what you do to feel like you are pretty, or just to make your day abit brighter.
:} Thanks.
7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHow to say these numbers en francais?! 10 pts.?
My french teacher had given us 11 different numbers to translate into french (Worded). Please help :)
Thanks. ;)
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade agoCan I put a turtle in a rubbermaid Container?
My friend has a turtle, and she needs to have more space for it.
It's about 5 inches, she said, and what are the tips you can give her if she keeps it in a container?
Additional Details:
She also has a sense that it might have Septicemia. [ It has symptoms of it ]
What can she do to help, and treat this without a vet for now, since she simply cannot afford it.
6 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoHelp! itunes? "My iPod"?
I cannot find the section that says 'My iPod' where you can see your account and how much GB you have left, and where your photos are on itunes.
Where is it???
4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhy isn't my sims2 working?
Okay, I have the Sims2 and it has been working for the past, I think, 2 years or so.
But suddenly it was not loading at all. I put the disc in, and then the sims2 screen comes up and everything after the song, it just freezes and does not respond or load at all!
***How can I make it work again???***
BTW: i have some expansion packs and stuff packs.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhen is the last time you have kissed someone?
~ Fun question ;) ~
Also, can I have a star? Xp
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDo you think I'm overweight?
Okay, I am 12 years old and about 5 feet, 2 inches tall.
I weight 125 pounds, and I want to lose weight.
Do you think this is overweight? How much weight should I lose?!Thank you. **Honest and serious answers only please.**
PLEASE DON'T TELL ME "Oh, you're too young to worry about your weight...blah, blah." I've heard it all before.
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoMy sims 2 is slow? :(?
Okay, so i have downloaded custom content and stuff from (Which SHOULD be safe, it is the official site.)
But NOW, my sims 2 game is slower than usual and freezes so I can't play it anymore :(
How could I fix this?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago1O Points~How do you get a song onto a youtube video?
When people have music on their youtube,(LIKE A REAL SONG, NOT YOUTUBE SONGS) ex: ladygaga - pokerface.
And I want to put songs that I have on my computer onto a video to youtube. PLEASE HELP ~ 1O POINTS.
4 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago