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Pamela G
Can you help me with Nap time strategies?
My 3 year old is a constant battle when it comes to sleep. I have never seen a child fight sleep like she does. I thought maybe it was time to drop the nap since she fights it so hard, but when I tried for a few days it was obvious by her behavior she still needs at least a short 30 min- 1 hr nap. Once I get her to sleep she will sleep through anything, but it is a battle to get her to sleep.
I need some strategies to help get her to sleep so that she doesn't waste the whole afternoon fighting with me!
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoDo you know of any productive ways to increase milk supply?
I just had my second child and I am once again experiencing milk supply problems. I was determined to have an easier time with this child but so far no luck! I desperately need something that will really work with my milk supply.
I am already having to supplement 1 oz formula after each feeding (YES this is a HAVE TO situation- only 2 wet diapers in 24 hr period, jaundice was returning, and weight was still decreasing- day 9 and we are still not back up to birth weight of 6lbs 12 oz)
I am pumping after most feedings with extremely minimal results. She nurses on demand at least every 3 hours but usually more often, and sometimes in the afternoon she just comfort nurses like every 30min to hour even though she isn't really getting any milk. We have done skin to skin since she was born. The lactation consultant at the hospital watched her and said she has perfect latch and suck. Our pediatrician started me on fenugreek tablets and a daily bowl of oatmeal yesterday.
My husband goes back to work and with the newborn and 3 year old at home I am not going to be able to pump as often as I have with him at home. I am willing to try a lot of strategies to make sure my baby gets the best milk, but I also have to remember my 3 year old needs attention too. I have an appointment with the lactation consultant/ breastfeeding center today but thought other ideas would be helpful also.
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years agoPLEASE HELP! Is there any chance for my labor to start on its own?
sorry if this is TMI-
This is my second pregnancy and the 2nd time I am not progressing. I am 40 weeks and 3 days and have an induction scheduled for Tuesday. I have been trying to get labor to start but I don't seem to have any very positive signs! No contractions that I can feel. I think I lost my mucus plug (big snot looking glob on toilet paper not pink tinged at all), sore in vaginal outside area- like doing too much exercise, she still seems to be sitting high, 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated for 2 1/2 weeks.
I don't know- I was looking forward to going into labor on my own, but at this point I have lost any faith that it is going to happen. My last induction wasn't the greatest experience (19 hours, and still had to use a vacuum with major tearing occurring).
Any thoughts????? Do I have a chance of going into labor before Tuesday?
3 AnswersPregnancy8 years agoPLEASE PLEASE HELP! How can I get my child to sleep?
I am extremely worried about my 3 year old and her recent sleep changes. I do not understand where her problems are coming from. She has a set routine every night. She takes a bath, reads a book or two, says her prayers, and then I rock her till she is almost asleep, put her in bed. Generally she sleeps through the night or she wakes up around 4 or 5 and comes to bed with us- which we are OK with. However, 2 nights this week it has been almost a 3 hour battle to get her to sleep. It ends up with me and her in tears and daddy in a bad mood which sometimes results in yelling. Once she is asleep she sleeps through the night.
We have thought that maybe it is separation anxiety but it is not consistent, like I said it has only been 2 nights this week. We thought maybe it is because I am 8 months pregnant, so we have done the sibling classes and talked to her, let her make choices, and even reversed this and made it all about HER time with no baby talk at all.
I have tried everything on the websites I have looked at (, babycenter, etcc....) I am wondering if I need to call the pediatrician to see what is going on. If I knew what to do I would do it. I just don't understand she has had no significant changes. She is in the same bed, same room, same routine, same eating patterns. I am in desperate need of help! I am still working full time 50 hours + per week, getting reading for the nursery and making maternity plans for my substitute at work. I am stressed to the max and I feel hopeless.
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoIs this normal for potty training?
I have a little girl who is almost 3 and we have been potty training for what feels like FOREVER! We started around Christmas with just putting her on the potty and getting her used to everything but not really pushing. At the beginning of February since she was doing well we started giving her a smiley face on a calendar every day she went all day without an accident. She went for 16 straight days with no accidents!!! We thought we had her trained. We even went out of town and she went the whole weekend with no accidents. We have praised her and given her rewards for those things. However, now it is almost once a day that she hides and poops in her panties. I can only think of 2 or 3 pee accidents- it is always poop!
Why has she reverted back to this. She KNOWS when it is happening! I am so frustrated I want to scream. We even let her go to the store and pick out prizes and told her 10 smiles will let her pick a prize and she doesn't care. She wants to get out of her booster seat so we said if she can get smiles she can get out of the booster. Still hasn't changed anything. I was hoping to have her trained before her sister arrived in April but it looks like I am doomed.
Has anyone else ever had this happen? What do you do?
I don't understand how she was completely trained and now she is going backwards.
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoShould I see a doctor for these symptoms/?
I am 29 weeks pregnant and have what I think is a terrible cold. I am severely congested in my nose. Not much in my chest. Have cotton mouth even when I am drinking a lot of water (mostly at night). and I can not get a lot of sleep. I sleep for maybe 2-3 hours then I wake up every 30minutes -1hour feeling like I have knives in my throat and NO saliva in my mouth. I have had this for about 10 days and it seems to be getting continually worse not better. I hate going to the doctor and having them tell me just to keep doing what i am, but what else could this be?
I am miserable. I have tried Tylenol cold, mucinex, neti pot, hot shower, hot tea, saline spray, hot cloths on my face, sleeping on elevated pillows.
Nothing gives me more than 10-15 minutes of moderate relief.
What are your suggestions?
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years agoShould I go to the doctor for these symptoms?
I am 29 weeks pregnant and have what I think is a terrible cold. I am severely congested in my nose. Not much in my chest. Have cotton mouth even when I am drinking a lot of water (mostly at night). and I can not get a lot of sleep. I sleep for maybe 2-3 hours then I wake up every 30minutes -1hour feeling like I have knives in my throat and NO saliva in my mouth. I have had this for about 10 days and it seems to be getting continually worse not better. I hate going to the doctor and having them tell me just to keep doing what i am, but what else could this be?
I am miserable. I have tried Tylenol cold, mucinex, neti pot, hot shower, hot tea, saline spray, hot cloths on my face, sleeping on elevated pillows.
Nothing gives me more than 10-15 minutes of moderate relief.
What are your suggestions?
2 AnswersPregnancy8 years agoPLEASE HELP!! How can I get the fluid out of my ear?
I went to the doctor yesterday because of major sinus headaches and pressure. They determined that I had a sinus infection and that my ears were full of fluid. I had not realized that my ears had any fluid in them because everything else was so backed up. However, after I took a dose of the antibiotic and everything starting draining my right ear feels like it is stuffed with cotton and I cannot hear! It is very bothersome! Is there anything I can do to get the fluid/drainage out. I have tried peroxide, alcohol, and a warm compress and nothing has helped. Willthe antibiotics clear this up or should I go back to the doctor! I'm desperate for help!
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years agoWhat do you think of this name?
Selah Marie
It is a girls name.
Selah (Say-la) is Hebrew from the book of Psalms in the Bible.
5 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat do you think of these names for sisters?
My husband and I just found out we will be having another little girl :-). Our daughter is named Riley Elizabeth and we think we are going to name girl #2 Selah (pronounced say-la) Marie.
What do you think of these names and how they go together?
Riley thinks we should use the name Selah and it was the first name both my husband and I thought of when the technician showed us the ultrasound.
2 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat is a good middle name to go with this?
When our ultrasound showed a girl my husband and I both thought of the same name--- Selah. We are having trouble with a middle name though.
We have Selah Marie, Selah Rose,
We like to pair a modern name with a more classic like we did with our first daughter Riley Elizabeth.
Suggestions appreciated!
5 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhich is your favorite name?
Both names are for a girl.
Selah Marie
Cailynn Ann (Might spell Kailynn)
15 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoWhat do you think of these names?
We are trying to narrow our list. We don't know if it is a girl or boy yet but which ones do you like? And yes ultimately my husband and I will make a final decision based on what we like best- I just like to hear opinions. We have a little girl named Riley Elizabeth.
Boys: Levi, Phoenix, Cadence, Ryder, Reece, Kalen,
Girls: Macie, Selah, Ivy, Camile, Cailynn Anne,
7 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoIs this parking ticket legit?
I was visiting the city of Chattanooga and went downtown to have dinner. Since it was after 6pm I was told that city parking was free. We parked in what we thought was a city lot but it was actually a republic parking lot. When we returned to the car there was a ticket on it. We couldn't even see the pay machine because it was around the corner from where we parked! However since this is not a city ticket is it even legit? What would happen if I did not pay it? It says to pay online. Should I contest the ticket since there was no sign at the entrance to the lot and the machine was hidden around the corner. I have never received a ticket before.... I don't know what to do :-(. I would have just paid the $5 if I had know it was a pay to park lot.
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agoHELP why will my baby not stop screaming?
My 15 month old has slept through the night for several months. All of a sudden she is no longer sleeping through the night. I think she is cutting her molars but the sleep issue has been going on for about 8 days now. We recently moved into a vacation home for the summer that is apartment style and I am worried that her crying will annoy our neighbors. I thought maybe the move was the problem but she seems to be adjusting well even taking her normal nap after lunch most days.
Around 8 or 8:30 I rock her to sleep and her general morning wake up time is 7:00. I also have given her a dose of tylenol before bed the past 2 nights.
Last night we were up for over an hour trying to soothe her and finally just gave in and let her sleep with us which we RARELY do. She has been in her own crib since she was about 5 months old.
How long do sleeping problems from teething last and what can you do to help make it better?
PLEASE HELP! if we were not on summer vacation I do not know how I would function at work :-(.
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agoWhat would you do about this job?
I'm sorry this is so long, but I am really confused and need some guidance.
I had signed on to do a looping 1st through 2nd grade class at the school where I currently work. I have taught the first graders and am slated to have the same students again starting in August for 2nd grade. However, as the school systems in NC CRASH due to the government and their outrageous cuts I am discouraged and disheartened in my job. Some other things have also happened at work which have me questioning the reason I am there.
An opening has come at the local private Christian school where my daughter will be starting preschool in August. I am struggling as to whether or not I should apply for the job. I would love to work in a private school setting and get away from all of the problems that the state is having, however, I am worried about leaving my students who I have had for a year and told I them and their parents I would be with them again next year. However, there are NEVER openings for the private school.
Also- my husband is having trouble finding a job in the area where we currently live and we are looking at relocating next year. If I would only be at the private school for 1 year I don't think it will be worth it.
What would you do? Would you apply for the job at the Christian school? OR would you just wait and see what happens with your husband?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoFOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS- How much help do you have in your classroom?
I am struggling with giving my students everything they need in my classroom. I am working late every afternoon trying to keep the room in order and get everything I need finished. I know I am not the only teacher out there working hard, but I am curious. At our school I have 18 first graders with an assistant for 1 hour daily. However, my assistant is often pulled for other classes so I can not depend on planning for that 1 hour with an assistant.
How often do you have an assistant in the classroom with you?
What grade do you teach?
What state or area do you teach in?
2 AnswersTeaching1 decade agoHELP Baby has stopped sleeping through the night what can I do?
My baby girl is 10 months old and has been sleeping through the night in her own room for the past two months. However, since sunday night she has been waking up and screaming around 2 or 3 am. We have been letting her cry it out but usualy this only last about 20 min (we go pat her every 5 to 10min). Sunday she screamed for 2 hours. After about 40 minutes we finally rocked her back to sleep but as soon as we laid her down she started screaming again. Desperate for sleep we put her in bed with us. I think she is teething as she has two little buds, but I don't want to ruin the excellent sleeping pattern she was in by having her sleep with us or get her out to rock her. BUT I also dont' want to be insesitive if she truly is in pain from teething.
How do I handle messed up sleep patterns during teething? AND How long does this usually last?
Any suggestions or helpful tips would be appreciated. THANK YOU
** We are giving her infant tylenol before bed and if she acts as if she needs it when she wakes up in the middle of the night.
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHELP- My baby is no longer sleeping through the night What can I do?
I have an 8 1/2 month old little girl. At 5 months she was sleeping in her crib through the night. The crib is in our bedroom so she is close. Now for the past 2 months she will not sleep through the night. The crib has not been moved. She wakes up and I try to rub her back, rock her, change her diaper, cover her up, and whatever else I can think of. She will try to get up on all fours and rock and then she pulls up on the side of her crib. Usually I give up and lay her beside of me and then we both fall asleep. I do not want her to be co-sleeping with my husband and I and I do not want to do the cry it out method because she cries so hard she makes herself sick! I need some help for what to do to get her sleeping through the night in her crib again.
Addl. info- 3 weeks ago we went on a cruise and she slept in her crib all night every night. I can't figure out what we did differently because it is no longer working.
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhat is a good holiday gift for a couple?
My husband and I are trying to find gifts for the deacons of our church and thier wives. I have tried to convince him to get the ladies one gift and the men another but he wants to get one gift for each couple. Any ideas for what a good gift might be. Most are in thier mid 50's or older. One couple is about mid 30's. My husband and I are the youngest in the group.
Thanks for you help!
4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago