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  • Relaxation CDs for children?

    Has anyone ever tried relaxation technique CDs with thier children or children they have worked with?

    I work as a TSS and noticed that many of the children in the classroom are high strung and energetic. I was wondering if relaxation CDs might be helpful to the teacher and students. If anyone has experience with using these, I would love to hear it! Thanks

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • What are the best games for the wii for getting in shape?

    I am interested in getting back in shape and I was wondering if anyone has used the wii EA Sports Active or the My Fitness Coach. If so, what do you think? Which is better? What other wii games (besides the wii fit) would be useful for getting in shape?

    5 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • How do you make fabric even when you are making something?

    When you are making something that needs to be even, how do you get the fabric the right shape and size? How do you make sure that the sides are straight? I am making blankets, so if the fabric isn't just right, it will be noticeable. Any advice? I also don't have a very large working space, so this makes things more complicated.

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • How can I better use my space at a craft show? I don't have a lot of money to buy displays.?

    I have gone to a few craft shows in the past year and I have found it difficult to display all the items I have in the space provided. I have some items that could be hung up, but others that need to be on a table. I have a variety of things, from scarves, purses and blankets to signs/plaques and jewelry. Any suggestions on how I can maximize a small space and show all of my items? What are some especially good ways to display blankets?

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Your infertility experience...How do you feel, what things have well meaning people said that hurt, etc.?

    I have been going through infertility for almost 8 years now. I have found that many people cannot even begin to understand and they say and do many hurtful things. Most of the time they don't mean it, but it still stinks. I am going to school to get my Master's in Social Work and want to do a project to "give a voice" to women who have experienced infertility. I have the information that I need, and I have the personal experience, but I would like to include the experiences of other women as well. If you would like to share your voice, please let me know some of the comments that have hurt you, some of the situations that have been hard to endure, and some of your own personal feelings. If you don't want to post this info for all to read, you may email me privately.

    I hope that nobody is insulted by this question. That is not my intention. I hope that this project will help some people understand how painful and "innocent" question can be or why there well intentioned advice might be met with tears or anger.

    18 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My doctor thinks that I have PCOS. Anyone out there that can suggest a good diet and exercise plan?

    My doctor is in the process of running tests to determine if I have PCOS. At this point, I have a few more tests to do, but it is looking like PCOS. She has suggested that I see a nutritionist, but insurance won't pay for it. She said that I can just find a diet plan that works for me, but I am at a loss. There are so many plans out there and I really need some guidance. If anyone out there with PCOS can suggest a helpful diet plan, it would really help with my research!

    26 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What is a Sonohystography like?

    I have to get a Sonohystography on Thursday and I am a little worried about it. Is it a painful test or not really? I will be driving two hours from home to get this test done by myself and I am nervous! Anyone who has had this test before, your input would be so helpful!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have been taking damiana and now I am I am spotting almost daily.?

    An herbalist told me that damiana could help regulate my cycle, but now I am spotting all the time. Could this be from the damiana or could something be wrong.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone used Genesis Adoption Agency in Pittsburgh, Pa.?

    My husband and I were considering this agency and I was wondering if anyone could tell us about thier experience with them. We have been considering adoption for a long time, but have had some trouble narrowing down the agencies. Any information would help.

    3 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy inexpensive yarn for crocheting?

    I am crocheting in order to save money for an adoption. However, between the cost of yarn and the time it takes to make the items, I am almost just breaking even. If there are any crafters out there, can you share some suggestions with me. I have bought yarn at discount stores and on ebay, but you don't get the best selection that way. Please help.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Has anyone used the supplement Damiana to help with infertility?

    My husband and I have been married for over 6 years and have been trying to concieve since day 1. I've been to doctors and tried other methods, so I thought what do I have to lose if I try herbal suppliments. Anyway, I picked up some Damiana today since that is what the herbalist suggested. Has anyone had success with the suppliment. Also, if you have any other suggestions on what to use, let me know. Thanks!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My foster daughter acts very immature for her age.?

    I have a 6 year old foster daughter. She acts more like she is 4. It seems to me that she is acting this way because that is about the age she was taken into custody. When she was younger, she got away with a lot and she doesn't get away with stuff here because we are trying to teach her the right way to behave. So, as soon as she gets told to stop doing something, she resorts to 4 year old behavior. Now, I know that she has been through alot (which I can't really get into) but she does need to start acting her age. She is going to have a rough time in school if she keeps acting babyish. How do I help her get past this behavior without making her feel that she is being picked on by me? Some of her behaviors include talking like a baby, twirling her hair, fake crying (which we have caught her in), lying for the sake of lying, wetting the bed nightly, etc. I know I may sound like I am being to picky or rough on her, but even her counselor agrees that her behaviour is inappropria

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Stopping my dog from barking at everything.?

    My dog is about 3 years old. When he was a puppy, he didn't bark much. We even tried to train him to "speak" so that we could also train him with "no speak" to stop barking. He never learned "speak," so that didn't work. We tried to shock collar out of desperation, but it would zap him for no reason. Obviously it was deffective, but I don't want to put him through that again. Can't squirt him with water, because he loves water. He is otherwise a very good dog, but his barking is driving me crazy. My husband makes this high pitched yelling sound when the dog barks, which puts me on edge even more. So, since I hate this sound that my husband makes, when the dog starts barking I start to get anxious. So, how can I train my dog to stop barking or my husband to stop making that awful noise?

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • If you work in one state and work in another, which states benefits would you fall under?

    I live in Pennsylvania, which does not have great infertility benefits. We are close to Maryland, which has health benefits that cover IVF. If I were able to find employement in Maryland and continue to live Pennsylvania, would I still be able to recieve the health benefits (infertility treatments) covered under Marylands laws?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Foster care adoption and private adoption at the same time. Is this possible?

    My husband and I are foster parents and we are planning on adopting through our foster care agency. However, we really want to adopt an infant as well. We know our chances are slim of getting a baby through foster care that we would eventually be able to adopt. So, here is what I don't know. Are we able to work with more than one adoption agency, one for foster care to adoption and a seperate agency that would be for the infant adoption? We live in Pennsylvania, so if anyone is familiar with adoption regulations here, that would help.

    Also, do you think that being foster parents would hurt our chances of being selected by a birth family to adopt thier newborn?

    7 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Adoption agencies in Pa.?

    I am interested in adopting an infant and would like to know if anyone has used a really good agency in the state of Pennsylvania. I have been researching agencies for over a year and have found a few that seem good. Just looking for some input. Thanks!

    5 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • How do you start getting a newborn on a schedule.?

    I have a 12 day old foster daughter. She sleeps great during the day, but is not interested in sleeping more than an hour at night. She wants to be up and looking around during nighttime feedings. I would really like her to be up and curious during the day! Any way to help her get on the same schedule as the rest of the family?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How often should you clean a newborn's embilical cord until it falls out?

    Do you clean the remainder of the cord once a day, or every time you change thier diaper. (I am a foster parent and this is the first time I had a child small enough to have the remainder of the cord. The hospital didn't really give me any advice....)

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Recycling at home when your neighborhood does not have pickup?

    My foster daughter has been asking my husband and I to recycle. I am all about helping the environment, but I don't even know where to start. We don't have a lot of extra space in our house for seperate containers for sorting. However, she really wants us to do this. Any suggestions for someone who does not know where to begin? I know she is right, and I want to encourage her to do the right thing, I just don't even know where to start!

    6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Infant adoptions in foster care?

    My husband and I are foster parents and we love it. We want to adopt through the system and are likely going to adopt the two children we have living with us now. However, we would also like to adopt an infant, so we are looking into infant adoption. (This is not an either or situation, we still plan on foster care adoption.) My question is, how often do foster parents get an infant placed in thier care and then have the chance to adopt. I have been led to believe by my caseworker that this does not happen often and I am inclined to believe her, seeing as we have had only one infant placed with us in over a year. Any input?

    16 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago