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  • Friend ditched me at a party?

    I just asked this but forgot to add details before posting. Anyhow, a close friend that I hadn't seen in person for months (she studied abroad for a semester) invites me to a party where she goes to school. I had met a handful of people before we got there, and introduced myself as she went around saying hi to people she knew. About half an hour in, she leaves me to play beer pong with a friend, so I chat to people on the couch. It then becomes obvious that she had no intention of sticking around me at all. So the whole night she mingled with her other friends from school, and left me to chat with whoever I could find. I would occasionally go find her, we'd hang for all of 5 mins and she'd be gone again. It totally pissed me off! I like meeting new people to a certain extent, but I also hardly ever see her even when she's in the US, and we used to be "best friends". Was I owed at least a, "hey, I'm going to see whose out in the garage, wanna come?" Every now and then?

    2 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Is surveillance footage reviewed often?

    Last night, after a good amount of captain, some friends and I did some pretty stupid, and definitely illegal stuff. Not like bad illegal, but like dumb teenager illegal. Anyway, it got me thinking. Do people really watch surveillance footage? I m not worried for myself, it was dark and I doubt anyone will really care, but there are so many cameras in the world, does all the footage actually get watched?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • How to make my room cozier?

    I just moved into a house with roommates, and I ended up getting the attic room, which I love! But it's sort of hard to decorate. It's a mix of big and small because it's really long, but it's got a low, sloping ceiling and relatively little stand able space. I'm a student, so I don't have a lot of money to throw around, but I'm hosting a New Years party, and I expect people will end up at least looking into my room. I want my room to look really cozy for this party in case it gets pretty big and I just wanna get baked and chill up there with a smaller group.

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling5 years ago
  • Am I alone in how I get when I'm high?

    I've been smoking for a few years, but lately I've been experiencing a rather new phenomenon. Whenever I get really baked or twisted, I get really self aware and socially anxious. I worry that I'm acting crazy, and I overthink everything. For example, if I let my mind wander, I somehow convince myself that my arms have been like moving all around even though they haven't left my pockets. I don't think I'm explaining this very well, but it's as if I think I have no control over my body, even though I'm not doing anything weird.

    4 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • How would I format this story I want to put in an essay?

    I'm writing an essay, and I want to write about a time I was told a joke. How should I format it? For example, should I write it like a dialogue? Or should I write it like a script?

    1 AnswerHomework Help6 years ago
  • Any insight on how to offer respectful support?

    Recently, a girl got in a terrible situation. A sexual predator targeted her, but the guy in question was really well known in my small community. It seems like everyone is jumping to support him, even though he took advantage of her. I'm not exactly friends with her, she is a few grades below me, but we were in a club together, and we work at the same store. I just want her to know that I'm there for her. Should I just hold my tongue? Do I say something? I feel like she needs someone, but I suppose it's possible she already has a that

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • How fit can I get in 2 months?

    I m 5 8 and about 130 lbs (I m female btw) and not in the worst shape. I really want to try out for the rowing team at my university, but I don t think I m strong enough. I have roughly two months before tryouts, and I am fairly confident I can shape up my diet and stick to a workout schedule. I am just wondering what kind of results I might see. Also, feel free to give me some tips!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Do I owe my friends a text in the future?

    I am a 19 year old female, and a college student. I go on dates. I have never texted while on a date, unless we've already had a few and we're friendly. Last week my friends dropped me off at a first date and told me to text them that I was safe. I brushed it off and didn't text them and when they picked me up they were pissed. They had all been panicking that I was like dead or unconciuos or something. No one has ever asked me to text them while on a date before, even some of my friends that were in the car. Usually it's a "be safe, have fun, talk to me after!" But apparently this time I messed up. Thoughts?

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • My friends mom wants to talk to me, I need some help on what to say!?

    Last weekend, my best friend and I (both 19 year old females) drove down to the major city in our state to meet up with some college friends. I drove, it was no problem. Part of the reason we went down was because I had a first date with a guy I had met two weekends earlier. My friends dropped me off and said "text us" with the implication that I should text them if I'm feeling unsafe. I said okay, thinking they would just forget about it. I think of it as disrespectful to text on a date, and I really don't like it when I'm on a date and the other person is texting. I also figured that no news is good news, the only way it would be bad news is if I was unconciuos and in that case, they know where my date lives, that's where they dropped me off. My date and I went on a walk, I left my phone at his place. We get back and talk some more on the roof when I hear someone quietly and sort of drunkenly say my name, it's my friends saying they want to go clubbing. I say goodbye to my date get in the car, and then my friends freak out on me. It turns out my best friend even called her mom to ask what to do because I hadn't texted. Now her mom wants to have a talk to me about responsibility AND wants to drive us to the cities in the future. I just want to know how to politely explain my side of the story and convince her to let me drive again. I really don't understand how me not texting back affects my driving, but I really do understand where she is coming from as a mother.

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Should I be honest to my student?

    I'm 19 and a university student hoping to one day be a high school teacher. I currently tutor 7th and 8th grade students who are in summer school. Lately I have been focusing on helping one student in particular who is more behind than the rest. Every day we work together, there is a fair amount of break time that we spend talking. She has trusted me with a lot of tough information. She told me about her dad's struggle with meth, her own experiences with drugs and alcohol, etc. I, of course, am not only a tutor, but as it turns out also a trusted role model. She has asked me before if I've ever done drugs or been drunk. I admitted to drinking on the grounds that, in college, it's a pretty large part of the social scene. When it comes to drugs though, I just tell her no, which is a lie. This is where my struggle is. I feel like if I was honest with her in a way that didn't glamorize what I have done, it could first off allow for a new understanding between us, and also show that drugs don't mean you can give up on school, that marijuana does not make her a bad person. I just really don't know what to do, help!

    3 AnswersTeaching6 years ago
  • Should I quit the show?

    I'm from a rather small town that's doing Into the Woods this summer. I'm 19, and have grown rather accustomed to large parts. I had a good audition and a great callback for little red, but they ended up giving the part to a younger girl. I instead got Florinda, one of the step siblings. I'm sure it would be a fun show, however there isn't much in the way of a strong cast. I also feel it's s bit of a waste as I am past the point of needing small parts for experience for a theater resume. I have a sizable amount of theater experience in both lead, supporting, and chorus roles from both school and community shows. I also don't plan on auditioning for this community theater again, as I'm just home after freshman year, and I don't intend to be home after my sophomore year (instead I'll be living in a large city with a bunch of theater opportunities). I know the standard is to jump to the conclusion that I'm just an untalented lack wit, but for the sake of the answer I truly seek, please accept my saying that I can both sing and act and respond accordingly.

    5 AnswersTheater & Acting6 years ago
  • Bombed my ACT writing section.?

    I just received my ACT scores and got a 29 composite score but 6/12 on my writing portion. I scored really well on the other English sections, 30 on English 33 on reading, but the writing killed me. Does this hurt my college applications? My English teacher told me I am the best writer he has had in years so would a good recommendation letter make up for it?

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing8 years ago
  • Nail polish remover spilt on wood solutions?

    Last week I spilt nail polish remover on my families dining table. It ended up in two places. One ate away at the finish and there is an indentation, and the other just left a white stain. My mom just saw it today and is obviously peeved. I have a couple things I want to try: on the white spot, I am going to try some mayo, and on the more serious spot, I am going to try sanding at the edges with a super fine nail file and then try to just make it shiney again with mayo or olive oil? Any wood workers out there with better simple solutions? Anyone that could tell me my ideas would cause further damage? Thanks.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • My creepy ex-boyfriend sent me flowers?

    I broke up with this guy wanting to sever all ties and tonight he sent me flowers for the opening night of a show I'm in. I don't want them. I don't want to look at them. It really creeps me out. It feels like bad luck and during a show I am very superstitious. Any thoughts on what to do with them? Don't want to throw them out. That would feel like a waste.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Let's just say my friend knows how to pick em...?

    In I believe it was early ninth grade, my friend began dating a senior. If you were to picture a loser that you assume will end up in a trailer park/ living in his car, this would be him! (purple hair lip pierced has a band in which he sings (horribly)) They got pretty serious and I believe he was charged with statutory rape (I'm not really sure, I know he was charged I just don't know if he was convicted) it has been over a year and this girl is pretty and funny and athletic and a 3.4 student and I guess they are engaged now?? or they have been?? (me and this friend had a bit of a falling out but we are good now) and the ring is a multi colored flower that may have come out of toy machine but he said he had to sell his drum set for it!! and she just goes with it!!! I don't think she is aloud to see him due to a restraining order but I looked at their facebooks and it is obvious they still correspond and are still together... I just want some advice on what to do. I don't think I can physically respect her choice but I value her friendship...

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Get out of it or just do it?

    My friend and I are going shopping tomorrow and my mom is driving us to the mall and today my friend invited her mom to come with us. My friends mom is really weird. She is like one of those moms who is really over protective and tries to live vicariously through her daughter. My mom is also incredibly annoyed be her but said yes anyways because she didn't know how to say no either. I think it was innapropriat for my friend to invite her. It's like inviting a boyfriend to girls night. Do I just let her come or should I use an excuse (if so please list some good excuses) thanks!

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • how much should i use if it says skosh?

    a recipe i found for koolaid tie dye says to add a skosh of hot water to the mix how much should i use (i want a measurement like in tbs or such)

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • i have a question about people to people?

    this girl in my class just told me she was nominated for people to people by a teacher to be a student ambasitor and that only three kids r going but what i dont get is she isnt smart and shes kinda slu tish so you think you would nominate a smart person but my question is i always thought for people to people your rents go on the site and book a ticket and stuff but do u get nominated byy a teacher??

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago