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  • Can I cash a check that isn't made out to me?

    My son who is 8 got two checks for his birthday made out to him. Because I am not good about rushing to the bank, I took him to Toys R Us and let him buy stuff for that amount and put it on my credit card. I want to cash the checks and deposit them into my account (where I pay my credit card bill from), but will the bank do it? How should I sign the back of the check? And yes, we have the same last name. I use TD bank if that helps.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Rabies question? I've been feeding a feral cat for the last year and have gained his trust, but?

    he will occasionally try to scratch or bite me, but doesn't follow through. It's become less and less and he hasn't been here in a week.He finally came tonight with his paw held up and he can't walk on it. He has been more affectionate and letting me pet him more so I locked him in the garage with a litterbox to see if I can get him in a carrier to seek medical attention in the morning. While petting him this evening, I don't know if I got to close to his injured foot or what, he bit me. He's feral still so this isn't abnormal, but I worry that is wounds could be from a rabied animal. If so can I wait until morning for myself to seek medical attention. I am home alone with a sick child and its near midnight, I can't call a sitter. Odds are the cat doesn't have rabies, but being a mom, I can't take the chance if he does. Help Please!!!!

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Looking for your thoughts- Divorce and Holidays?

    My husband and I have been together 12 years, married for 7 of them. We have had problems in the last few years and as we were talking things out I felt we should work at it for our son's sake and his way of working it out was to move back with his parents. He wants a divorce, so when we have the money we will go forward with it. He is back here living in the guest room. His family has told me I will always be family and has invited me for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I'm not sure they quite understand that we are splitting because although he wants it, I don't think he's told anyone. So I got an email today about the Holidays and I don't want to go. I feel like if he wants the divorce, why should I have to tag around at family functions with him. I do love his family, I have always had a good relationship with them and am worried that if I decline the invitation that they will take it that I am being spiteful towards them or am angry with them. I certainly don't want to come across that way or hurt them in any way, but I also want my husband to understand what its going to be like for both of us when the divorce finally happens and neither one of us is going to realize it if we still do things together. I've spent 12 years of my life through military deployments and holding down the fort here, and being as supportive as I could, and now if its over I really don't want to waste any more of my time on him. How would you handle the situation with the family?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • 6 year old harassing my son in 1st grade class?

    What would you do, harassing 6yo child in son's class?

    My son, Joey, is shy and quiet but has quite a few friends in his first grade class. There is one kid in particular he favors hanging out with. This boy Rob hangs out with another boy. Rob is willing to play with my son, but the kid he plays with picks on my son. There was one day in gym class when my son was one of the last ones when they went running. This kid says he doesn't want to play with my son because of that. That doesn't bother me so much, what bothers me is what he said to my son. I had to pry it out of him because he was too embarrassed to tell even me, his own mother. He told me that the other kid said "Rob is going to bite your mom's (other word for breasts yahoo won't let me use) hard from left to right and they'll bleed left to right" I find that incredibly disturbing on so many levels. I don't know if I should talk to his teacher, what can she really do about it, she didn't witness it. I'm not really sure what to do. One thing is for sure I am glad he won't let my son hang out with him, he's doing him a favor.

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • What would you do, harassing 6yo child in son's class?

    My son, Joey, is shy and quiet but has quite a few friends in his first grade class. There is one kid in particular he favors hanging out with. This boy Rob hangs out with another boy. Rob is willing to play with my son, but the kid he plays with picks on my son. There was one day in gym class when my son was one of the last ones when they went running. This kid says he doesn't want to play with my son because of that. That doesn't bother me so much, what bothers me is what he said to my son. I had to pry it out of him because he was too embarrassed to tell even me, his own mother. He told me that the other kid said "Rob is going to bite your mom's boobs hard from left to right and they'll bleed left to right" I find that incredibly disturbing on so many levels. I don't know if I should talk to his teacher, what can she really do about it, she didn't witness it. I'm not really sure what to do. One thing is for sure I am glad he won't let my son hang out with him, he's doing him a favor.

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Prescription question?

    When a Dr. is sending a prescription electronically do they know your prescription history? Like whether you refilled the other prescriptions they gave you? I ask because I was taking medication and felt it wasn't working and due to the cost I took myself off of it. I've been feeling cruddy and called and asked for a refill because the other ones the date to call in a refill left on the bottle had past and now I'm embarrassed and worried they are going to find out that I hadn't been taking it.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Can you get sick from 2 month expired old sharp aged cheese?

    Trust me I didn't eat it old on purpose, I just bought cracker barrel cheese and had eaten a bunch of it. Because I am getting over a cold from last week, my nose is still stuffy and my taste is off. I noticed at some point it tasted different and I looked at the package. It expired in October. I was grossed out and threw it in the trash. I wasn't concerned though I figured age cheese might still be okay as far as making me sick. Today I have flu like symptoms. Fever, aches and pains and when I woke up I had the sweats and chills and thought I was going to throw up. I feel like I've been hot by a bus! I don't know if I should call my Dr. or if its just a coincidence that I have the flu now? My main question is can you get sick from old aged hard cheeses? I know you can from soft cheeses like cottage cheese and cream cheese etc. Thank you!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I keep my comments on other friend's comments out of newsfeed posts?

    I've read that it isn't possible but why then do mine seem to be one of the few that shows up there? If I go to news feed it will say "so and so (me) just commented on Jane Doe's status" and it shows their whole post and comments along with mine. I only see a few other friend's comments in the newsfeed. How do I get rid of that? How do I stop my comments on other pages from being public to all of my friends?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • For those with Crohn's disease?

    In order to have Crohn's must you have blood in your stool? I was on a site yesterday that said that you can also have red burning eyes during an attack and arthritis in joints which I get along with horrible abdominal and intestinal pain. I do not deal with D, nor have I ever experienced blood (I was diagnosed with IBS but they did no tests or colonoscopy...nothing). Is that one of the trademarks of the disease, or can you have that without experiencing it. If so I'll go for more thorough testing. I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid and I also know that having an autoimmune disease raises your risk for developing another autoimmune disease.

    I also wonder if blood work would show the possibility of having it.


    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Why does my email sometimes retrieve the same emails a second, third and fourth time?

    I don't get it....sometimes I open my email (entourage, I am on a Mac) and it shows me that I am retrieving older emails. When I bring up my inbox there are sometimes a bunch of the same emails. I wonder if someone is hacking the account and retrieving the same emails over again, but would they retrieve on my computer? I do have them left on the server as I retrieve them both at work and home, so I'm curious, what is going on?!

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Anyway to retrieve old iphone At&T picture text stolen, priceless photos gone?

    A friend of mine had his iphone stolen and is mostly upset about the pictures he had stored on the phone, that were sent to him from his wife overseas, of his son, through picture text messages. Does anyone know if there is a way to retrieve these somehow online or from AT&T directly? I would think there is some photo limbo out there where they could be retrieved again?


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Shepherd/Terrier mix?

    I'm looking to get a few answers to make an informed decision. There is a puppy that needs a home (going to be euthanized), he is 5 months old and is a Shepherd/Terrier mix. I don't know the history of the parents obviously so I'm a bit hesitant, were they fighters, or vicious? Who really knows, but it is said the puppy is great with people and has a sweet disposition in the kill shelter environment. I have a five year old child, two dogs and a cat.

    I feel he has youth on his side and the fact that he is mixed with another breed (since I don't know his parent's etc.) Would like to get opinions, stories of experience etc.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Abortion question for letter ?

    Recently in the state of NJ, it has been mandated that a child under 5 in Preschool or daycare must have a flu shot. I am working on a letter basically saying that it baffles me that a woman has a right to choose to terminate a healthy viable pregnancy at such and such weeks but cannot say no to a flu shot for her 4 year old. I am looking to find out at how many weeks can a woman have one in NJ (that is not for her health or health of fetus). I know its 20 something weeks, but is this for a healthy viable pregnancy? If it isn't I can't use it because obviously in the case of health risks it isn't a choice but a necessity therefore making it a moot point for my argument. Maybe its 12 weeks for non-health risk terminations? If you could provide me with a link to the info. too that would be great!

    Thanks in advance for your time and help!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Music Copyright - slideshow question?

    My coworker died suddenly and unexpectedly and we are all so saddened. We have decided to do a tribute to him either on our corporate site or on my own personal site with a link from our site.

    My questions is: I wanted to use the song "Can't cry Hard enough" but I'm sure I'll run into copyright issues. I found this site, my guess is I could use it? Help..please.

    If I can't do you know of any sites where I could get a copyright free song?

    We are all grieving and the last thing I want is to be responsible for a lawsuit because I did something stupid.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Music copyright - slideshow question?

    My coworker died suddenly and unexpectedly and we are all so saddened. We have decided to do a tribute to him either on our corporate site or on my own personal site with a link from our site.

    My questions is: I wanted to use the song "Can't cry Hard enough" but I'm sure I'll run into copyright issues. I found this site, my guess is I could use it? Help..please.

    If I can't do you know of any sites where I could get a copyright free song?

    We are all grieving and the last thing I want is to be responsible for a lawsuit because I did something stupid.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Weed control for paver patio (non toxic)?

    A few years ago I had a company put in a paver patio at my house. I was assured weeds wouldn't grow in between and sure enough there are tons.

    I have pets that are on the patio quite a bit and a young grandson that visits, a pregnant daughter in law and a well. I don't want anything toxic. I also need to find something that is not hazardous to the paver blocks.

    Anyone have a solution? Some of these weeds are impossible to get out. The torches are out of the question because I heard they can leave a burn/black mark. Outdoor carpets would be fruitless in that my patio is pretty large and I'd have to buy quite a few.

    Looking for an herbal solution or something nontoxic...Any ideas, aside from manually pulling them out which would take all day and wouldn't be that successful, are appreciated.


    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Why would CA state law prohibit shipping these dishes there?

    I recently purchased some dishes through LLbean. com. First off I DO NOT live in CA, but find that warnings for CA residents really are important to the rest of us (example: California Residents: this ornament contains led known to cause cancer....)

    Anyway beneath the description of the dishes etc. it says "Please note: Due to state law, this product cannot be shipped to California."

    Anyone know why? I asked an online customer service representative where they were made and why it couldn't be shipped to CA and she said they were made in China. Then went on to say just that they could not be shipped to CA.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this how those oppose the war really feel?

    So often you hear about people who oppose the war, but unlike the Vietnam era, they say they still support the troops.

    My co worker's son died a few years ago in Iraq and my husband is getting set to activate and go there a third time. My boss, who I've worked for 8 years, told me that my coworker's son deserved to die, and that I should expect it if my husband does also. Its one thing to think like that, but another to say it to someone whose husband leaves in a week for training, and who has known a few who have died there, including my coworker's son.

    The last time my husband went I put in for a vacation day to spend one last day with my him and my boss said he needed me for a few hours. He gave me ridiculous little tasks until finally said I had to leave. I'm giving my 2 wks. notice today, but am curious is this way of thinking normal to those who oppose the war? If you don't agree with the war that's fine, but wishing death upon our troops?

    17 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago