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Im a christian...I try to help others because God has done so much for me and he asks me to help others. I am a sinner just like everyone else in this world and I am no better then anyone else. Jesus is an amazing God because he has saved me....I hope if I answer a question about spirituality it will help you. Of course I don't know everything but if you ever have a question feel free to email me.

  • How does it make you feel that your black doctors need a lower GPA and lower test scores to get into medical school?

    For instance a white person needs at least 3.8 GPA and 509 85% percentile and above on the MCAT while a black person needs a 3.4 GPA and a 504 which is 60% percentile? When you see a black doctor do you question if they are as good as a white doctor? They even need lower scores on the USMLE to apply for residency!

    3 AnswersPolitics1 year ago
  • Do you think its harder to be male or a female? ?

    Women-> negatives: have periods, have kids, and tend to be weaker in body frame. 

    I think being a male is much harder

    Males->negatives: have to do endure society responsibility, expected to be the bread winner, this creates stress. If a man doesn't have a good career, society looks down on him. A female can be a server, but if your above 25 and a server as a male, its almost shameful. 

    When dating it is much, much harder to be a male, than a female. Why is it harder. Go on any dating website and if you do not have the perfect body or money, you won't even receive match. While as a female you will receive at least 50 matches for even a girl who does not care about her body. Than as a male you are expected to say the perfect things because you have so much competition. Also if a women wants sex she just has to find the closest male and say it. If a male wants it he has to work hard for it. 

    If a man is isn't the pinnacle of perfect he is shameful, but if a women isn't perfect its expected.

    Men rarely compliment other men and females rarely compliment men. Females receive complements all the time, even if it just a male cat calling her. 

    It is harder physically to be a female, but much harder mentally to be a male. And mental is always worse than physical. Which is also why the suicide rate for males is much higher. 

    Do you Agree, Disagree, Want to extrapolate my ideas?

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 year ago
  • So my pastor walked outside and saw 2 boys head first in the snow...?

    the boys said hey pastor do you want to enjoy a couple of cold ones after mass?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Are Athiests and Agnostics that help others expecting no rewards better people than Christians who help others for future possible rewards?

    Christians think they're rewarded by doing unnoticed good deeds. I and other agnostics/athests think we will probably never be rewarded by karma or any other reward after I die. Does that make us a better person when we do unnoticed good deeds for only altruistic reasons, especially sense we never expect a reward in this life or after; and Christians are worse people because they only do it for rewards that God will give them?

  • Is Andrew Yang 1000 dollar a month actually really smart or complete lunacy?

    I was thinking about the policy and did some research on how much it really is. I have always been a republican, but for some reason after doing some math it sounded appealing. 1000 dollars for 200 million people is 200 billion dollars. Our government takes in 325 billion dollars-200 billion dollars and we are left with 125 billion dollars. Wow we almost have no money left. But lets say we tax businesses. We have 5.7 million businesses and if we taxed each one 4000 dollars a month, or 36000 dollars a year, we could pay for it. This will only put half of them out of business. But we could also offset the payment of small businesses and tax each big business 100 thousand dollars or 1.2 million dollars a year which would reduce small businesses to 1800 a month 18000 dollars a year and watch the big businesses leave the US. Maybe only a 4th of small businesses will go out of business now. I think Andrew Yang is a presidential candidate. What do you guys think?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 year ago
  • Christians have you ever experienced cognitive dissonance and how did you over come this parasitical experience?

    For me, I became agnostic after many months of research on how and why my religion was wrong and realized the depression and stress it put me through trying to please a non-existent God.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • I am a nurse and I had a pastor die after a attempted suicide?

    The man tried to kill himself, but he lived for awhile, and then died from his injuries. The man was a Christian with strong beliefs. I thought God doesn't cause one of his children suffering or temptations beyond what they can handle?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Christians why did God create an average man to prefer threesomes over just being with one women if he wants to restrict sex?

    If you take a average non religious man and put multiple women in front of him, without the possibility of stds, he would rather have a threesome rather than just sleeping with one women. Science has proven this by showing that almost every man (including religious men) in one study produced a higher amount of dopamine and serotonin(Pleasure hormones) when looking at multiple attractive naked women vs one women. But if you look at the average women they would rather be with one man and not multiple men. The women who were more promiscuous tended to have higher amounts testosterone. From a evolutionary perspective its because a egg is costly for a women and a pregnancy is costly so for a women so its preferable to just be with one strong man and a man would rather be with multiple women because he could get 6 women pregnant and the species will live on easier. But from the christian perspective the reason God would create us to enjoy multiple women but then tell us no you can't have it doesn't make sense. Why would God create us to enjoy it in the first place if its a sin? Especially

     when he could of easily made men just like women where we only want to be with 1 women if he wanted us to only be with one women. It makes no sense so I was hoping a Christian could make it make sense to me. It seems like the evolutionary perspective has better reasoning behind it. 

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Why do I deserve to burn in hell for eternity?

    One of the biggest reasons I rejected Christianity is because of the concept of hell. In my memory I have never done anything to purposely hurt anyone. The worst thing according to Christianity that I have done is I had sex before marriage, which hurts no one and only gives me and my partners pleasure. So I do my best to love all, in fact my career I am in is helping others. So now from a human perspective do I deserve to burn in a eternal hell that is worst than poking my eye out or cutting off my hand? That doesn't make sense especially from a God that is suppose to be all love. Don't say the bible doesn't say these statement, I know the bible versus where it does say hell is eternal and God is love. The bible is full of contradictory statements but God being love and hell is the biggest deal breaker for me. Please explain how I deserve to burn in hell from a human perspective and how can I possibly follow a religion that doesn't make sense?  (Jehovas who believe hell is not eternal do not comment because I can read the bible and I know the versus that says hell is eternal. Also working in healthcare, I seen MULTIPLE jehova witnesses die, including kids with cancer, because the parents refused blood for their child. Your religion is garbage! And your cult that say no one has died from not receiving blood is a brainwashed lie) 

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Christians do you believe that your theories of beliefs follow the principles of occams razor when referencing your religion over evolution?

    Occams razer is that the simplest explanation is generally the best explanation, which one sounds simpler?

    that a God of love created the universe and he made it so donkeys and horses could mate but not produce fertile off spring for no reason

    verse the evidence of evolution a horse and a donkey have a same common ancestor and through time gained mutations so they can no longer produce fertile off spring creating two different species, but that fact they can produce a mule shows that they have a same common ancestor which is great evidence of evolution.

    God created a donkey and a horse to mate for no reason or evolution did it? Which one sounds more substantiated for scientists? If you were a non believer which one would you believe in?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Non evolutionary Christians explain how horses and donkey reproducing nonviable mules is not proof of evolution? or mitochondria?

    When horses and donkey mate they produce a mule. The mule is nonviable 99% of the time. The fact they are infertile 99% of the time shows evolution in progress. When animals live separately and isolated they produces mutation that make them lose the ability to mate. This is called specialization. This is what evolution is based on and its happened to horses and donkeys. How can you not believe in evolution when evidence like this and much more is all around us.

    Another example of evidence of evolution is what is called mitochondrial endosymbiotic theory. Mitochondria reproduce like bacteria(only organelle with DNA), bacteria and mitochondria unwind their DNA in a circular pattern from a single origin, eukaryotes like us have straight DNA and produce through multiple origins, mitochondria have proteins that only exist in bacteria, mitochondria can produce their own energy and even have two membranes instead of most organelles that have one. They can also live by themselves in a petri dish and replicate with out the human supporting them. Doesn't this show evidence that they use to live by themselves as bacteria and were incorporated into Eukaryotic cells that became multi-cellular, which eventually produced us. How does that not show evolution? Do you really think that after God made all our organelles dependent on humans to replicate with out DNA all of the sudden he would just make one organelle completely different and make it virtually a bacteria living inside a cell. 

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Non evolutionary Christians why are there so many similar animals that can't reproduce and make off spring?

    Rat and a mouse you can barely see the difference between them. Their skeletal structures and mannerisms are almost identical. They can't mate and reproduce!

    a horse and a donkey they reproduce but can't make viable off spring. Yes there is some rare incidences for viable off spring, but why is the fertility rate of a mule so low? Isn't that evidence that specialization is happening and in the next couple years horses and donkeys won't be able to mate at all?

    Chimpanzee and bonobos are both are primates and have many uncommon traits like can recognize themselves in mirrors, are extremely intelligent for animals and both can make tools. You can even teach them both sign language. Yet they can't reproduce. How are they not both related?

    a human and a chimpanzee we can donate blood to each other. You can't receive blood from your cat.

    EXPLAIN why these animals can't reproduce when they are so similar, how is not evidence for evolution? Is it because the creator just wants us to be confused that he would even make their DNA almost identical for closer related species or is it because evolution is real and your stuck in belief perseverance where you deny even reasonable evidence in front of you for your beliefs

  • Non evolutionary Christians why are there so many similar animals that can't reproduce and make off spring?

    Rat and a mouse you can barely see the difference between them. Their skeletal structures and mannerisms are almost identical. They can't mate and reproduce!

    a horse and a donkey they reproduce but can't make viable off spring. Yes there is some rare incidences for viable off spring, but why is the fertility rate of a mule so low? Isn't that evidence that specialization is happening and in the next couple years horses and donkeys won't be able to mate at all?

    Chimpanzee and bonobos are both are primates and have many uncommon traits like can recognize themselves in mirrors, are extremely intelligent for animals and both can make tools. You can even teach them both sign language. Yet they can't reproduce. How are they not both related?

    a human and a chimpanzee we can donate blood to each other. You can't receive blood from your cat.

    EXPLAIN why these animals can't reproduce when they are so similar, how is not evidence for evolution? Is it because the creator just wants us to be confused that he would even make their DNA almost identical for closer related species or is it because evolution is real and your stuck in belief perseverance where you deny even reasonable evidence in front of you for your beliefs

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Christians: Why are so many animals similar, that can't reproduce, like rats and mice or chimpanzees and bomboas if evolution not real?

    Why can't you believe they have distant evolutionary ancestors?

    Rats and mice, have the same skeletal structure, both have long tails, same mannerisms, and even similar noises, similar DNA, yet they can't mate and reproduce?

    A horse and a donkey can mate and reproduce but its not viable.

    Chimpanzee and bomboas one of the few animals who both can use and recognize themselves in a mirror, both even can comb there hair, both can be taught to use sign language, both look similar and have the same skeletal structure, yet they can't mate and reproduce.

    You can make a list of millions of creatures including humans to bomboas, that look very similar, have similar DNA, same skeletal structures, have the same action like many of lynxes and cats shake there butts before they pounce but they can't reproduce after mating. How can you believe they don't have a same ancestor?

    Do you really its because God decided to use a similar template just to confuse us; or is it the more logical reason that there is so many similar species that look, act, and have similar DNA, is because the similar species have a distant ancestor that was the same and they just split up and evolved to be different species.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Christians if someone doesn't believe in Jesus and they eat pig or eat blood are they sinning?

    I use to be a Christian, I wanted to be spiritual and wanted a relationship with the man who was suppose to remove my sins if I believed in him. Now I no longer believe in him and my athiest room mate who is with me, who never believed, we both have 2 giant pork chops in front of us. Will we be punished for eating them?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago