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  • Made an appt for recall on car, in March. Is this normal?

    I just got a car. Did the usual play around with the bells and whistles, looked at the online site, blah blah blah. I found that there s two recalls on my car, that were issued in August. So I waited till Monday, called the dealership and they made my appt... For three months from then. Their reason? So the parts would be in (I live in Hawaii). I asked if they could move earlier, and they said "that date looks nice and comfortable for my car" (their words nearly exactly).

    Now, I got the Ford focus. I know my year had transmission issues. I have a very mild shudder on some starts, but that s it. The recall addresses this, and I told the lady that I felt like my car had at least one of the uses they re fixing. Is it normal to make me wait 3 months? What happens if something happens in those three months?

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation5 years ago
  • Hook speakers to TV through coaxial?

    I'm looking to connect a set of Bose 151 Environ Speakers to a basic flat screen Emerson tv. that only has a coaxial out. The Bose has Pos/Neg for speaker wire, but my grandfather (who passed away) has them both wired to a single RCA (so each speaker has a single male RCA, with a female-to-female adapter). I have no idea how he hooked these things up - they were in a boat for a long time, and my grandpa had mad skills between being a musician and an electrician.

    Is it possible to hook these to the tv? If so, what adapters/amp would I need? And what on earth is up with the RCA hookup... is that usable or do I need to take the set-up off?

    I'm attempting this for my grandma because apparently the speakers have a nice sound, and she misses having music. I would love to get her a receiver and do a proper hook-up, but I can't afford it. So please, real answers, I'd really appreciate making her happy.

    3 AnswersHome Theater5 years ago
  • Can I wear non-toric lenses for Halloween? (I have astigmatism)?

    I would like to wear a pair of novelty lenses for Halloween, but I have astigmatism. I've seen all kinds of answers, so figured I'd stop looking and just ask.

    My prescription is:

    Left: -2.00 -0.75 x 110

    Right: -2.25 -.075 x 90

    I know that I'm on the line for needing astigmatism lenses. However, when I got my prescription, I actually walked out wearing the L eye as a non-astigmatism lense because they didn't have mine in stock. I honestly didn't even notice a difference when I switched the next week. And added to that, my R eye is between strengths, so I've gotten used to everything being a little fuzzy for a few years now on that side.

    With this in mind, can I order novelty lenses in my strength (just non-toric), and be ok? Is there anything I should be aware of if I do so?


    2 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • SOL/Tolled debt?


    I acquired debt in Oregon... and the date of last payment was 3/2009... and in 2010 moved to Hawaii. Now, Statue of Limitations is about to end (6 years in OR and HI). HOWEVER, I have not been in Oregon for 5 years.

    Did the Oregon debt toll (pause) while out of state? Or has it pretty much run its course?

    1 AnswerCredit6 years ago
  • What are the colors to the stars in the constellation leo (minor)?

    I doing some personal research for colors of the more 'popular' stars, one's that are usually shown in basic drawings of the constellation, but can't find the colors for some of them. I'd like to know the colors as close to what is seen by the naked eye (like I know one 'star' is actually a binary, but is seen reddish orange).

    I'd like to include:

    Denebola (Beta)

    Zosma (Delta)

    Chertan (Theta)

    Regulus (Alpha)

    Algieba (Gamma)

    Adhafera (Zeta)

    Rasalas (Mu)

    Algenubi (Epsilon)

    And if possible the star usually shown between Algieba and Regulus.

    I've seen lots of pictures with colors, and some websites that state some colors, but no detailed pics/sights. Anything would help, especially on the more minor stars.

    Thanks for any help!

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • Can I legally adopt my best friend as a sister?

    My best friend and I are both 22 years old, and I'm hoping I can adopt her, or convince my dad to, but I'm not sure where to even start.

    My best friends family life is up/down and bad-sitcom crazy. The basic points are that she and her twin were taken from their parents when they were 9-10ish, and the dad's parents adopted both of them. They had no contact with their parents during their time in the grandparents home. She lived in an abusive household from then until her 18th birthday, where they kicked her out of the house at midnight. My father and I did everything we could - called DHS, called the cops, talked to the school system... she was placed in a safehouse for a week until bruises faded and she was forced to go back, and so on. We would have taken her home, if not for the fact that the grandparents would say that we kidnapped her. (Crazy as it is, her twin brother had no such treatment, and participated in the abuse).

    She had no contact with the adopted parents from the time she was 19 until a few months back. They said they were soooo happy to be in touch again, yada yada, she considered something they disagreed with and said they'd never talk to her again... again. She's been in contact with her biological parents, and while things are ok with her mom, her relationship with her dad is on/off. While she's gotten in touch with various aspects of the family (aunts, cousins, etc.) a lot of them run hot/cold quite often, and I think there is only one or two aunts and cousins that she hasn't had issues with.

    The thing is... my bff and I were best friends from the second we met in middle school, and easily consider ourselves sisters. My family all know her well, and we've done a lot to help her. She has some abandonment issues (no surprise), and really her only stable emotional support for near a decade now has been myself and my family. I would love to have her adopted as my sister, because at least then she would know 100% that she has family that won't abandon her at the drop of a hat. I know she's an adult, but I also know that she does have long-term psychological issues and scars from her life, and never having been in a stable situation for more then a year means that she's never been able to work through the problems.

    How can I go through with this? Oregon (where she lives) does support adult adoptions. I like in Hawaii currently, but believe I can work with the Oregon system. There wouldn't be issues about severing parental ties - her biological parents have no legal rights with her. While her grandparents don't want her, there may be issues about the 'adoptive parents' giving her up (yes, they have serious problems), but I think we can work through that.

    Where do I start? Can I do the paperwork, or will my dad have to do it? What kind of fees can I expect? I know that I'll probably need to consult a lawyer at one point or another, but I don't have a lot of excess $$, so I'm hoping to get by with the minimum. I'd like to surprise her with the adoption papers at the end, but realistically I'm sure that she'll have to know earlier. Any answers or pointers or whatever would be VERY much appreciated.

    I just want to see my best friend happy about a family, not on the verge of doing something drastic whenever the blood-family does something horrible.

    7 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Can I legally adopt my best friend as a sister?

    I have a wonderful family, and I love my best friend dearly. She, unfortunately, has the family life of a seriously bad drama/sitcom. We already consider ourselves sisters (we've been best friends since we met in middle school, about a decade ago), and I think she would really appreciate/need the support of a family member that's never turned their back on her.

    She was adopted by her grandparents when she was 10ish (maybe a bit earlier), but was kicked on her 18th birthday. She's gotten in touch with her parents again, and while she and her mom get along just fine, her dad and her have a serious on/off relationship. Over the course of a few years, she got back in touch with her adopted parents (grandparents), and was ok for a few weeks. She told them about something she was considering that her family didn't like (nothing bad, just serious difference of opinion), and they dropped her like a hot potato.

    Now, is it possible to adopt her as a sister? We're both 22, so of legal age. Her biological parents already gave up rights, and her adopted parents are so hot/cold that she finally said it's not worth bothering anymore. Both of my parents love her, and she gets along very well with them. That being said, my parents are divorced, and I'm not sure how that would affect the process...?

    Again, I would love to call her my sister for real, and I think it would go a long way to helping her realize that I'll never just leave her if we disagree on something (as almost all her family has done). She has tons of psychological issues in this department (no surprise there). Also, if there was any way to get the paperwork done so I could surprise her with the adoption, I would absolutely love that.

    I need the help please! I've looked up some things, but the info I'm seeing is for people still with their biological parents, or not of age. If it helps, she lives in oregon and I'm in hawaii currently.


    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Get my kitty to stop having "accidents"?

    I bought two kittens a few months back, and love them lots! Only problem is that the little male Leo enjoys going potty outside of the box. I thought he was getting better (we were seeing a huge drop in the "accidents") but they're picking up again.

    He LOVES peeing on my bed - huge issues with this - as well as a few other areas. I wash all the linens (but have yet to get the smell to go away completely) and the surfaces he gets to, but to no avail. I've even caught him in the act a few times and gave him a spank, told him "NO!" and tossed him in the box to finish his business. No luck.

    What are some ways to get him to use the box more often? He shares it with his sister, and I can't put another box in my small room (tends to happen at night when they are locked in with me). I clean it at minimal weekly, and try for every 3 days. I make sure there is enough litter for the fuzz balls.

    So, I need help! I don't want to get rid of him, so I'm trying to figure out what's making him tick, and how to stop it.

    BTW - I doubt he has a UTI as of now... no straining, all the accidents look like full bladders with no blood, no excess cleaning and no crying.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Are my cats long or short hair?

    I recently adopted 2 kittens from the humane society, and I've been curious about their fur. They look like they never figured out whether to be long or short furred. The majority of the fur is what I'd happily consider short, but the kicker is that 1 out of maybe 50 or 100 strands are long. This is interspersed over the entire body. So when looking at their silhouette, I can see where the short fur ends, and the long continues for another inch or so. Again - the long fur is all over the body, but it's thinned down, there's not a lot of it.

    I've never seen anything like this before on a cat... is it genetics? Breed? Just something common I've missed?

    If it helps they're black with some undertones of brown (especially on their bellies). Even their nose and pads on their feet are black. They do have a very small sprinkling of white strands, though.

    Anyways, if someone knows what's going on, and/or a site to read about it I'd be happy to hear.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Rabbit has 2 week old kits, about to have another litter? HELP!?

    Our doe had a litter 12 days ago, and now I'm thinking she might either be having a phantom pregnancy, or a real one, with the first litter still dependent on her!

    I can't feel any lumps on her belly (but I've never felt a pregnant bunny before, and I didn't get a real good feel). But I walked out again while writing this, and she's relaxing for a second with a huge mouthful of hay in her mouth. Earlier she was thumping all around in the nest box, and actually forced one of the babies out. While I was watching she was scratching the bedding, carrying it all around, and accidently stepped on one of the babies. The bedding has been completely moved around into a new set-up.

    Right now I have the babies out of the box because I'm worried about her accidently hurting one of them in her enthusiasm.

    Is she pregnant? House cleaning? If she is pregnant, will the first litter be ok? If not, what do I need to expect/ do?

    I wasn't here when she was bred the first time, and I don't know if she's been near the male since the orginal breeding. (I came in for the last week or so of pregnancy).

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Why are my baby rabbits squeaking?

    I have a litter of 11 day old baby bunnies. The smallest I tend to give the most attention to (currently he's climbing around me. lol) because he's the one I'm keeping. The thing is, he keeps squeaking! All three do it when I go to check on them in the morning, but a couple of them do it at other times too. Most of the times I've heard it is after I've been petting them for a while, then pause for longer then 30 seconds.

    A few times the little has stood up as high as possible, put his ears as far forward as possible (looked almost like an agressive stance) and squeaked. That one I can understand for annoyance. But why squeak the same way when I pause petting? Is it the same thing both times, or are they using the squeaks for different things?

    BTW - I know they enjoy petting time because all 3 will do the 'tooth purr' for me.

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Baby rabbit care - a few general questions for 10 day olds?

    Our momma popped out 3 healthy babies a little over a week ago. I've been reading sites online to find out the best care, but I'm still left with a few questions.

    1.) I'm already handling the babies fine, but what's an appropriate amount of time daily? (especially for them to be tame later!) The baby I'm planning on keeping 100% already purrs when I pet him ^_^

    2.) When the babies come out for their daily inspection, the youngest tends to stand up as tall as possible, and do almost an aggressive stance with his ears as far forward as he can,and squeak. He's the one that purrs when I hold him, and he seems pretty tame the rest of the time. What's going on?

    3.) The babies as wiggling around a lot, and getting ready to come out of the nesting box. What can I safely give them? I know no veggies or fruits, but are the hay and pellets ok?

    4.) Lastly - when will it be ok to have the babies away from the momma for long periods of time? I know she doesn't hover over them, but when I take the box in the mornings to check them, she seems very concerned until they go back.

    Thanks for the help! I want them to grow up as healthy as possible.

    BTW - The smallest opened his eyes today, hopefully the other 2 will follow soon. They're 10 days old now.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Will an agnostic and christian relationship work?

    My bf is christian, and I'm agnostic (from a christian background). We share many of the same morals, and respect each other for all of our beliefs. I don't want him to stop being religious (it would change him). But he would prefer me to be christian. His church says unbelievers go to hell, and he wouldn't want to marry me unless I'm christian too. The thing is... we click so well. We love each other, and in the year we've been together, only had one fight. Usually we just get annoyed, then explain things. We have our differences, but so does every relationship. Thing is, every where I look online says it won't work. Can it? I'm just too scientific... I need proof before I'd convert. But I want this to work so much, and I think he does too. Are there people with positive experience? I don't want more of the "unequally yoked" (well, there are many aspects in a relationship that are unequal, why is this the make it or break it?) or the "I'll go to hell, convert you unbeliever!". Some real thoughts would be appreciated.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • '92 Honda Accord dies randomly, let sit, now not starting at all.?

    OK, so my car has been acting weird for a while now. I don't know if this has any bearing on whats happened, but my car tends to idle low, it's never died but no one has ever figured out why it does it. All was fine until I was in a car accident.

    At first it drove normal but about a week after the accident, an issue popped-up. The check engine, check oil, and check battery lights all came on within about 2 seconds of each other. I've been driving this car for 3 years now, and have never seen them before, so I instantly pulled over, turned the car off, and got it towed home. The lights all worked, as did the stereo, but I didn't try turning the car back on. The belts were still on, and everything looked normal under the hood.

    2 weeks later, I was forced to use the car again. It turned on fine, and lasted all of a day and a half. The second day all the same lights turned on again. I noticed check engine first, a few seconds later the other 2, then realized the car was dead and I was coasting. The normal drive lights were working perfect, as were the dash lights. I tried turning the car back on as I was coasting, but I just heard a strange noise, the car shuddered weirdly (sorry, I really can't describe it better), and refused to start. Tried again a few minutes later at a dead stop, and it still wasn't turning over at all. Tried revving the engine a bit (it helps off and on) but the RPMs didn't even register.

    I got the car towed again, and about a half hour after it died, the tow-truck guy tried turning the car on. It started perfectly normal. I've been told by a few people that the alternator might have gone out on me, and I was hoping that was the case.

    So, I replaced the alternator. Well, yet again it turned off randomly. Sometimes it would last an hour, sometimes 20 min. Last time this happened, I parked it and left it at my apartments. I left for a trip, car was stolen (I'm pretty sure the only reason it was found nearby was because it died on the thief. Lol) My dad got the car from the impound yard and drove it home. Part way there it died, so he got out, shoved all the plugs he could find back together, and the car started fine - first time it didn't need a jump.

    4 months later I'm now trying again. I've cleaned all the plugs I could get my hands on with a spray on that cleans them. I've replaced the battery because it was sitting for 4 months. Now it won't even turn on! Lights come on, car turns over, but doesn't catch. Stuck 2 gallons of new gas in the car (I left it with about a 1/4-1/2 tank, but figured it might be a bit old). The car seemed to try a bit harder, but still not catching.

    I called a cousin who's car savvy, he said to try a tester to see if all the wiring is ok. I ran out and was trying it, but up pops more questions. Some of the massive plugs (with 8 or so connectors inside...), well, only one of two of the connectors will light up, while the rest do nothing. Heck, one plug with 3 connectors in a line, the outer 2 worked while the middle one didn't. Now, does this mean the plugs are ok? Or does this mean that they are fubar'ed? All the fuses were fine...

    So... does any one have a clue what's going on with this car???? I'm outta ideas, and the one I'm working on I'm not even sure what some of the lights mean. I can't pay for a visit to the mechanic (I've been buying parts and having my cousin install them, but now he's busy so I can only call for advice). So, if someone has something to suggest, I'd love to hear it.

    Thanks for any help what-so-ever...

    ~A Desperate Girl With An Extremely Stubborn Car

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Recover lost file from temp. user (windows 7)?

    My computer decided that it didn't like one of the profiles, and turned it into a temporary profile. I didn't realize what that included until I accidentally logged out and lost a folder full of pictures and documents. They aren't in the recycle bin, and I can't find them in a single folder. I've tried searches, but I can't remember exact names, so nada. And I can't even figure out how to just do a general scan for photos on the comp... or videos, since I had one in the folder too. Is there any way to recover the stuff without spending $70 on a recovery program?

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Car accident settlement amount?

    I was in a car accident late august, and am now starting to settle the claim. The other driver was at fault, and I was injured. My car was totaled, and I've already been compensated for that. Now comes the medical.

    I had an ER visit, a normal doctors visit, 5 physical therapy appointments, as well as being prescribed vicodin, muscle relaxant, and extra-strong ibuprofen. I had an acute cervical strain, which was basically a back injury. I couldn't bend over to wash my legs without being in considerable pain for weeks. Even now that the therapy is over I still suffer some left over stiffness in the lower back if I over do bending or lifting.

    I just talked to the at-fault's insurance company, and they're offering me $700, plus 3 days work compensation. Does this sound right? I was offered $700 first day just from the ER visit!

    I've been told from my dads insurance agent (who is a good friend of his as well) that the compensation should at least match the medical expenses, which I also know has to be well over $1,500.

    Does anyone have an idea how much I should be compensated? Or how to argue with the companies to get the right amount? I'm afraid I can't afford a lawyer....

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Trying to play movies on xbox through an external harddrive?

    I have an external I'm attempting to watch movies and videos on, but I can't seem to be able to play them. I don't have xbox live, so I'm doing all the updates through a jumpdrive. Can anyone tell me what update I'm missing for movies??

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • 92' Honda died w/lights...alternator problem?

    I drive 4dr. 92' Honda accord lx, manual. I was just recently in an accident that damaged the drivers-side front corner, but the car seemed to drive fine - most of the damage looks to be cosmetic.

    However, about a week after the accident, an issue popped-up. The check engine, check oil, and check battery lights all came on within about 2 seconds of each other. I've been driving this car for 3 years now, and have never seen them before, so I instantly pulled over, turned the car off, and got it towed home. The lights all worked, as did the stereo, but I didn't try turning the car back on. The belts were still on, and everything looked normal under the hood.

    2 weeks later, I was forced to use the car again. It turned on fine, and lasted all of a day and a half. The second day all the same lights turned on again. I noticed check engine first, a few seconds later the other 2, then realized the car was dead and I was coasting. The normal drive lights were working perfect, as were the dash lights. I tried turning the car back on as I was coasting, but I just heard a strange noise, the car shuddered weirdly (sorry, I really can't describe it better), and refused to start. Tried again a few minutes later at a dead stop, and it still wasn't turning over at all. Tried reviving the engine a bit (it helps off an on) but the RPMs didn't even register.

    I got the car towed again, and about a half hour after it died, the tow-truck guy tried turning the car on. It started perfectly normal. I've been told by a few people that the alternator might have gone out on me, and I'm hoping that's the case. However, I'm learning car issues as I come to each one, and this is a completely new problem to me.

    If someone has any insight as to whats going on, I'd be happy to hear it! Also, if anyone knows of a better place to post my question, I'd be happy to try that place.

    Thanks for any help!


    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago