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Lv 55,758 points

Jan H

Favorite Answers21%
  • Shipping horses - horse owners?

    This is somewhat an opinion question but points to giving it some thought. I'm working on some articles - names not as important as feedback. As a horse owner when you ship or haul your horse long distance what are your greatest concerns? Overnight stays? Handling?

    Common sense comments only please! We know not having holes in the floor of the trailer is good!

    And as a horse owner if you haul yourself what do you do to help your horse arrive relaxed and ready to compete?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What are the penalties for perjury?

    Basic situation - involving state employment issue - employer COMPLETELY lied under oath in a recorded phone hearing. Am talking obvious provable lies - that I moved from CA with two horses (fact I moved from IL with NO horses) and misrepresented/lied about qualifications (completely untrue and HE CHECKED REFERENCES on hiring). Also said horses were not neglected despite one starving to death and having over 20 with ribs, hipbones showing, an eye injury he wouldn't spend $15 for something to keep the flies out of etc. (photograph evidence available as proof).

    These are serious things that slander my reputation and were stated and he repeated to the state official several times he would stand by it and not amend it. They are lies that can be proven...but how/where to take it?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • is it legal (TN) to pay someone to do your community service?

    I saw an ad to "hire" someone for this...I wasn't aware that was legal. Or is it?

    17 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Is The Green Monkey overrated?

    He warrants a mention as arriving at Saratoga "from Belmont Park Saturday at about 8:30 a.m." on the notes. He hasn't started yet - is expected to debut at Saratoga...said to be "professional".

    For those unfamiliar - he's the world record holder of sale price 2 year old in training @ $16 million. see

    He's well bred, pretty but there's a lot of well bred pretty horses that bring lots of money that don't pan out on the track. Any thoughts/ideas from others as to his potential?

    5 AnswersHorse Racing1 decade ago
  • What covers copyright law on the internet?

    My understanding of the law is it protects plagarism. However, I was recently told something different. Example - if I'm doing a tribute page online, and I use a poem that is copywritten and include that information on it - with the author of it - does that violate the law? What about "common domain" things passed around in email? There's no way to track down the person who has the copyright - I just want to make sure proper credit is given as far as I know. This is a not for profit site. Thanks for any input

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • where can I find info on K9/SAR training?

    I recently was adopted by a young redbone coonhound. She's got a high play drive and I was thinking about trying to train her for SAR unless she's better suited for something else. Where can I find out testing to better target her training as well as starting the actual training. She's about 6-7 months old and up until a month or so ago when I started messing with her had no training. She's smart and a good learner - I know some but need details to start her right. I've tried contacting a couple units online but the emails bounce back undeliverable. any contacts/advice appreciated.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • in business (or small businesses) what opportunities for writing exist?

    I have done freelance writing for 26 years, mostly non fiction. In browsing articles and such about ways to earn additional $$ several things keep coming up. Advertorials, fliers, brochures. Those I can do. There's also (usually with "take this course for $500") promises of great wealth in writing business letters...the ones like "I needed a new kitchen so in a few hours earned the money for it writing a business letter". I'm sure that exists but not for most and not without an 'in'. So I'm wondering - for the average business owner - do you use writers? For what kind of projects? What kind of business do you have - and/or what kind of business would be most likely to use outside help? I'm looking at options with another goal long term - but want to be realistic too. I haven't found such "opportunities" and am not sure if I'm looking for unicorns or if I just haven't found them yet. Feedback and suggestions appreciated!!

    3 AnswersAdvertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a site or advice to put together a business plan?

    I'm looking to attempt to find independent financing/investors/??? for a business training horses - something I have experience doing. I'm at a point I really need to get a place of my own and not rely on subleasing - which means needing to focus on getting money to buy land and a basic operation setup. A bank loan is out of the question. I need to put together a strong business plan - and am finding it difficult to find step by step advice online. I'd greatly appreciate constructive input or links, advice etc from a business standpoint to get this off the ground. There will be a branch to other things besides just training.I'm not asking for $$ - but how to put together a business plan and trying to give enough information about what I'm doing to tailor the view to *that*. It's not like a mega company or store - business principles similar but there's much different.

    5 AnswersSmall Business2 decades ago