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I'm fat bro

  • Christians, evil martial arts?

    Would martial arts be evil if I do not adapt the philosophy or any formed fighting styles? Basically, if I just throw punches and kicks and random balancing dances at my house would it be a sin in the eyes of god as so written in the bible? With no training and such, barely with influence of traditional martial arts. It is almost moving rather than me throwing punches.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Red head women in commercials?

    Why are there so many red heads in commercials now. It is not even that there are a lot but they are very much portrayed as being "the ****" and somehow wind up emasculating a man. I always thought red head girls were cute but I am seriously getting my drawers in a bunch for how much strong men are being portrayed as wrong. Anyways, why are redheads portrayed as sexual overlords so much. Last time i checked, pale and red were signs of malnurishment. Do they represent our urban times of general lust, weak foundations and deviancy from what is earthly natural? i mean i still love me some red heads but i aint going to have some programming done to my mind without my go ahead.

    2 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Lebron allstars?????

    Who else BARELY saw him. is this "the best" player in the nba?

    5 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • Private gifs windows 8 phone?

    Hello does anyone know an app on windows 8 that will lock gifs for privacy but not turn them into jpegs/picture files?

    1 AnswerMSN7 years ago
  • Eternal existance easy to get?

    Hello i have been practicing cheaply meditating and i guess you could call it freeform exercising/ martial arts and i have noticed some things. i use to get high a lot and disembody myself both on purpose and accident (almost always on accident). Usually when high it would be through a bad trip from overdose on weed.

    When I would get into a frantic situation before I would kind of focus on the panic. Lets say I saw a black widow on my pants. But over time I would REACT instead of panic,and the reaction would be a cognitively charged action , the cognitions out of my realization but would still be evident. Kind of like flicking the spider in a lifting way, I would be too caught off guard to think that usually.

    Anyways this got me to thinking, what if when we grow up, we are kind of digging our way into the ice berg that is the unconscious ( the part of your mind that operated in the background of your thoughts). Could this be what separates the tolerant vs those who faint or freeze up...? Its almost like the ppl that freeze up are getting frantic messages from their unconscious to do things but the ppl who aren't connected to their instinct well enough freeze up.

    So I was thinking, maybe this is kind of what makes differences in dreams. If you are super receptive and can process things well, you get a more vivid dreaming style as your norm. If you train yourself to be conscious in mentally straining existences, would there be such a thing as staying conscious after death? MAYBE not in a human conscious sort of way, since your brain would not be your host for your mind but, in any kind of way? I have been conscious while past out. I literally saw nothing but a white yellow background with a darker contrast in the middle in "shape" of a circle. And I heard my friends trying to wake me up but I was not at all thinking but I DID realize they were my friends voices. Its almost like my human perception was not there but something deeper was. Think death is fair game?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Lebron sucks??/?////?

    Why do ppl like him just because he looks like hip hop material. I mean it can't be his school boy play by the ruled balling I know that much. Who actually liked seeing his reels? Pfft ****** moves fast but his game is soulless.

    Question? How many players do you know who can whoop lebron 1 on 1.

    5 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • Astral projection community?

    Does anyone ever feel that a lot of ppl bullshit when they say they are "masters" in the unconscious state of mind? i mean ppl i talk to say it's the best thing ever then they tell me about their experience and its always the kind of thing you expect to read on the introduction page of an AP website. Are they just not disciplining themselves in it because they absorb it naturally/instinctually? Usually its on the internet where lying to look cool is common thats why im thinking that.

    To me the best part of OBEs is the easy access to that state of mind that you wish yourself to have. The scenery and relative omnipotence is cool but after a while its like been there done that, am I right.?

    Anyways, I guess I have too much cynicism in my mind for asking this but, have you come across any "awakened" superstars online that will almost seem to try too hard to be...4D? If so how did they throw this vibe off?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Natural body Alchemy?

    Is there such a thing where specific stance/movement/etc. is taken that SUMMON any cool effects. what i mean by summoning is that it comes to you not as a direct reaction of your physical or mental effort but almost granted by something else or your better unconscious.

    Also I put alchemy because of alchemys focus on geometry and physics in general to produce or alter energy to do "magic" I guess you would call it. In this case, I'm asking from a fighter point of view. I know of heat and tension balance and chi and even unconscious movements but is there anything I don't really have to concentrate with that could make my movement special or ridiculously quick? **** I might be willing to hear of distant speculation if it seems like I can at least cheaply apply it.

    Nothing with energy enhancing objects or alterations not directly caused by my mind or naked body (crystals,tattoos,maybe clothes are aurigh). I cannot depend on those things in a metaphysical sense. Oh lucid dream/metaphysical techniques would be good too now that I mention it. Pls share your secrets we could learn from each answer.

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Rare 1984 hard rock/metal band? help identify.?

    Basically i want to find out more about this band but all i have is the damn same of the band which is Saint, and the name of the song, which is nightmare. oh and the album is also called saint and it came out in 1984. I wouldn't be surprised if some of this little info is wrong but I am no good at researching, here is the URL for the YouTube vid.Can someone please help?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • What are demons really?

    I notice that in really weak minded ppl who have some "spiritual" or extra sensory muscle, that they create whole ideologies and ethical realms of evil spirits and demons to combat certain oppositions they face.

    I myself believe that a persons spiritual challenges are acquired depending on their inattentiveness towards an integral and underdeveloped aspect of their life.

    Can we ditch this old world belief that these evils are conscious? And if they are, I still question whether they are as powerful as they are. I mean once you realize that fear is as tangible as everything else.

    The question?

    What do you think demons are? Just a personified representation of our bullsheet or maybe something more complex and misunderstood, or a combo I dunno , most elaborate or genius answer gets points. Remember, genius not witty.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Privacy/Hidden files on ps3?

    Is there any way to make a section of private files like vids or pics on ps3? Cause i know making a seperate account doesnt affect that for **** i think. Any help?

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Anal health question(Serious)?

    I have run into a little problem, i found a lump the size of a BB pellet or possibly a little bigger inside my anus about one and a half to two inches in. I doubt it is an abcess (similar to a large pimple) or a hemroid because it does not hurt when i touch it and mess with it but i never have had one of these so i am not sure. It is not very hard actually it is quite soft. It appeared shortly after i drank chinese slim tea two days in a row and i really crapped some watery stuff for those two days. Since i stayed on the toilet for a while taking it, my hole i think got a little damaged since it was liquidy and i may have gotten chemical burn. Maybe it is a swollen or infected vein i dont know but i know that when i wiped i had a bit of blood but i didnt make much of it i just assumed some of my skin got burned in there.

    I also work out with squats and lunges but i dont think that would have caused it,even though i am pretty heavy. One more thing i am not a homosexual man so i do not take it there if you know what i mean and i do not finger that area either, nothing goes up there,just coming out.

    I am not very scared at all even if i were to find out if it was deadly but i DO want to know if there are going to be any complications with my hole because that would be bothersome. If you do know what it is or know what it might be please post it and a remedy/home-treatment if you can but that is not necessary of course. Also any insults are welcome because there is nothing i can do about it but yeah, please weigh in.

    3 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • Atheists/non-spiritualists answer me this?

    If we die and our conscious poofs into nothing , but you see atoms need perception to form into particles or they remain as waves.Which means that if all organic perception dies then all the physical universe dies.That means that before consciousness there was no matter( before the big bang). Which means that we come from nothing as a universe, Which also means that matter particles and atoms are all from comprised of nothingness and are a particular brand of nothingness.Which means the universe is part of the whole, the whole being nothingness. Which means nothingness is omnipotent, omnipresent,and knows all (omniscience?). Also this means that our conscious is comprised of nothingness space which means that OUR consciousness is a small part of nothingness which means that nothingness DOES have conscious which means that nothingness has the consciousness of EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE. Sorry if i wrote that crappily or skipped parts and did not connect some concepts well.

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Weed+Fitness?????????????

    Hello, I have a serious question to ask about working out while high. I use to consume a large amount of cannabis for a while and basically burned out my highs and they were replaced with a cheaper high that still involved some of the bodily sensation and the visual effects but to a much lesser degree. I found that in this state I was very much able to do things in a very controlled way. I was able to ignore hunger for many many hours, feel a lot less pain and stay awake and focused for a very long time. You could say it was a blank sort of state that allowed me to ignore many sensations that the human body regularly has so that I could execute mental commands without those things to distract and impede me.

    I also tried working out high and noticed many differences. My body was not in a hyped and adrenalined out state but there was almost no tiresome sensation or even one of running out of breath until far surpassing my usual limit in ANY workout/trial. My muscles felt strain only till much later than my usual cap and even then there was no pain just muscle failure. Basically I was kinda numbed out and could easily surpass myself mentaly and physically with even better orientation than I was sober. Not to mention that my muscles were relaxed and could stretch much easier.

    NOW, my question is. If my muscles are relaxed and in this state, does this mean that my workouts are more effective high? Would my workouts be more beneficial of I did the same amount as being sober? To me it would seem logical to assume that I am getting a better workout since I can do more and last longer with better relaxed muscles. But at the same time I wonder if the eased tension of working out high makes it less effective on my muscles/workouts/cardio. Comments pls, some informed opinions would be good but of course they don't HAVE to be.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Name websites like YouTube?

    Can anyone give me names of websites like YouTube?

    YouTube9 years ago
  • Good egg recipes? ???

    Can anyone gimme some good egg recipes? You know it can be anything but with egg as the main ingredient. Cheaper suggestions would be good but anything just go crazy throw what you know is good in the mix so we can all learn a thing or two.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Did i get attacked in my dream?

    Long ago when i was younger i was pretty traumatized by my friend because he had dropped a game boy on my balls from the top bunk bed. After that moment through my school years, i had been extremely overprotective about my balls. Not too many years later i began having dreams where my balls would get attacked and it would fuuuuuucking hurt to the point i would have to FORCE myself to wake up. Everything from a guy chasing me downstairs and cutting my balls off to jim carey in The Mask shooting a water hose right at my balls. Anyways, i know these things weren't self inflicted because one day i woke myself up from one of these dreams but only partially. I was still mid inside dream mode but my eyes were slightly open and my balls were still fuuucking hurting.I took a look towards my stomach and my hands were at my sides, when i saw this i leaned up quickly and gained a good *** amount of consciousness doing so and the pain instantly disappeared.

    These dreams stopped for many years and frankly i never had them again. However, i had become a pervert (perv as in i watched a lot of porn and waked it a lot.)

    Some time ago i was dreaming i was in my room and i was just minding my business in the hallway. I remember faintly at that point that i started swinging at some sort of "thing" floating around. I followed it into my sisters room swinging at it because i classified it as a threat, but it was pure atmosphere. At this point my dream became very vivid and i was lifted in the air. I froze in place in the air and then my balls started hurting. I saw something on the floor, i forget if it was in human form or something but it was definitely a being in some sort of physical form. I was pretty much a helpless little dumb *** and it felt like as if it was draining me through my balls. Then i closed my eyes and tried to ignore the pain and began making a song in my head. I did this because in the past when i was in some cheap danger (in my dreams) i would just close my eyes and think of cool thoughts and they would go away. Well at that point i remember the thing made a strange noise and i fell to the ground. I was kinda surprise because usually when i did **** like that, all of my surroundings would change and i would sometimes wake up. I found myself still in my sisters room. I still had the song in my head, but i kinda felt that i was in danger. I tried to wake up, as i had trained myself to do, countless times before. It was no use so i just started to slap myself in the face also. After about ten seconds of that i finally woke up.And went back to sleep, I dont really creep out from this kind of ****. From that point on i have severely reduced the number of times i whack off to about once or twice a day. And i did get "attacked" a second time on my bed (but in dream world of course) but that time i did not escape, i just kinda woke up forgetting what happened after i was frozen in the air.Still, i do not let this **** bother me because if i do i believe that "thing" might get stronger if it is indeed a seperate entity from me.Comments, interpretations?

    P.S. I am a person who believes in higher dimensions of existance, mainly because i have experienced things of that nature.For example i have had many circumstances where it felt like i almost left my body. IF such a thing existed, would this have been a case where i was attacked by some thing that can traverse the dream planes?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Comment on my dream.?

    I always have strange dreams. I have really tapped into my dream world and dream lucidly frequently and often control everything in it (though i am working on having full cognitive function in them,) Anyways, not long ago i had a dream that was not particularly vivid. I have no idea what the dream was about but i do remember that at a point i had been dreaming in third person mode and i was perceiving a rag doll looking thing dead on the floor. (not unlike the little big planet character.) Then i saw that a soul version of it started floating upwards from his body towards a white "spotlight" . Everything went white and i heard a loud *** explosion. I found myself a-top some stairs on the side of some apartments, standing outside a doorway to an apartment (i guess, that is how it seemed to be laid out phyisicaly)

    At this point, i should mention, my dream had become very lucid, i would say about the perception level of a very drunk man. It was night also. I turned to a figure i saw standing near me also a-top the stairs. I noticed that it was me, not a different era me but me at that time. The thing is that he/me had glowing white eyes with no pupils. I started by saying. "hey who are you?" I asked this because as i said before i had experience with gaining consciousness in dreams and i had talked to people in my dreams knowing well that they were not the people they appeared to be. I assumed that it was me but in a higher form of consciousness. It had not been a second before i said "oh wait, youre me." When i said "youre me," and at the exact instance i said it, he/me said the exact same thing.

    At this point i felt casual and we began conversing while walking down the stairs. I have no clue on what the **** we were saying but i do remember feeling chill as if i was talking to a buddy while we were walking to the store. I had walked a little ahead of him/me as we approached the bottom of the stairs and i turned back towards him/me a few feet ahead of the stairs and saw him just standing and looking at me at the bottom of the stairs. At that point i woke up, and of course when you wake up from a vivid dream you feel like as if you had been awake for a while.

    I put on the title COMMENT on my dream because i do not THINK i have enough info from the dream to ask someone for interpretation. but if you wish to go ahead and do so then go for it. If you have any insight or similar stories you wish to share, den go ahead dudes.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Is Obama really signing in Martial Law?

    On March 16, 2012, President Obama issued an executive order entitled, "NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS." (

    This executive order states that the President alone has the authority to take over all resources in the nation (labor, food, industry, etc.) as long as it is done "to promote the national defense" -- a phrase so vague that it could mean practically anything.

    The power to seize control and take over these resources is delegated to the following government authorities:

    (1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

    (2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

    (3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

    (4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

    (5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

    (6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

    This takeover is designed, in part, to "stockpile supplies" for the U.S. military. Authority for this total takeover of all national resources is granted with nothing more than the writing of a single statement that claims these actions are necessary to "promote the national defense." As stated in the order:

    the authority delegated by section 201 of this order may be used only to support programs that have been determined in writing as necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense:

    (a) by the Secretary of Defense with respect to military production and construction, military assistance to foreign nations, military use of civil transportation, stockpiles managed by the Department of Defense, space, and directly related activities;

    What all this means is that the U.S. government now claims the power to simply march onto your farm with guns drawn and demand all your crops, seeds, livestock and farm equipment.

    Learn more: LINK`http``color: rgb(0, 51, 153);`LINK

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Proof of a weather controlling system in use?

    Oaxaca (or i forget which mexican city near the quake) had a 7.8 earthquake safety drill set for march 20th since march 2nd. You must forgive me for not having the source but you can get it from google by typing in "Simulacro mexico" or something of the sort, the page is in spanish you can use google translate, if not put the same thing on youtube. Anyways, it would seem to me that this is too damn unikely of a coincidence and i am pretty damn sure whoever suggested the organization of the drill knew that the HAARP weapon was to be used on them on that date. Even predicted earthquakes from accomplished geologists (i mean the branch that studies earthquakes, i know the word i just forgot how to spell it correctly) are extremely off by months or years even, though i think there were some predictions of a mexican earthquake on march 23rd but i dont remember if it was even by a seismologist (spelling?)

    So i ask you people, is this coincidence far too stupid to be a coincidence at all? You must remember that the governments always keep many years advanced in technology that are kept secret due to unwanted attention from many directions. This is a mean as smoking gun for a weather corntrolling device but thats why i am asking you people if you believe this or not. (BTW if you dont believe so its cool but just ahead of time i would like to say fu-c--k you to those career skeptics that would believe something statistically far more fantastic)

    4 AnswersWeather9 years ago