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I'm Catrina from NYC, I go to NYU for art history. I love yaoi, gothic music and fashion, fantasy novels, faeries, blowing bubbles and generally being whimsical

  • How can I get my husband to stop yelling at his video games so much?

    My husband plays a lot of video games (not something I mind in and of itself) but whenever he's not doing well he gets REALLY frustrated, and ends up screaming at his computer and making noises like he's being tortured and it makes it horrible and stressful to be in the house. How can I get him to stop?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • How casually can one use the word "cariño"?

    For example is it interchangeable with say "honey" or "sweetie" in English? For example would a waitress being familiar refer to a customer that way? Or is it strictly a thing for people who are close?

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • How to get an even orange tan (for costume)?

    Cheap self tanner ends up streaky, expensive stuff isn't orange enough.

    I want that "obviously fake" barbie look, but I want it not to be streaky, help?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Why is my dog masturbating?

    My 5 Y/o fixed Frenchie keeps rubbing his "area" with his paw, while sitting one his hind legs. This is not the cleaning behavior that one sees where dogs lick their bits, he's rubbing it with his paw. He's done this for years.

    7 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Skyrim NPC Dialogue Glitch?

    When I have a conversation with an NPC in skyrim, they keep repeating the answer to a single question no matter which button I click. this occurs after I fast travel

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Were there any men in the 1950s with past shoulder length hair?

    Obviously in American and European society this was EXTREMELY rare, but I can find a few cases (actors for roles, some beatniks) but I'd like to see more, if anyone can point me in the direction of photos of men with long hair from the 1920s to the 1950s that be amazing.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Where Can I Get A White Foundation?

    I'm talking the color of printer paper here, not "porcelain" not "ivory" no, I'm extraordinarily pale and basically anything that isn't formulated for mimes is too dark for me. I've already got the MAC pro whites, and the illamasqua white, and I'd like a little more variety, I want something that's formulated for every day use, not clowns. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Why Do People Get Offended When You Tell Them They're Being Misogynistic?

    Seriously, if you say something offensive, why do you get offended when someone tells you? It's not a big deal, all you have to do is apologize and move on. I'm not calling you the anti-christ, I'm not calling you evil, I'm just saying you said something that's offensive. How is that insulting or offensive in any way? Do you get offended when someone tells you that you stepped on their foot?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • What are some "normal" men's hairstyles?

    My friend is trying to get a job and his hair is kind of unusual (black and blonde, long with short layers) and he wants a wig to cover it up for interviews (which is reasonable) and asked me for help. I'm great at finding wigs, but after living pretty much exclusively around freaky arty weirdos for years, I'm not really sure what's reasonably "professional" on a man at this point.

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Explaining My Gender To A Potential Partner?

    I'm AFAB genderqueer, and my gender presentation is very feminine, but I'm still genderqueer. I've been sort of flirting with/going out with this guy. He seems aware that my personality is fairly androgynous, but I haven't actually explained what I am to him. What's the best way to explain this in a way that won't make this cute, sweet, cisgender seemingly straight guy horribly uncomfortable?

  • HIV transmission blood on skin?

    Um, so I was touching someone today and they started bleeding on me, i have no visible cuts, but I worry because my hands tend to crack in the winter, and I i went very quickly to wash my hands. How likely is it that I might contract HIV if they were infected?

    6 AnswersSTDs9 years ago
  • I've Been Having These Dreams?

    And basically, they illustrate a cohesive cosmology and deity, they seem to disclose how the world began and rules from god on how to behave. I'm normally very skeptical, but they seem more and more like a message from god, what do I do about this?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Will my ex know what it means if I call her a fractious caponizing Xantippe?

    We still live together and she infuriates me... and I want to be able to call her something insulting without her realizing what it means.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Should I tell my ex-girlfriend's college about her plagerism?

    My ex-girlfriend plagiarized and got friends to do a lot of her work, I have proof of this. Should I turn her in?

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • What defines religion as religion?

    I ask this question with no malice, but I was just pondering my set of beliefs. I identify myself as an atheist (who accepts the possibility of god/s, but considers them so unlikely as to be statistically irrelevant) but obviously my absence of belief in a deity does not define my belief system. So what is a religion, must it have a god? An afterlife? A moral code? Must it be a unverifiable explanation of things? Must it simply be an explanation of things?

    I for example, think I know the feeling that theists of all stripes refer to as god, it is a feeling of wonder, joy, and happiness in the inherent goodness of existence. I believe this feeling is real, and also reasonable. I also believe that morality is inherent to existence and is bound to the physical laws that govern the universe, and is based on two precepts that have more complex rules of application (Rule A: Do not harm others unless they are harming you, and then only in a manner proportional to that which you have been harmed, and only to prevent them doing further harm Rule B: Help others when possible without causing too great risk or ill effect for you, though it is heroic to sacrifice oneself and such, it is not necessary in order to be a good human being)

    I also believe that the rules that govern the universe (physics, chemistry, etc etc) are inherently good and because they rule the movement etc of nearly everything the universe is inherently good, and that goodness is practical, not because we define good by what is expedient, but because things are practical because they're good. Of course short term sometimes bad things can benefit an individual (theft for example) but if everyone stole no goods would ever be produced and everything would collapse, similarly many once pathogenic have evolved into symbiotic bacteria that work in harmony with their host because it's a better arrangement for both parties and serves both well... in other words I believe that in the end good will triumph. Similarly things like love are practical for a society and world as a whole, and are also clearly good.

    I also believe that when we fail to be truly logical we usually also fail to be moral and vice versa, (e.g. Nazi's injecting boiling water into the veins of hypothermia victims just to see if it would help, even though it seems painfully obvious that, no, that's just idiotic) and I think over time we have been getting better and better, after all we no longer burn anyone at the stake (at least in first world countries) and it seems to me that greater tolerance on all sides is better as it's lest wasteful (expending effort fighting one another is a poor use of limited human life span) I believe the universe (which is by the nature of probability a vast record of itself, though one we cannot completely read as of yet) is a thing of beauty, a wonderful story and although I do not know where things are headed, I think that as we follow the pattern set out by the rules that govern the movement of things (which are inherent, and unavoidable, though not completely comprehended by us) play out the movements of the universe things will get better and better and as our knowledge increases we too will get better and better.

    This belief system is nothing supernatural, I do not believe in what people refer to as an afterlife (though I believe our consciousness has had a permanent effect on the direction of the universe, which I suppose is a kind of afterlife) and says nothing that disagrees with any scientific fact (or widely accepted theory) but I think it does sound a bit like a religion. Is it?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Navel piercings: Are they inherently skanky?

    I just got mine done as I know it will please my girlfriend, but is it... the tramp stamp of piercings? I'm vaguely worried it doesn't suit my retro/victoriana/punky/gothy/rockabilly/pinup thing... of course there's also good sleazy and bad sleazy, I would prefer to keep this in the realm of good sleazy.

    9 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Creationists: Explain the argument that life is to complex to exist by chance?

    Here's what I don't get, unless something created god, god must inherently exist purely by chance, must have come into being by chance, etc... even if you tell me he's "always existed" his existence must be by chance, as you can imagine a universe without a god (even if you think it would be an empty one composed entire of floating particles of dust) so by his nature god exists by chance.

    Now, god is incredibly complex according to you, more complex than humans certainly? Yes? Well then if something as complex as humans would be too unlikely without a creator then doesn't that disprove the existence of god?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago