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  • word for: admitting error and reverting to good practices. starts with an "I"?

    Can someone please remind me of the word that means admitting error and reverting to good practices. I know it starts with an "I". The word is not in common usage (much like its meaning), and I remember when i last looked it up in a more modern dictionary, they had moved away from the admitting error part and focused more on the using good practices part.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • Is this what Canadian men look like ?

    I mean, it's gotta double your chances of landing a beauty.

    *books flight to Canada*

    2 AnswersOther - Canada9 years ago
  • If God gave Man free will, then surely the Bible cannot be relied upon as the word of God.?

    No Christian would deny that God gave mankind free will. No Christian would deny that every human being is imperfect; no one ever is without sin. So when writing the Bible, surely it must be viewed as the word of man, not the word of God ?

    The way I see it, no matter how holy these men were, they were still imperfect, sin-committing men, with prejudices and weaknesses. When writing the Bible, they had the "free will" to change God's message as they saw fit. Am I wrong ? The only other option is that God did not allow them the free will to do so.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Spiritually speaking, do your questions appear in R&S?

    Not that I'm paranoid (as you are not actually paranoid if they really are out to get you...), but do your questions appear when you post in R&S ? I can see it in my Q's, but not listed in R&S. Not the first time either...;_ylt=Ak90F...

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Billions of years of erosion?

    why aren't the seas and oceans miles deep in mud ?

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology9 years ago
  • So, as an atheist, is it just the religious God you deny the existence of ?

    Or do you happily state as a "fact" that there is "no" possibility at all that an entity (not a deity), perhaps in a form that we could not possibly hope to comprehend, could have influenced the creation of our universe ? Does being an atheist (to you) mean you rule out this possibility entirely ? Just wondering.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why is science put up on such a pedestal by atheists?

    I mean, scientists (especially modern day) have been shown to lie, cheat, steal, falsify records, just plain make stuff up, contradict each other, and get so much wrong that they're hardly a reliable source to quote. Time and time again, the next generation of scientist disproves what the last generation stated as fact. Fact ! Is science all you've got by way of an argument ? That's a pretty shoddy one trick pony.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What's that song where out of the blue they shout "fly away little mockingbird !"?

    Pretty sure it's in a later series of Skins (UK). I guess you'd call the band alternative.

    ~ Fly away little mocking birrrrrrrr, irrrr, irrrr, irrrr, irrrr irrred ~

    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • Abortion Hypothetical question for the non religious?

    Despite what you might think about my reasons for posting this question, I truly am curious about human nature and strongly held beliefs. Obviously there is only one reply for the religious amongst you, so this question is really for all the others. IMO, it's a tough one:

    You are on your way to a legal, late-term abortion at 26 weeks (this is legal in my country). Life is sustainable outside the womb from about 24 weeks (eg my friend's 3 y.o., delivered prem at 25 weeks, still going strong. Some hearing issues but that's all so far). The abortion is for non-life threatening reasons (I'm not judging).

    The paperwork is signed and approved, and you are on the way to the procedure. Suddenly you fall out of the gurney, and go into spontaneous labour, delivering a live newborn.

    Q: Do you put it on life support ?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • pool filter pressure problem - blew up sand filter?

    And I have the same problem with the new (bigger) sand filter.

    24'x12' above ground pool so about 6,000 US gallons(23,000 litres), 3/4 h.p. (1kw) motor, 25" sand filter with new sand about half full. 15' of 1.5" pipe (40mm) from pool to pump and filter. Filter top is slightly higher than pool top.

    When the pump/filter runs it's all good and there is a really strong outflow into the pool, but when the pump stops water is blown out of the screw down canister lid of the pump. It's much worse when the skimmer basket is full of leaves after I've vacuumed the pool. The pump canister also struggles to remain full of water when vacuuming, and when I've finished vacuuming it's like the sand filter has got a big lot of air in it. After backwashing, and returning to filter mode, there is always a big rush of air out into the pool before it starts filtering properly. It's like the whole system is running under vacuum, i.e. rather than just pumping water around, it seems to be the same effect as if you are sucking a drink through a straw. Or is it the opposite and it's over-pressurised ?

    The gauge doesn't help as it's a cheap piece of garbage and the needle fell off so I don't know what range its reading, but the pressure shows 'dropping' as I connect the pool cleaning hose, and as the skimmer becomes more full. Shouldn't this be the opposite ?

    My last sand filter was only 16" and eventually exploded. This one is 25".

    1- is the problem the 1 1/2 inch pipes ? Do I need to go to 2" (50mm) pipes ? Could there be a pebble or something in the pipe ? I've had this before but could hear the pebble rattling. Seeing as the filter runs fine with great flow until I vacuum I don't think so.

    2- is the motor too big for the pipe/filter/pool combination ? Originally I had a 1/2 h.p. pump.

    3- Any other thoughts. I don't want to blow up my new sand filter !

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Urine smells of Menthol or Eucalyptus?

    Is a sweet menthol or eucalyptus smell present in urine an indication of health condition ?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • How is a glass half empty worse than a glass half full?

    What is wrong with you people ? You've all got it the wrong way around. I'd much rather be a glass half empty type of guy:

    A glass half empty means it started full, I've had half, and there's half left. I get a full glass.

    A glass half full means that it was only ever filled to half, and I only get half a glass.

    Surely a glass half empty is far better than a glass half full ?

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Why isn't there any indication of other intelligent life?

    You'd think with such an unimaginably large universe, with so many galaxies, solar systems and planets, and over a time frame of billions of years, something somewhere (other than us) would have evolved to a stage where they were sending out "noise" across the far reaches of space that would have reached us by now. Even considering an infinitesimal possibility such as evolved, intelligent life, when multiplied by the billions of possibilities mentioned above of time and number, surely should have resulted in some sign. It doesn't add up.

    7 AnswersOther - Science10 years ago
  • Science supports the existence of God ?

    I’m sure all you edumacated types will point out where I’ve gone wrong, but as I understand it:

    The Universe is thought to be infinite. And Infinite is big. Really big. Unimaginably big.

    Infinite, by definition, means that any and all possibilities must exist. "Infinite" possibilities.

    One possibility in an infinite universe, is that a creator type (let’s call him God) exists.

    A further possibility, in an infinite universe, is that this God created the universe in which this post was written.

    So, if science is right, and the universe is infinite, then there must be a God, and all you atheists are wrong. Or at least can no longer use science as the basis for your arguments.

    Of course, this would mean there’s also a flying spaghetti monster out there somewhere too...

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What mark constitutes an "A" ?

    Used to be 80% or better when I was at school.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • why am I getting emails from facebook ?

    I don't have a facebook account. My email address isn't registered with facebook. I am nobody's facebook friend. I don't tweet. But I keep getting emails saying I have messages on facebook associated with my email address. Why ?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • Is there a word for when a statement is made that is not meant to be taken literally, but is literally correct?

    What is the word that describes the situation where someone makes a statement that is meant to be figurative or metaphorical, and it also turns out to be literally true ? eg "That car is so big, you could fit an elephant in it !"; and you actually could. I don't mean a "pun". And I don't think it's a "malapropism" either. Or "truism". Is there such a word ?

    BTW, apologies for that poor example. I had a most amusing one yesterday, but I can't remember it.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Proof that Heaven exists ?

    I mean, if it's got it's own web address...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is evil an evolutionionary trait ?

    And talking in multi-millenium time frames, where is this taking us, do you think ?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago