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  • Malware attack, favorites bar has no links and all my pictures are gone. HELP!!!?

    Ok, so I really need help. at first my computer was completly blank, I coulden't get into my computer, or control panel, and there were no shortcuts or programs anywhere to be found, except my recycle bin, so I went into my recycle bin and found my malwarebytes program and managed to get all the malware off of my computer, so now all my folders for my pictures are still there but they are all empty, and all my favorite bar is blank, however when I tried to put the Pin it link for pinterest again it told me I already have that link, so I know my favorites are somewhere, I just can't find them. I hope my pictures are somewhere also. I have internet explorer 9, and my computer Windows 7 home. That malware was viscous, I hope whoever created it gets whats coming to them! please , Please, help me. thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Is my husband doing cocain?

    I have noticed lately that my husband has the sniffles alot, sometime he coughs,He works 2 jobs, one in a hotel, and one in a bar. he comes home at 2 or 3 in the morning, however he has his clock out proof. so I know he's working, his eyes look glassy, and sometimes are really bloodshot, which could mean hes tired from working so much, sometimes he wwon't sniffle or clear his throat all day, then he will go to the bathroom, and when he comes out hes sniffling. he eats most of the time, but goes to the bathroom after that. he sleeps very well, he can fall asleep in 5 minutes.I did give him 2 at home drug tests and he passed both, but I can't shake the suspicion i feel.He has always been a calm person, and if he is doing coke it hasen't changed that about him. he also picks his nose, or rubs his nose alot, and sucks on his fingernails sometimes.he also bites his fingernails all the way down to the quick.sometimes i will go to the back room where he is, and he gets up fast and acts like he is just getting up to leave the room. I know all of these things are normal, but all put together make me very suspicoius. so how do I know if it's all in my head or if he is doing coke? I have asked him a number of times and he has said no he is not. also he is one of those people who doesan't like blowing their nose. last night I made him, because he was all sniffly, and his snot was yellow. I don't think he has a sinus infection so why would his snot not be clear? I'm so confused, please help me/ Thank you!

  • can you get a tooth pulled at a hospital?

    I have a severe toothache and my dentist is away at a confrence, can I go to the emergency room and get my tooth pulled?

    4 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • how do I get over the feeling of not trusting my husbandt?

    I keep getting this feeling that my husband is cheating on me. I have no proof of him cheating, but I have this gut feeling that he is.I love him alot and I'm really scared of losing him i think that might have something to do with what I'm feeling, but I've also been told all my life to trust my instincs. I talked to him and asked him if he was cheating on me and he said no, but I feel like he's not telling me because he doesan't want to hurt my question is how do I get past this feeling of him cheating and why if he's not doing anything wrong do I feel he is? thank you.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • whats the best free music download site?

    My cd rom is broken and I want to put music on my mp3 player so what is the best free site to use.I already tried bearshare but cant find all the songs Im looking for.

    ps. Im not trying to steal music I am looking for songs on the cd's I already own. thank you

    7 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • How do I let more people know about my blog to get more followers?

    I am new to blogging and My sis is my only follower, does anyone have any tips on how to let people know about my blog. I already post updated on facebook when I write a new blog, what else can I do?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet10 years ago
  • what year did The Grimlins come out in movie theaters?

    I had a dream about the movie as a child and Im trying to figure out how old I was when it came out.

    3 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • whats a good name for my new blog?

    I'm trying to figure out a totaly awsome name for my new blog, that would make people want to read it.It's going to be about my life from when i was a kid until now.any Ideas?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • have you ever been sarcastic to a customer while working?

    i have, i just wanted to know if anyone else has done this when they just can't take anymore crap from rude customers

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • have you ever worked at a place where u had to be happy all the time?

    have you ever worked at a place where you had to be cheery all the time and one day a rude customer had you at your wits end so you retaliated.explain what happened.

    example. i worked someplace where i had to be happy and polite all the time, so one day a customer who was very rude was complaing about the prices on all her itiems and when she was leaving i said Have a nice day but in a very very sarcastic way.she told my manager and i did not get in trouble because all i said was have a nice day, tell me your story.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Help! everything is sideways on my laptop?

    I dont know if my kids touched something or i have a virus or malware but everything is turned sideways on my laptop, does anyone know how to fix it so it will be right side up again.thank you.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • what should i do when telemarketers call?

    I have had my phone number for more than a year now, my phone company recycles numbers so I keep getting these collection calls for another person, i have told them numerouse times that I dont know the person, I have also asked them to take my number off the calling list but i'm still getting calls, the other day i was fed up with it so i got a call from one of them and i went off on him, then hung up. a few minutes later i got a call from someone saying they were from craigslist and that they were informed that i wanted to stop recieving calls , he told me to wait for a call right down a number and then he would call back in five minutes, so i got the call and wrote the number down then before i could hear the rest of the message he was calling me back. well It was a scam! i called the number back after i got off the phone with him and it was a craigslist message saying not to give that number to anyone.LOL> he almost got me. well i want to know what i can do to really annoy or piss these people off when they call. any ideas?

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Ford F250 Diesel problem?

    I have a F250 diesel truck and i have a problem with it turning off when I stop at a red light or for more than a few seconds at a stop sign.It only happens when its raining or really cold outside, but if I stop and keep one foot on the break and give it a little gas with my other foot it doesant turn off. sometimes the check engine light comes on, but as soon as the truck turns off the check engine light turns off.I was wondering if anyone knew what the problem could be, so I know what to expect from the mechanic, so they don't try to fix something thats not broken!(no offense to all the honest mechanics out there) thank you .

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • do pit bulls have short and long noses?

    I am adopting a pit bull and her owner says she is full blooded but she has a rather long nose than what I'm used to seeing. I do understand that are diffrent bloodlines I just wanted to know everything else about her looks pit, and I did look online but coulden't really find a pic of a pit bull with a long nose. thanks guys in advance!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • how do I get my dog to bark on command?

    I want to teach my dog to bark on command, but I can't figure out how to because hes not a barker, even when someone comes to the door he just whines. I have tried aggravating him with a toy untill he barks, also with treats, but he won't bark. It's really weird, I've never had a dog that wont bark. I have had him almost two years and I have only heard him bark two times.once when my cat startled him by jumping on him, the other time when he saw a person running outside. I don't want to use the person running to make himbark because I don't want him to bark everytime hes sees someone outside.anyway any help would be greatly appreciated

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • my fiance doesn't give me affection. What should I do?

    I have been with my fiance a year and a half and he doesen't give me affection, He works two jobs and when he gets off work I have dinner ready and am waiting for him. He comes in and gives me a quick kiss then goes to play on the computer or it seems he always has something to do . I talk to him about it and he says that his form of affection is paying the bills and fixing the cars and doing things for me, but what I need most from him is the physical affection, it seems he only gives me affection when he wants sex. He does do alot for me i know he loves me, I think he was not given affection from his parents when he was younger (he has six siblings)so maybe he never learned how. I try to accept him for the way he is, I just feel that something is missing. I also find myself holding back when I want to give him affection because I feel hurt when its unrequited. He tells me he loves me and he misses me and, always tells me thank you for the things that I do for him, but he doesan't tell me I'm pretty and if I change something like my hair or buy new clothes he doesant say anything at all , even though I know he notices. Am I being to co-dependent or does he have a problem. Please everyone give me your opinion and advice, I need all the help I can get. Thank you!

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Is it illegal to strength train an American Pit Bull Terrier?

    Someone told me it was illegal to strength train my pit bull because the police would think I was training him to fight.of course I am not he just has a little bit of extra skin and I feel like he should have a little more muscle tone. I am a responsible pit bull owner and I would never fight my please ant feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it illegal to strength train my pitbull terrier?

    Someone told me it was illegal to strength train my pit bull because the police would think I was training him to fight.of course I am not he just has a little bit of extra skin and I feel like he should have a little more muscle tone. I am a responsible pit bull owner and I would never fight my please ant feedback would be greatly appreciatedd.

    2 AnswersRail1 decade ago
  • Why is my cat peeing beside the litter box?

    I have had my cat for almost two years now. I got a male cat a year ago as a companion for her. In the last couple of weeks she has been peeing outside the litter box on my smells horrible and up until now they have been strictly inside cats,but i'm afraid i'm going to have to put her outside during the day if she doesn't stop.I have not changed her food or litter.The litter box is cleaned out regularly. I just don't get it. Help me please!

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why do some pitbull terriors have long legs, and some have short stocky legs.?

    I was told my red nose pit was purebred when i got him,but his legs are longer than most pitts I see. Does this mean he is not purebred. I actually like the longer legs better.just a question.thanks!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago